Chapter 130: Collecting Dragon Veins? Vibranium.

In the Kingdom of Wind, in a huge space under Loulan Village,


Qian Xuan appeared here, looking at this sealed space, and his eyes were quickly attracted by a huge sealed barrier below.

“What a terrifying power of time and space! It seems endless, no wonder it can distort time and space and travel through time and space!”

Qian Xuan flashed closer, using his mental power to sense and explore the sealed dragon vein below, exclaiming.

He leaned over and stretched out his hand to press on the sealing technique, trying to invade the sealing technique.


As a result, the next moment, the spell began to riot, and even began to draw the power of the sealed dragon vein.

Qian Xuan quickly withdrew his hand and said helplessly:”Sure enough, it’s not that simple! This sealing magician is completely embedded in the dragon vein, and it requires special blood power to open it!”

“In addition, even if it can be opened, I am afraid that I cannot completely suppress and control it, and it is even more difficult for the system to determine that it belongs to me, let alone collect it, right?”

Qian Xuan was a little regretful:”It seems that I can only wait until my strength is sufficient, and then find a way to take it for myself!”

That’s right, he ran here specially, in fact, because the real shadow clone recently arranged the space coordinates in Loulan, so he wanted to come here to try whether he could occupy the dragon vein and turn it into a collection.

I believe that if successful, the reward for the collection will definitely explode.

But now, he obviously can’t do it yet.

“Let’s go!”

Since he couldn’t achieve his goal, Qian Xuan didn’t stay here any longer. He looked up and used his spiritual power to sense that the Queen of Loulan was coming here quickly with a few people.

Qian Xuan didn’t hesitate and left here in a flash.

“Nothing? Is it just an unexpected riot of the dragon vein?”

When the Queen of Loulan arrived here, she naturally found nothing, she murmured with a puzzled look. She went forward to check the sealing barrier again.

Finding that the barrier was intact and the dragon vein had calmed down again, she breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Qian Xuan, who left Loulan, did not return to Konoha, but came to the vicinity of the palace of the capital of the Land of Fire.

He directly used his spiritual perception to explore the palace, and as a result, he encountered a certain barrier obstruction.

But with Qian Xuan’s mental strength and attainments in the sealing technique, he easily bypassed the barrier, invaded the interior, and took everything in the entire palace into his perception.

“Is he there? Very good!”

Qian Xuan quickly locked onto the location of the Fire Country Daimyo, and found that there was no one beside him at this time, only the Daimyo’s wife. He immediately raised his lips slightly. The next moment, he”swooshed!” and disappeared from the spot, appearing in a bedroom in the palace.

Because Qian Xuan fully activated his breath concealment talent, the Daimyo, they did not notice his presence at all.

“”Illusionary dreamland!”

The next moment, Qian Xuan’s Sharingan opened, and a powerful mental force, under the blessing of the Sharingan, instantly hypnotized the daimyo and the daimyo.

Soon, Qian Xuan directly changed the personality cognition of the daimyo and his wife with his mental power.

“Greetings, Master!”

Then, the daimyo and his wife stood up and knelt down to greet Qian Xuan.

“Well! Get up! Sign this contract first!”

Qian Xuan nodded without comment, and with a thought, he condensed two contract runes from his brows, and sent them to the two people and ordered them.

The terms of these two contract runes are the most stringent so far.

Not only can they not disclose any information secrets of Qian Xuan to the outside world, but also prevent them from doing anything that is not good for Qian Xuan.

They must also put Qian Xuan’s interests first in everything and be completely loyal to Qian Xuan.

In fact, it is a thorough slave contract.

Although Qian Xuan had previously used powerful mental illusions to rewrite the cognition and personality of the two people, even if a shadow-level strongman who is proficient in illusions came, he could not check that they were under illusion.

This is the power of pure mental illusions.

Well! It also has something to do with Qian Xuan. It has a lot to do with his extremely powerful mental power and his crazy use of the Sharingan to increase his fortune.

But with such a strong mental illusion, Qian Xuan still added a more foolproof insurance.

Because, if the mental illusion still has a one in a billion chance of breaking free.

Then this is a contract made by the contract talent, then there will really be no accidents.

As for whether the contract rune in the daimyo’s spiritual sea will be discovered?

That’s impossible!

As long as Qian Xuan doesn’t want to, no one, including the daimyo, can actually see the contract rune.

In the past, when they made a contract with Orochimaru, Uzumaki Mito and others, the reason they could see the contract rune was only because Qian Xuan deliberately let them see it.

“Yes! Master!”

The daimyo and his wife heard this and touched the contract without hesitation.

The next moment, the two contract runes instantly sank into the sea of their minds.

“Very good! Next, everything will be the same as before!”

“However, from now on, you have to give me 80% of your income every month, and I will collect it regularly, understand?”

Qian Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered.

Since the daimyo has been completely controlled by him, naturally, the daimyo’s money is his money.

It just so happens that the Senju clan has been under great financial pressure recently, and the Uzumaki clan has not produced many space sealing scrolls, and the ninjutsu talismans and medical talismans are not so fast.

