Chapter 128 Uzumaki Aogaoka: Join forces to fight against Sarutobi Hiruzen? No problem!


After listening to this, Xuanwo Qinggang sighed and said:”In fact, we have already roughly understood these through our own ways, through our original feelings and through Tiemu and others!”

“This matter really cannot be blamed on you and Qianshou!”

“Who could have thought that Konoha would become like this? In just a dozen years, the Senju would decline to this extent?”

“Even now, the Senju clan is even worse than my Uzumaki clan, right?”

This is the Senju clan of the forest!

One of the two top ninja clans in the ninja world.

“That was indeed the case a few months ago!”

Uzumaki Mito listened, nodded, then smiled knowingly and said:”But it’s different now!”

“With Qian Xuan taking over as the new leader of the Senju clan, and re-establishing the name of the Senju clan, and gathering clan members who have integrated into the civilian population, the number of Senju clan members has finally recovered to more than 500.;”

“With Qianxuan’s help and arrangement, his strength began to recover rapidly!”

“If nothing unexpected happens, in a few years, the Senju will be able to become one of the top ninja clans in Konoha again.”

Uzumaki Mito still has this confidence.

Xingyiquan is too suitable for the Senju clan.

It can not only quickly enhance the physical fitness, chakra and strength of the Senju clan.

It can even promote the growth and recovery of the bloodline of the Senju clan to a certain extent.

This is very terrifying. It also shows the importance of Xingyiquan.

Not to mention the meditation method.

In short, the Senju clan has everything, but only time to grow.

As long as they are allowed to develop steadily for a few years, they will rise.


Xuanwo Qinggang and others were stunned when they heard it, and asked in surprise:”The benefactor has become the new leader of the Thousand Hands?”

“Moreover, you have also called back the tribesmen who had integrated into the civilian population?”

“Although the number of people is too small, it is not easy!”

“However, since Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others were determined to weaken the Senju, how could they agree to such a thing?”

“How could they sit back and watch the Thousand Hands reunite and rebuild their clan?”

Uzumaki Qinggang and the others found this incredible.

It didn’t make sense at all!

“Could it be……”

Thinking of the rumors they had heard recently about Qian Xuan in the ninja world, Uzumaki Qinggang and others were moved.

“That’s right!”

Uzumaki Mito saw what they were thinking, smiled and nodded,”This was all possible because of Qian Xuan’s plan!”

“He recently inflicted heavy damage on the front lines, forcing them to surrender and pay compensation.;”

“The Sand Ninja also suffered heavy losses, and his reputation and achievements were outstanding.;”

“The monkey felt threatened and had to be forcibly recalled in advance.;”

“In addition, he deliberately spread the news that Qian Xuan was about to return to the village, which led to the leakage of information about Qian Xuan’s return, and Qian Xuan got hold of the handle.;”

“Finally, with my intimidation, the monkey was forced to compromise.;”

“This is how the Qianshou reunited and re-established their clan.”

These things look simple, but they are indispensable.

Only Qianxuan can do it.

“”So that’s it!”

Xuanwu Qinggang and others suddenly understood.

They said that it seemed that the benefactor had something on him!

This was not surprising.

The benefactor was very capable, so it was not surprising that he could do this.

“Oh, right! You said you were going to die soon?”

“But how do I see it now? Why do I feel that your life is safe? In fact, your vitality is particularly strong. You can live for another few decades without any problem?”

Uzumaki Qinggang looked at Uzumaki Mito seriously and asked in confusion.

Others also paid attention to it.

“This is also because of Qian Xuan!”

Uzumaki Mito smiled and nodded and said:”Originally, I probably had run out of energy at this time, and I might have transferred the Nine-Tails to Kushina, and then died.”

“But Qian Xuan found a way to help me replenish the huge amount of vitality I lost over the years due to sealing and suppressing the Nine-Tailed Fox.;”

“That’s why you saved my life and gave me the same feeling as you have now!”

“Of course, very few people in Konoha knew this, not even the monkeys.:”

“So please don’t leak it to the outside world.;”

“So as not to affect Qian Xuan’s subsequent plan to deal with the monkey.”

This can be regarded as a little sincerity she showed!

In order to help Qian Xuan completely subdue the Uzumaki clan and use them for him.

With Qian Xuan’s kindness and her own magic needle, the process should be easier.


Uzumaki Aogaoka was shocked when he heard this and said,”You guys want to deal with the monkey… ahem! Sarutobi Hiruzen? Why?””


After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito sighed and said,”What else could it be? Because the monkeys are determined to kill the Thousand Hands!”

“Because Monkey and the others were too selfish and really led Konoha to destruction!”

“It’s neither moral nor logical for me to just sit back and watch!”

“And it just so happens that Qianxuan intends to revive the Senju, take over Konoha, and revive Konoha. Naturally, I will give my full support!”

“This time, she came to the Whirlpool Clan with the idea of making the Whirlpool Clan a helper for Qian Xuan.”

Some things were difficult for Qian Xuan to talk about, so she just laid it out.

After that, Qian Xuan didn’t have to work so hard.


Uzumaki Qinggang was surprised and said,”My benefactor actually has such an ambition? Great! I believe that if he were to control Konoha, he would definitely make Konoha different!”

“But how would you like us to help our benefactor?”

“He has done a great favor to our Uzumaki clan! As long as it is something we can do, we will do it without hesitation.”

