Chapter 129: The Uzumaki Clan’s Submission, Ninjutsu Talisman and Medical Talisman

“Let’s take her to rest first!”

Uzumaki Qinggang immediately called a young female tribesman and asked her to carry Uzumaki Mina away.

Then, he looked at Qianxuan and bowed deeply, saying:”Thank you again! Mina was saved!”

“You don’t know, this child is my eldest brother’s only daughter.;”

“I thought she was dead! I didn’t expect to see her again today!”

“We owe you a great favor again and don’t know how to repay you!”

“Although we feel that this is far from enough to repay your kindness, we have decided to accept your invitation.”

“At the critical moment, the whole clan joined Konoha to help you deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen and others and help you seize the position of Hokage.”

Whether it was to repay Chigen’s kindness or to take revenge on Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, they reached a consensus after discussion.

Join Konoha to help Chigen deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Of course, it was also because they were willing to believe that Chigen would not harm the Uzumaki clan. They were willing to believe that with Chigen’s help, the Uzumaki clan would definitely become better.


Qian Xuan was stunned when he heard it. What’s going on? I haven’t even opened my mouth yet, and you know everything?

He couldn’t help but look at Uzumaki Mito and the others.

Uzumaki Mito and the others smiled at him:”We can’t just do nothing while you’re busy rescuing people, right?”

“After all, it’s all for the Uzumaki clan!”

“Moreover, I think this is a good thing for you and the Uzumaki clan!”

“I believe you will not treat the Uzumaki clan unfairly!”

Only by following Qian Xuan can the Uzumaki clan get better development!

This can be seen from the Senju clan.

Becoming the leader of the Senju clan is not Qian Xuan’s luck, but the luck of the Senju clan.

If the Uzumaki clan does not completely surrender to Qian Xuan, it will be impossible for the Uzumaki clan to get good things such as Xingyiquan and meditation.

Uzumaki Mito couldn’t open this mouth.


At this time, Xuanwo Qinggang also nodded with a smile:”Your kindness is beyond repayment, and making this promise is actually nothing!”

“Plus, this is actually what we have always wanted to do!”

“Sarutobi Hiruzen harmed us in the past, and now we have a reason to retaliate!”

The more unlucky Sarutobi Hiruzen is, the happier they are.

“Is that so?”

Qian Xuan listened, nodded and said:”In that case, I won’t say anything more!”

“Actually, I came here this time with the intention of recruiting you to join my team.;”

“This is very important for my future planning!”

“Since you all agree! Then this matter is settled. Next, let’s discuss the details and the future development plan of the Uzumaki clan.……”

As he spoke, Qian Xuan began to negotiate with Xuanwu Qinggang and the others in person.

This included signing a contract with all the members of the Uzumaki clan, teaching them Xingyiquan and meditation, providing materials such as body-building pills and spirit-restoring pills, and promoting the further accelerated development of the Uzumaki clan.

After learning about the great benefits of Xingyiquan, meditation, and body-building pills, Xuanwu Qinggang and the others were ecstatic.

Without hesitation, they agreed to the entire clan signing a contract with Qian Xuan.

Then, Qian Xuan personally passed on his spiritual power to all the members of the Uzumaki clan, and left a batch of pills for this month.

“In the future, I will come to deliver pills to you every month. Next, the first thing you need to do is to concentrate on practicing hard and improve your strength.;”

“This way, you can help me more in the future, understand?”

After teaching the skills and handing over a batch of pills to Xuanxu Qinggang, Qian Xuan said


Xuanwo Qinggang nodded solemnly:”I’ve got it. I will do my best to urge my clansmen to practice!”

“However, we feel bad to accept your gift and help unilaterally, especially the pills, which you provide for free every month. We feel so indebted to you! Is there anything we can do for you?”

“At least let us provide you with some practical value, right?”

I originally thought that joining Qian Xuan was a way of repaying a favor.

Now it seems that it is completely the opposite. They have made a big profit again.

But the Uzumaki clan is not an ungrateful person. This kind of profit makes them feel even more uncomfortable.

“Yes! Yes! Benefactor! Please assign us some tasks and let us contribute! We can’t practice all the time every day!”

“That’s right! Our sealing skills are very good, how about we just make some sealing items for you? After all, the elixir and materials you provide must be very expensive, how can we take them for free?”

“Agree! Even if we can’t provide equivalent returns, at least let us contribute a little, and we’ll feel better!”

“How about we just make the Space Sealing Scroll? This thing seems to be very expensive outside, so it should be able to make up for some of the benefactor’s financial expenditure, right?”

“That’s a good idea!”


The people of the Uzumaki clan talked to each other and soon gave a lot of suggestions.

“Space Sealing Scrolls? That’s fine, you guys are thoughtful! Then let’s do it!”

