Can he stop himself?!

The awakening device appeared on the waist, and the memory took out a golden awakening card.


When he saw the Awakening Device, the undead creature was extremely shocked.

"Joker?!" He couldn't help but spit out this word.

He really couldn't understand. He had already seen Joker just now, and he knew very clearly that Jokr was not the guy in front of him.

But why, the guy in front of him could have an awakening device that was very similar to Jokr..

How could this happen?!

For a moment, the undead creature was completely confused, and he even wondered if there was something wrong with his own cognition.

Could it be that all the undead creatures knew it ? There are thirteen undead creatures, and there is only one Jokr, who is called the last trump card.

However, now, another guy with an awakener similar to Jokr appears, which has to make the big worm undead creatures suspicious.

"Hey, I'm not the Jokr you said, it's just that my power is a little bit special."


While speaking, Lu Li casually swiped the awakening card in his hand through the awakening device.

"Change! Evolution!"

The golden awakening card has a very obvious symbol of spades, Ace of Spades!

Lu Li, enveloped by special power, appeared in front of everyone again, he had transformed into a sword


When the real sword saw this scene, he felt as if he was struck by lightning.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

How come there is a sword?!

Suddenly, Green thought of Lu Li's transformation into his own knight. When he changed his form, he not only completed the transformation, but also evolved.

Could it be the same this time?

In the next second, the power of evolution was instantly confirmed in Lu Li's mind.

Shrouded in golden dazzling light, the fusion of the thirteen undead creatures, which symbolized the Spades series, was greatly improved, directly transforming Lu Li into a king- like solid body, with red eye armor like a crown.

He exuded a powerful aura and wore a long black cloak behind him.

This was something that the imperial sword that Kenzaki Kazuma transformed into did not possess.

The golden energy spread out, exuding waves of terrifying aura, directly killing Lu Li.

The scarab undead creature lying next to him became even more suppressed.


Scarab Undead: I didn't do anything!

Jian and Gelian, who felt this powerful aura like a king, were suddenly shocked.

So strong!

Just by feeling this aura, they could tell that the opponent was very powerful. powerful. light���Looking at that golden figure, there was no idea of confronting the other party in his heart.

Compared to the two of them, the undead creature felt inexplicably familiar when he saw Lu Li covered in golden armor.

Doesn't the pattern on the opponent's chest represent his own undead pattern?

Moreover, there was a slightly familiar aura coming from the other party, which was very similar to his own aura.

What's going on?!

The undead creature of the great pocket worm also exudes the aura of a king. As a Kig, the undead creature of the great pocket insect indeed possesses everything that a king possesses.

Strong strength, independent personality, and unparalleled temperament.

But the aura of the guy in front of him was even stronger than his own. The undead creature now attached great importance to Lu Li as an opponent.

I wasn't interested in Lu Li at first, but when I saw the Awakening Device, I became very interested.

Now, he felt that the blood in his heart was boiling, and it seemed to be urging him to have a fight with the guy in front of him.

"Although I don’t know who you are or why you have Jokr things, you have successfully aroused my curiosity.

Come on and see how much strength you have.

At this moment, facing the imperial sword form that Lu Li had transformed into, the undead creature of the big pocket insect still had considerable confidence and did not think that he would lose.

As soon as he finished speaking, the undead creature rushed up with a big sword.

He knew that the opponent he faced now was not at the level of the sword, so he did not intend to sit still and prepare to attack proactively and find the opponent's weaknesses.

Even if you can't find the opponent's weaknesses, you still have to use your own strengths.

He held his hand in the air, and the Awakening Sword appeared out of thin air in Lu Li's hand.

The dazzling golden sword looked very dazzling under the sunlight.


Lu Li took the initiative to meet the undead creature, and Lu Li quickly waved the Awakening Sword in his hand.


The two big swords collided together, sparks bursting out.

After the first collision, the undead creature actually took two steps back.

