The reason why the child became like this has a lot to do with himself.

Seeing Kamijo Mutsuki being controlled, he felt quite distressed.

"hateful! Couldn't Mutsuki be a little more strong-willed?

This time he actually attacked Tachibana-senpai, what about next time? Will he attack his family and friends?!"

Kazaki Kazuma clenched his fist tightly.

If Kamijo Mutsuki was standing in front of him at this moment, he would definitely punch him to the ground without hesitation.

Shaking his head slightly, Tachibana Shuo also said slowly

"Don’t blame him, maybe this happened because I stimulated the category Ac.."

Later, Tachibana Saku also told everyone what he said to Kamijo Mutsuki at that time.

Using the power of the 10 of clubs to liberate Category Ace will allow Category Ace to regain his body, and his evil will will naturally return to his body.

Upon hearing this method, Kenzaki Kazuma and the others fell silent.

After a while, Hirose Shiori nodded and said

"This method may be feasible, but what is the success rate?���Do not know at all.

If the category Ace is not released, it is unclear whether more serious problems will occur."

"But do we have any other options now? Do we have to sacrifice Mr. Shima and use his power to suppress the evil will of Category Ac?"

Tachibana Sakuya's words directly silenced everyone.


There is no other way at present.

If they don't try it, they can also think that Shima Noboru will continue to carry out that plan.

Free the category Ace, Maybe it's a good idea.

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became a little tense, and Sayoko couldn't talk about this matter, so she hurriedly said.

"Everyone, let's eat some fruit. Let's not discuss this for now. Tachibana needs a good rest now."

The three of them then realized that Jushuo is now a wounded person, and he has a head injury. He should take more rest.

Everyone stopped talking about this matter.

On the other side, Shirai Farm.

Suddenly there was a cross-border express delivery today. When everyone else was gone, Shimabubo was able to move around at least, so he naturally received the express. The signature on the express was signed by Hirose Shiori, and the sender was none other than Kei Karasuma.

"Could it be that one?!"

Shima Noboru quickly opened the package and took out a prop from it.

When he saw this thing, Shima Noboru suddenly showed a smile.

"This is really something, I didn’t expect it to be completed."

Yes, the thing that Karasuma Kei sent across the world is the awakening fusion machine.

With this thing, Kenzaki Kazuma can become stronger.

And now Kenzaki Kazuma has successfully sealed it Jack of Spades and Queen, this means that he can use Jack.Form. With this powerful power, he will definitely be able to help Kazuma Kenzaki and the others defeat more and stronger undead creatures.

A figure appeared in the middle.

Lu Li!

Now that he has an awakening fusion machine, will he have a chance to defeat that anomaly? At least based on the current situation, Kenzaki Kazuma is the most likely to win.

You can only use Jack.Form. Although the strength can become stronger, it is probably still far behind compared to the Kg type combat power, so how can it be possible to deal with Lu Li.....Able to seal the King of Spades.

Using the opponent's power to transform into a more powerful Kig.Form, he might have a chance to deal with Lu Li.

In Shima Noboru's opinion, the only way to defeat Lu Li was King.Form.

If it is impossible for King.Form to defeat Lu Li, it means there is no way to defeat him.

But in the current situation, the most critical King among King.Form has not yet appeared. Even if it does appear, it may not be able to be dealt with.

It's a pity that he is not the King of Spades, but the King of Clubs. Otherwise, he would have chosen to seal Kazuma Kenzaki, giving the opponent a chance to use King.Form.

But no matter what, Kenzaki Kazuma's strength can at least be improved this time. As long as the Spade Kig can be sealed in the future, everything will still have a chance.

In Shimabubo's view, in this extreme battle dominated by humans, the most difficult opponents have never been other undead creatures.

It was Lu Li who was an anomaly.

The threat level of the opponent has even exceeded the category Kig, and its strength may be ranked first among all undead creatures.

Of course Shimabu knew that Tachibana Saku was in the hospital right now, and he probably guessed what was going on.

Chapter 438: The undead hunter’s new test subject is coming!

Kamijo Mutsuki, who was controlled by Type Ace, has fallen deeper and deeper.

If he continues, I am afraid that the other party will be completely swallowed up by the category Ace sooner or later.

Just thinking about this matter gave Shima Noboru a headache.

If he continues to delay, even if he seals Kamijo Mutsuki, I'm afraid it won't be of much use.

Category Ace's evil will is too strong, and the effect he can exert is even weaker.

