Chapter 49 Obtaining the Flying Thunder God’s Technique, [Top Space Ninjutsu Talent】

【Life Extension Pill (10-year version)]: Taking it can extend life by 10 years. Each person can take up to 3 pills, and the effect is gradually decreasing. The second pill can only extend life by 5 years, and the third pill can only extend life by 3 years.


At this time, he was completely covered.

Treasure collection”Uzumaki Kushina”?

But he quickly reacted and regained his composure on the surface, but in his heart he asked the system with huge waves:”System! What’s going on? Why did Kushina suddenly become my collection?”

The next moment, the system transmitted I gave Qianxuan a piece of information.

It turns out that if a woman falls in love with Qian Xuan wholeheartedly, in the system’s judgment, it is equivalent to handing over her ownership to Qian Xuan.

Naturally, they can be regarded as Qianxuan’s special”collection”.

Similarly, anyone who becomes a die-hard fan of Qianxuan can also be collected.

“This is true……”

After receiving this information, Qian Xuan felt a little unsure of what to say.

Can’t laugh or cry? have! happy?

Of course there are.

This means that he has explored another way of collecting.

Moreover, the reward is generous enough

“Forget about the top-level Uzumaki Immortal human body, I already have it! This thing cannot be stacked and can only be used by others in the future!”

“Maybe, it can be used by Kushina? Although her Uzumaki body is good, it is obviously not up to the top”

“But the longevity pill is really a big surprise!”

Qianxuan thought happily.

He had been looking for a way to extend the life of Uzumaki Mito, but he had no clue.

Now, he unexpectedly got it

“Although one pill can only extend life for 10 years, and a person can only extend life for 18 years at most by relying on this life-extending pill, for now, it is enough!”

Qianxuan thought happily.

Let alone 18 years, as long as Uzumaki Mito can live for another three to five years, it will be enough for him to grow to the point where the third generation and they can’t do anything.

By then, he will not need to rely on Uzumaki. Mito’s protection.

Of course, he sincerely respects Uzumaki Mito as an elder, and naturally hopes that she will live as long as possible. If she can obtain the method of immortality in the future, he even hopes that she will be a good elder.

It always makes people feel more at ease

“However, now is not the time to give it to Grandma Mito.”

It’s not that Qian Xuan is stingy, it’s mainly because he doesn’t have a suitable excuse.

“It’s better to wait a little longer, wait until my medical skills surpass Tsunade-san, then I’ll give it to you;”

“Just say that I researched and refined it myself!”

“Anyway, I have already refined the body-building pill. Is it reasonable to refine the life-extending pill in the future? hey-hey!”

Qianxuan thought to himself

“Um? Brother Qianxuan, why are you in a daze?”

At this time, Kushina stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Qianxuan’s eyes, saying with a smile

“Um? ah! nothing!”

Qianxuan was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, smiled and touched Kushina’s head and said:”I just suddenly figured out a question!”

“Keep eating!”

“As for the body-building pill, just try it yourself after taking it!”

With that said, Qianxuan greeted Kushina to continue eating.

After the meal, Qianxuan began to teach Kushina the shadow clone technique.

This girl is indeed a genius, and she can perform it initially in just one hour.

Although, there are still some It’s not stable, but if you practice it a few dozen times, it should be almost there!

“It’s getting late! Let’s go! I’ll take you home first!”

Qianxuan looked at the sky and said to Kushina


Kushina naturally had no objection.

She immediately took Qianxuan’s hand and spent more than ten minutes arriving at the courtyard of Uzumaki Mito

“grandmother! We are back!!”

Kushina shouted happily as soon as she entered the courtyard.

“hehe! OK OK! Good to be back!”

Uzumaki Mito shook his head in a funny way, then smiled at Qianxuan and said:”Qianxuan is here too!”

“Um! Grandma Mito! I’ll send Kushina back!

Qian Xuan also responded with a smile, and then said:”Also, there is something I want to discuss with you!””

“oh? What’s up?”

Uzumaki Mito asked with some confusion.

“Is such that!”

Qianxuan organized his language, looked at Kushina, and immediately said to Uzumaki Mito:”Don’t Minato and I always go to school using our shadow bodies?”

“Kushina knows and wants to do the same;”

“Today she also asked me to teach her the art of shadow clone.;”

“Therefore, I would like to discuss this with you and hope you can agree.”

You still have to tell Uzumaki Mito about this kind of thing.

In addition, the third generation will definitely know about it later.

The third generation’s attitude towards this matter is hard to say.

Because, the third generation asked Kushina to go to the ninja school. It allows Kushina to establish a bond in the school; at the same time, it also facilitates his contact and brainwashing education.

If it is replaced by a shadow clone, the third generation’s plan may be greatly compromised.

Therefore, if Uzumaki Mito can be obtained first. support, after three generations there is no way to oppose it.

“So this is ah!”

