There must never be another victim like me!

Once disillusionment occurs due to fear, the body will gradually collapse.

Of course, what Ju Shuo didn't know was that the newly created knight system had overcome this fear.

But precisely because of this, it also limits its growth.

The knight system used by him and Kazuma Kenzaki makes them stronger precisely because they are affected by emotions.

The knight system created by Isaka does not have this ability.

This is also why Kenzaki Kazuma will become stronger and stronger later on, and his fusion coefficient will become higher and higher, and he will even eventually transform into an emperor form.

Ju Shuo also needs strength now. He needs to overcome the fear in his heart.

For this reason, he still had to find Lu Li. Only that man could help him.

PS: Thank you Yi

Yiyi for your monthly ticket!

Thanks to

Chenchang for your monthly ticket!

Chapter 408: Help, let me fight again! Sister Tiger: Is Lu Li related to the Creator?

No matter what, he must find a way to stop Isaka from creating the strongest Kamen Rider.

With such an idea in his mind, Ju Shuo was ready to use his thoughts to communicate with Lu Li.

Closing his eyes slightly, Ju Shuo also began to use his thoughts to try to communicate.

"..Are you there? can it....Help me again? ~"

Lu Li, who was with Sister Hu at this time, also noticed that Ju Shuo was also communicating with him.

Since he had communicated with Ju Shuo with his thoughts before, Lu Li could more easily feel Ju Shuo's thoughts.

"help you? The power to control fear is gone, right?"

Lu Li had guessed a long time ago that Ju Shuo would come looking for him sooner or later.

Although he could not experience Sayoko's death and Ju Shuo could not overcome his fear, in order to deal with Isaka, he would come looking for him sooner or later.

Now, this is not Are you here?

He has not forgotten the bet between Lu Li and Sister Hu. Lu Li would definitely be able to seal Isaka if he blocked Ju Shuo at that time.

Of course, it would be okay to help him at this time.

"Come to XXXXX, I'll wait for you here.

After casually mentioning the location, Lu Li immediately cut off the communication between consciousness.

And Ju Shuo didn't return from his state of confusion in an instant.

He immediately rode his motorcycle towards his destination. He had to gain the power to overcome his fear as soon as possible before he could have a chance to deal with Isaka. He must not let that guy create a new Kamen

Rider. A winding road on the top of a mountain.

When Ju Shuo also arrived at his destination, there was already a person standing on the top of the mountain.

This person is also familiar to him because he is the man who has helped him overcome his fear before.

He only learned the name Lu Li from Isaka.

He now wanted to deal with Isaka. As Isaka's partner, would Lu Li really be willing to help him?

Regarding this question, Ju Shuo also had no absolute answer in his heart.

There is also a struggle between undead creatures. It is not impossible for the other party to use its own power to solve Isaka.

This is why Ju Shuo also came here.

Before Ju Shuo could say anything, Lu Li suddenly turned around.

When his eyes met those of Ju Shuo, for some reason, Ju Shuo felt his heart tremble unconsciously and quickly lowered his head.

It was a feeling of fear coming from the depths of the soul.

This feeling is even stronger than when facing other undead creatures.

Having failed to overcome his fear, his feelings were very obvious at this time.

He looked away unconsciously to prevent his body from softening uncontrollably.

But even so, Ju Shuo's breathing became very rapid at this time.

Withdrawing his sharp gaze, Lu Li returned to his previous calm demeanor.

He arrived in front of Ju Shuo in a few steps, and Lu Li put his hand on his head as before.

The moment his hand covered it, Ju Shuo instantly lost consciousness.

But his body did not fall, but it was stretched.

After a while, using the same method as before, Lu Li successfully suppressed the fear in Ju Shuo's heart.

Treating the symptoms but not the root cause, Lu Li did not eradicate the fear in his heart.

He just wanted to use Ju Shuo, but he had no obligation to eradicate the fear in his heart.

Lu Li had no interest in getting involved in things that were not beneficial to him.

Losing Lu Li's control, Ju Shuoye fell directly without any support:

After Ju Shuo also passed out, Cheng Guang came here at some point and looked at the unconscious Ju Shuoye with a curious look on his face.

"Aren’t you and Isaka in a cooperative relationship? Now you are helping this guy and he is going to deal with Isaka. Are you really in a cooperative relationship?"

Chengguang was curious. Since they were already in a cooperative relationship, why did Lu Li and Isaka not seem to be in a cooperative relationship at all?

