Lu Li remembered this hatred very clearly in his heart and it was impossible to forget it.

Now that the power of the sealing stone is suddenly coming out, could it be that... this guy Lu Boshi, the King of Heaven, has already manifested Cerberus?

Lu Li thought for a while and suddenly realized that this was really possible!

Seeing his sudden arrival, Heavenly King Lu Boshi must have been very anxious.

He was very aware of his own strength and knew that there was no way he could fight against Lu Li just relying on the power of the research institute.

If he takes the risk to release Cerberus, he might be able to deal with himself.

It is reasonable for Tianwang Lu Boshi to do such a desperate thing.


This is one of Lu Li's goals this time, and its powerful power is indeed exciting.

As the fifth category Ace, Cerberus is undoubtedly the most powerful.

That guy is much stronger than the Spider Undead. Even the category Kig does not dare to fight with it.

Lu Li is also looking forward to the extremely powerful strength.

"Lu Li, what was that power just now?!"

Shengguang naturally felt the power of the sealing stone, and a very familiar feeling emerged in his heart.

Miyuki Yoshinaga nodded solemnly.

"Sealing slate! That was the power of the sealing stone slab just now!"

As undead creatures created by the sealing stone, how could they be unfamiliar with the power of the sealing stone

? They have never known where the sealing stone is. They didn't expect that the sealing stone would be hidden in this research institute.

"Let's go, you will see God soon. Of course, I can't guarantee whether it will be the last time.

This time Lu Li not only wanted to get the card of the three-headed hell dog, but also came to seal the stone tablet. It was time to settle the score.

Lu Li continued to go deeper inside. Although Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki were shocked, they still followed him honestly.

A question arose in their minds at the same time, which was who would win in the battle between Lu Li and the sealing slate.

What they all thought of in unison was that Lu Li would win.

Following Lu Li, the two of them had already taken a dim view of the matter of reviving the race, and they no longer had much interest in this irregular extreme battle.

What they are more interested in is another world, what that different world will be like.

Without the sealing stone, the ultimate battle will never happen again.


The Awakening Bow in Kallis's hand fell and he covered his wrist in pain.

All the red heart cards that should have belonged to him were taken away by the undead creatures.

After Lenger, the cards in Kallis' hand were also taken away. After taking them all away, the only ones left with cards now are Jian and Ge Lian. However, Ge Lian's condition doesn't seem to be very good at this time. Although he can still continue to fight, he can only exert his fighting power.

At this time, combat effectiveness can still be maintained

"hateful! Is there no way to deal with this guy?!"

The sword is held tightly by the Xingjian, and for the first time, it is discovered that such a difficult undead creature is to be dealt with.

The four knights working together are unable to deal with the undead creature of the big pocket worm.

"how? Isn't this okay? I haven't used all my strength yet, why can't you?"

The tone of the undead creature was very relaxed. It seemed that the battle just now did not require him to use all his strength.

But it was almost the same. After repeated battles, the undead creature's combat effectiveness would somewhat decline.

At this moment, , the big undead creature suddenly moved, and he felt a familiar feeling


Suddenly turning around, the green eyes of the undead creature saw a man walking this way.

"Mr. Shima?!"

There was strong surprise in Ge Lian's eyes. He obviously didn't expect that Jiu Sheng would appear here.

All along, Jiu Sheng had been thinking about escaping and staying away from the battle as much as possible.

Now he actually appears here on his own initiative, which is indeed a bit surprising. Unexpectedly, Leng

Ge looked at Shima Noboru with intense eyes. He knew that this guy was of the same type as himself.

If he could seal this guy, his power would be greatly improved.

, he has missed the best opportunity to seal, and now he no longer has this opportunity

"So it’s you, why? Haven’t you always disliked fighting? Why did it come suddenly now?

Do you want to fight for these knights?"

The big undead creature was quite surprised. He naturally knew Shima Noboru's character.

Ten thousand years ago, this guy didn't like fighting, and the same is true now: he obviously doesn't like fighting, but he still wants to come here. Wouldn't you make yourself uncomfortable by getting involved in this matter?

Shimasaki shook his head slightly with a faint smile on his face.

"I really hate fighting, but you have gone too far. Their ability is indeed not enough to seal you, but with me... maybe they can."

Before he finished speaking, Shima Noboru directly switched to the form of the undead Wolf Spider.

Although his original intention was not to participate in any struggle, but now that things have happened, Ken and the others are not strong enough to deal with the undead creatures.

