"Let nature take its course, Tachibana may one day come to his senses, but until he comes to his senses, it will be useless no matter who tries to persuade him."

Jiusheng naturally knows what happened between Ju Shuoya and Xiaozizi. Even Sayoko, who has the closest relationship with him, can't persuade Jushuoya, let alone others.

As far as the current situation is concerned, except for There was no other good way to let nature take its course.

Just when Kazuma Kenzaki was about to say something, Torataro hurried over from the side.

"Kenzaki, my sister and Tianyin suddenly disappeared!"

"What?! disappeared?!"

How could two living people disappear inexplicably? The first thing Kenzaki Kazuma thought of was Hajime Aikawa.

However, he did not suspect that Hajime Aikawa had taken away the mother and daughter, but he was worried that there were other undead creatures in order to be able to Fighting that guy, using mother and daughter as a threat, there are a lot of undead creatures who can use some despicable methods, and Isaka is just one of them.

Of course, not only high-level undead creatures can play tricks on targets, but also low-level undead creatures. , this is also possible.

This time, it was exactly the same.

The group of people hurried to the Jacaranda Coffee Shop, trying to find some clues, and when they were looking for clues, they saw Hajime Aikawa riding a motorcycle. Speeding by on the road not far away....Asking for flowers....

Kazuma Kenzaki, who had a guess in his mind, immediately followed him on his car, and Torataro Shirai and Shiro Hirose also quickly followed in their cars.

At this moment, in a certain abandoned underground air raid shelter.

Kurihara Haruka and Kurihara Amane woke up one after another, but when they woke up, they found that there was a monster close at hand, staring at them.

The mother and daughter were immediately startled. Kurihara Haruka held Kurihara Amane tightly in her arms and closed her eyes tightly.

She didn't understand what was going on at all, and as soon as she woke up, she found herself in this dark place.

The monster just stood there and seemed to have no intention of doing anything. This made Kurihara Haruka scared and a little confused at the same time.

Suddenly, the monster walked towards the two of them step by step, and its ferocious face made both mother and daughter very scared.

Kurihara Amane looked at the approaching monster and was immediately frightened and fainted.

Seeing her daughter unconscious, Kurihara Haruka was shocked and shouted urgently

"Tianyin! Tianyin!

But everyone has been frightened and fainted. It is not that easy to wake up at this time.

Just when the dragonfly undead creature was about to take action, there was suddenly a roar/whining of a motorcycle outside.

Dragonfly Undead The man turned back because he had felt it, Kallis was coming!

In order to find Kallis, he deliberately kidnapped the mother and daughter, just to lure them out.

After waiting for so long, the rightful owner is finally here!

Immediately abandoning the mother and daughter, the dragonfly undead creature quickly rushed out of the air raid shelter.

As soon as I came outside, I happened to see Hajime Aikawa arriving on a bicycle.

"Finally Kallis!"

As a person who lost to Kallis in the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, he has revived again this time. He wants to seek revenge from Kallis!

But it has to be said that the dragonfly undead creature is indeed very courageous. As an ordinary The undead creature dared to take the initiative to challenge Kalis, who was a Category Ac.

Obviously, this guy didn't know the strength gap between the two sides. Maybe he knew the strength gap between the two sides, but he was just unwilling to lose to Kalis. Leith is resurrected now and wants to complete his revenge in other ways!



Quickly completing the transformation, Kalis immediately took out his weapon. Anger burst out in his heart. Now he just wanted to teach the dragonfly undead a lesson.

The reason why he chose to leave the Jacaranda Coffee Shop was to prevent it from happening. The mother and daughter were implicated, but he didn't expect that after he left, Kurihara and his daughter were still targeted by the undead, and even kidnapped the two of them in order to lure him out. He couldn't help it anyway.

The anger that burst out in his heart made Kallis' combat power even more powerful.

Among the undead creatures, the combat power can only be said to be very average, and there is no special ability in the face of anger. Kallis was beaten to a pulp on the spot.

He originally wanted to take revenge on Kallis, but now he was in such a state of embarrassment that when the two sides were fighting, Kazuma Kenzaki finally gave chase. Come up


Sure enough, his decision to follow him was right:

Kallis, who was busy fighting, could not spare any time to save the mother and daughter at this time. When he saw Kenzaki Kazuma arriving, he immediately shouted

"Tianyin and the others are right there!"


Kazaki Kazuma also knew that the more important thing now was to save people, so he did not get involved in this battle.

What's more, he knew that Kallis was in an absolute advantage now, and there was no reason to lose in this situation. The dragonfly undead creature quickly entered the abandoned air-raid shelter and finally saw Kurihara Amane and the two.

At this time, the sky gradually dimmed.

