A bright golden light bloomed from his body, several pairs of wings appeared behind him, and a sharp blade appeared on the tip of the 740 awakening gun in his hand.

When the bright golden light dissipated, Ge Lian appeared in front of everyone wearing golden armor.

Kamen Rider Galen. Bodyguard form!


When he saw that Ge Lian had also transformed into a guard form, Jian Xin was full of surprises. The fact that

Ge Lian became stronger meant that they were more likely to deal with the undead creatures of the Big Bagworm.

Except that they had no feelings. Besides Kalis, there was another person who was very unhappy. This person was naturally Leng Ge.

He had come to his senses and knew very well that the reason why Lian Ge was able to transform into a guard form was because he was the Queen.

He absorbed the sea snake. He was obviously a high-level undead creature that he had sealed, but now he couldn't use it.

If he had known that things would turn out like this, he shouldn't have sealed the sea snake. Undead creature. It

's too late to say this now. Everything has happened. There is no room for turning around.

He doesn't have the card in his hand. What's the point of saying this except watching helplessly ? He couldn't do anything.

Feeling the new strength in his body, Ge Lian was in better condition than ever before, and his combat power was obviously stronger than before.

He noticed that Ge Lian's form changed, but it was the same as the sword's form. The creature is very disdainful

"So what if I become stronger? Your fighting power alone is not enough to seal me.

The strength between Gelian and Jian should be about the same. It is impossible for this power to be able to deal with him.

The battle begins again!

Compared with before, with the Wolf Spider Undead and Gren's bodyguard form, the balance of this battle has gradually tilted.

Under the siege of everyone, the undead creatures of the big pocket worm gradually began to fall into a disadvantage.

The undead creature was very tough-talking before, but now he has no time to speak harshly.

His combat power is not weak, but it has not yet reached the point where he can lose his breath every second.

The main reason is that the undead creatures of the Wolf Spider are restraining them. The movements of the undead creatures of the Big Buckworm are greatly restricted, making it difficult to withstand the double attacks of Jian and Gelian.


The sharp blade of the Awakening Sword directly passed through the chest of the undead creature, and a very obvious mark appeared on the golden armor.

Just as the sword's attack ended, Ge Lian's attack came immediately.

The gun The sharp blade also scratched through the armor of the undead creature.


The body continued to retreat, and the condition of the undead creature was not very good at this time.

On the exquisite golden armor, obvious marks can be seen one after another, all left in the battle.

Even though he has a very hard It's a shield, but it's impossible to withstand every attack with two fists, let alone more than four hands!

Taking advantage of the undead creature's current condition, the sword rushed forward with a strike. The sword stabbed the undead creature in the chest.

PS: Thanks.

-A monthly pass of 18121.!

Chapter 473 Both humans and ghosts are showing off, only Mutsuki is being beaten! The true imperial sword!

Facing the menacing sword, the first reaction of the undead creature was to use its own shield to block it.

Without any hesitation, the undead creature immediately raised its shield


There was a violent sound of metal collision.

But this time, the big undead creature slid out backwards under the violent impact.

The situation with the sword was similar, except that the sword obviously slipped further.

It needs to be replaced. It was an ordinary attack, and it was absolutely impossible for the sword to be so aggressive.

There was something obviously wrong. He lowered the arm holding the shield without any trace, and the undead creature felt his arm feel slightly numb.. Was knocked back?!

There was something about this attack.

He admitted that he seemed to underestimate these Kamen Riders.

Of course, the main point here was that they could still improve. sword

"anyway! I must seal you, absolutely. I cannot let you continue to harm humans!"

The tone is full of determination, and the sword's eyes are full of determination.

The power of belief!

It is precisely because he has such a belief in his heart that he can keep getting stronger and keep fighting.

This belief will support It will help him go further and become stronger in the future.

"Are you kidding? Don't take yourself too seriously. Before he finished speaking, the undead creature suddenly felt weak at its feet.