When it took the third step, it stepped hard with its feet. On the ground, he barely stopped. On the other hand, Lu Li not only didn't take a step back, but also looked calm and calm.

It was obvious that Lu Li was winning with absolute advantage.

Suffering a loss in the strength competition, the undead creature of the Great Toucho felt a little bit incredulous that the guy in front of him actually surpassed him in strength. He was really not an easy opponent, but even so, it was not enough to make the undead creature to admit defeat.

"Your strength is very good, you can actually defeat me, but... the battle between us has just begun!"

As soon as the voice fell, the undead creature jumped up instantly, raised the big sword in his hand, and slashed hard at Lu Li.

Since he can't have any advantage in terms of strength, he should find ways to find advantages in other aspects..

Facing the menacing undead creature, Lu Li performed with ease throughout the entire process, receiving all the attacks without missing a beat.

However, not only did Lu Li take them all, he also didn't even take a step back.

That's right, not even a step!

Seeing Lu Li showing off his power, Jian and Ge Lian were completely stunned.

Why did the gap between them and Lu Li seem to be getting bigger and bigger?

"Kenzaki, Lu Li's current form, if nothing else goes wrong, should be your Kig.Form, but I don't know why, but he has so many powers that we don't know about."

Having seen his Kig.Form before, even though Ge Lian was surprised when he saw Lu Li's Imperial Sword form this time, it was much


Clenching his fists slightly, Jian Xin was quite unwilling to accept that he had taken a stronger form, but he did see others transform.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart for no reason.

"Clang, clang, clang!!"

The fierce collision, in addition to splashing out a large number of sparks, also released terrifying power.

Every time Lu Li struck out with a sword, he would move forward one step.

And every time the undead creature of the big pocket insect struck out with a sword, it would be hit by this force. He took a step back in shock.

Under Lu Li's powerful attack, the undead creature had already taken a dozen steps back.

The strength of the two seemed to have been judged!


Another heavy sword was struck.

This time, the undead creature of the big pocket insect used his big sword to resist, but quickly raised the shield on his left arm.

His shield has very strong defensive power. It's impossible to stop it!


There was only a dull sound, and the next second, the figure of the undead creature suddenly retreated.

It was so heavy!!

He could clearly feel that this heavy sword strike was more powerful and heavier than the previous attack.

Retreat. The undead creature, which was several meters away, quickly thrust its sword into the ground. With the help of this force, it was able to barely withstand the impact.

This was the first time that the undead creature was so powerful. Guys, he has faced all kinds of undead creatures before, and he has also faced Jokr before, but no opponent can completely suppress himself like Lu Li, leaving him with no chance to fight back.

Suddenly, the undead creature noticed an obvious gap on the shield on his left arm, and his heart suddenly shrank.

He did not expect that his shield, which had the strongest defense, would be cut out like this by a sword. A big gap.

The outcome of this battle is actually very clear now.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the undead creatures of the Big Buckworm have been suppressed until now. The creatures have no chance of regaining the slightest advantage. This means that the undead creatures have no chance of winning.

How can they fight this battle if they can't even gain any advantage?

The undead creature did not back down because of this. As Kig, he would never choose to escape, even if his opponent was an opponent he could not defeat.....Very strong!"

For the first time, the undead creature of the big pocket worm took the initiative to admit that the other party was stronger than itself.

"But...I haven't lost yet! ah!!"

Accompanied by the roar of the undead creature, he burst out with terrifying power and rushed over again.

The momentum on his body had reached its peak at this moment. Compared with before, the undead creature now has a terrifying power. He is already in a very serious state.

This character of not giving up is exactly the same as the undead creature he sealed.

Lu Li has no intention of sealing the undead creature. This power is reserved for him. I am still looking forward to the battle with the Imperial Sword, but I can teach the undead creatures a little lesson.

Two golden cards appeared out of thin air in Lu Li's hand.

After all, Lu Li was able to use each undead creature very easily. the power of


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