"Kalis, there's no need to be so nervous, Lu Li is my partner now.

Until now, Isaka had only thought that Hajime Aikawa was Callis.

But he didn't notice at all that although he was using the form of Kalis, he was not Kalis at all.

The reason why he admitted his mistake was because not all the undead creatures were seen in the extreme battle ten thousand years ago.

Isaka had never met Joker at that time, so he didn't think about it.

As for Isaka mistaking Aikawa Hajime, Lu Li did not try to expose Aikawa Hajime's identity.

After noticing that Lu Li didn't seem to want to fight him, Hajime Aikawa lowered his guard.

However, the vigilance in his heart did not weaken due to this.

This is a fighting instinct.

To Joker, all undead creatures are enemies and can never be friends.

For some reason, Aikawa Haji always felt uncomfortable when he saw Lu Li.

He wants to get out of here.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Aikawa Hajime had no interest in what was going to happen next.

At least what he saw earlier didn't make much sense to him

"I'll let you see more interesting things later, so don't leave yet.

Seeing that Aikawa Hajime was about to leave, Isaka quickly stopped him.

The reason why he brought Hajime Aikawa here was not only to let him see his experiments, but also for another purpose.

This purpose is to stimulate Kallis' fighting instinct and join him in the subsequent battle.

Kallis, as a category Ace, is also of research significance for Isaka.

It would be great if more combat data could be collected.

"No need, it’s not a waste of time."

Aikawa Hajime, with a cold face, refused without hesitation. He was not interested in so-called experiments at all. But Isaka had already expected that such a situation would occur and had made second-hand preparations in advance.

"Don't be anxious yet, wait until you finish reading this, then give me a correct answer."

Before he finished speaking, Isaka nodded to the researchers on the side.



Subsequently, researchers played real-time surveillance footage on a nearby TV.

The place played on the screen is the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

Kurihara Haruka is delivering coffee to the guests.

When he saw this scene, Hajime Aikawa no longer had the calmness before, his eyes widened slightly, and he hurriedly walked over.

After repeated confirmation, I found that it was indeed a live broadcast.

"It's too early now, the next step is the focus.

Just as Isaka finished speaking, the man in the picture suddenly took out a small black box from the box next to him. bomb!

"Do you know what this man is doing?"

Recognizing it immediately, Aikawa Hajime suddenly became angry and walked over and grabbed Isaka's leather jacket.

"You guy! What exactly do you want to do?!"

He didn't expect that in order to make him stay, Isaka would use such despicable methods, and even attack the mother and daughter he cared about.

"Tell him to stop!"

Lowering his head slightly and glancing at the hand holding him, Isaka said calmly.

"Is it really okay for you to treat me like this?

As long as I press the button, it will be blown up."

"If you can, just press it! I'll give it to you now.!"

Aikawa Hajime was like a furious lion at this moment, trying hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

"What are you so angry about? It's not very like you to show affection to a mere human being, Kallis."

He really couldn't understand why Kalis had feelings for humans.

"Shut up! What do you know?"

"yes! I don't understand. In my eyes, human beings are just props that can be controlled by the mind. It's you who have fallen."

He is the kind of guy who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

In Isaka's eyes, there is never despicableness or despicability, only whether he can achieve his goals.

The two of them were at war with each other, and Lu Li watched quietly from the side. He knew that he couldn't fight anyway.

Isaka was just threatening Hajime Aikawa and had no intention of completely irritating the opponent. It would do him no good to fight at this time. Even if he defeated his opponent, there was no way to defeat him. The opponent sealed it.

Because of the incident at the Jacaranda Cafe, Aikawa Hajime was forced to stay here. From Isaka's attitude just now, it can be seen that if he really wanted to leave, he would definitely not do it. Leave! Although I don’t know what Isaka wants to do, I can only stay and watch step by step. Just standing quietly in the laboratory, Aikawa Hajime waited silently for Isaka’s next move. Hajime Aikawa stopped arguing, and Isaka nodded to the researchers on the side.

