"Tachibana...Tachibana-senpai! Do you mean to unseal the category Ace?!"

I thought it would be some reliable method, but I didn't expect it to be to lift the seal of the category Ace.

What kind of method is this?!

Once the seal is lifted, it means that Mutsuki Kamijo will lose the ability to transform, and he will never be able to act again in the future. Kamen Rider fight.

This is simply a great torture for a person who has finally gained great power.

Uejo Mutsuki, who had always been very cowardly, finally became frightened because of the power of Category Ac. Up, now he is asked to give up.

Once he gives up this power, it means that he will become an ordinary person again.

If it were at the beginning, Kamijo Mutsuki might be able to accept it when a person gains powerful power. , and has become accustomed to the existence of this power, it will be difficult for him to give up, and it is not ordinary.

Tachibana Shuo also underestimated one thing, that is, when he talked to Kamijo Mutsuki. In fact, all the contents of the dialogue are known to the evil will of the undead spider.

The evil will of the undead spider is hidden deep in Kamijo Mutsuki's consciousness. It is precisely because of this that it can occupy his body anytime and anywhere, allowing Kamijo Mutsuki to take over.

Completely at his own mercy.

Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly raised his head, and his eyes became grim.

The sudden change made Tachibana suddenly startled.

The other person's eyes looked very evil. It was the ignorant Uejo Mutsuki just now.

The next second, Uejo Mutsuki, who was controlled by the evil will of the spider creature, suddenly grabbed Tachibana Sakuya's neck.

"Well! Mutsuki!"

The powerful force made Ju Shuo keep struggling. Ju Shuo also heard the voice from the spider undead creature.

"My current condition is very good, and there is no need to unlock the seal. As for you, just lie down for me."

After saying that, 480 used a fierce force and threw Ju Shuo down the slope next to him.


It kept rolling up the slope and all the way down the slope.

After rolling to a low-lying area, his head hit a stone, and Jushuo also passed out on the spot.

He really didn't expect that Kamijo Mutsuki would suddenly fall down. Losing control, he launched an attack on himself.

Looking down at the unconscious Tachibana Sakuya, a sneer appeared on the corner of Kamijo Mutsuki's mouth. But then, Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes full of confusion.

He found that he was standing on the edge of the slope, and below him was Tachibana Sakuya who was in a coma.

Seeing this, Kamijo Mutsuki was so frightened that he suddenly lost consciousness again. When God comes, everything has already happened

"how so?! Why is this happening?!"

He really couldn't understand why he wanted to hurt Ju Shuoye.

No, it wasn't him, it was that guy!

The other party was indeed a good senior, but now he was pushed down from such a high place.

Call the hospital immediately Bian made a call and informed the people over there to come here for rescue.

As for Kamijo Mutsuki, he naturally couldn't stay here and left in a panic.

He didn't know how to face Tachibana Sakuya. He did something like this.

The other party came to him hard just to help him, but the result was that he pushed the other party down the hill.

Now Kamijo Mutsuki was very afraid of his own power, but he didn't want to give up. My own strength.

Not long after Mutsuki Kamijo left, the ambulance arrived.

When they arrived at the designated location, they found that someone was indeed unconscious, and they immediately put the person on a stretcher and took him to the hospital for simple treatment. , Tachibana Sakuya's condition was finally stable.

The hospital immediately contacted Kenzaki Kazuma and others.

In the hotel room,

Lu Li opened his eyes and turned to look at Cheng Guang, who had a streak of golden hair. Not only is he strong, but he is also very economical in that regard. He just doesn't admit defeat.


Lu Li opened the curtains, the sun was already shining in. , reflected on Cheng Guang's face.

Cheng Guang opened his eyes slightly confused. At this time

, Cheng Guang's mind was completely empty. The memories of what happened last night appeared in his mind, and Cheng Guang was immediately dumbfounded. Did you... just tell me that?

And, did you take the initiative last night?

Sitting up, Cheng Guang slid down the quilt, revealing his proud figure.

Cheng Guang had woken up, and Lu Li had a smile on his lips.

"woke up?"

Hearing this, he looked at Lu Li unconsciously and saw that he was staring at him with a smile but not a smile. He didn't yell like other girls, Cheng Guang pretended to be calm and said

"last night we.....

"Everything that was supposed to happen happened, it was not a dream."

One sentence immediately silenced Cheng Guangqian.

After a while, Cheng Guang gently pinched his eyebrows.

