It was precisely because of this brief absence that the sword happened to hit him with his special move and was successfully sealed by the sword.

At this point, the sword has obtained all spades high undead creatures except the category Kig.

As long as you get the awakening fusion machine, you can directly transform into the guard form.

However, what Kenzaki Kazuma and Aikawa Hajime didn't know was that Lu Li had already arranged all of this.

The reason why the vulture undead creature suddenly turned back and the resulting battle was entirely because of Miyuki Yoshinaga's instigation.

After seeing the vulture undead creature finally sealed, Yoshinaga Miyuki left.

When she turned around, there was a hint of disdain in her eyes.

In her opinion, the reason why the vulture undead creature was killed was entirely because this guy paid too much attention to the agreement with Kallis.

Even when the opponent released his special move, he even paid attention to Kallis and lost his concentration.

There is simply no one left.

It is almost inevitable that you will lose this battle. You can only say that you are stupid.

If it weren't for Hajime Aikawa transforming into Kalis again in the end, causing the undead vulture to be distracted, this battle would never have ended so easily.

When night fell, Lu Li and Cheng Guang were enjoying dinner in a restaurant.

When Miyuki Yoshinaga arrived, someone was preparing to eat.

Seeing such a scene, he walked directly to the two of them and sat down.

"Has the task been completed?

Lu Li asked calmly.

Now that Yoshinaga Miyuki is back and looks so confident, the mission should be accomplished as expected.

Nodding confidently, Miyuki Yoshinaga raised her neck slightly

"Of course, I saw with my own eyes that the vulture undead creature had been sealed by the Kamen Rider, and I came back later."

After getting the information he wanted, a smile appeared on Lu Li's face.

Things have progressed to this point, and it seems that the awakening fusion machine is not far away.

After enjoying dinner, the three of them returned to their residence.

Come. When they arrived at the door, Miyuki Yoshinaga entered the room. Only Lu Li and Cheng Guang were left outside the door.

Just when Cheng Guang was about to enter another room, Lu Li suddenly asked.

"Chengguang, do what you said before still count?


Cheng Guang, who didn't react for a moment, was a little confused.

She didn't react very well and didn't understand what Lu Li just said.

Seeing her confused look, Lu Li suddenly raised his eyebrows and took the initiative reminded

"You must have forgotten, right? You asked me to go to your room before, now....Does this still count?"

Hearing this, Cheng Guang, who was a little confused just now, immediately understood what Lu Li was talking about.

It turned out that he was talking about this matter.

Indeed, she had said this before, but Lu Li had not gone to her before. She had forgotten about the room. Now that it was mentioned again, Cheng Guang felt inexplicably nervous.

As a high-level undead creature, she had never expected that she would be so nervous.

Standing by the door like this, Cheng Guang didn't know what to say for a moment whether to refuse or not.....Don’t refuse?

This question lingered in Cheng Guang's mind, leaving her wondering how to choose.

The muscles all over her body were tense, and Cheng Guang no longer looked like the strong woman she had been before.

Seeing that Lu Li's eyes were always on him, Cheng Guang didn't know what to say for a moment:

At this time, seeing that she didn't answer, Lu Li very naturally walked over and put his arms around Cheng Guang's shoulders.

"Since you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence and let's go."

With that said, Lu Li and Cheng Guang entered Cheng Guang's room.

As for Cheng Guang himself, he was completely confused and had no idea how he entered the room.

Compared with a weak-looking woman like Yoshinaga Miyuki , there are two completely different feelings for a strong woman like Cheng Guang.

In this way, Lu Li stayed overnight in Cheng Guang's room.

On the other side, Miyuki Yoshinaga, who had been washed clean, was lying quietly on the bed. Waiting for Lu Li to come back.

After waiting for a long time, she didn't see even a shadow of Lu Li.

She realized immediately that Lu Li must have gone to Chengguang.

For some reason, Miyuki Yoshinaga was worried. Unhappy :

At the beginning, she was even a little resistant, but now she was eager and even a little jealous of Cheng Guang.

When she realized what was happening, she suddenly felt incredible.

With such inexplicable emotions , Yoshinaga Miyuki couldn't sleep for a long time, and she didn't sleep until very late the next day.

After searching for Kamijo Mutsuki for a long time, Tachibana Sakuya finally found Kamijo Mutsuki.

At that time, Tachibana Saku also went to many places, even to Kamijo Mutsuki's house, but he could not find anyone else.

He couldn't help but feel very worried.

Could something have happened to Kamijo Mutsuki, right ? No matter what, I can't worry about Uejo Mutsuki.