"Okay, you can continue to the next step


Not long after, Kazuma Kenzaki, who could be seen through the window and tied tightly with a bondage uniform, was brought out.

However, because the clothes on his body were tied too tightly, Kenzaki Kazuma tried his best to struggle, but to no avail.

The two heavily armed men threw Kenzaki Kazuma to the ground, turned around and left.

1.8 Kenzaki Kazuma, who was left where he was, shouted loudly

"Hello! Don't go! Let me go, don't go! Hello!!"

No matter how he shouted, there was no movement at all from the two of them. He barely supported his body and stood up. Kenzaki Kazuma stood in this closed space with strong doubts in his eyes.

"What on earth is this place?"

At this moment, a spotlight suddenly turned on in the dark room, illuminating the entire room.

"What else do you want to do? Are you trying to play another trick?"

At this moment, under the illumination of the light, an undead creature suddenly appeared in his field of vision. A trilobite undead creature!

It was covered in armor and had strong defense. Its left wrist had sharp iron claws. At the same time, there is a powerful defensive shield in his right hand.

The trilobite undead creature did not come here spontaneously, but was controlled by Isaka's powerful thoughts. It can not only control humans, but also control humans. Can control undead creatures. Of course, the premise is that the undead creatures are not strong enough.

If it is a low-level undead creature or a special type of undead creature, Isaka's mind control will have no effect at all.

The undead creatures were slowly approaching. Kenzaki Kazuma was now tied up and couldn't even transform.

He was forced to retreat. He didn't understand why there were undead creatures here.

What kind of organization was this? What is the purpose of his coming?

Full of doubts in his heart, Kenzaki Kaz really wants to know what the person behind the scenes wants to do.

"You can't escape, you can't leave here."

At this time, a voice echoed in Kenzaki Kazuma's mind.

He quickly looked around and saw a man wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses standing in front of the glass window.

PS: Thanks to

18545. for the reminder ticket.!

Chapter 390 Fighting Instinct! Lu Li’s terrifying fusion coefficient!

Kenzaki Kazuma asked sharply.

"who are you? What on earth do you want to do to me?!"

Not to mention being brought here inexplicably, there are undead creatures appearing here now.

He can feel that this organization is definitely not simple, and the other party must have some ulterior purpose.

"I want you to fight, I want to see you fight that undead creature"

"Do not make jokes! Who will listen to your orders?"

This is not a question of whether Kenzaki Kazuma obeys orders or not, but whether he wants to live.

If he wants to live, he must fight this undead creature, otherwise he will die.

A flash in his eyes With a hint of contempt, Isaka ordered the trilobite undead creature to start attacking.

After receiving the order, the trilobite undead creature rushed forward and raised the iron claw on its left hand when it saw the trilobite undead creature suddenly rushing towards him. The creature, Kazuma Kenzaki, panicked and quickly retreated,


The iron claws accurately tore the bondage clothes on his body.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly took out the knight belt buckle and awakening card and rolled them aside.


You have to fight even if you don't want to fight at this time, unless he really doesn't want to live anymore."


The ejected blue light curtain directly knocked away the trilobite undead creature in front of him.

He quickly rushed over and completed the transformation after passing through the light curtain.

The battle began!

And as the sword began to fight, the data in the laboratory also began immediately Expand collection

"Telomere alignment repair has begun, and the fusion coefficient is 516EH!"

The artificial knight system was originally created based on Jokert's Awakening Device.

The fusion coefficient represents the degree of fusion between the user and Type Ace.

The higher the value, the more powerful the Type Ace can be exerted.

Once the fusion coefficient If it is too low, a problem is likely to arise, which is to directly cancel the transformation.

The fusion coefficient of the current sword is very stable, and the combat power it can exert is relatively stable.

Among humans, those who can use the knight system to transform Very few, it must achieve a certain degree of adaptability.

Facing the trilobite, which is not a biological creature with strong defense and good attack power, the sword was in a hard battle for a while.

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