Qian Xuan listened, touched his chin and pondered for a while, nodded, and agreed:”I will provide you with a batch of blank scrolls every month, and then you can just make the finished space sealing scrolls!”

“This thing is indeed a scarce strategic material.;”

“After that, we can hand it over to Qianshou Chamber of Commerce to buy it out and recover some funds.”

“Actually, I have been studying things like Ninjutsu Talismans and Medical Talismans recently.;”

“If it succeeds, it will be possible to make a sealing talisman that can release ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu with only a small amount of chakra, just like making a detonating talisman.;”

“By then, I can consider giving you this sealing technique and the means of making talisman paper, and you can make it, either blank sealing talisman paper or finished talisman paper.”

This is indeed something he has considered for a long time.

It was inspired by the detonation talisman technology.

He thinks it is very feasible.

At present, good progress has been made.

I believe that it should be successful in another year or so.

This is just a shadow clone who has taken over the research.

If you concentrate on the research, two or three months will be enough.


This time, not only Uzumaki Aoka and others, but even Uzumaki Mito was shocked when he heard it.

“Qian Xuan, are you serious? Can you really develop this kind of sealing talisman paper technology?”

Uzumaki Mito asked in surprise


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”I have learned the sealing technique from you, combined with the technology of making detonating talismans, and have gained inspiration and enlightenment. Now I have some ideas!”

“Mature results will surely be achieved within 1 year!”

“The family will face greater financial pressure in the future regarding elixirs, and we cannot just sit back and enjoy the savings!”

“If you want to accelerate the development of your family’s strength, saving money is definitely not an option.;”

“Then we can only open source it!”

“I think that whether it is the space seal scroll or the ninjutsu talisman or the medical talisman, they will all be good products.;”

“I am even considering developing several degraded versions of the Body Building Pill, the Spirit Restoration Pill, and even the Chakra Recovery Secret Medicine for sale!”The original Body Building Pill, the Spirit Restoration Pill, and the Qi Training Pill are definitely not for sale.

At least, not in the short term.

If they are to be provided to the public, it will be at least after he becomes the Hokage and completely controls Konoha.

Only then can he partially attack Konoha or exchange.

After he unifies the ninja world, he can select the entire ninja world for exchange.

Even so, the exchange conditions must be subject to various restrictions.

Without sufficient merit and contribution levels, there is no qualification for exchange at all.

“This is really amazing! Can even such a thing be done?”

When Xuanwu Qinggang and others heard that Qianxuan had actually made good progress and was so confident, they couldn’t help but exclaimed


Uzumaki Mito was also surprised:”In fact, I have also had the idea of studying how to seal ninjutsu into talisman paper in the past, but I gave up in the end!”

“It’s not that it can’t succeed, it’s just that the cost-effectiveness is too low, the difficulty is too high, and it is not practical at all.;”

“But since you are so confident, I think you will create universal ninjutsu talismans and medical talismans with lower difficulty in production and multiplication!”

“If these things were really born, they would definitely change the entire ninja world!”

“With this thing, ninja level alone will no longer be enough to fully equate strength!”

“A Genin who possesses a large number of high-level ninjutsu talismans may be able to kill a Jonin by surprise.;”

“In addition, the appearance of the medical talisman is equivalent to carrying half a medical ninja with you, which will inevitably greatly increase the ninja���Survivability.”

Obviously, she saw a lot in both of these things.

“Hehe! That’s about it!”

Qian Xuan listened and smiled slightly and said:”However, even if the price is lowered, the price of these two talisman papers cannot be too low.;”

“Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary ninjas to hold a large number of them to fight against higher-level enemies.”

“The more powerful the ninja, the richer he is.;”

“There is no way they would not buy this kind of talisman paper that can greatly improve combat power and survivability.”

“Therefore, it is still very difficult to overcome the strong, unless you are a rich second-generation.

But such people are only a minority after all.

“That’s right!”

Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded in agreement.

“Then we look forward to your research as soon as possible! When the time comes, our Whirlpool Clan will fully cooperate with you to make these talisman papers!”

Whirlpool Qinggang solemnly promised Qianxuan

“Well! That’s settled then!”

Qian Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

Indeed, for this matter, no one is more suitable than the Uzumaki clan.

Because all of their clansmen basically know some sealing techniques, and many are proficient in them.

No matter how the ninjutsu talismans and medical talismans are changed and improved, they cannot avoid the fact that they are a kind of more advanced sealing scroll products.

Without a certain foundation in sealing techniques, even if Qian Xuan created a simple and ready-made production technology, it would be difficult to get started.

Next, Qian Xuan and his friends stayed with the Uzumaki clan for half a day before saying goodbye and leaving and returning to Konoha.


PS:Please customize!


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