In a certain restaurant.

Lu Li, Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki were eating at this time.

In the past, Yoshinaga Miyuki was not interested in human delicacies at all. All she could think about was how to win and how to instigate other undead creatures.

But after following Lu Li, she ate a lot of delicious food and developed a certain interest in human food.

At least now I am enjoying eating delicious food.

While the three of them were enjoying their meal, a commotion suddenly broke out outside.

I saw people on the street running away quickly, as if something terrifying was chasing them.


"It's a monster! Help!"

"help me! Don't leave me behind!"

Noticing the people running around outside the window, a flash of curiosity flashed in Yonaga Miyuki's eyes.


Monsters in the mouth of humans should be undead creatures.

But she did not feel the existence of any undead creatures, that is to say The monsters mentioned by these people cannot be undead. Since they are monsters, but not undead, what could they be?

Cheng Guang was also confused. She also did not feel the presence of other undead.

Figures suddenly came into view.

A group of guys wearing human clothes and looking like wolf-like monsters appeared in the field of vision of Lu Li and the others.

"that is..?"

Cheng Guang had obviously never seen such a monster before, and was very confused.

Yoshinaga Miyuki felt that this kind of monster seemed familiar. It seemed to have appeared in the extreme battle ten thousand years ago.

It's that guy!

A figure appeared in his mind, covered in a ferocious pitch-black armor, with a hard, pitch-black horn on his head.

Wolf undead!

This guy has an ability that other undead creatures do not have. He can transform other creatures into Warwolves.

These wolves look quite like undead creatures, but they are fundamentally different from undead creatures.

They don't have much fighting power, they are just stronger than ordinary humans, and can even be killed directly with firearms.

And these people are the Wolf Warriors. After being killed by the wolf undead creatures, they were injected with wolfsbane and became what they are now.

Ten thousand years ago, Yoshinaga Miyuki met that guy in the Extreme Battle. He was a very vicious guy.

Moreover, like her, the wolf undead creature is also an undead creature that is good at using its brain, and at the same time, its combat effectiveness is also very strong.

Such undead creatures are generally difficult to deal with.

Lu Li didn't pay much attention to the appearance of these wolf warriors, they were just some miscellaneous fish.

The only thing worth paying attention to is the wolf undead creature behind this incident.

Jack of hearts!

Among the advanced undead creatures, this guy's combat effectiveness is quite good.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, I'm afraid it's not inferior to Cheng Guang.

Although the wolf warrior appeared, no wolf undead creature appeared. Maybe this guy is watching somewhere now.

The undead wolf, now in the form of a man named Shinname.

He knew that there was no sealing slate in the current world, which meant that other undead creatures could not be sealed by fighting as they did ten thousand years ago.

To do this, he needs to find another special way.

But things like the Knight System are obviously not something that undead creatures can use, and the power to seal undead creatures can only be obtained through other methods.

So this guy focused on the jet-black fangs developed by Board.

The Jet Black Fang is a motorcycle that even surpasses Sakuya Tachibana and Kazuma Kenzaki in all aspects.

But since the Boardi Research Institute was destroyed, there have been many casualties among related personnel, and this plan has been shelved!

And Xin Ming just took this opportunity to sneak directly into the research institute and get���Collected all research information on the Black Fang.

Although there is certain relevant information, it is not something that one person can do to create jet black fangs.

To this end, he also specially summoned some former Board personnel and organized a team called the Undead Hunters.

With the help of these people, he began to create the Black Fang.

Although the production of the jet black fangs is almost complete, there is still a very important technology missing.

This technology is the awakening card system technology installed on the motorcycles used by Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma.

With this technology, the Black Fang can be considered completely completed.

Most importantly, once he possesses the power of the Black Fang, he will become more powerful and can use the power of the Awakening Card.

I believe that with this power, I can definitely become the last undead creature in this extreme battle.

For this reason, the New Name Association took some time to specially create some wolves, just to let the undead hunter team fight.

And during this period, he pretended to study some powers that could seal undead creatures, so that these people would stay in the team willingly.

I have to say that this guy's mind is indeed quite smart, and he also knows how to use this method to make the people around him trust him.

Due to the sudden appearance of monsters outside, people dining in the restaurant fled one after another, even the staff.

The only one who didn't leave was the table where Lu Li was sitting.

At this moment, a war wolf suddenly rushed in from the restaurant door and approached here step by step.

Baring his fangs and raising his sharp claws, he seemed ready to attack Lu Li and the others.

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