Chapter 127 Meeting with the Survivors of the Uzumaki Clan


Uzumaki Mito heard this and smiled with her hands covering her mouth, saying:”It’s my grandma’s honor to be praised by you like this!”

“I believe that if it were you, you would definitely be able to do better!”

“Besides, your real shadow clone is really amazing. Even I can’t find any flaws.”

It’s just like a magic.

Unfortunately, even Qian Xuan himself knows the result but not the reason, so he can’t create a complete practice method.

Not to mention teaching it to others.

Otherwise, Uzumaki Mito really wants to ask for advice shamelessly.

“Hehe! Not bad! It’s a pity that I haven’t figured out the real practice method yet, otherwise……”

Qian Xuan has indeed been researching real shadow clones in the past few years.

He has gained something, but he has not found the key, so he needs to work hard.

He never thought that just because the system gave him a reward, he didn’t have to thoroughly understand its principles and use them for his own benefit.

What if the system disappears one day?

Of course, at present, this possibility is extremely low.

“I’m ready! Can we set off now?”

At this time, Kushina also created a shadow clone, then took Qianxuan’s hand and asked


Qian Xuan nodded, and immediately stretched out his hand to Uzumaki Mito and shook hands.


The next moment, he disappeared from Konoha with the two of them. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at a place deep in the mountains and forests hundreds of kilometers northwest of Konoha.

“Hmm? This is……”

As soon as she appeared here, Uzumaki Mito looked at the expression in front of her and said:”It is indeed the large-scale sealing barrier of my Uzumaki clan!”

As she said that, without waiting for Qian Xuan to say anything, she raised her hand and pointed at the barrier, and dozens of tiny sealing magicians disappeared into the barrier.

Suddenly, a hole as high as one person and as wide as two people appeared, revealing the real scenery in the barrier.

“”Let’s go! Follow me in!”

After doing all this, Uzumaki Mito waved to Qianxuan and Kushina, and led the two into the barrier.

After they entered, she quickly disappeared.

“”Swish, swish, swish!”

However, before they had walked more than ten meters inside, a large group of Uzumaki clan ninjas rushed over from a distance, and asked angrily:”Who is it… Huh? Are you Kushina?”

But before they finished drinking, the leading few people saw Kushina’s face clearly and recognized her immediately.

Then, they looked at Uzumaki Mito, and one of them froze, and asked in some surprise:”Are you Mito-sama?”

While speaking, he raised his hand to stop the people behind him from doing anything impulsive.

“Yes! It’s me!”

Uzumaki Mito nodded with a smile, and looking at the Uzumaki clan who were still rushing over from afar, she nodded with relief:”I feel relieved to see that you are all doing well!”

The leader Uzumaki Aoka heard this and frowned slightly and said:”Why are you and Kushina here?”


At this point, his eyes fell on Qian Xuan again, his expression froze, as if he recognized something, and he said excitedly:”You…you are Lord Qian Xuan?”

“What? He is Master Qian Xuan?”

Many people behind him exclaimed when they heard it.

“It is definitely Master Qian Xuan! I recognize this face!”

Many people echoed

“Haha! Not bad!”

Qian Xuan listened, smiled and nodded:”Seeing that you are all living well, then I feel relieved, and it is not in vain that I have sent you supplies every month in the past few years.”

Not bad! In order to show kindness, Qian Xuan has sent some supplies here every month in the past few years.

The quantity varies.

In the early years, he did not have much money himself, so he naturally gave less. In the past few years, he has relied on Qianshou to refine body-building pills, and gradually he has become well-off, so he can give a lot more.

But it is limited to a certain range.

After all, he doesn’t want to repay kindness with hatred!

The human heart is a very strange thing.

Once it is not controlled well, it is very likely that good things will turn into bad things.

“You are too modest!”

After hearing this, Xuanwo Qinggang shook his head excitedly and said,”Your kindness to us is more than just material. If it weren’t for you, most of us would be dead now!”

“The only pity is that Zongshan and his group were ambushed and most of them were killed because they did not trust you!”

