
"Swish, swish, swish!"

Powerful fireballs were released from his hands one after another.

Fireballs all over the sky fell, and Isaka was really angry at this moment.

No matter who the man in front of him was, no one could make him suffer.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The fireball exploded the moment it hit, and a series of fireballs exploded continuously.

He didn't believe that the guy in front of him could still be unscathed under such an attack.

The flames falling from the sky blocked his vision, and Isaka couldn't be sure for a moment. Lu Li below What is the situation?

But he doesn't dare to be careless. He is not sure who the opponent is at the moment, and he doesn't know what the opponent's combat power is. It is better to be cautious.

As a boss in the early stage, Isaka is indeed very smart. The strength is also good.

Unfortunately, the opponent he faces now is completely different from the opponent he knew before.

"Isaka, your speed.....too slow."

A sudden sound came from behind, causing Isaka's expression to change suddenly.


Just when he was about to turn around, a whip hit him on the back. The huge force made Isaka fall to the ground in embarrassment.

This time, Isaka failed to rely on his flying ability to stop himself and his body fell in embarrassment. It hit the ground.

The terrifying force poured into the road, leaving a crater full of cracks.

At this time, Isaka was lying in the middle of the crater, and he didn't know what happened to the sunglasses on his face. The place was gone.

The terrifying movement speed made Isaka start to wonder what kind of undead creature Lu Li was. But even during the Extreme Battle 10,000 years ago, not all the undead creatures had seen each other.

: Thank you

Yiyi for the blue and white striped monthly ticket!

Chapter 389 Impromptu Cooperation, Threats and Experiments

It is normal for them to fight separately and have not seen other undead creatures.

Judging from the current performance, it is normal for Lu Li to show his abilities. The undead creatures he knew were different.

After all, they were advanced undead creatures, and Isaka also had good defense.

Standing up from the pit, Isaka felt very unhappy since the last time. After the extreme battle, he had not been in such a panic for a long time. In the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, he would lose in embarrassment entirely because his opponent was a powerful Kig, otherwise he might not have been able to survive. able to stay until the end

"Isaka, do you want to continue fighting?"

Lu Li has no intention of killing Isaka immediately.

It is precisely because of Isaka's existence that the last knight's belt buckle can be born.

If he kills this guy directly, the last knight's belt buckle will not be completed. Lu Li does not want it to happen. In this situation, as for him, he had no interest in getting another knight's belt buckle.

Standing up from the pit, Isaka shook his head quickly, regardless of his own embarrassment.

"do not fight!"

Even though the contact time was short, Isaka was sure that he had no chance of defeating Lu Li.

The top priority now is to find a way to complete the strongest knight system as soon as possible, instead of fighting Lu Li here.

It is obvious that he has no chance of winning now. This kind of fight is completely meaningless, and there is no way to seal it.

But what Isaka doesn't know is that Lu Li can seal undead creatures without using the power of the sealing stone.

"Okay, let's talk about cooperation now."

The voice came from behind again, and Yiban suddenly turned around.

At some point, Lu Li appeared behind him again.

He was very sure that he was not distracted at all just now.

But Lu Li suddenly disappeared in front of him. , it was not that he was fast, but that he simply disappeared, and then suddenly appeared behind him.

He had never seen such an ability before, and he was completely unable to determine Lu Li's true identity.

But the only thing he could be sure of was. Lu Li must be an undead creature.

After all, undead creatures can sense each other as long as they are close to each other. If

Lu Li was not an undead creature, Isaka wouldn't believe it.

Picking it up and putting it back on his face, Isaka dusted off his body and returned to his pretentious appearance. Seeing

Isaka being such a coward, Lu Li really wanted to rush over and teach him a lesson.

That's the end of it, but you, an undead creature, are also a show off. What's going on?

This guy keeps saying that humans are just props that can be used for manipulation, but in some aspects, he has also unknowingly learned from humans. habits and behaviors

"cooperate? How do you want to collaborate?"

For this guy who came suddenly, after fighting with him, he actually said that he wanted to cooperate with him. He couldn't understand what the other party was thinking.

"Isaka, since I have already said cooperation, then I naturally know what you are doing.

In this extreme battle, you must have noticed that after the battle between the undead creatures was won, the sealing tablet did not appear.

