Chapter 143 [Intermediate Gene Enhancement Potion Formula】

“Hehe! Then I’ll trouble you, grandma! If there’s nothing else, we’ll set off now!”

Chigen and Kushina smiled and said goodbye to Uzumaki Mito. After leaving a shadow clone in the village, they left Konoha.

In the next month,

Chigen took Kushina to visit almost the entire Land of Fire.

They even visited many places such as the Land of Wind and the Land of Water.

They returned to the village.


Not long after returning, Qian Xuan received a message from Kakuzu.

With a thought, he took the letter out of the small world and opened it. Qian Xuan was immediately delighted:”Oh? Have you found the location of the air ninja? Great!”

“Did he run to the mountains of Bear Country? No wonder I couldn’t find it when I used Shadow Clone to open the map before!”

It’s a remote country in the mountains, so it’s impossible for him to leave any spatial coordinates.

Because, that’s meaningless.

As a result, it was missed.

“What happened? Who sent the message?”

“Also, are you looking for the air ninja? What ninja village is that from?”

Kushina, who was standing by, saw this and asked curiously.

“This is information from Kakuzu!”

Qian Xuan raised the letter in his hand and replied

“Oh! It’s him!”

Kushina suddenly realized after hearing this:”I didn’t expect he would be so useful, no wonder you were willing to let him go, Qianxuan!”

“It seems that this person is indeed very capable!”


Qianxuan nodded affirmatively:”There is one good thing about Kakuzu, that is, as long as you pay him enough, he is willing to do anything, and he can do it well!”

“But what I lack the least right now is money!”

“There is no one richer than me in the entire ninja world! Hehe!”

The money of the daimyo and ministers is his money!

At this time, he seems to have little power, but in fact he is already the king of the ninja world in secret.

At least, the economic lifeline is basically in his hands.

Although, it cannot be exposed yet.


Kushina couldn’t help but laugh when she heard it:”Indeed! By the way! You haven’t told me what a sky ninja is?”

“”Sora Ninja!”

Qian Xuan heard it and replied with a smile:”Sora Ninja is a special ninja village. They once attacked Konoha and wanted to dominate the ninja world, but they were defeated.;”

“Then, he disappeared!”

Then, Qianxuan and Kushina gave a general description of the information of the air ninja.


Kushina suddenly realized:”So there is such a special ninja village that actually has a flying fortress?”

“This is really amazing!”

“Flying is not that easy!”

“Qian Xuan, are you impressed by their flying skills?”

“That’s about right!”

Qian Xuan nodded:”Flying technology is indeed what I want. It is very important for the future development of Konoha and even the ninja world!”

As for the real primary purpose of collecting the aerial fortress of the air ninja, Qian Xuan naturally would not tell Kushina.

It is better not to reveal the system to anyone.

It is not a precaution, but simply for them and for your own good.

The reason why a secret is a secret is that no one else knows it except yourself.

Once multiple people know the secret, there will be a risk of leakage sooner or later.

Qian Xuan will not gamble.

There is no need!

“You’ve really thought far ahead!”

Kushina smiled and let go of Qianxuan’s hand and said,”In that case, go and get busy first! Tell me when you’re done!”

“How about taking me to see the Sky Ninja’s aerial fortress when the time comes?”

She was quite curious about this!


Qian Xuan naturally would not refuse and nodded in agreement.

Anyway, it is not necessary to collect it and put it into the system.

As long as the ownership of the item is confirmed, you can get the reward.

“I’ll go first! See you later!”

After saying that, Qian Xuan said goodbye to Kushina and disappeared into the house.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in a deep mountain in the Bear Country.

“You’re here? Look over there! That should be the aerial fortress of the air ninja you mentioned, right?”

When Kakuzu saw Qian Xuan appear, he nodded slightly and pointed to the valley ahead.


Qianxuan listened and looked in the direction of Kakuzu’s finger.

Suddenly, he saw a huge fortress with a length of more than 500 meters and a width of two or three hundred meters standing in a huge valley.

It can be seen that this is an integral structure, and it is not built and fixed on the ground.

It is simply parked on the surface.

Moreover, there are already many traces of time around and on the fortress.

Qianxuan expanded his spiritual perception and Kagura’s mind’s eye, and suddenly, he could see the entire structure and personnel situation inside the fortress… and so on, the building was in full view. After scanning several times, he withdrew his perception and nodded to Kakuzu and said:”That’s right! This is the aerial fortress of the sky ninja!”

“You did a great job this time!”

“Here! Here is 22 million!”

“10 million of this is your reward for this mission, and the rest is your salary for the next year! Please order it!”

As he said this, Qian Xuan waved his hand, and a pair of coins fell in front of Kakuzu.

There was also a blank space seal scroll on the top.

“Oh? Thank you very much!”

When Kakuzu saw the pile of money, his eyes lit up immediately, and he thanked Qianxuan cheerfully, then squatted down and began to count the money carefully.


We are all old acquaintances, so we don’t need to count?

Haha! This kind of thing doesn’t exist here at Kakuzu.

No matter how familiar we are, no matter how generous and trustworthy Qianxuan has been before, counting the payment in front of him is not a big deal.���All are necessary!

This is a matter of principle for him.

