But seeing Amane looking frightened, Torataro Shirai walked over and whispered:

"Tianyin, are you okay? How about I take care of him instead?"

After coming back to his senses, Kurihara Amane looked up at Shirai Torataro and shook his head vigorously.

"no! Torataro, I want to take care of Hajime by myself. I still see Hajime in such pain all the time. I must cure him."

As he said that, he covered Aikawa Hajime's head with the wet towel in his hand and carefully guarded him.

Seeing Kurihara Amane's insistence, Shirai Torataro opened his mouth and finally gave up.

He knew that his niece was a What kind of character can't be persuaded? Sometimes he is very stubborn.

But after confirming that Aikawa Hajime would not hurt Amane, Shirai Torataro quietly left the room and went outside to help his sister clean up. Coffee shop.

At this time, in a certain bar,

Mutsuki returned to the simplest place. He felt that he was not in a good mood at the moment.

Although he failed to seal Joker, he succeeded in grabbing a lot of cards.

Almost all of the cards are on his side. The next time he finds a chance to seal Joker, it will be perfect.

Cheng Antan is very reluctant to play with the cards in his hand. This time, it will be just a little bit closer!

In a little time, there is a chance to successfully seal Joker.

Not only can he avenge his seal 10,000 years ago, but he can also eliminate a huge threat.

But he didn't expect that a Kig would suddenly appear, and the opponent would appear. There were scarab undead creatures around her, it was too tricky!

Facing the scarab beetle undead creatures with the ability to pause time, even she couldn't achieve the final result, but at least she got Joker= in her hands. With a large number of awakening cards, Jokerz will not be a hindrance for the time being.

Next, we will think of other ways to find a suitable opportunity to completely eliminate Jokr to avoid future troubles.

In any case, Jokr seal must be added, otherwise this extreme battle will take place. There was no peace.

A hand was stretched out in front of Cheng Antan, and Kamijo Mutsuki's voice sounded.

"、~Give me the card. Even if you have this thing in your hand, it won't be of much use."

Cheng Antan, who was playing with the card, suddenly glanced at him unhappily.

The card was in his hand, and this guy asked for it. What did he think he was?

Although he couldn't use the card for the time being, he didn't The representative card is useless to you.

"We have a cooperative relationship, but it doesn't mean that I am taking orders from you. Please understand this.

Although I can't use the card, you have to pay a price if you want to take it from me."

In her opinion, the two parties are just a cooperative relationship at best, and it does not mean who takes orders from the other.

If there is a fight, it is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

"I have promised you to help you eliminate Jokr. The cooperation is still valid, but you must give these cards to me."

Kamijo Mutsuki is also not the one who suffers.

After finally getting so many awakening cards, how could he let them go so easily.

He took a deep look at Kamijo Mutsuki. At present, he is the only one he can cooperate with. He wants to find someone else. It is impossible to cooperate with him for the time being.

To deal with Joker, Mutsuki Kamijo's power is indispensable. Thinking of this, Cheng Antan glanced at the card and finally slapped his hands on the table.

The cards are all placed on the table

"I can give you anything, but don't forget what you said, you must help me deal with Jokr."

Seeing her hand over the card on her own initiative, a smile appeared on Mutsuki Kamijo's face.

"Of course there is no problem with this. Jokerl is also my goal. I want to compare it with other powers."

Even if Cheng Antan didn't say anything, Kamijo Mutsuki would not let Joker go.

The power released by the other party made him very envious. If he could use this power for his own use, he must be very strong.

Take it from the table Picking up the card, the first card was the Heart Ac, which officially sealed the Mantis Undead creature.

Apart from the 2 of Hearts, Joker now had no cards available in his hand.

Uejo Mutsuki was ready to find a suitable opportunity and directly use it. Just seal the Joker

(Wang Qian's) This process has just been fought, and there is no suitable opportunity yet, so we can only wait until later.

Seeing Kamijo Mutsuki directly taking away all the cards, Cheng Antan felt unhappy in his heart, but he didn't say anything more.

Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo also returned to the farm.

As soon as they returned, the two received news from Hirose Shiori, saying that Mr. Shima wanted to talk to them about something and asked them to go to the lawn outside.

The three of them came to the lawn together.

On the lawn outside the villa, Shima Noboru was already waiting for them.

Playing with the bird/nai sparrow in the cage, Shima Noboru knew that the three of them were coming without looking back.

"It seems that this time your battle is not going particularly smoothly."