"So be it, at least I don't hate it."

I don't know when, Lu Li appeared beside her, held Cheng Guang's hands in his hands, and pushed her down again.

"Since I don’t remember it clearly, let’s review it carefully.

In another room.

Yoshinaga Miyuki also woke up. After coming over to change her clothes, she was ready to call Lu Li here.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard a strange sound.

This voice was not unfamiliar to her at all, she had heard it before.

I thought these two people hadn't gotten up yet, but I didn't expect....snort!

For some reason, Miyuki Yoshinaga felt a little unhappy. She clenched her pink fist tightly and stomped her feet lightly before returning to the room.

Lying on the big bed, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt that her mind was in a mess, asking strange questions about how she could be like this.

He is an undead creature and not a human being, so how can he have such strange emotions?

Yoshinaga Miyuki doesn't know why she has undergone such a change, but she has indeed undergone such a transformation.

Although the undead creatures come from different races and are made from sealing stone slabs, no matter what they are, they are all different. have.

If they were not able to transform into the undead state, they would be no different from ordinary people.

Of course they have emotions, it's just a question of whether they are strong or not.

As you come into contact with different people, or get along with different people, your emotions can naturally be stimulated.

Even though Yoshinaga Miyuki was forced to become Lu Li's subordinate from the beginning, she no longer feels this way at all.

By following Lu Li, she could see a lot of things, and the other party was very powerful and could protect her, so there was nothing wrong with that.

Unknowingly, Yoshinaga Miyuki's way of thinking has changed.

About an hour later, Yoshinaga Miyuki suddenly noticed that there was an extra person in the room. Who else could it be besides Lu Li with his ability?

"Miyuki, that's pretty much it. Let's go out."

Even though she was a little unhappy in her heart, Miyuki Yoshinaga didn't show it. To be precise, she wouldn't show it in front of Lu Li.


After opening the door and walking out, Yoshinaga Miyuki saw Shiro Hikaru standing outside.

When he noticed Yoshinaga Miyuki's appraising eyes, Shiro Hikaru unconsciously looked away, feeling a little reluctant to look at her.

For some reason, Cheng Guang still had the feeling of being caught as a sneaky cat. She had never felt this way before.

This was the first time that Cheng Guang took the initiative to look away while looking at her. As if she had won a small victory, Yoshinaga Miyuki unconsciously smiled and walked to Lu Li's side, holding his arm.

As for Chengguang, she didn't like walking in public.

Even though she had a legitimate relationship with Lu Li, she was still not used to it.

After receiving the notice from the hospital, Kenzaki Kazuma and others rushed over because Jiu Sheng (cefj) was injured. They hadn't fully recovered yet, so they didn't come.

When Kenzaki Kazuma and the others entered the ward, they saw Sayoko carefully taking care of Tachibana Sakuya.

"You are here"

"Tachibana-senpai, what happened?"

Seeing Tachibana Saku looking so miserable, Kenzaki Kazuma knew that this matter was definitely not simple.

Recalling that Tachibana Saku had also gone to look for Kamijo Mutsuki before, it was very likely that Kamijo Mutsuki had something to do with this matter.

After all, that Guys are an unstable factor and can be controlled by Category Ac anytime and anywhere.

Sayoko looked at Tachibana Sakuya with a distressed expression, and she said helplessly.

"Tachibana is fine, he just suffered a hit on his head and needs a little rest."

I have wanted to ask Jushuo to give up this job many times, but Xiaoyezi knew very well that she could not be so selfish.

In the past, Jushuo was also willing to support his work, so she should also support his work..

Just seeing her boyfriend injured, she couldn't bear it as she leaned on the hospital bed with a wry smile on her face.

"I was really too weak, I actually stepped on the air and fell down."

These words cannot be too false.

The three of them simply did not believe the reason given by Ju Shuo for stepping on the ground.

"Tangerine, right? I think it's probably Mutsuki."

I didn't expect that the other party would point it out immediately, but Ju Shuo still stubbornly denied it.

"No, my injury is none of his business."

Shirai Torataro also guessed what was going on.」

"I'm afraid he was controlled by Category Ace again."

As soon as these words came out, Ju Shuo fell silent. He couldn't refute.

What the other party said was right, and he really couldn't find a reason to refute the other party.

Everyone had already seen through it, and even if he lied, it would be meaningless.

The reason why he didn't tell the truth was because he didn't want everyone to be hostile to Mutsuki Kamijo.

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