
The golden spade 2 cuts the lizard, and the golden black head 6 thunder deer!

Put the two cards into the reawakening sword, and the golden sword is shrouded in golden thunder.

One golden arc after another is released crazily, There was a crackle in the air around him.


A burst of bright golden light burst out from his body, and Lu Li fiercely swung the Awakening Sword in his hand.


The undead creature felt an extremely powerful aura of destruction coming, and the golden thunder seemed to be paralyzing his body.

The original idea of launching an attack disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he immediately raised his left arm shield, and at the same time place the sword across the front of the shield


A dull collision sound sounded, and the big sword wrapped in golden thunder directly penetrated the defense of the big sword and shield.


The terrifying power instantly blasted away the undead creature.

Following a burst of screams from the undead creature, his body disappeared from Lu Li's sight.

Lu Li didn't know exactly where he was hit. Yes. However

, he was showing mercy.

Otherwise, the situation of the undead creature would have been even worse.

After all, Lu Li had only used the power of two Awakening cards.

Or a royal flush, I'm afraid the undead creature has been defeated. PS: Thank you for your support!

Chapter 458: Where is my King.

Form? The battle is over!

Jian and Gelian witnessed this battle, and were extremely shocked.

The powerful power of King.

Form gave them a deep sense of powerlessness, unless they could also transform into King.


There is no chance to challenge Lu Li's King.


The conditions for use must be King.

But they have just seen the incomparable power of the undead creature.

How can they defeat the opponent and get the corresponding card? ? Without the King category, how can we use King.

Form? This feels like an endless loop.

There is no way to solve it.

The reunion with his old friend Spades Kig has ended"happily".

Xiang Jian and Ge Lian took the initiative to cancel the transformation.

After seeing their own strength again, Lu Li was sure that they would not have any thoughts of attacking him now, and they could not even deal with the undead creatures.

How could they possibly deal with Lu Li? If they rushed forward at this time, they would definitely not do it unless they really couldn't figure it out.

"Become stronger quickly. You should have seen the power of King.Form.

I look forward to your being able to transform into your strongest form. When the time comes, we will fight again."

After saying that, Lu Li turned around and left. He had no thoughts about them at all.

Watching Lu Li gradually go away, Jian and Ge Lian finally relaxed, as if a huge stone had been pressed on their hearts just now.

"Land from....Coupled with the power used, it is indeed King.Form!

Since I have already admitted it, there is nothing to doubt.

They had considered this before, but it was mostly speculation, and now it's only been fully confirmed.

And there was no need for Lu Li to deceive them.

"Category King..King.Form..Sword.

Recalling that the large undead creature that was able to overwhelm them just now, it actually didn't have much power to resist in Lu Li's hands.

King.Form's power is so powerful. If he can use this power, he might really have a chance to fight against Lu Li.

But the problem now is that he can't even deal with the category Kig. How to get this most critical card?

Sword, who didn't know how to solve this problem for the moment, stood up and noticed the dent made by the scarab undead creature before.

At this time, the scarab undead creature was still lying inside, but this guy was obviously not in good condition.

The belt buckle at the waist has been opened, revealing the symbol inside, 10 of spades!

Jian took out a blank card and threw it directly at the Scarab Undead.

Successfully seals 10 of spades scarab undead.

This also means that Jian has currently collected undead creatures from other spades series except Kig.

As long as you can seal off the last category King, you can also use King.Form!

Looking at the time scarab in his hand, Jian made up his mind that there must be a seal to seal the undead creature.

It is a pity that the undead creature's current condition was probably not very good. After all, Lu Li had just given him a lesson. How could his condition be any better?

But it seems impossible to find that guy at the moment.

As long as there is no active release of the undead creature's breath and no battle, it is impossible to find the other party.

Afterwards, Kazuma Kenzaki and Tachibana Shuo did not stay here any longer and drove away on their motorcycle.

At the foot of a hillside far away from the place where they just fought, Spade Kig, wearing red clothes, was lying on the ground in a panic.

The yellow hair on his head looked very messy, and he was staring straight at the blue sky, slightly absent-minded.

"lost....I actually...lost.....

Whether it was the extreme battle ten thousand years ago or his resurrection from now on, he never thought that he would lose to other undead creatures head-on.