Although Shima Noboru didn't see what the battlefield was like with his own eyes, he already knew what happened in this battle through the rumors.

First it was the scarab undead creature with special abilities, and then there was the Kig type with terrifying strength.

No matter which opponent it was, they were all Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo couldn't handle it.

If it weren't for Lu Li suddenly running in and intervening in this matter, they would probably be in trouble now.

Lu Li said it was their lifesaver. It's not an exaggeration to be a benefactor.

Of course, Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo obviously don't think so.

After all, Lu Li does everything based on his mood, and he doesn't go there to save the two of them, but to be able to. Just fighting against Category Kig.

At best, it can only be said that they were lucky and just happened to be rescued.

Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't wait to say Gu.

"Mr. Ming, we saw that Lu Li also transformed into a sword, and also used the more powerful Kig.Form."

Of course Shima Noboru also knows about this matter, but he still hasn't figured out what the specific situation is.

It's mysterious!

This is his evaluation of Lu Li.

Not only is he powerful, but he also has more than fifty-three immortal cards. Other cards of creatures.

PS: Thanks to

Lone Eagle for his 100 VIP points, monthly tickets and update tickets!

Chapter 459? More than one extreme battle!

Not only can you use cards to transform, but also There must be something wrong with being able to use Kig.Form.

The aura on the other party was very strange. Shima Noboru had already determined this when he met Lu Li before.

After some speculation, he came up with an order. The answer was very surprising.

Putting down the bird/crow in his hand, Shima Noboru looked up at the two of them.

They were slightly injured in the previous battle, but they were not serious.

"Regarding Lu Li, I now have a very bold guess, but of course this guess is not necessarily correct.

But according to my speculation, this possibility should be greater than 80%.

For such a long time, Shima Noboru has been thinking about where Lu Li comes from.

Why is it an odd number, and it also has another set of undead cards.

Taking all the reasons into consideration, a very surprising conclusion can be drawn.

Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma looked at each other, and they quickly asked

"Mr. Shima, what is it?!"

They eagerly want to know the answer, and also want to know who the opponent they face is Lu Li.

"The winner of the first extreme battle!

Shima Noboru gave such an answer.

When they first heard this answer, not only the two of them, but also Hirose Shiori on the side looked confused.

The three of them were completely confused and didn't quite understand what the words"Victor of the First Extreme Battle" meant.

Shouldn't the winner of the extreme battle be the human undead?

Suddenly, Tachibana Shuo's eyes lit up, and he discovered the key point of what Shima Noboru just said.

It's the first time!

Raising his head suddenly, Tachibana Saku also stared at Shimabubo and asked.

"Mr. Ming, according to what you just said, the extreme battle may not have only started once, but maybe twice?!"

Tachibana Sakuya's reaction was indeed very fast and he found the problem right away.

When they heard the answer, Hirose Shiori and Kenzaki Kazuma both showed shocked expressions.


They couldn't understand why there was suddenly a first extreme battle and a second extreme battle.

Weiwei took the lead, and Shima Noboru recognized Tachibana Sakuya's answer.

"What Tachibana just said is right, maybe before the extreme battle I participated in, there was another extreme battle.

It's just that I don't know when the extreme battle started, but Lu Li definitely won that extreme battle.

As for what happened after that, I can't guess.

It can be explained quite clearly why Lu Li had the corresponding card in his hand.

That was the first set of cards, and what you are using now is the second set of cards."

After such an explanation, and then connecting the things, it seems that it can indeed be explained.

Lu Li has another set of cards besides the awakening cards they use, and he can also directly transform into their respective forms and use the corresponding Strength, or even King.Form.

If there were two extreme battles, and Lu Li was the winner of one of them, then everything would correspond.

It’s just that I don’t know in what capacity Lu Li participated in the second one. What kind of undead creature will it be in an extreme battle?

There is another question that cannot be explained. As the winner of the extreme battle, all creatures will prosper.

It will be destroyed. According to this

, no matter which race it is, something must have happened in the end, and then the second extreme battle will happen.

That's not what Shima Noboru can dig out. He scratched his head vigorously, and Kenzaki Kazuma felt very distressed.

Things seemed to be getting more and more complicated, and of course, he couldn't understand it for a while. It's not that I didn't understand it at all.

At least I knew that the card in Lu Li's hand should be different from the card they held. It suddenly became a bit confusing, and it was obviously not suitable for someone like Kazuma Kenzaki. guy

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