After hearing this, Mito Uzumaki smiled and glanced at Kushina.

Kushina immediately stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, ran over and hugged Mito Uzumaki’s arm, and said coquettishly:”Grandma! Just agree!”

“In this way, I can have more time to learn and become stronger with Brother Qianxuan!”

“In addition, I can also have more time to learn sealing techniques from you, right?”

“The things taught in the school are all simple and boring. I think using the shadow clone is enough. There is no need to waste my time. What do you think?”

She really didn’t like the atmosphere of the school.

On the first day, she aroused hostility and rejection from a large number of boys; then, because of her relationship with Qianxuan, she offended almost all the girls. She really didn’t like going there.


Uzumaki Mito shook his head in a funny way:”I agree with this.��!”

“What did you agree to?”

At this moment, Tsunade walked in and asked curiously

“nothing! whee!”

Kushina smiled playfully;”It’s not an important thing.”


At this time, Qianxuan looked at Tsunade, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Tsunade:”Sister Tsunade! This is the body-building elixir I recently created based on the body-building medicated bath formula you gave me and combined with what I have learned. Please take a look!”


After hearing this, Tsunade took the porcelain bottle with some surprise, opened it, took a good look at the body-building pill inside, smelled it, then threw it directly into her mouth and swallowed it.

“Ah this……”

Qian Xuan looked at it and was speechless.

How reckless!

“Hmm…this effect…is not bad!”

Soon, the elixir began to take effect. Tsunade felt it carefully for a while, then looked up at Qianxuan with a surprised look on her face and said:”This effect is much better than the body-strengthening medicinal bath!”

“Moreover, this kind of strengthening of the body is comprehensive, including internal organs and bones!”

“Judging from the effectiveness of the medicine in just a few minutes, such a secret medicine can last for about 2 hours.;”

“Taken together, the efficacy of the medicine is at least ten times that of the body-enhancing medicated bath, and it is also more comprehensive.”

Speaking of this, Tsunade’s eyes began to shine and she looked at Qianxuan:”This thing is a treasure level for any ninja. Is this really something you have recently researched?”

“So strong?”

Uzumaki Mito on the side also looked surprised after hearing this.


Tsunade nodded affirmatively:”It will only be stronger!

Then, she looked at Qian Xuan and asked,”How much does this cost?” Is it difficult to make?

Qian Xuan smiled and replied:”Of course I developed it, and no one can give it to me.”;”

“In terms of cost, regardless of other factors, the medicinal materials alone are about 100,000 taels per serving, which can refine about 5 boards of this secret medicine.;”

“However, refining is extremely difficult. It requires extremely strong control over fire escape. You also need to have a very good understanding of the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials and be able to adjust and fuse them at all times during the refining process.;”

“I feel that even you, Tsunade-san, can’t learn it in a short time.”

This is not an exaggeration, it is a fact


Tsunade nodded understandingly:”I just discovered that the various medicinal properties of this secret medicine are very thoroughly integrated, and they also have wonderful reactions with each other. They cannot be mixed randomly!”

“It seems that your kid has also developed an amazing pharmaceutical method!”

“So, what are your thoughts when you gave me this medicine today? It shouldn’t just be for me to help you verify the efficacy of the medicine, right?”

This kid never takes aim without aim.

“hey-hey! I know I can’t hide it from you, Tsunade-san!

Qian Xuan rubbed the back of his head and said with a smile:”I want to cooperate with the clan. The clan will provide the herbs and I will be responsible for refining them.”;”

“Then, we discuss a suitable distribution plan;”

“In this way, it will be beneficial to both of us.”

Purchase the medicinal materials by yourself.

A small amount is okay, but a large amount will not only be difficult, but it will also definitely attract the attention of the three generations.

Then they will definitely send people to investigate. In that case, there is a high probability that the body-building pill will not be hidden..

The Third Generation will definitely find a way to take advantage of it.

This is not what Qianxuan wants to see, but if they cooperate with Tsunade and the others, things will be different.

“I see! Tsunade listened and nodded clearly. She did not rush to answer, but looked at Uzumaki Mito aside and asked:”Grandma, what do you think?””

Uzumaki Mito did not answer Tsunade’s question, but looked at Qianxuandong seriously and said:”Qianxuan! This secret medicine is very precious. It’s best not to let it out until you grow up! Does anyone know this now?”

Qianxuan immediately replied:”I just successfully refined it today, and now I, Kushina Minato, only know it!”

“oh! Now I have to add you two, Tsunade-san and Mito-san!”

“If I can get enough medicinal materials to refine this secret medicine, the family can also use this secret medicine to quickly improve its strength. What do you think?”

After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito looked at Qianxuan deeply, and said with soft and kind eyes:”You are a good boy!”

“I agreed to this!”

