If these two people come to snatch the results of his experiment, they may not be able to stop them with their own strength.

Especially Lu Li, the powerful power he displayed made Isaka very afraid.

Before getting the strongest knight, Isaka really didn't want to stand on the opposite side of Lu Li.

He was very vigilant in his heart, and Isaka did not dare to relax at all, and was ready to fight anytime and anywhere.

Sensing that Isaka's muscles were tense and ready to transform into fighting at any time, Shiroguang showed a disdainful smile on his face.

She has no idea about the so-called strongest knight system. Her own strength is the most reliable.

External forces are always external forces.

Although she currently has no way to seal other undead creatures, she does not bother to borrow human power to do this.

Lu Li shook his head when he saw Isaka's extremely vigilant look.

This guy is very cautious when facing him, but when facing Tachibana Sakuya, he is very arrogant.

It is almost inevitable that you will stumble in the end.

"Isaka, there's no need to be so nervous. I'm just here to see the final experimental results. As for the category Ac you have, I'm not interested."

Lu Li's indifferent attitude made Isaka wonder whether it was true or not, but his body that was originally extremely vigilant still relaxed a little.

The current category Ace has not been completely sealed, and the will of the spider undead creature still exists on that card..

Anyone who gets this card may be counter-controlled by it as long as they are not determined.

"Okay, start your experiment."

The reason why Lu Li appeared in the laboratory was, of course, to witness the next experiment.

He was very curious about one thing. Well, Mutsuki Kamijo. When he transformed for the first time, he was deliberately bounced away by Category Ac. Yes, it is still impossible to transform.

I came here just to explain a doubt in my heart.

Hearing this, Karasuma Kei did not take any action, but looked at Isaka with questioning eyes. commanded.

After taking a deep look at Lu Li, Isaka nodded slightly.

"Start experimenting.

It has reached this point, and even if he wants to stop the experiment, he can no longer do it.

We can only stay vigilant and protect category Ace cards as much as possible.

As long as this card is still in your hand, there won't be much of a problem.

Even if he can't defeat Lu Li, as long as he takes this card and escapes, even Lu Li will not be able to catch up with him.

Karasuma Kei received the order and nodded to the two armed men next to him.

Two armed men came to the many experimental questions, found Mutsuki Kamijo among them, and dragged him over.

Mutsuki Kamijo, who had his instrument removed, looked around in confusion.

When he found himself in a closed laboratory with so many people around him, he was filled with panic.

After all, he is just a high school student, and he has seen too few things with high school students.

His feet gave way and he fell to the ground, his legs trembling slightly.

Seeing him in such a miserable state, Isaka's eyes froze slightly, and he directly controlled Kamijo Mutsuki with his mind, making him stand up from the ground.

Karasuma Kei looked at Kamijo Mutsuki who was being controlled in front of him and ordered:

"Go through the image that pops up later, do you understand?"

Nodding, Mutsuki Kamijo turned around, quietly waiting for the so-called image from Karasuma's mouth to come.

On the experimental table beside him was the newly manufactured knight's buckle.

Isaka took it out of his pocket Category Ace card, inserted it into the knight's belt buckle, and slowly pushed it aside, always being on guard against Lu Li and Cheng Guang.

The card was not in his hands now, so he naturally had to be more careful in case it was taken away, he cried. There was no place to cry.

Karasuma Kei stepped forward, stretched out his hand and gently pushed open the knight's belt buckle.

A purple light curtain appeared in front of Kamijo Mutsuki. The purple light curtain kept getting closer, and Kamijo Mutsuki's eyes were blank. Staring ahead, Cheng

Guang, who was leaning against the wall, watched everything with interest. What she was more curious about was, could this little human kid in front of her really transform into the strongest knight?

As the purple light curtain continued to approach, Isaka felt quite nervous. Of course, he hoped to succeed.

Once this person became the strongest knight, he would have a powerful help to win this extreme battle. Victory is not that difficult.

He glanced at Lu Li and Cheng Guang unconsciously, and decided that after he obtained the strongest knight, he would attack these two people first.

, if his affairs are revealed to other advanced undead creatures, he will become the public enemy of all advanced undead creatures. If things develop to this point, he will be in big trouble.

Although it has not happened yet, But that doesn't mean it won't happen.

He likes to nip threats in the bud and not let the other party have any chance to threaten him.

Sensing Isaka's hidden gaze, Lu Li didn't care about how long this guy could survive. It's all a problem, there's no need to worry about it.

Although Tachibana Sakuya didn't lose Sayoko this time, his fighting spirit has been aroused.

If he can eradicate the fear in his heart, there is still a certain chance that he can succeed in Isaka..

Even Tachibana still has no way to defeat Isaka.