The development and refining of the degraded version of the elixir is not so fast, so it is better to get some money from the daimyo to deal with the emergency. Anyway

, it would be a waste to leave it all to the daimyo.

Only 80% is needed because he is worried that the daimyo will not be able to provide funds to Konoha openly in the future and lack daily expenses.

Otherwise, Qian Xuan wants to take it all away


Daimyo heard this and immediately accepted the order:”I currently have 27.8 billion in cash assets. Do you need me to give it all to you now? Master?”

“Oh? 27.8 billion? That’s a lot!”

Qian Xuan’s eyes lit up when he heard it:”You spend so much every day, but you still have so much. It turns out that Daimyo is really rich!”

“You don’t have to give me all of it, just give me 22 billion!”

“You will have enough money left for all your expenses.;”

“Of course, apart from necessary expenses, some wasteful areas should be cut down if possible!”

“It would be a waste if I used it! It would be better to leave it to me to build Konoha and even the Land of Fire in the future.”

He never had too much money.

With so much money, many of his plans could be more bold and radical.


Daimyo immediately accepted the order.

After Qianxuan planted the Xuan character mark on him, he went directly into his own treasure house.


The next moment, Qian Xuan appeared in the treasury and waved his hand to collect 22 billion funds.

Then, seeing that there were many precious medicines and even minerals here, such as chakra metals, he did not hesitate and waved his hand to collect 90%.

Then, he said goodbye and left.

After that, he did not rush to leave the Fire City.

Instead, he followed the same method and controlled and enslaved all the descendants of the daimyo and many high-ranking ministers of the Fire Country.

In addition, he emptied 80% of their small treasury, and then left the Fire City with satisfaction and returned to Konoha.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Thunder Escape Thunder Dream Thunder Man”, reward: vitality +50】

【Congratulations to the host……】


【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the common collection”Chakra Metal 1 Ton”, reward: Vibranium x 100 kg】

“Wow? Chakra metal can actually bring such an unexpected gain? Vibranium? This is good stuff!”




“It seems that my sword and armor can be upgraded!”

Qian Xuan thought happily when he saw this unexpected harvest prompt.

This time, he gained a lot of ninjutsu scrolls, precious medicines and precious metals from the Fire City that he didn’t have.

Even the chakra metal exceeded one ton. It is conceivable how rich these daimyo and ministers are. Even this is not counting money!

In terms of money, he got a total of more than 70 billion this time.

It is definitely an astronomical figure.

“I’m afraid I won’t be short of funds for a long time.”

Qian Xuan thought happily.

Not to mention, he will get 80% of the income of the Fire Nation’s top leaders every month, no, it has been changed to every year.

“Well… we can’t hoard all this money. It has to be spent and circulated to be considered money!”

“It’s decided! Let the Senju Chamber of Commerce and the Daimyo buy more medicinal materials, precious mines, precious medicines, and even magic weapons and rare ninjutsu!”

Qian Xuan made up his mind immediately.

He directly split another shadow clone, used a space ring to take a large amount of funds to run to the Fire City, sent a space ring to the Daimyo, and issued an order


His original body went to find the old man in the room and the elders, handed them a large amount of funds, and told them his requirements.

At the same time, he also handed them several space rings.

“This… Where did you get so much money, clan leader? Also, this is actually a permanent space ninja tool? The space is so big, it’s simply a magical object!”

When the elders saw the space ring and successfully recognized one under Qian Xuan’s guidance, they discovered the huge amount of money in it. They couldn’t help but ask in shock.


Qian Xuan didn’t hide it from them after hearing it. After all, they had already signed the contract, so there was no need to worry about leaks.

In addition, he was already the clan leader, and they were all his own people. He immediately told them about how he secretly used the contract to control the daimyo and many ministers of the Fire Nation.


When the elders and others heard this, they took a breath of cold air, looked at Qian Xuan with horror and asked:”How dare you do this, clan leader? That’s a big name!”

“Also, are you sure no one will find out?”

��If they are discovered, it will be terrible!”

Why didn’t anyone think of using illusion to control the daimyo and ministers in the past?

Not only because they were heavily guarded, but also because they were regularly inspected.

This was obviously a lesson learned from past experience.

“Don’t worry!”

Qian Xuan listened and waved his hand calmly, saying:”These have definitely been taken into consideration! The illusion I use is a thorough mental illusion. With my strong mental power and attainments in this area, no one can discover it!”

“As for the contract, it is even more impossible for anyone to discover it!”

“So, there is absolutely no problem in this regard!”

“As for the rebellion, it is totally meaningless in my opinion.;”

“As an ordinary daimyo, you should not be able to control the Fire Country and hold so much power!”

“In my opinion, the daimyo system is a deformed product of power and should not have existed from the beginning!”

“Don’t forget, we are going to unify the ninja world in the future. Do we have to keep our daimyo and let him suppress us and become the actual controller of the empire?”

“That doesn’t make sense!”

“Therefore, I controlled the daimyo from the beginning, so that I could smoothly transfer power in the future.;”

“Of course, this is also to prepare for a smoother transition to the position of Hokage.”

What kind of awe of the daimyo? He has never had that kind of thing.


PS:Ask for your own death!


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