Chapter 141 Uzumaki Mito: Chigen, you can start to seize power

“”Perhaps, I can find a chance to fight with Uchiha Madara?”

Qian Xuan thought.

He thought he could make a plan and arrange an opportunity to do it.

As for whether doing so would destroy the plot or something, Qian Xuan never cared.

Anyway, his next plan will completely break all the so-called plots. In the past year or so,

Qian Xuan received some magic weapons, treasure mines, precious medicines and even the bodies of bloodline ninjas through Kakuzu and Orochimaru.

Including transparent escape, fast escape, explosive escape… etc.

Qian Xuan also successfully obtained the corresponding top bloodline limits through the system.

Even with his own understanding of bloodline limits and changes in chakra properties.

He also developed several bloodline limits himself, such as: flame escape, melting escape, burning escape… etc. Through the research and development of these bloodline limits, he also discovered that every time he developed a bloodline limit, his potential would be greatly improved. If it were an ordinary ninja, it would be difficult to improve his potential.

���The corresponding performance is that the upper limit of chakra volume has been greatly increased.


After finishing the production line, Qian Xuan refined a batch of god-level blood evolution potions, then he left the small world and appeared in his own yard.

Then, he went straight out of the yard and came to the yard of Uzumaki Mito next door.

“Hmm? Qian Xuan?”

Uzumaki Mito was slightly startled when he saw Qian Xuan coming over and said:”You haven’t come out for a few days! Kushina has been complaining a lot recently!”

“I guess you’ll have to comfort her later! Haha!”

She remembered that the last time she saw Qian Xuan was half a month ago.


After hearing this, Qian Xuan touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly:”There’s nothing I can do about it. I’ve been researching at a critical moment recently and neglected time!”

“However, now that this stage of research has been completed, I can take a break for a while!”

“After that, I plan to take Kushina to various places in the ninja world to relax. I believe she will forgive me! Hehehe!”

The research has reached a critical moment before, he can’t interrupt it halfway, right?

What? He needs time to eat and sleep every day?

Haha! He has reached the peak of foundation building, he doesn’t need to eat or sleep at all!

He can use practice instead

“All right!”

Uzumaki Mito listened, smiled and nodded:”It’s good to take her out for a walk! It’s not a good idea to stay in the village all the time!”

“Anyway, you have the Flying Thunder God Technique, so if you leave a shadow clone in the village, the monkey won’t be able to find it!”

In fact, even if the monkey finds out, what can he do?

His hiding of Qian Xuan does not mean that he can lock Qian Xuan in the village.

At most, Qian Xuan will not go to the front line.

Speaking of the front line, over the past year, more than 5,000 dead ninjas have been lying in the special space of Qian Xuan’s small world.

Of course, if it is only the front line of the Rain Country and the Konoha ninjas, there must not be so many.

This is because Qian Xuan left protection for the ninjas from Konoha who would go to the front line later, as long as they had no ill intentions towards him, and teleported their bodies over.

In addition, more than half of these corpses are the bodies of Rock Ninja and Sand Ninja who died in battle.

Qian Xuan took some considerations and temporarily received the bodies and souls of these people to his side.

“Hmm… maybe, we should take some time to revive them and then improve their strength first?”

Qian Xuan was also a little hesitant about this, not knowing whether he should do this.

The main reason was that there were people from various ninja clans among them.

“Forget it! Let’s find time to revive them as soon as possible, and put them in the small world to cultivate for a period of time, until I become the Hokage, and then release them!”

Qian Xuan decided immediately.

Of course, this is only for Konoha.

Even if he becomes the Hokage, the Rock Ninja and the Sand Ninja will not be released at the first time.

Instead, he will wait until he attacks the major ninja villages in the future and prepares to unify the ninja world, and then he will release them one after another.

Use it to quickly control these ninja villages and countries, and quickly complete the change and transition of regimes.

However, before that, after resurrecting them, Qian Xuan also signed a more demanding contract with them.

Let them only be loyal to him, and cannot betray him or infringe on his interests.

“So, your previous research is done, what good stuff did you come up with this time?”

“The thing that’s worth all your effort should be the blood evolution potion you mentioned, right?”

Uzumaki Mito asked curiously.

“Hehe! That’s right! This is it!”

Qian Xuan smiled and nodded.

“What? Is this really the case?”

Uzumaki Mito was stunned when she heard this, and asked in surprise:”What is the effect of this potion?””

Bloodline evolution!

If it is true, she can already imagine that Senju and Uzumaki will take off again next.

“Why don’t you try it yourself? I’ve tried it many times and there are no side effects!”

Qian Xuan said, and took out a bottle of God-level Blood Evolution Potion and handed it to Uzumaki Mito.

“”Okay! I’ll try!”

Uzumaki Mito took the potion without hesitation, opened it, and drank it all.