If you want to win, you must rely on a special knight system. After all, the knight system can seal undead creatures.

I know that you have been secretly investigating the knight system, and you also plan to create the strongest knight system, right?"

When Lu Li told Isaka what he wanted to do, how could Isaka not be shocked?

You must know that he has been hiding it very deeply.

After all, creating the knight system means that he will be different from all other Undead creatures are enemies.

His behavior is likely to arouse the resentment of other advanced undead creatures. It is not impossible to join forces to deal with him. In that situation, it will be him who is in danger.

He couldn't see the shock in Isaka's eyes, but Lu Litong could feel Isaka's emotional changes.

"You..how do you know?!"

His plan can be said to have been ongoing and very covert.

The humans controlled by him have always been conducting investigations and so on, and they have never exposed themselves.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible for anyone to know about this plan. Yes, but the guy in front of him knew so clearly.

Could it be that he had been spying on him? Impossible!

If the other party was spying on him, Isaka thought it was impossible that he could not detect it.

What about these things?

For a moment, in Isaka's eyes, Lu Li had a very mysterious color.

"How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Lu Li is not worried about Isaka not cooperating with him at all.

This guy has already seen his power, and in order not to offend him, he will choose to cooperate with him.

Of course, this guy will probably do something behind his back to prevent him from doing so. I know, but it doesn't matter.

Lu Li just wanted to complete the last knight system.

After being silent for a while, Isaka nodded helplessly after weighing the pros and cons.

"good! I understand. Since you want to cooperate with me, let’s work together."

Before he finished speaking, Isaka stretched out his arm to Lu Li, as if he was planning to shake hands and make peace.

Seeing him like this, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

"Isaka, why have you become so humane? He actually knows that cooperation requires a handshake, haha!"

Lu Li did not take the initiative to shake hands with Isaka. The cooperation he said did not mean that he really wanted to cooperate with Isaka.

With Isaka's strength, Lu Li really looked down on him.

Talking about cooperation was completely flattering him. But it didn't mean that Lu Li recognized Isaka's strength.

He walked to the seat behind the extended luxury car and sat down. Lu Li didn't even glance at Isaka.

His outstretched arm was awkwardly frozen in the air. He retracted his arm.

He also found that he seemed to have been influenced by humans unknowingly.

In order to integrate into human life, some behaviors and habits had become the same as those of humans.

He returned to the car and started again.

There were only potholes and cracks on the road, and the flowers and plants on the roadside had long been turned into a mess by the flames.

It had been a while since the cooperation with Isaka was reached. Time.

Just now, Isaka specifically informed Lu Li that he wanted to see something very interesting.

Lu Li, who was very leisurely for the time being, had nothing to do and didn't mind seeing what Isaka said was the interesting thing. What.

I have to say that Isaka's ability is indeed very useful. He can use his mind to control people's thinking and make the other party do things according to his own thoughts, and it will not affect the opponent.���brain.

It is precisely because of this that Isaka can say that he can create the strongest knight system on his own.

Arrive at Isaka's secret laboratory, which is hidden in a very hidden location.

After all, if you want to avoid attracting attention, you have to be more hidden.

Even if he can control people through his thoughts, it does not mean that mistakes will not occur.

When Lu Li came to the research room, he happened to see Isaka in the research room. At the same time, there was another person here.

Aikawa Hajime.

Seeing these two people together, Lu Li already guessed what was going on.

Kenzaki Shinichi at this time in the future should have been captured by Isaka!

As for the purpose, it is naturally to test their physical condition and integration with the category Ace.

Only by collecting this data can we better complete the strongest knight system.

Hajime Aikawa, who had met Lu Li before and even had a fight with him, was suddenly startled when he saw Lu Li again and immediately put on a vigilant posture.

Hajime seemed very nervous when meeting Aikawa, and Isaka didn't quite understand what was going on.

"Do you two...do you know each other?"

He had never heard Lu Li mention Aikawa Hajime, so he naturally never thought that the two of them would know each other. He didn't care at all and was very wary of Aikawa Hajime. Lu Li smiled indifferently.

"Let's just say we've met each other, we met once, and there was even a fight.

Lu Li leisurely walked to a chair nearby and sat down. Lu Li did not regard himself as an outsider at all, and did not even take Aikawa Hajime's vigilance to heart.

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