Facing the powerful fighting force of Kallis, the dragonfly undead creature was completely passive. Being beaten, you don’t even have a chance to fight back.


The awakening bow slashed the dragonfly undead creature hard on the chest, knocking the dragonfly undead creature staggering and falling to the ground.

At this time, the dragonfly undead creature also understood that he was no match for Kalis now.

He quickly summoned a group of dragonflies temporarily. He held Kallis back so that he could not take care of himself for the moment, and then quickly escaped.

When Kallis got away from these annoying dragonflies, no one could be found at all.


When the battle was over, Callis suddenly gasped.

It turned out to be the hand that was injured when he fought with Lu Li before.

Due to the anger in his heart just now, he had no time to take care of his hand.

Now fight At the end, a sharp pain made him feel uncomfortable.

The enemy was gone, so there was no need to continue to fight. Aikawa Hajime, who had released the transformation, looked down at his injured hand, although he had recovered a lot due to his strong recovery power. , but he didn't fully recover and still needed some time to recover.

He endured the pain and walked back.

When he came to the edge of the hillside and looked at the rescued Kurihara mother and daughter below, he finally felt relieved.

Chapter 409: Trust. The change of Sister Tiger, the decisive battle between Green and Isaka. The reason why he wanted to leave before was not to drag down the mother and daughter, but he did not expect that even if he left, things would still turn out like this.

Hajime Aikawa felt quite guilty. I don’t know what I should do now.

Shirai Torataro and Hirose Shiori took their mother and daughter back to the coffee shop. Kenzaki Kazuma did not leave, but stayed to wait for Aikawa Hajime. , Kenzaki Kazuma really hates undead creatures.

He believes that it is because of the existence of undead creatures that everyone in the institute will die: after understanding what Aikawa Shimae has done and the appearance of Shima Noboru, this makes Kenzaki Kazuma's attitude suddenly changed.

Maybe the undead are not necessarily bad people.

Maybe there are some among them who are willing to integrate into human life.

After confirming that everyone else has left, Hajime Aikawa said. Then he slowly walked downwards.

Seeing Hajime Aikawa coming back, Kenzaki Kazuma said curiously.

"What about the undead?"

"The coward who called me over but ran away on his own, I will definitely not let him go next time!"

Whenever the dragonfly undead creature was mentioned, Hajime Aikawa felt very angry.

In order to lure him out, this guy kidnapped the person he wanted to protect, but he didn't kill the person and let him escape.

Just in case there is another time , can he really protect Kurihara and his daughter?

"That guy really came for you."

"I....You must not stay with their mother and daughter."

At this time, Aikawa Hajime still wanted to prevent mother and daughter from being harmed as much as possible, and wanted to stay away from them.

However, as a bystander, Kenzaki Kazuma, at this time, he could see more clearly

"No! You are wrong. Have you never thought about it? Even if you leave, they will still be attacked.

I think it might be a good thing for you to stay and continue to stay by their side to protect them."

These words, Kenzaki Kazuma didn't know what he would say because of"483".

But he always felt that Aikawa Hajime was definitely not a bad person.

He didn't know whether this feeling was right or not, but he believed in his own It felt right.

Just as he gradually trusted Mr. Shima, Aikawa Hajime was willing to protect the mother and daughter, and he was also trustworthy.

When he heard these words, Aikawa Hajime suddenly turned around and looked at Kenzaki in disbelief. Kazuma.

He couldn't believe that Kenzaki Kazuma would say this to him.

Recalling that the two had fought at the beginning, he didn't know what to say now. His mind is in a mess, as Kenzaki Kazuma said.

No matter whether he leaves or not, Kurihara and his daughter will always be affected by him.

Like this time, he left suddenly and failed to protect them, which led to the mother and daughter being killed. His enemies caught him and he was in danger.

Maybe he should consider going back. As long as he was by their side, he could protect them from harm!

Aikawa Hajime, who was in a mess, was about to drive away.

Because his hand was injured before, and the battle just now, his injury suddenly became more serious.

The pain made him retract his hand unconsciously, and green blood dripped on the ground. In this situation, Kazuma Kenzaki frowned slightly, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and walked over.

Noticing Kazuma Kenzaki walking towards him, Aikawa Hajime was instinctively wary.

"What are you going to do?"

However, Kenzaki Kazuma didn't pay attention to his vigilance.

Instead, he took his injured hand and bandaged it briefly with the handkerchief he took out just now.

"Since you are injured, take a good rest, otherwise your blood will easily be misunderstood by others."

After saying that, Kenzaki Kazuma returned to his motorcycle and was about to leave.

Looking at the handkerchief in his hand, Aikawa Hajime felt strange in his heart. Why did this man want to help him?

He couldn't figure this out. He didn't ask, but turned the accelerator and left on his bicycle.

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