“However, it is still necessary to keep it as confidential as possible;”

“In addition, you should not reveal to the outside world that you refined this secret medicine. I will take this name in the name of Senju. If it is exposed, just tell the outside world that it is the secret medicine developed by the Senju clan!”

“This is also to protect you, I hope you understand!”


Qianxuan smiled and nodded:”I understand! If a tree is beautiful in the forest, it will be destroyed by the wind. It’s better to keep a low profile. Anyway, I have no interest in this kind of false reputation.”

“As long as you understand!”

Uzumaki Mito nodded happily, then pondered for a moment and said:”As for the distribution plan! The clan provides medicinal materials and refines the elixir, you take 70%, and the clan takes 30%!”

“I can’t let you suffer!”


I think this means the clan is taking advantage of you!”

“However, you shouldn’t be able to use so many elixirs, right? Are you willing to sell part of your share to the clan?”

The effect of this secret medicine is so strong, it will greatly improve the Senju.

In itself, the Senju clan has many ninjas who are good at taijutsu and nintaijutsu.

Affected by the blood inheritance, their physiques are relatively strong.

If you can do it in this If we enhance our advantages, it won’t be as simple as 1+1.


Qian Xuan nodded without hesitation:”I really don’t need so much!” It’s a real secret medicine. Everyone takes 1-2 tablets a day for the best effect.;”

“Together with Minato and Kushina, I don’t consume much every day!”

“The rest can be sold to the clan at cost price;”

“I don’t care how the clan handles these secret medicines!”

“In addition, in the early stage, due to the problem of refining proficiency and difficulty, there will be a certain failure rate and the efficiency will not be too high. I hope you can be mentally prepared for this!”

“I can spend at most 2 hours a day refining this secret medicine. Any more will affect my practice plan.”

Making money by refining alchemy is not his goal. Only by becoming stronger can he make money.”��

“These are just minor obstacles!”

Uzumaki Mito nodded in agreement:”Even if you don’t say it, I won’t agree with you spending too much time on this every day!”

“Currently, you still focus on improving your strength!”

“I hope you will break through to film level as soon as possible”

“correct! I see that your chakra level has reached the level of a jounin! I’m going to hand over all of Tobirama’s water escape ninjutsu to you!”

“Also, do you have any ninjutsu you have learned? As long as grandma has it here, I can give it to you.”

Qianxuan comes here every day. Uzumaki Mito is very familiar with Qianxuan’s training progress.

All the ninjutsu given to Qianxuan before have been mastered by Qianxuan.

Moreover, a certain amount of in-depth excavation and development has been carried out.

It’s time.


Qianxuan was immediately happy after hearing this.

Recently, he was thinking of finding an opportunity to mention this matter to Uzumaki Mito.

Unexpectedly, Uzumaki Mito brought it up first.

“of course it’s true!”

Uzumaki Mito smiled and nodded affirmatively.

Qianxuan immediately said:”In addition to the Second Hokage’s Water Release, I also want to learn his ace ninjutsu, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Grandma Mito, you can ?”


Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade were a little surprised when they heard this.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, gave a thumbs up to Qianxuan and said:”You are very ambitious! However, the art of Flying Thunder God is so easy to learn!”

“This ninjutsu requires extremely strong spatial perception talent and neural reaction speed.;”

“In addition, you need to master enough sealing techniques to learn it.;”

It’s not like she never thought about learning this ninjutsu.

But there is no doubt that she failed in the end.

Not only her, but Senju and even Sandai and others have also tried it.

All failed

“That’s right!”

Uzumaki Mito also reminded at this time:”This technique is very demanding and difficult.;”

“I’m not worried about your learning ability and understanding. The achievement of sealing technique is no longer a big problem for you. If you study for a while, it should be enough to meet the requirements of practicing the flying thunder god technique.;”

“But the talent in spatial perception and neurological response can only depend on whether you have this talent!”

“Even so, do you still want to study?”

She doesn’t want Qianxuan to be hit because she can’t learn it. She should clearly explain the difficulty of learning this technique first, so that Qianxuan won’t worry about the gain or loss later.


Qian Xuan nodded without hesitation:”I want to try it!” If you have this talent, it would be best. If not, I will do what I can.”

These are all polite words.

After all, Qian Xuan has never worried about talent issues.

Isn’t it just the talent of space perception?

Maybe if you get the Flying Thunder God’s Technique training method, you can get rewards in this area.

It’s really not possible, He can still think of ways

“That works! I’ll get it for you!”

When Uzumaki Mito saw Qianxuan saying this, he didn’t give any more advice. He immediately stood up and walked into the back room.

It took him more than ten minutes to walk out with a huge seal scroll, and then handed the seal scroll to Qian Xuandao:”Here! All of Tobirama’s advanced Water Release Ninjutsu and Flying Thunder God Technique training methods are included in it.;”

“I hope you won’t let me down and grow up soon!”


PS:New book is on the shelves, please order first! Please customize!

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