Feeling the power coming from his arm, a flash of surprise flashed in the green eyes of the undead creature.

Obviously, he did not expect that the power that Kenzaki burst out was not weak, which was really unexpected.

Although this burst of power was a little stronger than the other knights, it was only a little bit and not enough to pose a threat.

Leng Ge opened the card box on the right and seemed to be preparing to take out the awakening card and unleash his special move.

Although the undead creature of the big pocket insect has no sense of the so-called special attack, it has no intention of being passively beaten.

"Don't even think about it!"

With a wave of the big sword in the hand of the undead creature, a strange force suddenly attacked Lian Geer.

Facing this powerful force, Lian Geer didn't even have the strength to resist at all. He was stuck in the box. All the awakening cards flew out and fell into the hands of the undead creatures.

"snort! Without the power of the undead, what can you knights do?

Now you understand, there is no way you can seal me with your own abilities."

Putting the card away, the undead creature didn't look at Lenger at all.

Having lost the power of the card, Lenger naturally had no way to continue to borrow the ability of the undead creature. With his strength, at this moment There was nothing he could do.

Except for the Ace card used to transform, all the other cards that Lengere had were taken away.


Leng Geer was very angry.

He had spent a lot of effort to collect so many cards, and now they were all taken away. He couldn't bear it no matter what.

"CategoryKing!! go to hell!"

Lenge burst out in anger and quickly smashed the awakening staff.

Not only did he want to take back his own card, but he also wanted to seal away the undead creatures of the big worm.

But his straight attack, for the undead creatures of the big worm, It makes no sense at all.

In addition, the special setting of Lenge's own knight system will not be enhanced by the user's anger, and the strength that Lenge can exert has almost no improvement.

"too weak!"

The undead creature of the big pocket worm struck the awakening staff with its sword. The extremely powerful force directly knocked Lingle away and knocked down a green tree nearby.

"That rascal!"

Seeing that this guy actually has such an ability, Jian's heart tightened inexplicably. For the knight, if the power of the card is taken away, the strength that can be exerted will be very limited, and he will not even be able to release a powerful special move.

Thinking of this, Jian took the lead in taking out the Jack of Spades and Queen of Spades, and quickly swiped them on the Awakening Fusion Machine on his arm.

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

Transformed into the bodyguard form again, gripped the sword tightly and attacked again.

Kallis and Gelian were also looking for opportunities to attack, and the undead creatures of the big pocket insect showed great ease.

Although the sword in the bodyguard form became stronger Although the gap between them and the undead creatures is still quite large, this battle is destined to be a fierce battle.

At the same time, it is still unclear who will win in the end. Bo Shi's research institute.

Lu Li appeared outside the research institute with Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki.

Looking at the research institute in front of him, Lu Li nodded secretly.

This guy Tianwang Lu Bo Shi is quite secretive, and he actually set up the research institute in this kind of place. The place is usually really hard to find, but now that I have found it, I am not far away from achieving my goal.

"Let's go, I think that guy will be very, very happy to see me coming."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Lu Li walked straight inside.

Chengguang and Miyuki Yoshinaga looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

At this time, in the research institute, Tianwang Lu Hiroshi was currently making the final adjustments to the three-headed dog's awakening card.

The reason for the final adjustment is to ensure that once the three-headed card of hell turns into the undead creature Cerberus, he will obey his orders.

King Lu Hiroshi, who was quietly waiting for the results of the experiment, suddenly heard something. Not good news.

Lu Li is here!

When he heard the news, Tianwang Lu Boshi couldn't sit still.

He never expected that Lu Li would come to him at this critical moment. He thought about what happened yesterday, the undead creature that broke into the research institute.

Originally, he didn't take it too seriously yesterday, thinking it was no big deal.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to his door so quickly.!

The main thing is that Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi has never considered one thing, that is, he is Lu Li's target. If he had known that Lu Li would regard him as a target, Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi would have completely left last night.

I didn't think about this issue at all at first, and naturally I didn't expect that Lu Li would suddenly come to the door at this time.


The Titan was sent out by him, and Experimental Subject F was also hunting for Kenzaki Kazuma. He didn't have it now. What kind of available power?

As for the defense power of the institute itself, in Tianwang Lu Boshi's view, this defense power is basically nothing more than maintaining law and order and not letting ordinary people look away involuntarily. Looking at the three-headed hell dog card on the side, King Lu Boshi suddenly had a very bold idea in his mind.