It was as if the strength of his body had been overdrawn. The continuous battles just now did not cause any harm to him, but it was just accumulated in his body.

Forcibly stabilizing his body, the undead creature felt that something was not quite right about his current state.

However, although his state was a bit wrong, the undead creature of the Great Kabuto tried his best not to show it:

He is the strongest King, how could he lose in this place, at the hands of a group of Kamen Riders!

The subtle changes in the undead creature of the big wolf spider naturally cannot escape the eyes of the undead creature of the wolf spider, so they quickly reminded the two of them.

"Kenzaki! Orange! He is now at the end of his strength! take this opportunity!

Hearing this, Jian and Ge Lian looked at each other, and finally both of them pulled out cards.

The swords are the 2 of spades slashing lizard and the 6 of spades thunder deer.



The ones that are linked together are the Diamond 2 Bullet Armor, the Diamond 4 Swift Woodpecker/Crow and the Diamond 6 Flame Firefly.




Dazzling golden light bloomed on the two men's bodies, bursts of thunder bloomed on the awakening sword, and flames bloomed on the muzzle of the awakening gun.

The wings behind them unfolded at the same time, and the two of them soared into the sky.

Ge Lian's wings frantically absorbed the electricity from the atmosphere, converting it into energy, greatly increasing the destructive power of this fatal attack.


Quickly pull the trigger and shoot the enhanced fire bomb at high speed from high in the air, heading straight towards the undead creature on the ground.

The sword fell sharply from the sky, and the awakening sword in his hand bloomed with the terrifying power of thunder.


The first one to arrive was the flame-enhanced bomb.

Facing the menacing flame-enhanced bomb, the undead creature quickly raised its shield, trying to withstand the next impact.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Each fire-enhanced bomb carried a very terrifying power, and the shield of the undead creature actually blocked it.

However, due to the continuous impact and the accumulation of previous battles, cracks appeared on the shield..

The sword's final blow has arrived!

The sword fell from the sky with a terrifying force of thunder.

Facing this blow, a bad feeling suddenly arose in the heart of the undead creature.


When he used the shield to resist again, the thunder-filled sword exploded into several pieces the moment it came into contact with the shield.


A sword directly passed through the middle of his chest. The undead creature was still a little unresponsive at this time. Why didn't he block it?


The big sword in his hand fell to the ground, and the body of the undead creature swayed. It seemed that it was no longer able to survive.

"How can it be?!"

Feeling that his current state was extremely poor, the undead creature felt incredible.

Why is this happening?

He never thought that he would lose. He lost to Lu Li before, maybe just because he hadn't fought seriously for too long.

But now, he was defeated by a group of knights.

Although there was a type of King involved, it shouldn't be like this. The crumbling body of the undead creature wanted to hold on.

Don't fall down.

But Jian and Jushuo can't let him escape this time. This time, they missed the perfect sealing opportunity. It's not too difficult to defeat the undead creature again.

Jian rolled up and rushed forward. He picked up the big sword dropped by the undead creature.

He took the big sword and used the two-sword style to attack the undead creature even more violently.

"Clang! Pila!",!"

A series of crazy attacks drove the undead creatures back again and again. Finally, their feet gave way and they knelt on the ground on one knee.

Seeing that the sword was so powerful, it completely suppressed the undead creature, leaving the opponent with no chance to counterattack.

Ge Lian also planned to help, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

Throwing away the big sword in his hand, he jumped up with a sharp sword, holding the awakening sword with both hands, and slashed at the undead creature of the big pocket insect from top to bottom.


Mars flew, and the golden armor on the chest of the undead creature was cut open directly.


After this blow, the undead creature was no longer even weak.

Falling weakly behind him, a strong unwillingness flashed in the green eyes of the undead creature.

He obviously wanted to fight Lu Li, and he didn't have any regrets when he lost in the end.

But the result was completely different from what he thought. He was inexplicably lost to a group of knights created by humans.

Until now, he still hasn't realized how he lost.

Even though he was very unwilling, he no longer had any power to resist.

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