Qianxuan’s side,

“Qianxuan, was that illusion technique created by you yourself?”

Minato couldn’t help but ask


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”It was a successful attempt when I was studying illusion and spiritual power!””

“The main effect is to inspire the biggest fear in the target’s heart, causing people to fall into endless fear until I terminate the technique, or the opponent overcomes this fear, or the chakra and mental power to maintain the technique are exhausted;”

“If you’re interested, I can teach you! Minato heard this and smiled brightly:”Thank you then!” sorry to bother you!”

He felt that this illusion was quite practical and he was indeed interested in learning it.

At this time, Qianxuan noticed Kushina who was looking at him eagerly.

At this time, Kushina’s eyes were full of admiration.

“Um! Kushina, if you want to learn, I can teach you too! Qian

Xuan added

“Um! Thank you, Brother Qianxuan! That’ll trouble you!”

Kushina smiled happily and thanked…

Half a month passed in a flash.

In a small world,

“Finally succeeded! Refining alchemy is quite difficult! He actually failed twice before succeeding!”

Qian Xuan opened the alchemy furnace in front of him and took out five elixirs that exuded a faint medicinal fragrance. A smile appeared on his face.

In the past half month, he only prepared the alchemy furnace for when, and collected and purchased enough elixirs. It took a lot of time to refine the medicinal herbs.

Of course, he had not been idle these days except for sealing techniques, medical ninjutsu, and ninjutsu….In addition to his daily studies, he also dedicated part of his time every day to understand alchemy and practice fire control.

Because he does not have any elixir fire.

There is no such thing as strange fire or earth fire.

Ordinary charcoal fires, furnace fires, etc. could not meet the requirements, so Qianxuan directly chose to use fire escape to create flame elixirs.

However, this is very difficult.

Because, during the process of refining the elixir, the fire escape must be maintained at all times.

It is also necessary to control the temperature of the Fire Release according to the alchemy process anytime and anywhere.

The consumption alone is not a small amount.

Fortunately, Qianxuan has top-notch chakra control and a large amount of chakra.

After half a month of special fire escape training, I finally met the requirements and successfully refined the body-building pill during the second refinement.

“Um! First find a target to test the efficacy of the medicine!”

Qian Xuan thought, took a porcelain bottle, put four body-building pills into the bottle and put it away, looking at the remaining one in his hand.

He ducked to the pet area and looked at the three little white wolves.


When the three little white wolves saw Qian Xuan, they immediately rushed over happily.

Qian Xuan smiled and touched it, then shook his head:”When you are not sure about the efficacy of the medicine, it is not appropriate to use them, so use those. Ordinary birds and beasts!”

As he spoke, with a thought in his mind, he disappeared again and appeared somewhere in the forest in the west area of the small world. He waved to an eagle in front of him.

The eagle immediately came over and landed in front of Qianxuan.

Qianxuan I was about to feed it the body-building pill in my hand.


Soon, the eagle stretched its wings and body obediently, looking very comfortable.

Qianxuan quickly stretched out his hand and pressed it on it, while his spiritual power and chakra simultaneously penetrated its body to check.

2 hours later, Qianxuan withdrew his hand and looked bigger. His muscles and bones became stronger, and his feathers became brighter and brighter. His body was even born due to Qianxuan’s long-term chakra exploration and strengthening of the body-building pill. The eagle released a small ball of chakra and said with joy:

“Sure enough, the medicine is effective!”

“This elixir can indeed strengthen the entire body, including the internal organs and bones.”

“The medicinal effect is also good! I haven’t found any harm, so I can try it myself.”

Thinking like this, Qian Xuan immediately returned to the martial arts arena in the Little World Villa, took out a body-building pill and swallowed it, and then began to exercise according to a certain routine.

Soon, waves of warmth began to flow. Spreads along the stomach and throughout the body, and begins to strengthen the exercised areas at an accelerated rate as he exercises.

“call! Cool!”

Qian Xuan, who was covered in sweat, listened and felt the inside of his body.

He found that his overall strength, reaction, and resistance to blows had been strengthened a bit….etc. have all been improved simultaneously.

Even the muscles and veins have been strengthened and improved.

In addition, he checked the attribute panel and found that the physical attribute also increased by 5 points.

It’s not a big or small gain.

“The effect is good! It can be refined in large quantities!”

“In addition, you can lend some to Minato, Kushina and Tsunade;”

“oh! Rope trees can also give some!”

“They have to improve their strength!”

Thinking like this, Qian Xuan left the small world with a thought and went to take a bath first.

He looked at the time and found that it was almost dinner time.

He immediately started making dinner.

“Qianxuan! I’m back! I can smell the food!”

Before she finished, Qianxuan heard Minato’s voice in the kitchen.

“Welcome back! Just wait a little longer and it will be ready soon!”

Qianxuan stuck his head out from the kitchen and responded.

“So fast? do you need my help?”

Minato asked with some surprise.

“No! Anyway, it’s your turn tomorrow! Qian

Xuan smiled and refused.

“hey-hey! All right! Then I’ll find some and bring them back tomorrow!”

Minato smiled knowingly.

The two of them have always taken turns to cook.


At this moment, Minato was suddenly startled, and the memory information of the shadow clone emerged in his mind. At the same time, his body, which was already tired, felt a little heavier.

Minato rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers and walked to the door of the kitchen. Leaning against the kitchen door frame, he smiled and joked:”Qianxuan, just now my shadow clone was automatically released to summon you!”

“Kushina is on her way! She seems to be very angry because you used the shadow clone to go to school today, so you have to be mentally prepared!”

At the same time, Minato was a little glad that he was not with Kushina, otherwise, he would have had a headache.

Moreover, he would have lost a lot of time in training every day.


Qian Xuan was stunned when he heard this, and then shook his head helplessly:”This girl!” I told you yesterday that I had something to do today and my body couldn’t go. Why are you still angry?”

“never mind! Let’s teach her the shadow clone technique later! Let her use the shadow clone to go to school in the future.”

Anyway, there are not many things that the school can teach, so it is better to spare time to practice and improve their strength.

There is not much time left for them.

If Kushina wants to not be restrained in the future, she will also need enough strength.

“hehe! up to you!”

Minato heard this, and Wan’er smiled.

Speaking of which, he was also led astray by Qianxuan in the beginning!

Except for the few days ago because Kushina went to school several times with her own body, she has always used shadow clones.

But she must not Needless to say, it feels very good.

The things taught in the school are really limited, and staying there is a complete waste of time.

“The situation in the school was obviously unreasonable, and I decided that when I became Hokage, I would definitely change the situation in the school;”

“At least, we need to teach students some real skills, such as ninjutsu and the like!”

Minato couldn’t help but complained.

“hehe! you are too naive!

Qian Xuan listened and shook his head in amusement:”Things are not that simple!” Apart from anything else, if you do this, all the ninja clan in the village, big and small, will not agree!”

“The only ones who would agree are ninjas from civilian backgrounds, right?”

“Even some ninjas from civilian backgrounds may not agree.”……

PS: It will be on the shelves soon, please order first! Collection, flowers, review!

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