The experiment should have been completed by now. He did not plan to release Cerberus directly, but planned to use him himself. He is not worried that Cerberus will not listen to him, but he is worried that if he releases Cerberus, what will Lu Li do if he attacks him directly

? The best way to kill someone is to use the hell three-headed dog card to completely fuse yourself with Cerberus once the opponent seizes the opportunity.


Although it sounds a bit crazy, King Lu Boshi had this idea in his mind from the beginning.

If he wanted to control unparalleled power, he must merge with the undead to possess everything. The advantages of undead creatures, and the ability to absorb all the power of undead creatures, will definitely make them more powerful once they are integrated with themselves.

Thinking of this, Tianwang Lu Boshi didn't care so much and directly picked up the three-headed dog card on the side. When the researchers saw this, they were shocked

"Chairman of Tianwang Road! Our adjustments are not complete yet, and there is no guarantee that this guy will listen to you!"

These people were hired by Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi with high salaries, so naturally they have to work hard.

Hearing this, Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi's face suddenly sank.

"It’s almost done. I don’t have the time now. I’ll continue to wait for you to finish it completely. No problem:

God! Although you have only created fifty-three undead creatures, I want to declare again that new undead creatures will be born.

The fifth category Ace!"

Just after finishing speaking, Heavenly King Lu Boshi threw out the card in his hand, and the card was directly inserted into the sealing stone.

When the sealing die came into contact with the card, it was swallowed directly.

The next second, the sealing stone trembled slightly, and bursts of bright light appear on the surface of the stone slab

"God! What do you think?! How do you feel about this undead creature that you didn't create? Can you recognize its existence in 4.6?"

The eyes of Heavenly King Lu Boshi are full of expectations. He doesn't want his experiment to fail.

He has invested too much for this day, and he doesn't want the fifth category Ace he created to be lost.

The sealing slate Weiwei Turning, the next second, a very scary-looking figure appeared in front of the sealing stone. When he saw Cerberus, Heavenly King Lu Boshi already knew that his plan was successful.

The fifty-fourth undead creature he created, the fifth category Ac, was recognized by God!

As soon as it came out, Cerberus looked directly at the researchers, bloodthirsty in his eyes.

Cerberus, who had just been created, was very hungry and needed to be replenished.



"Chairman! help me! ah!"

Accompanied by bursts of painful wails, these researchers soon became silent and were all swallowed up.

Picking up the blank Ace card that fell on the ground again, Tianwang Lu Boshi's heart was filled with excitement at this moment. Confidence.

No matter how powerful Lu Li is, he can't defeat Cerberus as long as he is an undead creature.

What's more, he has already planned to merge with Cerberus.

He is... Cerberus!

After Cerberus devoured these researchers, leaving a mess behind, it returned to King Lu Boshi and did not continue to attack and create his own King Lu Boshi, but stayed there like a loyal dog. Next to him,

Heavenly King Lu Boshi did not find Cerberus scary, but found it very"cute".

The more powerful Cerberus was, the better it was for him. The powerful power!

Chapter 472: King's Battle, Green Jack.Form!

Cerberus will eventually become a part of him and become his power.

Therefore, he naturally feels that Cerberus is nothing. How scary.

Putting the blank Ac card in his hand on Cerberus, Cerberus was directly re-sealed into the card without any resistance.

Seeing this scene, Heavenly King Lu Boshi finally felt at ease.

Only at this time can Cerberus truly become his own power. The reason why he looked so calm just now was not only because of his strong psychological quality, but also because of his being the creator of Cerberus.

I believe that Cerberus will not attack him, just like all the undead creatures will not think of attacking the sealing stone. It is the same truth.

Looking at the three-headed dog card in his hand, Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi's face. A smile broke out on his face.

He already possessed the most powerful power, and now, no one could stop him.

"Ha ha ha ha! Hahaha!"

Inside the research institute.

Due to the intrusion of Lu Li and three others, the entire research institute suddenly sounded an alarm!

The security personnel rushed up immediately, trying to stop the three people from moving forward. Unfortunately, these security personnel were unable to get close, and were immediately beaten. The force flew away.

Along the way, people lying on the ground were wailing.

Facing these wailing sounds, Lu Li didn't stop at all and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, Lu Li felt a familiar feeling. The power of the sealing stone came.

Of course, Lu Li was not unfamiliar with the power of the sealing stone.

After all, it was the sealing stone that sent him into the void space and almost caused him to die in it.

After arriving in the world of knights, he received a fatal threat

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