Chapter 144: The Sky Ninja Fortress, the Floating Island.

Somewhere near the Kingdom of Wind,

Kakuzu appeared here.

Then, he found that Qian Xuan did not come with him this time, and was immediately shocked:”Wow? Is the boss’s Flying Thunder God Technique even more powerful? He can send people to the designated coordinates without having to come in person?”

“Awesome! It seems that his progress has not slowed down at all over the past year!”

“Even more unfathomable!”


Thinking of this, Kakuzu took a deep breath and said with a complicated look:”This kind of person will definitely surpass Senju Hashirama in the future, right?”

“Maybe it is my luck to follow such a boss?”

“I wonder if the boss has anything good that can help me improve my strength?”

“”Maybe, I can ask next time!”

If there is such a good thing, it’s not that he can’t exchange it for such a treasure without money.

Strength is everything!

He hasn’t improved his strength for many years.

There’s no way, success is due to Di Yuanyu, and failure is also due to Di Yuanyu.

This thing made him successful, but also limited his upper limit, almost nailing his progress.

Most of the flesh, blood and bones in his body have long been swallowed and replaced by Di Yuanyu, and naturally lost the room for improvement.

In addition, this also gave him strong survivability, recovery ability and a long life.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that he has no possibility of improvement at all!

If he can replace the heart of a Kage-level or even higher-level strongman, he can still improve further.

But this kind of thing is too difficult, almost impossible.

After all, in order to replace it, he needs a living heart, not a dead one.

And it is too difficult to obtain the heart of a living Kage-level strongman. It is almost impossible.

Suppressing these thoughts, Kakuzu walked towards the capital of the Kingdom of Wind.


On Qianxuan’s side, after sending Kakuzu away, he flashed into the sky ninja’s aerial fortress and directly launched his mental power to cover the entire sky ninja fortress.

“Illusionary dream world!”

The next moment, all the remaining Sky Ninjas here were hypnotized.

Then, they looked around with interest and visited this Sky Ninja Fortress.

“Tsk tsk! This thing is definitely a black technology in this world! It is hard to imagine that the air ninja can develop technology to this level.;”

“However, this seems to be the technology from the world across the sea!”

Qian Xuan looked through the memories in the head of the Sky Ninja leader in doubt, and then looked through some historical materials in this aerial fortress, and suddenly understood the source of the Sky Ninja’s technology.

“However, being able to combine technology with ninjutsu and chakra is also quite amazing!”

“This thing needs to be studied carefully in the future, and all the technologies in it should be sorted out and applied to practice!”

Qian Xuan thought so.

Simply using it for an aerial fortress would be too limited and wasteful.

At this time, the system’s prompt sounded.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”1 Sky Ninja’s Sky Fortress”, reward: a floating island, and a full set of design drawings】

“Hmm? Hmm? This thing!”

Seeing the reward given by the system this time, Qian Xuan couldn’t help but widen his eyes and said in surprise:”Floating island? It also comes with a full set of technology? This is really a big surprise!”

He immediately chose to accept the reward.

The next moment, a floating island appeared above the small world.

At the same time, a huge amount of knowledge and information poured into Qian Xuan’s mind.

He closed his eyes and digested it for several hours before he had initially digested all the knowledge and information.


Qian Xuan opened his eyes, took a long breath, rubbed his eyebrows with his hands and said:”How long has it been since I felt my head explode? This time there is too much knowledge and information!”

“If you want to fully understand and master it, it may not be possible in a short period of time!”

“Not to mention building a new floating island by myself!”

The materials needed alone are not something Qian Xuan can gather at the moment.

Not to mention mastering these technical knowledge and applying them.

“Fortunately, I have obtained a floating island!”

Thinking of this, he flashed into the small world and appeared in the air.

Looking at the floating island that has reached 1,000 meters in front of him, he was very satisfied.

This floating island is not an empty deserted island.

It is full of various constructions, flowers, plants, trees and so on, which is magnificent.

The various technical facilities inside are quite complete, and the environment is also first-class, which can be used directly.

“However, it is not available for the time being!”

“It is not appropriate to take it out! It is easy to cause unnecessary trouble!”

“It seems that I can only stay here for the time being as my residence and research base!”

Qian Xuan thought, stroking his chin.

This floating island is not just for decoration.

It has extremely complete and advanced experimental areas, construction areas, living areas… and so on.

It can adapt to Qian Xuan’s various research and even production.

It can be called a comprehensive miniature science and technology city.

Afterwards, Qian Xuan walked into the floating island, recognized the owner, and activated many of its functional facilities.

After visiting and familiarizing himself with the entire floating island, he left the floating island and flashed below. He had expanded it into the treasure house of the manor.

“There are so many books of knowledge! No wonder I have a headache!”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help but smack his lips as he looked at the tens of thousands of newly appeared technical books and even drawings in front of him.

These newly appeared books record the complete set of technology and drawings of the floating island.

The system is very considerate. It probably knows that Qian Xuan cannot fully digest this technical information by himself in the short term. If he wants to use this technical knowledge in the future, he must find helpers to spread the technical knowledge.

Therefore, not only was the technical knowledge directly input into Qian Xuan’s mind, but a physical technical book was also given.

Qian Xuan took out a book and flipped through it for a few times, then closed it. After thinking for a while, he waved his hand and sent all the books to the library of the floating island.

Then, he flashed away from the small world and appeared outside.

Looking at the fortress of the sky ninja, he thought about it and decided:”It’s a bit of a waste to stay here, or should I take it directly into the small world?”

“No, no! Shennong is not here, why don’t we stay here and let everything go on as usual?;”

“By then, Shennong will carefully cultivate Zero Tail as the power source of this aerial fortress.;”

“Then, we can control Shennong and take back the Sky Fortress?”

In this way, not only can we pick up a top talent for free and get his secret techniques, but we can also get a complete Zero Tail.

It’s so cool!

“Let’s do it! Anyway, I don’t have time to deal with it for the time being, so I might as well stay here and let Shennong work for me for free! Hehe!”

Qian Xuan immediately made up his mind, no longer nostalgic, and flashed away from the sky fortress and returned to Konoha.


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