Not far from the battlefield, Lu Li stared at Liang Geer.

Lu Li had been paying attention to Lian Ge since he appeared.

Sure enough, this kid has almost been completely swallowed up by the evil will of the undead spider creature, and it is difficult to regain control of his body.

The will itself is not strong enough, but he still wants to be eroded by the will of the spider undead creature, which is completely self-inflicted.

Cheng Guang obviously noticed this, folded his hands on his chest, shook his head and said

"That guy probably has no way to regain control of his body. If you want to blame him, blame him for being too greedy. He obviously doesn't have a strong will, but he still wants to use powerful power. He is unlucky."

Chapter 460: How come there is a new form?! Eyes are burning, awakening!

From Shiroko's point of view, Kamijo Mutsuki, who has been almost devoured, has no possibility of regaining control of his body.

As time goes by As time goes by, his remaining will will gradually be swallowed up, and finally he will be completely integrated into the spider.���into the will of the undead.

By that time, Mutsuki Kamijo will completely become part of the spider undead.

But this has nothing to do with Shiromitsu, she doesn't care what happens to Mutsuki Kamijo at all.

He's just a human imp, what does it have to do with her?

The only thing she was curious about was that after the undead spider's will completely swallowed up Mutsuki Kamijo's will, would it be considered a human being or an undead creature?

This makes people very curious, how will it be calculated?

Miyuki Yoshinaga did not look at Lengere. She was not very interested in Lengere. Instead, she was more interested in the elephant undead creature.

"Why are you all paying attention to that kid? I am paying more attention to that guy. Facing two Kamen Riders, with his strength, he should be able to win~"

In terms of combat power alone, what Miyuki Yoshinaga knows about the elephant undead is Among the undead creatures, it is definitely among the best!

This kind of existence should not be defeated by the two masked knights.

Although the elephant undead creature was injured by Cheng Guang before, it should not be too serious to deal with the fake ones. The Masked Knight should be at your fingertips

"This is hard to say."

Lu Li doesn't think so.

If it is a normal battle, the probability of the elephant undead creature winning is almost more than 90%.

This premise is that the sword will not be in a state of anger or awakening.

Once entered In these two states, the sword's strength will explode significantly.

At that time, it's hard to say who will win. As for Lenge

, this guy is just like that.

Speaking of which, when it comes to fighting, there is only so much strength that can be exerted.

The battle continues.

The sword in the form of a guard has indeed improved, but it is still not enough to face the elephant undead.

It's just that the flight ability and agility improvement brought by the fusion of the vulture, as well as the stronger defense power, prevented the sword from being so embarrassed. This was the first time that Leng Ge saw the sword transformed into a guard form, and he was very worried. He was shocked.

It turned out that the knight could become stronger, not just in his initial form.

His eyes couldn't help but focus on the awakening fusion machine on the left arm of the sword. A flash of fire flashed in Lenger's eyes.

If he could get this. Does it mean that he can become more powerful?

However, he also noticed just now that when the sword used this item, it used the category Jack and the category Queen.

Currently, he only has one on hand.

The problem is that this type of Jck comes from Hajime Aikawa. The card does not match his suit and I am afraid he cannot use it.

If he wants to change into a stronger form, he must have the corresponding type Jack and type Queen. That's it.

Thinking of this, he became more determined to seal the elephant undead creature.

Only by sealing it could he obtain new cards.

Facing the very agile sword, the elephant undead creature appeared to be weak. Very passive.

If it weren't for his strong defense, the sword might have already broken through the defense.

When the sword rushed over again, the elephant undead creature did not swing the hammer in his hand to attack like before.

The elephant trunk needle hanging behind his left leg sent out an extremely swift thrust.


I didn't expect this guy to have such a quick attack method. The sword was caught off guard. He didn't even have a chance to resist. He was hit continuously and fell directly from the air.


The sword that fell down in embarrassment couldn't help shouting in pain.

"Give up, you have no chance of winning, and you can't seal me."

The elephant undead creature is approaching step by step, and every step seems to be stepping on the sword's heart.

"Can I really not win against him?"

Jiang was very unwilling. It was the opponent's strong strength that made him feel weak.

His own attacks could not even hurt the opponent. How should he fight in this situation?

At this time, Jian suddenly recalled the previous time in his mind. What Sheng once said to him!

"Kenzaki, you regard fighting as your mission or obligation in your heart, but this will not make you stronger.