Qian Xuan didn’t care about it at all.

Because he knew Kakuzu too well.

He didn’t think that his behavior was a lack of trust in him.

Not long after, Kakuzu finished counting the money and sealed it directly into the space scroll. Then he stood up and nodded slightly to Qian Xuan and said:”The amount is fine!”

“Then this mission is completed!”

“As for the Geerlei Stone, I have some clues now! But it will take some time to get the exact information, so I’m afraid we have to wait!”

That’s a bounty of 100 million!

The corners are very tempted

“Well! No problem!”

Qian Xuan listened and nodded in understanding:”Just take it steady, as long as I can complete the task and get what I want, everything else will be fine!”

He was not in a hurry for this moment.

“By the way! Have you made any other good gains in the past month?”

“You know, you haven’t gotten a lot of really good stuff in the past year or so!”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help asking again.

In the past year or so, what Kakuzu provided him were mainly the existing magnetic escape, ice escape, the corpses of the Hyuga clan ninjas, the corpses of the bloodline ninjas such as swift escape, transparent escape, etc.

The things were not bad, but there were no surprises.

“This really exists!”

Kakuzu listened, nodded, took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to Qianxuan, saying:”I recently went back to Takigakure and obtained the secret treasure of my Takigakure, the Water of Heroes. I wonder if it will satisfy you?”

“Of course,”

At this point, Kakuzu changed the subject and reminded:”First of all, this Hero’s Water has a big flaw.”


Qian Xuan’s eyebrows jumped when he heard it:”Hero’s Water? This is really a good thing!”

“As for the flaws, I know that it greatly overdraws potential and vitality in exchange for an increase in chakra! I know that!”

He really finished this good thing.

Fortunately, Kakuzu helped him get it.


Jiaodu was a little surprised:”Boss, you really know? Then I feel relieved!”

“That’s right! The defect is what you said!”

“Do you need this? How much is it worth?”

“I brought 1 liter this time.;”

“This is already the output of Takigakure for 5 years! We can’t get it in the short term!”

As for whether he would feel guilty for temporarily draining Takigakure’s secret treasures?

Haha! Not happening!

He hates Takigakure?

How could he feel guilty?

“You are so thoughtful! I want this thing! I’ll give you 10 million! Are you satisfied?”

Qian Xuan took the seal scroll and asked with a smile.


Kakuzu’s eyes widened when he heard this, and he nodded in agreement without hesitation.

This is 10 million!

It’s the same as the air ninja’s mission.

But the difficulty of the mission is completely different.

This is too easy to get.

“”Okay! Here’s the money, you can count it yourself!”

Qian Xuan nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand again, took out a pile of money and handed it to Kakuzu.

On top, he still put a space seal scroll intimately.

When Kakuzu saw it, he felt very happy.���I felt very comfortable.

This boss is so considerate!

Not only did he pay me quickly and generously, but he also took care of small details like the space seal scroll. There is no better boss than this!

For a moment, Kakuzu became even more loyal to Qianxuan!

“Unless someone can offer me a salary that is twice as high as my boss’s, I will never betray him!”

Kakuzu swore to himself. Qian

Xuan read Kakuzu’s thoughts through telepathy and felt a little embarrassed.

“I’m so considerate and generous, but I’m only worth twice the price?”

Qian Xuan complained in his heart.

However, he knew that this was already rare for Kakuzu, who valued money as his life.

At this time, the system prompt sounded as expected.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collectible”Heroic Water 1 Liter”, Reward: Intermediate Gene Enhancement Potion Formula】


Qian Xuan’s eyes lit up when he heard the prompt tone, and he said excitedly:”It’s this? Great!”

“The primary gene enhancement potion has already brought such great benefits to the tribe members.;”

“With the addition of this intermediate gene enhancement potion, wouldn’t it be even more amazing?”

“In this way, the plan to seize power in half a year will be more secure! Haha!”

If the occasion was not inappropriate, Qian Xuan would even want to laugh three times.

It was a bargain to get this reward easily with only 10 million.

Sure enough, it was right for him to spare Kakuzu’s life and let him become his worker!

How much worry did he save? How much trouble did he save?

“Boss! The amount is fine!”

“If there is nothing else, I will leave first!”

“I also need to keep an eye on the clues of the Geerlei Stone.”

Kakuzu had already counted the money and sealed it up, and said to Qianxuan

“”Okay! Go ahead!”

Qian Xuan naturally had no objection. He wished that Kakuzu would leave directly so that he could find a way to subdue the remaining members of the Sky Ninja and then take over this aerial fortress!

“Oh, right! Do you need me to give you a ride? This place is quite remote! It should not be the same place as the clue to the Gaelre Stone, right?”


Kakuzu nodded affirmatively:”Boss, the information you gave me before is correct! The clue is in the Kingdom of Wind. If it is convenient, can you send me to the vicinity of the Kingdom of Wind? Is that okay?”

If you can save hundreds of kilometers, why not do it?

He is not hypocritical.

Anyway, this is just a piece of cake for Qian Xuan

“”No problem! Let’s go!”

Qian Xuan nodded and stretched out his hand to Kakuzu.

The next moment, Kakuzu disappeared in front of him.

But Qian Xuan himself did not disappear with him this time.


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