It's mainly because of him.

If it weren't for him sealing the category Ace, it would be impossible to create a new knight system, let alone what he is now.

Tachibana Sakuya has been feeling very guilty in his heart for this matter.

He hopes that by teaching Kamijo Mutsuki, he can successfully master the power of the knight system.

But judging from the current situation, Kamijo Mutsuki has never been able to suppress it.

The power of Category Ac.

Tachibana Saku doesn't know what's wrong with it, but what is certain is that the current situation is not good.

Uejo Mutsuki has been completely locked into Category Ac, which means he wants to take it.

The walking knight system will also return to his hands again

....Xin Muyue!"

Hurrying towards Mutsuki Kamijo on the slope, Tachibana Saku was also thinking about another issue at this time.

That is to release the Ace type!

Using the Plum Blossom 10 Remote Tapir held by Mutsuki Kamijo, you can release the sealed Ace Undead creature.

If Category Ac is released directly from the seal, he may not be able to continue to control Kamijo Mutsuki.

Of course, this is just a conjecture in Tachibana Sakuya's mind. Whether it can be realized is currently. It's still unclear.

But if this assumption is true, this problem can be completely solved.

You no longer need to be controlled by Type Ace, and it is too difficult to survive as a Kamen Rider. Not suitable for an ordinary high school student.

Maybe it would be a good thing to let Mutsuki Kamijo become an ordinary high school student again.


Kamijo Mutsuki, who was sitting next to him, looked very depressed at this time.

When he thought about his current state, he felt quite sad in his heart.

He was just a puppet controlled by Category Ac. Whatever the other party wanted to do, he had to do it himself. What to do.

Moreover, the other party can invade your consciousness at will and do something that you don't even know about without your knowing it.

One day, if you do something very dangerous, you don't know it. What would be the outcome?

Kamijo Mutsuki didn't know how to solve this matter.

When he came to sit next to him, Tachibana Shuo could naturally see the discomfort and urgency in Kamijo Mutsuki's heart. Desperate to leave and become stronger, at this time, he felt that Uejo Mutsuki was really like his previous self. He recalled that he was unable to stand up due to fear, so he chased. Strength, wanting to overcome fear and become stronger.

Tachibana Shuo patted Kamijo Mutsuki on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Don't be sad, I know why you fought with Mr. Shima.

You were controlled by Category Ace, so you did those things, don't feel bad.

Mr. Shima has no intention of blaming you, so rest assured."

After hearing these words, Kamijo Mutsuki's uneasy mood finally calmed down a little.

He was worried that the other party was here to blame him. Since he was not, he naturally felt less nervous.

"Senior Tachibana, what do you think I should do? I really can't suppress the power of Category Ac. I...."

He was uncomfortable with the low vertical head.

Whenever I lose consciousness, I wake up only to find that I am in another place. This feeling is not good.

It was as if he was no longer himself, but had become someone else, and no one knew what he had done.

Because he often couldn't control it, he didn't even dare to take the initiative to find his girlfriend Nozomi Yamanaka.

If the other party is injured due to his own fault, he may regret it for the rest of his life.

Seeing Mutsuki Kamijo like this, Tachibana Shuo couldn't help but firm up his thoughts and slowly spoke.

"Mutsuki, actually I have another method that I can try, which may help you get rid of this problem."

Kamijo Mutsuki, who was in a state of despair, suddenly his eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask.

"Really? Tachibana-senpai! Is there really a way to get rid of my current troubles?! Tell me quickly, what is the solution? burden!"

There was a hint of surprise in his tone. He didn't know what method Ju Shuo had also thought of, but as long as there was a chance, he didn't want to give up.

After being silent for a while, Ju Shuo didn't know whether he should tell Kamijo Mutsuki. This method.

But whether this method can help Uejo Mutsuki and how feasible it is is currently unknown.

Chapter 437: Awakening the Fusion Machine!

Seeing him remain silent, Uejo Mu Yue's face suddenly became anxious, and she immediately urged:

"Tachibana-senpai, please tell me the method. No matter what method it is, I am willing to try it."

The tone sounded very firm.

But no one could say whether he was so firm in his heart.

Faced with his plea, Tachibana Saku finally told Kamijo Mutsuki his thoughts.

"Well, I don't know if this method is feasible, but it is the only method I can think of at the moment.

That means...lifting the seal!"

"Lift the seal?!"

Kamijo Mutsuki's eyes widened slightly, as if he had already guessed what Tachibana Sakuya's words meant.

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