You must know that even when Jokeri is at his strongest, Spades Kig can still compete with his opponent and not necessarily lose.

However, this time, he actually lost to that man head-on, that undead creature whose true identity was still unknown.

He was saying before that no one could defeat him, and no one could seal him.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

He will also lose and be sealed!

However, the defeat in this battle was not enough to make Spade Kig lose his fighting spirit. On the contrary, it aroused the competitive spirit in his heart.

He may not care about winning the extreme battle, but he cares very much about his own victory or defeat.

"Lu Li, I remember you! Next time we meet, I will definitely defeat you~!"

He grabbed the weeds next to him and uprooted them.

If Spade Kig was just joking before, now he is completely serious.

Standing up again, Spade Kig noticed that there was a wound on his right arm, and green blood was constantly overflowing.

Although the wound was very painful, there was a smile on his face, which looked quite strange.

The other side.

Outside the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

Having lost all the heart cards except the 2 heart card, Aikawa Hajime took Kurihara Amane away directly after transforming into Jokr form.

Before returning to the coffee shop, he changed back into his human form and dragged his tired body back bit by bit with Kurihara Amane.

After handing Kurihara Amane to Kurihara Haruka, he hid alone in the room on the first floor.

At this time, Aikawa Hajime didn't look very good. He was sweating profusely and his face was quite ferocious, as if he was suppressing something crazily.


He is frantically suppressing Joker's wild nature.

Previously, the wildness was suppressed and humanity was created with the help of the 2 of Hearts card, and then the wildness was further suppressed with the help of other undead cards of the Heart series.

The result was very good, he successfully suppressed the wild nature, mainly human nature.

However, now that he has lost these cards, the wildness in his heart can no longer be suppressed.

The remaining humanity is fighting against the wildness in his heart, trying to suppress it again.

But without other cards, it's impossible to do all this.

The human side of him doesn't want to go back to his wild self. He wants to stay in his current state and protect the mother and daughter.

He used his humanity to control his wild nature, but it was very uncomfortable. Now he couldn't even fight.

If a battle breaks out at this time, it is even possible to unleash your inner ambition and become Jokr again.

Kurihara Haruka heard the noise coming from below and rushed down immediately.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Hajime Aikawa lying on the ground with a painful look on his face.

He was immediately startled, and quickly helped him to the bed, and immediately called and told Shirai Torataro the news.


When he heard the news, Shirai Torataro didn't have time to think so much and hurriedly drove to the coffee shop.

Mainly because he was worried that Aikawa Hajime would be harmful to his sister and Tianyin, even though he already believed that Aikawa Hajime would not do such a thing.

But no matter what, it was too dangerous for us to take care of my sister and Tianyin there, so he felt that he should still go there.

Not long after, Torataro Shirai finally arrived at the coffee shop.

Since Aikawa Hajime was not in good condition, Kurihara Haruka deliberately closed the coffee shop.

As soon as he entered the coffee shop, Shirai Torataro saw Kurihara Haruka who was clearing the tables and chairs, and quickly asked

"elder sister! How's that guy doing?"

Hearing this, Kurihara Haruka pointed downstairs.

"Tianyin is currently taking care of him down there, but this is the first time I've seen Hajime look so uncomfortable. The situation doesn't seem to be good."

With no time to think so much, Shirai Torataro hurriedly came to the room on the first floor. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Aikawa Hajime who was in the room at this time, looking like he had been in pain for a year.

The person taking care of him next to him was Kurihara. Tianyin.

Wet the towel again and was about to put it on Aikawa Hajime's forehead, when

Aikawa Hajime suddenly shouted loudly with a look of pain on his face.

"Do not touch me!"

Suddenly being scolded, Kurihara Amane was startled and took two steps back unconsciously.

Her eyes were full of worry. This was the first time she saw Hajime who was so uncomfortable.

As if she noticed something, Aikawa Hajime opened his eyes with difficulty. I opened my eyes and noticed Kurihara Amane beside the bed.

"A trace of apology flashed in Tianyin's eyes. He wanted to say something else, but he soon fell into unconsciousness.

Once he fell into that nightmare and continued to fight against Jokr's wild nature.

Shirai Torataro, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, finally felt relieved.

He also truly believed that Hajime Aikawa would not harm Tianyin and his sister.

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