"The first extreme battle? The second extreme battle? How many extreme battles have you started?!"

Roughing his hair vigorously, Kenzaki Kazuma felt that his whole head was now big.

Seeing his distressed look, Shima Noboru shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"There should be only two times, otherwise it’s hard to say whether humans will be the masters of this earth.

However, at the end of the first extreme battle, although Lu Li won, something must have happened.

This led to the second extreme battle, and that’s how I became."

Shima Noboru analyzed all this very simply and clearly.

If Lu Li were here, he would definitely applaud Shima Noboru. He actually analyzed everything correctly and there was nothing major wrong with it.

Of course, what happened in the end of the first extreme battle? Shima Noboru could never guess what happened, mainly because he didn't have any clues about it.

His eyebrows were furrowed and his face was quite serious.

"So what should we do now? If Lu Li is really the winner of the first extreme battle and has all the undead creatures (bb), he must be very difficult to deal with.

Is it really possible to win if we fight him?"

This is not to inflate others' ambitions and destroy one's own prestige, but to objectively state a fact.

It is indeed a problem they must face in the future, how to deal with Lu Li.

Suddenly, Hirose Shiori thought of a possibility, bold Guess

"Do you think there is a possibility that Lu Li could be a human undead creature in the first extreme battle?

Of course, this is just my guess and there is no evidence.

Although it is just a hypothesis, if it comes true, humanity will not be destroyed in the end because the winner is Lu Li.

It's just a hypothetical guess, and it has not been confirmed at all.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but the aura on Lu Li's body is very strange, and it is impossible to determine which undead creature he is."

Even Shima Noboru couldn't recognize what kind of undead creature Lu Li was. It was a completely unseen type.

Up to now, we still haven't found any way to resist or even deal with Lu Li.

The existence of this guy Lu Li, From Tachibana Sakuya's point of view, it was really a bit tricky for

Lu Li.

After the battle, Lu Li went directly back to find Shiro Miyuki and Yoshinaga Miyuki.

Although they did not go to the scene, they were able to do so. Feel the breath of an undead creature.

The breath released by a very powerful undead creature makes both of them feel frightened.

The only thing that can release such a powerful breath is a type of undead creature. Look!

By the time Lu Li came back with a relaxed look on his face, the two of them already knew the outcome of this battle.

"Lu Li, who is the type King you met?"

Although Cheng Guang has met Ming Sheng now, he can be very sure that the Kig Lu Li met this time is not Ming Sheng.

After hearing this, Lu Li did not hide it and directly named the identity of the King of Spades.

"Great undead creature"

"It's that guy!"

Miyuki Yoshinaga suddenly exclaimed,"

I think she must have known about Kig during the extreme challenge 10,000 years ago.

"I didn't expect it to be him. This guy is very strong. I didn't expect that he wasn't even your opponent."

Knowing that it was difficult for Lu Li to defeat Spade Kig, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt surprised and at the same time took it for granted.

The powerful strength Lu Li had shown before was enough to crush all the undead creatures.

It's just that Spade Kig's power is deeply rooted in people's hearts, Yoshinaga Only then did Miyuki feel surprised

"Did you seal that guy away?"

Cheng Guang is even more curious. Since Lu Li defeated Spade Kig, will he seal the opponent?

If sealed, it means that there is one less powerful opponent.

Her current power has far exceeded that of ordinary high-level immortals. Creatures.

The only high-level undead creature that she can take into consideration is the strongest type of Kig.

But there are only four types of Kig in total. Excluding Ming Sheng who is unwilling to fight, there are only three left. Among the three types of kings, one of them has not been unsealed, so there are only two types of kings left.

With such a rare opponent, Chengguang naturally does not want them to be sealed directly, and even wants to fight them. Field.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I didn't seal him. Let the Kamen Riders do the sealing. I'm not very interested in their power."

If it were the ultimate battle ten thousand years ago, Lu Li would have sealed the undead creatures he defeated without hesitation.

But it's different now. Lu Li has gained a lot of power and no longer needs one or two awakening cards. Power.

After all, the power of the awakening card comes from the sealing slate. Even if he gets a duplicate card, it will not improve himself much.

When he learned that Spade Kig was not sealed, Cheng Guang showed a smile. As long as the opponent is not sealed

, she has a chance to fight the opponent.

The 10 Scarab Undead creature should have been sealed. If she wants to blame it, she can only blame the guy's bad luck for sending it. In front of Lu Li, another undead creature was sealed, which meant that this extreme battle had taken another step. I don't know what happened to the spider undead creature. If nothing else happened, it would have completely devoured Uejo Mutsuki.