The life-saving favor is as great as the sky.

Their Uzumaki clan has never been ungrateful, and naturally they want to repay Sengen.

After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito said solemnly:”I hope you can join Konoha, become Sengen’s assistant, help him become Hokage, and control Konoha, how about it?”


Uzumaki Aoka and the others were stunned when they heard this, and then they became furious:”You want us to join Konoha?”

“Are you sure you don’t want us to die?”

“Also, don’t you know how much we hate Konoha?”

Even if they were asked to help Qian Xuan seize the throne at a critical moment, they would be willing.

But joining Konoha?

I’m sorry.

For a moment, many people from the Uzumaki clan glared at Uzumaki Mito.

“Haha! Be patient! Things are not what you think!”

Uzumaki Mito saw this, but did not get angry. Instead, she waved her hands calmly. After everyone calmed down a little, she explained:”I don’t want you to join Konoha now!”

“But wait for Qianshou to be ready, wait for Qianxuan to be ready!”

“When Qianxuan attacked Monkey and drove him out of office to compete for the position of Hokage, he let you join Konoha. Give Monkey a fatal blow and completely beat him down.;”

“I believe this is what you would like to see, right?”

“By then, Chi Xuan will become the new Hokage. If you join Konoha under such circumstances, Chi Xuan will definitely not treat you unfairly, right?”

“It’s not a good idea to stay in seclusion in the mountains forever.;”

“If the Uzumaki clan wants to grow stronger and regain its glory, they will have to go out sooner or later!”

“But what happens after we get out? Do we continue along the old path, return to the Whirlpool Kingdom, and rebuild it?”

“This is not a good choice, I believe you should have understood this;”

“But it’s different if we join Konoha under Chixuan’s control!”

“With Sengen and Senju watching over them, the Uzumaki clan, with their talent and strength, will surely be able to gain a foothold in Konoha and achieve great development. What do you think?”

Uzumaki Mito’s analysis was very clear.

After hearing this, Uzumaki Aoka and the others immediately stopped being angry and fell into a brief contemplation:”This……”

“It seems to make sense!”

After a long time, Uzumaki Aoka raised his head, looked at Uzumaki Mito with a complicated expression and said:”Are you really going to help the benefactor seize power and become the new Hokage in the future? Are you really going to deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others?”

“∨Of course!”

Uzumaki Mito nodded affirmatively:”At present, we, Senju and Monkey, can be said to have almost completely torn our relations apart!”

“The reason why peace and stability are maintained on the surface is just because the timing is wrong.;”

“The battle is still going on at the front line, Danzo is not in the village, and the strength of Monkey and his men has been greatly weakened.;”

“In addition, he was afraid of the strength of me and Qian Xuan, so he didn’t dare to fight hard for a while.;”

“He is waiting for the opportunity;”

“And so do we;”

“Currently, Qianshou is too weak, and it will take time to recover and grow.”

“But in the future, we are destined to fight to the death.”

The three generations will not be able to accommodate Qian Xuan and Qian Shou in the future, and Qian Shou will not be able to accommodate the three generations either.

“Is that so?”

Uzumaki Aoka and the others nodded in understanding after hearing this.

They looked at each other, discussed for a while, and finally Uzumaki Aoka said to Uzumaki Mito:”If that’s the case, we can agree to it!”


At this time, Qianxuan suddenly appeared beside Uzumaki Mito with a young girl. When he heard this, he smiled and asked with some confusion:”What can’t you agree to?”


Everyone was stunned when they saw the two people who suddenly appeared, and then asked in surprise:”Qian Xuan? You are back?”

“Is this the tribe member of ours who is stranded outside that you mentioned?”

Kushina, Uzumaki Aoka and the others said, and they all looked at the girl next to Qian Xuan.

The girl saw so many people looking at her, and subconsciously wanted to hide behind Qian Xuan.

But after noticing that everyone present, except Qian Xuan, had the familiar red hair and familiar vitality, she stopped immediately. For some reason, she couldn’t help but her eyes turned red, and she murmured:”Am I dreaming? Uncle Aoka? Is it really you?”

Obviously, the girl had recognized Uzumaki Aoka and many others at this time.

Seeing this long-lost familiar face and breath, she cried with joy.

But she was afraid that everything in front of her was just a dream, just her own illusion.

“You are Mina?”

Uzumaki Qinggang looked at the girl and stood up excitedly and asked

“Yes! It’s me! Are you really Uncle Qinggang?”

Uzumaki Mina also nodded excitedly with some disbelief.

“Ah! It’s me!”

Uzumaki Qinggang nodded excitedly, walked around many people, stepped forward, reached out and touched Uzumaki Mina’s head, and said with a happy smile:”Welcome home, Mina! You are safe!”

He could tell from Mina’s thin figure and worn-out clothes that Mina had not had a good life in the past few years.


Feeling the warm hand on her head and listening to what Uzumaki Qinggang said, the next moment, Uzumaki Mina cried out”Wow”, threw herself into Uzumaki Qinggang’s arms, and couldn’t help crying loudly.

She cried so sadly!

Most of the people present couldn’t help but shed tears.

This child has suffered.

After a while, Uzumaki Mina’s crying gradually subsided, and Uzumaki Qinggang realized that she had fallen asleep!


PS:Please customize!


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