Chapter 145: Chigen and Hanzo’s reunion.

2 months later,

Rain Village, Hanzo’s home,

“Hey! When will this damn fight between Konoha and Iwagakure be over?”

Hanzo drank his wine with a decadent look on his face, sighing. For more than a year, the war between Iwagakure and Konoha has been going on in the territory of Rain Village. Do they know how they and the people of Rain Country have survived for more than a year?

At this time, Rain Country has long been riddled with holes, with countless casualties!

Many civilians chose to flee Rain Country and run to Fire Country or other neighboring countries. They simply don’t want to stay in Rain Country.

Otherwise, they can only wait to die!

Up to now, Rain Country has suffered serious population loss, with only hundreds of thousands of people struggling.

The war continues. If this continues, even he doesn’t know how much will be left in the end.

You know, the grain output of the Rain Country is very small.

After all, it rains for 99% of the time in a year, and most of the crops cannot survive and grow after being planted.

Therefore, the food of the Rain Country mainly depends on imports.

But now it is in a period of war, and Konoha and Iwagakure are fighting each other in the Rain Country. Even though the grain price in the Rain Country has soared to an extremely high level, not many merchants are willing to risk their lives to come to the Rain Country to trade.

No Food, how do the people of the Rain Country survive?

Even if there was a little food stored in the past, it has been more than a year and almost all of it has been used up.

Why do many people survive? They either choose to flee the Rain Country or go to eat tree bark and roots.

It’s not that they don’t want to escape.

In fact, during the war, escaping is also very risky! If you are not careful, you may lose your life if you encounter a ninja.

Although Hanzo is the leader of the Rain Village, he once wanted to lead the Rain Village to become the sixth largest ninja village.

Lead the Rain Country to become the sixth largest country.

But at this time, his ambition has long been completely wiped out.

He was powerless to do anything about this war and could only watch.

Admittedly, with his strength, he could actually deter the Rock Ninja and Konoha from going too far and cause as little damage to the Land of Rain as possible. But he did n’t dare!

The Rock Ninja were not easy to mess with, and neither were the Konoha.

Especially that brat named Qian Xuan.

Although he was recalled, if he appeared on the battlefield, who knows if that brat would be sent again?

This is very likely.

After all, the peace talks were led by Qian Xuan alone. If he breached the contract, wouldn’t it be a slap in Qian Xuan’s face?

“Damn Qianxuan brat!”

Hanzo couldn’t help but cursed

“Oh? It seems that Hanzo, you are very dissatisfied with me!”

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the room.

“Who? Who is talking? Come out now?”

Hanzo suddenly became alert, stood up and drew his sword to look around, and turned his senses to the maximum.

But he did not find any target.

But he felt that the voice before was very familiar.


The next moment, Qian Xuan appeared not far away opposite him, squinting at Hanzo and said:”Can’t you even recognize my voice? It seems that you have forgotten the shame and deterrence I brought to you! Otherwise, you wouldn’t dare to scold me.”

Hanzo saw Qian Xuan, and his pupils suddenly shrank:”It’s you?”

Although more than a year has passed, Qian Xuan has grown rapidly because of practicing Chinese martial arts and human immortal martial arts, and is now more than 1.6 meters tall.

It doesn’t look like the height of a 10-year-old boy at all.

If it weren’t for his immature face, it would be normal for people to mistake him for a boy of fifteen or sixteen.

But Hanzo recognized Qian Xuan instantly.

He was too impressed by this face.

He will never forget it in his life.

“What is your purpose here?”

Hanzo did not respond to Qianxuan’s words. Instead, his muscles tensed, and he mobilized all his chakra. He stared at Qianxuan with full concentration and asked with a vigilant face.

As long as Qianxuan’s answer did not satisfy him, the next moment, he might… just run away.


Are you kidding?

This kid was able to defeat him more than a year ago.

More than a year has passed. With his talent and growth rate, God knows how strong this kid is now?

Anyway, when he saw Qianxuan this time, he could not sense any breath of Qianxuan.

It was as if this person did not exist at all.

If he was not sure that his eyes were not blurry, and he really saw Qianxuan’s figure and heard his voice.

He would have thought he was hallucinating.


“Haha! Don’t be nervous!”

Qian Xuan saw it, but didn’t care. He smiled faintly and said:”I didn’t come here to cause trouble to you this time!”

“Instead, it brings peace to your Rain Kingdom!”

“This is what you have been waiting for for a long time!”

Hanzo didn’t believe a word he said, and didn’t dare to relax at all, saying:”Don’t say such nonsense! Just tell me why you are here!”

“What is your purpose?”You can’t be here to kill me, right?

Hanzo didn’t think so.

Otherwise, there would be no need for Qianxuan to argue with him.

But he always felt that Qianxuan’s coming this time would not be a good thing.


Qian Xuan listened and smiled and said:”Since you scolded me just now, I am going to ask you to do me a small favor as atonement. I hope you don’t refuse it without knowing what is good for you, otherwise, I will be very angry!”


“Help? What help?”

Hanzo narrowed his eyes and asked.

He knew that Qian Xuan had come with bad intentions this time.

What he said about scolding him was just an excuse.

If you hadn’t come, how could you have known that I had just cursed him casually?

This was clearly a deliberate attempt to cause trouble!

But he was still ready to listen to what Qian Xuan wanted him to do.

If it wasn’t too much, it would be okay for him to help out if he suffered a little injustice.

But if it would endanger his life, then there would be no discussion.

“It’s not a big deal, I just want you to help me kill someone!”

Qian Xuan replied with a smile.

“Who to kill?”

Hanzo stared at Qianxuan with burning eyes and asked


As soon as Qian Xuan started to say this, the next moment, his eyes turned into three-magatama Sharingan.

The moment Hanzo saw the Sharingan, he screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and wanted to avoid his gaze and escape.

At the same time, his mind was still buzzing, and he didn’t understand why Qian Xuan, the leader of the Senju clan, got the Sharingan.

But as soon as these thoughts came out, he lost consciousness

“Illusionary dream world!”

The three magatama in Qianxuan’s eyes turned several times, and the terrifying mental power became even more terrifying under the blessing of the Sharingan.

In an instant, Hanzo was completely hypnotized and his mind was pulled into the illusion world.


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