For this reason, he had to come. The main reason was that the Big Dou insect undead creature went a little too far this time. In order to lure Lu Li, he did too many unnecessary things.

The insect undead creature suddenly sneered.

"Ah! Did you choose to side with humans? It doesn't matter, since you want to do it right, then I'll eliminate you together."

Hold the big sword in his hand tightly. The undead creature of the big pocket insect is not afraid of at most one enemy.

It is also a Kig. How far the power of the undead wolf spider is compared with its own. The undead creature of the big pocket insect doesn't know.

Ten thousand years ago, the two of them had never fought. One hated fighting and wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible, while the other was not very interested in fighting.

But this time, the two of them met. When they got together, the undead Wolf Spider took the lead and sprayed out spider silk from the palm of his left hand, preparing to restrain the Undead Big Bug.

In an instant, the undead Wolf Spider was wrapped around the Undead Wolf Spider. The creatures attack quickly and have strong toughness, and there is no way to escape from ordinary attacks.


There was only a tearing sound, and the undead creature suddenly broke free from the shackles of the spider silk.


The hook claws of the undead Wolf Spider and the sword of the Undead Big Bug collided fiercely, and the two faced each other head-on.

"You have always avoided fighting, how much strength can you show? hehe!"

The sneer came from the mouth of the undead creature.

"Just try and you will find out!"

The two of them used their strength to repel each other at the same time, and then started a fierce close combat.

The combat power of the undead Wolf Spider creature was not inferior to that of the undead creature of the Big Bug.

Lenger saw the wolf in the combat power report. The spider undead creature's mood suddenly sank.

At this moment, he realized that when he fought with him before, the wolf spider undead creature didn't use all his strength.

It could be said that he clenched his fists unwillingly. I feel that I have been greatly insulted.

Damn it!

I originally thought that there was a battle between myself and Category Kig, but judging from the current situation, the battle between

Jian and Gelian was just a joke. This was the first time for the two of them to see the Wolf Spider undead creature fighting, and they were both surprised.

"Mr. Ming turns out to be so powerful, it’s just that he has never been willing to fight.

"Fortunately, Mr. Jiu is willing to stand on our side, otherwise....I'm afraid we will have one more very difficult opponent."

The two of them were secretly rejoicing. Fortunately, Shima Noboru chose to side with humans as an undead creature, otherwise there would be another powerful type of Kig that they needed to deal with.

At this time, Ge Lian couldn't control whether the sword could transform or not. It’s a question, he quickly urged

"sword! Mr. Jiu has created opportunities for us, but we must not waste them!"


The two people quickly joined the battle, one on the left and the other on the right.

Together with the Wolf Spider Undead, they besieged the Big Insect Undead. With the combined strength of the three of them, they could barely suppress it.

That's right, it was just suppression. It’s just a little bit.

It’s definitely not that simple to completely defeat the undead creature."

While the undead creature was dealing with Gren and the sword, the undead Wolf Spider noticed that it was being set free by the undead creature. Get up those cards.

Shoot out spider silk from your palm, stick the card on it, and then pull it over.

Feeling that the cards he had placed disappeared, the undead creature suddenly turned around, only to find that those cards were in the hands of the undead wolf spider.

��You guy..have been trying to take away the card from me from the very beginning!"

Only then did he realize that he......It seemed like he was being played.

Hearing this, the Wolf Spider Undead shook his head and said

"No, I just happened to see it, so I took it over.

These cards don't belong to you, they have better users.

Looking at the Queen in the hand, the pattern on it is a sea snake undead creature.

So that's it, I didn't expect that she had already sealed Lian Geer.


The tarantula undead draws this card and shouts

"Orange! Use this card!"

After saying that, he immediately threw the card to Ge Lian.

Hearing the sound, Ge Lian quickly caught the card thrown over.

When he saw the pattern of the card, he was suddenly shocked.


He has been looking for the undead creature on this card, but he didn't expect it to be here.

Naturally, Leng Lian's voice of surprise was heard by Leng Ge, and he suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

【CategoryQueen..Shouldn’t it be..!】

As a result, in the next second, Ge Lian immediately took out the Awakening Fusion Machine and another card.

Diamond Jack, Fusion Peacock!

Quickly insert the category Queen into the awakening fusion machine and quickly brush the block Jack

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

I saw a golden peacock phantom appearing in front of Ge Lian, and then quickly integrated into Ge Lian's chest.

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