“In recent years, we have occasionally sent a small number of elite members of our tribe to various places to inquire about the possible news of scattered members of our tribe, but we have gained nothing!”

“Hey! Maybe someone has really been killed!”

It can only be said that fate plays tricks on people.

If they had not chosen to believe Qian Xuan, they would probably be gone now.

“There is nothing we can do about it!”

Qian Xuan heard this and shook his head helplessly.”In that case, it is understandable that you don’t want to believe it. After all, this is probably a trap set by the enemy.;”

“However, I have some news about your scattered people recently.”


Uzumaki Qinggang and the others were stunned when they heard it, and then they asked excitedly:”Are you telling the truth? Is it true?”

Not only them, but also Uzumaki Mito and Kushina looked over.

Especially Uzumaki Mito and Kushina

“”Qian Xuan, when did you investigate and search?”

Kushina asked in confusion.

How could she not know that Qian Xuan had done all this?

Hasn’t he been staying in the village recently?

Even before, he was not at the front line of the war, but accompanied her along the way, traveling around the mountains and rivers.

“It wasn’t the real body that went to look for it!”

Qian Xuan smiled and shook his head, explaining:”I have recently been sending shadow clones to various places in the ninja world to set up the coordinates of Flying Thunder God, which will be convenient for me to use in future actions.;”

“Yesterday, by chance, I sensed the vitality and chakra reaction of several breaths in the Kusagakure Village.”

“The shadow clone went to investigate and discovered the existence of a girl from the Uzumaki clan.;”

“The shadow clone sent back a message,”I was planning to go there today, but I have to come here, right?” I declined!”

“How about I go and bring her here now?”

The main thing is, if I go by myself and bring her back to Konoha, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Bringing her here will be much simpler.

“Kusagakure Village? That’s where it is?”

Uzumaki Aoka and the others were slightly startled, and then asked:”Is it really possible? This place is hundreds of kilometers away from Kusagakure Village, otherwise I will send someone to pick her up in person tomorrow!””

“It’s okay!”

Qian Xuan listened, smiled and shook his head and said:”My shadow clone has left the Flying Thunder God mark there.”

“For me, going there is just a matter of a moment.;”

“You guys catch up first! I’ll be back soon!”

After saying that, Qian Xuan nodded to Kushina and Uzumaki Mito, and then disappeared from here in a flash.

“The barrier didn’t work? It’s just the Flying Thunder God Technique!”

Uzumaki Aoka and the others sighed, then turned their gaze to Uzumaki Mito, and said solemnly:”Mr. Mito, I think we really need to have a good talk!”

“In addition, we also want to know the purpose of your visit today.”

It can be seen that many members of the Uzumaki clan, whether it is Uzumaki Aogano or others, are very wary of Uzumaki Mito’s arrival.

If they hadn’t discovered Chigen’s identity, their attitude at this time might not be very friendly.

After all, the Uzumaki clan was abandoned by Konoha.


Uzumaki Mito nodded and did not refuse.

She was led by Uzumaki Aoka and others to the central area of the Uzumaki clan’s residence, entered a meeting room, and started a conversation.

Uzumaki Mito first apologized to Uzumaki Aoka and others, explained the situation in Konoha, the situation of the Senju, and even her own situation of dying.

“I actually sensed the danger of the Whirlpool Country at the beginning! I wanted to send more people to support you!”

“Unfortunately, the then Uzumaki clan leader, Kushina’s father, refused!”

“In addition, Konoha is no longer the era of me, or even the era of Senju in power.;”

“I won’t live long.”

“In order to suppress and weaken the Senju, they even deliberately allowed the Whirlpool Country to be destroyed, which eventually led to such a result.”

“I was heartbroken to learn of the destruction of the Whirlpool Country.;”

“But a few months ago, Qian Xuan suddenly revealed that he had actually used his own means to save you.;”

“Only then did I realize that my Vortex clan has not been destroyed yet, and you still exist!”

“I have said so much, not because I want you to understand anything, but simply to explain the situation.”


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