The next moment, she felt a stream of warmth spreading rapidly from her stomach to her whole body.

She felt as if her blood began to boil, and her vitality began to surge.

In addition, her Kagura Heart Eye and the ability of the Diamond Seal also improved rapidly and became stronger.

This transformation lasted for half an hour before it gradually faded.


Uzumaki Mito sensed the changes in his body and was stunned:”My vitality has doubled, and the strength of Kagura’s Heart Eye and Diamond Blockade has also increased by more than 50%;”

“In addition, I seem to have awakened the healing properties of the Uzumaki clan, and my blood will have top-level healing abilities!”

“This potion is really… magical!”

As he said that, Uzumaki Mito looked at Qian Xuan and said:”Isn’t this improvement a bit too exaggerated?”

“Not at all!”

Qian Xuan smiled and shook his head after hearing this, saying,”That’s just the beginning. This medicine is not only effective in one bottle! Once you have completely digested the improvement, you can continue to take it later!””

“Moreover, this medicine can be taken continuously and the improvement will continue!”

“However, as the bloodline level becomes higher and higher and more complete, the subsequent improvement will become smaller and smaller!”

“The reason why you have such a big improvement at once is because it is your first time taking it, and your bloodline is not yet perfect.;”

“There won’t be such a big improvement later! You have to take it for a long time to transform step by step!”

In fact, it stands to reason that Uzumaki Mito’s bloodline level and completeness should not be low.

But this time it can be improved so much, which is somewhat beyond Qianxuan’s expectations.

In the end, he could only attribute it to the fact that Uzumaki Mito took it for the first time and the effect was the best.

In addition, compared with Kaguya’s bloodline level and completeness, even Uzumaki Mito’s bloodline level and completeness are probably like that…

In short, the God-level Bloodline Evolution Potion is awesome!

“Is that so?”

Uzumaki Mito’s eyes lit up when he heard this:”You can actually continue to take it to improve? You are really going against the will of heaven! It’s no wonder that it took so long to develop something like this!”

“However, what is the cost of this thing? How difficult is it to refine? Are the medicinal materials easy to collect?”

This is the key.

If the multiple is too high, the difficulty of refining is too great, the medicinal materials are too rare, and the output is extremely low, then it is impossible to popularize it within the clan.

Of course, even if it cannot be popularized, just giving it to a few talented clan members will be enough to make the family’s strength and potential soar.

“Haha! Grandma, you got the point!”

After hearing this, Qian Xuan smiled knowingly and said,”What you just drank was a god-level blood inheritance evolution potion, which is also the top-level one!”

“The cost of each bottle is at least over 2 million. It is extremely difficult to make and can only be refined by me personally. Each bottle takes a lot of time!”

“The only good thing is that I can still use the shadow clone to refine;”

“As for the medicinal materials, they are also extremely rare. If provided by the ninja world, the maximum that can be produced is 50 bottles a year!”

“But I have found a way to cultivate it quickly, so it is no problem to produce more than 500 bottles a month!”

“This kind of medicine usually takes about three months to be completely digested and adapted to before taking the next bottle;”

“Therefore, the current output is enough to supply the Thousand Hands and the Whirlpool!”

Of course, as time goes by, the Tree of Life and the Small World are still growing.

The output will continue to increase in the future.

But unless there is a suitable reward to make the Tree of Life and the Small World grow explosively again, it will be impossible to keep up with the population growth rate of the Thousand Hands and the Whirlpool in the future.

Apart from anything else, in the past year or so, the Thousand Hands alone have added more than 40 newborns. There are still more than 30 still in the mother’s womb.

And the Whirlpool clan has more than 30 newborns in the past year, and more than 20 are still in the mother’s womb.

It’s really that the fertility reward given by Qianxuan is too generous, which makes the clan members excited!

Having a child, not only does the child not have to worry about the future cultivation resources before adulthood, it is all fixed; as parents, they will also have high rewards, which are many times better than doing tasks. Who can remain indifferent?

Now the population base of the Thousand Hands and the Whirlpool is not high, and the newborns are just like this.

Wait and see after more than ten years?

That’s when the population of the two clans will really explode.

“Is that so? That’s enough!”

Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded with satisfaction:”In this way, the strength and bloodline of the two clans can be greatly improved!”

“In fact, Qianxuan, you can start considering seizing Konoha and driving Monkey out of power!”

“In the past year or so, the number of Senju ninjas has increased to 27, and the rest are almost all Chunin. Except for children under the age of 7 who are too young and have too little training time, the clan has already���There are tribesmen who are lower than Genin or even Genin.;”

“After this batch of blood evolution potions are fed and digested for a few months, maybe everyone will become a jonin!”

This is a bloodline improvement!

The improvement in strength and potential is too great.

There are not many children on the Senju side.


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