Chapter 142: Guiding Public Opinion.

Uzumaki Mito continued:”And the situation of the Uzumaki clan is probably similar!”

“After fully digesting this increase, the two clans combined will have more than 300 jonin. This number is too exaggerated!”

“”That’s almost two-thirds of the total number of jonin in the whole village.””

Yes! Excluding the Senju, Konoha does have more than 400 jonin.

However, as the war continues, this number has been decreasing sharply.

Not to mention the mid-level and low-level ninjas.

This is because Qian Xuan killed many people on the battlefield before, reducing the number of sacrifices for Konoha.

Otherwise, the number would be even smaller.


After hearing this, Qian Xuan touched his chin and nodded:”Indeed, we can start the action now!”

“I’ll start arranging it!”

“World War II has been going on for more than a year. The sacrifices are too great. It’s time to end it!”

He himself was getting a little impatient!

The sooner he took control of Konoha, the sooner he could implement his plan to unify the ninja world.

In the process, it would be easier for him to collect good things. This would further promote his growth.

In addition, he wanted to go to another world to get good collections in the future.

That force was naturally indispensable.

Otherwise, if he relied on fighting alone, wouldn’t he be exhausted?

The efficiency was also low.


Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded:”It is true. Because of this, Monkey’s reputation in the village has declined sharply. Many villagers and ninjas are secretly dissatisfied with him and even full of hatred!”

“After all, if he hadn’t found you, it is very likely that the war on the front would have ended long ago!”

“This way, their family members wouldn’t have to die!”

It’s all the fault of three generations!


Qian Xuan listened and smiled coldly:”This is all his own fault! For his own selfish interests, he suppressed this and persecuted that. Besides these, what else can he do?”

“How powerful was Konoha back then? How much has Konoha’s strength declined now?”

“In fact, if the war is not stopped soon, Konoha will only become weaker and weaker in the future.”

Isn’t that what the original work said?

After the Second and Third World Wars, Konoha’s strength plummeted, and there was not much difference between it and the other four major ninja villages, especially Iwagakure and Kumogakure!

You must know that before the two Ninja World Wars, even after losing the First and Second Generations and experiencing the First World War, Konoha still had the strength to fight against or even suppress two or three ninja villages at the same time.

This is why Qianxuan wanted to end the war as soon as possible.

He still wanted to take over Konoha and unify the ninja world based on this.

How could he let the Third Generation squander Konoha’s wealth?

Even if those who died could be resurrected because of his arrangement, he would not allow it.

Next, Qianxuan chatted with Uzumaki Mito for a while and left.

He first separated One of the shadow clones went to refine the god-level bloodline evolution potion, while the main body went to the corpse storage area in the small world and began to perform resurrection techniques, resurrecting the dead one by one, explaining the situation, and signing a strict loyalty contract with them.

Then, he marked out another area of 50 kilometers in the small world, and with a thought, he built a village with the authority and ninjutsu of the small world.

He placed all the resurrected people in the village, taught them Xingyiquan and meditation, and set up reward and punishment measures.

Those who make rapid progress and work hard will be rewarded with certain pills, potions, and even ninjutsu according to their weekly rankings.

He began to train these people.

Even the resurrected Rock Ninja and Sand Ninja are not… He put all the exceptions together.

And through the contract constraints, they are not allowed to fight to the death privately.

Limited exchanges are allowed, but fights to the death are not allowed.

Although the process was a bit troublesome and bumpy, Qian Xuan easily solved them in the end.

There is no way, when your strength reaches a certain level, many troublesome things will become much simpler.

After finishing these, in the next ten days or so, Qian Xuan sent out several shadow clones every day to refine the god-level blood evolution potion.

Then, it was distributed to the tribesmen in batches.

However, a sufficient number of merits must also be deducted. Even if the tribesmen do not have enough merits for the time being, they must be owed first. When you stop lurking and start going on missions in the future, you can earn merits and repay them..

Qian Xuan set up a Merit Pavilion in the family from the very beginning to record the merits of the clan members and the exchange of merits.

He never intended to let the clan members be parasites.

The current training is for them to collect treasures for him and complete various tasks in the future to repay him.

For this point, whether it is the elders of the Makuma, the great elders and others or Uzumaki Mito, they all strongly agree.

Even a merit level was set up for each member of the clan.

If the merit level is not enough, you cannot exchange some precious things and ninjutsu; even if there are good things such as potions that can be exchanged, the quantity will be strictly limited.

Qian Xuan has always believed that only a perfect reward and punishment system can be conducive to the healthy and benign development of the clan members.


“Phew! Finally, all the herbs were used up, and this batch of god-level blood evolution potions were all ready!”

“If you want to refine it again, you have to wait a month until the herbs are cultivated and the minerals are collected!”

Qian Xuan’s shadow clone finished refining the last bottle of blood evolution potion and directly touched himself.

The next moment, all the memories returned to Qian Xuan’s body. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stretched lazily, and said to Kushina beside him

“Soft? Finished?”

Kushina was a little surprised and delighted when she heard it and said,”Then can we go out for a trip and relax?””

“Of course!”

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”I promised you before! I won’t regret it!”

“Come on! Accompany me to���Send a batch of medicine to grandma, and we can set off!”

By the way, Kushina has already taken a bottle of god-level blood inheritance evolution potion!

Her blood inheritance has been further improved, and her vitality has increased by 80%. Her strength has also improved greatly. At present, she is already in the middle stage of the shadow level.

Well! It’s just strength.

If calculated by chakra.

At least it must be the super shadow level to have such a huge chakra, right?

“”Okay! Hehe!”

Kushina happily took Qianxuan’s hand.

The two did not use the Flying Thunder God Technique, but walked slowly towards Uzumaki Mito’s yard.

It took more than ten minutes to arrive.

Then, Qianxuan handed over a new batch of more than 200 bottles of god-level blood inheritance evolution potions to Uzumaki Mito! In addition, there were a batch of primary, intermediate, high-level potions, and various supplies.

They were all handed over to Uzumaki Mito for storage, and then he said:”Grandma! The next bottle of god-level blood inheritance evolution potion will have to wait until a month later to be produced!”

“You can discuss the exchange arrangements with Grandpa and the others!”

“In the next month, I plan to visit the Ninja World with Kushina, hehe!”

“All right!”

Uzumaki Mito took the space ring and said with a knowing smile:”Then you can relax! You don’t have to worry about the affairs of the village and the family for the time being!”

“I will also help you control public opinion, and will never delay the progress of your plan!”

Since the last conversation, which was more than ten days ago, Qian Xuan began to arrange people to secretly spread unfavorable information about the third generation in the village on a small scale.

Guide public opinion and further undermine the reputation of the third generation.

The purpose is naturally to drive the third generation out of office later.

At present, after more than ten days of hard work, everything is going smoothly.

The third generation didn’t even notice it.

It was really a small movement, all in a small range, secretly discussed.

But it affected a lot of people.

At least thousands of people have been affected, and their sense of the third generation has been further reduced.

Even, hatred for the third generation has been generated or deepened.

Qian Xuan predicts that in another three to five months, the reputation of the third generation in the village will hit the bottom.

At that time, it will be a good time to drive the third generation out of office.

Of course, before that, Qian Xuan has to get rid of Danzo.

It just so happens that Qian Xuan also needs to let the tribesmen digest the improvement brought by this god-level blood evolution potion.

Giving myself half a year of buffer and preparation


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