After working together until now, they actually wanted to stab each other in the back!

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head and smiled.

"Although he and I have a cooperative relationship, Isaka's current mission has been completed, and the cooperative relationship between me and him has ended here.

You also noticed before, how Isaka treated us when the two of us were in the laboratory. fear! He is afraid of our strength, and he is also afraid that we will take away the Category Ac from him...

From the beginning, this cooperation was just Lu Li's unilateral pressure to cooperate with Isaka.

At that time, Isaka was only forced to cooperate because of Lu Li's powerful power.

But now that the strongest knight is about to be completed, he himself has other ideas.

Chengguang obviously doesn't understand much about human cooperation and other relationships.

However, Cheng Guang looked at Lu Li with a strange look.

"The relationship between us should be considered a cooperative relationship. Since you can take action against Isaka, does that mean... when will you suddenly take action against me?"

With scrutiny in his eyes, Cheng Guang was curious about how Lu Li would answer him.

Being stared directly at her, Lu Li had no intention of avoiding this topic.

"We are not a cooperative relationship. You can guess whether I will do anything to you later."

The two of them just looked at each other quietly, and no one continued to speak.

After a while, Cheng Guang took the lead to look back.

"That's right, it's useless to think about it now. You defeated me anyway. This is an irreplaceable fact."

I don't know why, Cheng Guang just had an inexplicable idea that Lu Li would not do anything to her.

She didn't know why she had such a weird idea.

Maybe... it was because she knew that Lu Li and them These undead creatures were different.

Lu Li was the winner of the earlier extreme battle.

Sister Hu was not stupid at all.

However, something unexpected happened at that time.

The extreme battle was cancelled.

This was how the second extreme battle was born, and what happened in the ultimate battle was definitely there.

But it is certain that it should be.

It has a certain relationship with the Creator (Sealing Slate).

Lu Li has an awakening card that is not an undead creature.

Sister Hu has never seen an undead creature that can do this.

The only one who can do this is the Creator.

There was a suspicion that Lu Li might have the power of the Creator.

In other words, if Lu Li really just wanted to win this super extreme battle, he would not need any partners at all with his strength.

Easily destroying all the undead creatures, it can be concluded that Lu Li must have some other purpose.

As for what this purpose is, Sister Hu has not figured it out yet, and can only explore it bit by bit.

Generally speaking, Sister Tora feels that she is still very safe.

She believes that her intuition is right.

Regarding what happened to Tachibana Sakuya, Shima Noboru already knows it through the power of the wind.

Of all the people here, only Kazuma Kenzaki knew Shima Noboru's true identity.

Due to Shibo Noboru's repeated pleas and the fact that he had not done anything harmful to anyone, Kenzaki Kazuma did not expose him.


For some reason, Kenzaki Kazuma felt that Shimasaki was a good person.

It was not a good thing for these two people to believe in an undead creature, and they might even put their companions in danger, but he decided to do something to prevent accidents.

According to the situation, as long as he is not on a mission, he will always keep an eye on Shima Noboru to prevent him from making some dangerous moves.


Sighing slightly, Ming Sheng really doesn't know how to help Tachibana Shuoya now.

Fear is a ethereal thing, and it is not an easy thing to overcome.

Hearing Ming Sheng's sudden sigh, Kenzaki I can't help but frown

"Mr. Ming, why do you sigh?"

"Jushuo is going to find that person again to help him overcome the fear in his heart. I'm worried that he will get deeper and deeper into it and won't be able to extricate himself in the end."

The wind can bring a lot of information, and Shima Noboru got a lot of news about Tachibana Sakuya from it:

His face changed slightly, Kenzaki Kazuma recalled that when he met Tachibana-senpai before, the opponent seemed to be in a bad state.

Thinking about it now, I am afraid that it is because the power to overcome fear has disappeared and the body has begun to have certain side effects. Regarding what Shima Noboru just said, Kenzaki Kazuma did not think it was false.

Over time, I have come to believe that there really are undead creatures that are unwilling to participate in this extreme battle, and are even willing to side with humans.

It may be a bit unbelievable, but it does exist.


No one else could help at all on this matter.

After all, Kenzaki Kazuma is not Tachibana Sakuya, so he cannot fully understand Tachibana Sakuya's mood.

Roughing his hair vigorously, Kenzaki Kazuma felt very irritable now.

"How can I do?!"

He really wants to help Tachibana Sakuya, but he doesn't know where to start.

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