After all, this guy's mission has been completed, which is to get out the last knight buckle and he already has the Ace card. , Isaka no longer had any need to exist. At this time, the purple light curtain was approaching Kamijo Mutsuki, and at this moment, Lu Li suddenly felt a weak force released from the knight's belt buckle.

A weak force seems to be resisting Kamijo Mutsuki's transformation.

As expected, this force is so weak that it is almost difficult to detect.

If it weren't for Lu Li being strong enough, he might not be able to detect the change in energy.

Category Ace This guy is currently refusing Mutsuki Kamijo's transformation.

Logically speaking, Category Ac has already chosen Kamijo Mutsuki as the most suitable carrier for him. Kamijo Mutsuki can easily complete the transformation.

But the current situation is wrong. Category Ace is not yet able to allow Kamijo Mutsuki to complete the transformation.

In any case, Category Ac is currently in a sealed state, with very little power that can be exerted, and it uses mental power to affect the target.

As a high-level undead creature, Isaka has very important thoughts and is not something that category Ac can affect at all.

If Mutsuki Kamijo is allowed to complete his transformation, he may be completely controlled by Isaka.

If this happens, all Category Ace's previous plans will come to nothing.

He wanted to resurrect with the help of Kamijo Mutsuki, so he must not be controlled by other advanced undead creatures, otherwise his plan would completely fall short.

Therefore, this transformation, Category Ace will definitely not allow Mutsuki Kamijo to succeed.


As expected, when the purple light curtain came into contact with Kamijo Mutsuki, it released a powerful energy to resist Kamijo Mutsuki.

There are many uncertainties in the knight system.

Both Karasuma Kei and Isaka believe that, Maybe it’s because the kid in front of me isn’t fit enough.


A powerful energy burst out, blowing all the surrounding experimental equipment into a mess.


Kamijo Mutsuki was blown away by this powerful impact and fell to the ground and fainted.

Seeing that the experiment failed, the researchers on the side quickly said

"Let's look for a more suitable adapter."

Isaka, who didn't notice anything unusual at all, was very surprised at this moment.

"What a great experience! marvelous! This type of Ace power is enough now, so I can get the ultimate Kamen Rider.

Mumbling to himself alone, Isaka looked forward to being the winner of the ultimate battle when the strongest Kamen Rider was born.

He had no idea that he was actually the one being used.

Although Category Ace has been sealed, it was sealed intentionally.

Originally thinking that he would be able to witness the birth of the so-called strongest knight, Cheng Guang still had some expectations in his heart.

I didn't expect it to end so hastily, and I didn't feel any surprise at all.

"Lu Li, I'm going out first. There's nothing interesting here."

Cheng Guang has no interest in anything here in the laboratory.

Seeing that Cheng Guang was leaving now, Lu Li just nodded and did not stop him.

"Well, go ahead, I'll be right back."

Isaka also took this opportunity and immediately came to the side and took away the Ace card from the knight's belt buckle.

This thing is very important and there must be no problems.

Noticing Isaka's nervous look, Lu Li smiled and shook his head

"Isaka, don't be so defensive about me. I'm not interested in your cards. If I really want to kill you, do you think you can stop me?"

The second half of the sentence suddenly came from behind. Isaka suddenly turned around and saw Lu Li appearing behind him.

He suddenly felt nervous. He was not sure what Lu Li's attitude was now.

If the other party really wanted to do something to him, he would I can be very sure that I am definitely no match now.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first. Enjoy the rest of your time and hope you can find a suitable match as soon as possible."

After that, Lu Li put his hands in his pockets and walked outside.

Watching Lu Li's back gradually go away, Isaka clenched his fists unconsciously.


He still needs more powerful power. After gaining even more power, he had a chance to defeat Lu Li.

"Let these guys erase their memories and let them all go. Clear their memories and don't let them talk nonsense."


Including Mutsuki Kamijo, all the adapters who were brought here were taken away to have their memories erased, and then dragged to a tunnel by a truck and thrown down.

Ace's plan was successful again.

He Successfully preventing Mutsuki Uejo from using his transformation, it meant that no other adapter would appear.

Now, all he had to wait for was an opportunity to leave, and he could find Uejou as long as he could leave. Mutsuki, go to the other party and let him become the strongest Kamen Rider and become the carrier of his resurrection.

On the other side, beside a spacious road,

Tachibana Sakuya, who was taught a lesson by Isaka, was leaning against him. The motorcycle was thinking about something.

He looked down at his gloved hands and clenched his fists hard.

He felt as if he was back to his previous state, and his strength to restrain fear was weakened, which also affected him. It had a huge impact.

If he hadn't lost the power to restrain his fear when fighting Isaka, he wouldn't have lost.

Unfortunately, Category Ac was still taken away by that guy. He wanted to stop it, but he couldn't do anything..

But he must do one thing, and that is to regain the category Ac..

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