What is truly powerful is that what drives your physical actions is not an obligation or a mission, but a heart that wants to protect mankind.

You love humanity, so you keep fighting, and it is precisely because of this belief that you keep getting stronger.

These words echoed in his ears, and Jian suddenly felt enlightened.

When he was fighting before, he never thought about why he was fighting.

Even after hearing what Ming Sheng said, he didn't have any deep feelings.

But when he thought of those people harmed by the elephant undead creature's previous destruction, he felt very angry in his heart:

"I see! Mr. Shima, I am not fighting because of my duty or mission, but because I want to protect what I love.......people!"

The shackles in his heart seemed to be opened. If you observe with instruments, you will find that the fusion coefficient of the sword has increased rapidly at this time.

Lu Li suddenly narrowed his eyes when he noticed the changes in the sword.

"Sure enough, this guy finally came to his senses."

Even though he had thought that such a situation would happen at the beginning, Lu Li felt a little surprised.

After all, there was no situation where a little girl was attacked here. This guy didn't know what he thought of, but he suddenly realized it. The sword suddenly became firm, and its fusion coefficient was rapidly increasing.

The elephant undead creature noticed the change in the sword and was disapproving.

In his opinion, even if the momentum of the sword changed, it would not be his opponent. His battle is the best proof.....Enough to crush a sword!

Waving the hammer in his hand, the elephant undead creature quickly rushed forward and smashed it down with all its strength.

The sword with a firm belief in his heart has a huge difference in combat effectiveness at this time and just now.

The moment the hammer was about to hit him, he quickly stepped forward to block the arm of the undead elephant, causing his heavy hammer blow to miss.

The awakening sword in his hand thrust out quickly and hit the thick armor of the elephant undead creature.


With the flying sparks, the elephant undead creature felt as if it had been hit by a huge force, and its body couldn't stop retreating.

The hammer in its hand fell aside.

What happened?!

It was suddenly hit Unprepared, the elephant undead creature's eyes were full of shock. Why couldn't he crush this Kamen Rider? He didn't believe this evil in his heart. At this time

, the elephant undead creature ignored the hammer that fell aside and raised his fist to hit it.

The combat power of the sword at this moment was greatly different from before.

The subsequent series of attacks directly frustrated the elephant undead creature.


Another sword slashed at his chest, and the elephant undead creature was knocked to the ground on the spot.

Until now, he has not recovered. How did he get beaten in such a mess?

After repeated setbacks, let There were many scars on his body

"This...what kind of power is this?!"

Until now, the elephant undead creature has not figured out why the sword can burst out with such powerful power. It obviously looks the same as before, but its power has undergone such a major change.

It is incomprehensible!

See it with your own eyes Liang Geer, who witnessed all this, was also greatly shocked.

"This. Is this the new power?"

Clenching his fists tightly, Lian Ge also wanted to gain this power.

At least from Lian Ge's perspective, the reason why the sword can become so powerful is entirely because the new equipment is not at all Because of enlightenment and the like.

If you can get that equipment and get the category Jack and Queen at the same time, you can still exert this power, and the power you exert will be even stronger.

This battle will basically be over. , The elephant undead creature has no chance to defeat the sword now.

If this guy didn't procrastinate and could kill him directly before the sword awakens, maybe it won't be like this.

Let's wait for the end. The fate of the undead creature is to be sealed.

Quickly draw two cards and swipe them from the Awakening Sword.



The slashing lizard of the 2 of spades and the thunder deer of the 6 of spades!

The false name of the card is directly integrated into the awakening sword in the hand. The golden armor on the body blooms with dazzling golden light, and the wings behind him suddenly spread out.

The sword is shining with golden light. , looked even more powerful under the blue thunder.

With the help of its wings, the sword quickly rushed towards the elephant undead creature.

The elephant undead creature was obviously frightened when he saw this scene. He could feel the terrifying momentum emanating from the sword and subconsciously took two steps back. This was an action that the undead elephant would never do before.

It passed by him like a bolt of lightning, and then quickly turned back. A terrifying slash from the sky,


A dazzling light flashed from the awakening sword.

In panic, the undead creature instinctively tried to block the slash with its arms! The special killing move performed by the sword at this moment is obviously not something he can resist.


The awakening sword bloomed with dazzling lightning and instantly slid across the body of the elephant undead creature.


With his screams, the elephant undead creature lay helplessly on the ground.

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