It should be almost done.

As a high school student with a weak mind, and with a relatively weak character, the undead spider creature's control over him became even stronger this time.

This time, Lu Li was a little late. I didn't see Kamijo Mutsuki, otherwise I could tell what Kamijo Mutsuki's current condition was.

The next day,

Daichi, who was injured in the previous battle and lost to Shiro Hikaru, was venting his anger. As an undead creature, he is wreaking havoc everywhere.

He wants to defeat all the Kamen Riders, so that without these eyesores, he will not be blocked even if he is injured or loses.

As for whether these Kamen Riders will be banned. He didn't worry about it at all.

Don't the Kamen Riders like to protect humans?

They were wreaking havoc in the city. It was impossible for them not to come.

Tachibana Shuo happened to be away for something, and Kenzaki Kazuma rushed to the destination as soon as possible.

Before leaving, Shima Noboru specially reminded Kazuma Kenzaki to be careful.

Today's elephant undead creature has a very bad temper, and you may be injured by him if you are not careful. When they arrived at their destination, the elephant undead immediately stopped destroying them.

They thought they could attract several Kamen Riders this time, but unexpectedly only one came.

"snort! Are you the only one coming? You really underestimate me!"

The elephant undead creature has some faint marks on its body, which are left over from previous injuries.

Although the scars have healed, they have left indelible traces in his heart. He lost to Cheng Guang.

Always. The elephant undead creature, which claims to be a powerful undead creature, was defeated by another advanced undead creature. It was a big blow to him.

"I alone am enough!"

Kazaki Kazuma immediately took out his knight's belt buckle and transformed.



After passing through the blue light curtain, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly broke out into a fierce battle with the elephant undead creature.

But just after the battle started, the sword was directly crushed by a unilateral force.

The power of the elephant undead creature was too strong, and the sword relied on it. He couldn't resist the heavy blows with his own strength, and he was beaten very badly.

"This guy... is so powerful?!"

Fortunately, I have dealt with the undead creatures of the big pocket insect before. Although Jian was a little embarrassed after being beaten, he was still able to deal with it. But if he wanted to win from the opponent, it was difficult for him to do so.

Just when the two of them were fighting happily When he was dripping wet, a green figure suddenly joined the battlefield.

It was Sai Q who came to fight Lianger!

There was a high-level undead creature, and Lianger certainly couldn't sit still and wait for death. You can have more powerful power. Naturally, you can’t miss this time.


Seeing Leng Ge join the battle, the sword was not sure at this time. Who is controlling Lian Ge.

Leng Ge ignored the sword at all and wholeheartedly attacked the elephant undead creature.

See the opponent Kenshin already knew his attitude towards him. It was the evil will of the spider undead that was controlling Lenge at this time.

Sure enough, since the last incident, Kamijo Mutsuki had been almost completely succumbed to the evil of the spider undead. The will was swallowed up.

In the middle, Tachibana Saku also went out to look for Kamijo Mutsuki, but he couldn't even find him.

From this, it can be seen that the other person has been far away from human life, at least far away from the life he is familiar with.

Under the constant control of the spider undead, Lian Geer's combat effectiveness was indeed much stronger.

Facing the elephant undead, Lian Ge was able to fight fiercely with the opponent without being repelled by the elephant undead. When the hammer hit Lenger, he suddenly took out a card and quickly swiped it across the end of the awakening staff.


4 of Hearts Floating Dragonfly!

With the help of the power of the floating dragonfly, Lian Geer jumped up and flew directly, avoiding the powerful blow.


When he saw the card that originally belonged to Hajime Aikawa and the possibility that Leng Geer was injured, Tsurugi was shocked.

Now he finally understood why Aikawa Hajime was so uncomfortable. It turned out that all the cards in his hand were taken away.

Not only was it snatched away, but the sword was also snatched away by Leng Ge. After learning about this situation, an unknown anger suddenly arose in his heart, even though he knew Lian Ge was a spider undead creature. Under the control, but still feeling angry, he immediately took out the awakening fusion machine, and the sword took out the spade Jack and the spade Queen.

"Absorb.Queen! FusionJack!

The golden vulture phantom blended into the knight's armor, and the silver-white armor suddenly turned into gold.

Kamen Rider Sword. Guard Form!

Switch to the sword form of the guard and rush towards the elephant undead creature quickly!

The most important thing now is to get rid of this big guy first, and then find a way to get back the awakening card in Lenger's hand.

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