31"The fusion coefficient is 516EH, no change."

The researchers on the side saw the fusion coefficient without fluctuations and didn't know what to do for a while.

After all, there are too many things involved in the knight system, and they can't fully understand it now.

"no change?"

Isaka frowned, obviously he didn't want to get such an answer.

At this time, Lu Li, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai beside him, suddenly said

"Let him have an emotional outburst. How can he improve the fusion coefficient without emotional fluctuations?

Hajime, just show your face."

Lu Li turned his attention to Hajime Aikawa.

Hearing this, Isaka was slightly startled and turned his attention to Hajime Aikawa.

Then he silently stepped aside and made room for Hajime Aikawa.

At this moment, Aikawa Hajime, there was nothing he could do. After all, the Jacaranda Coffee Shop was in danger.

He didn't know why he wanted to protect the mother and daughter, but he only knew that he had to do it with a cold face. , Aikawa Hajime quietly looked at the sword below him that had just been knocked to the ground. When he looked up and saw Aikawa Hajime, his mood suddenly became excited.

"It's him!"

Thoughts were flying in my mind, and many plots came up in my mind at once.

"What the hell are you doing?! That bastard, it turns out you are also from this organization!"

Feeling very angry for no reason in his heart, Jian tightly held the awakening device in his hand.

At this time, the trilobite undead creature on the side punched him in the face.

Jian was staggered by the punch, but this time he didn't. Lying down, he turned around fiercely, raised the awakening device in his hand and slashed at it.

Then, the sword was in a rage and attacked the trilobites like crazy.

In the laboratory, the sword was in an angry mood. With the support of , the integration model with category Ace is rising rapidly

"Fusion coefficient 624EH! It's starting to rise! 754EH! Still rising!"

When he heard the result, Isaka couldn't sit still.

"What exactly is going on? Why did it rise so sharply?!" He couldn't help but turn his gaze to Lu Li who was standing aside. A flash of shock flashed through his eyes under his sunglasses.

He really couldn't understand why Lu Li could increase the fusion coefficient so much just by saying a casual word and letting Hajime Aikawa show his face.

The most important thing is that the fusion coefficient is still rising, which is beyond Isaka’s understanding.

"Did I just tell you that? If you want the fusion coefficient to increase, you need to mobilize his emotions.

When he saw Hajime Aikawa, he was very angry in his heart, and anger could increase his fusion coefficient with Category Ace."

As the fusion coefficient increases, the combat effectiveness of the sword increases to a degree visible to the naked eye.

Punch after punch hits the clover undead creature, causing the trilobite undead creature to retreat continuously.

"This guy..converted his anger into strength. It turns out that because of this guy's hatred for me, his fusion coefficient increased."

Soon, the sword's fusion coefficient even exceeded one thousand.

Due to the lack of sealed heart cards, Aikawa Hajime was unable to completely suppress the desire to fight in his heart.

As the sword gradually became stronger, the desire in his heart increased.

The fighting instinct is also aroused!


Aikawa Hajime clenched his fists and roared with all his strength.

The Awakening Device automatically appeared on his waist. He took out the Ace of Hearts card and slid it over the Awakening Device tremblingly.


The strange power attached to him, forming a blur, and then switched to Callis.

Seeing the sudden transformation of Callis, Isaka suddenly narrowed his eyes.


At this time, Kallis, who was completely aroused with the desire to fight, was like a mad beast.

He jumped out of the window next to him.


Countless glass fragments fell, and Kallis fell directly between the sword and the undead trilobites.

His target was only the sword!

Just because the fusion coefficient of the sword and the Ace category at this moment has exceeded one thousand, the combat effectiveness has increased. A lot.

As soon as he landed, Kalis immediately launched a fierce attack on the sword.


Fistes and kicks exchanged, and the two men immediately fought fiercely.

On the contrary, the trilobite undead creature on the side was reduced to the background.

"Mr. Isaka, do you want to pause?"

The sudden situation left the researcher at a loss as to what to do and could only ask Isaka.

After all, Isaka is the big boss of the research laboratory, so what he said only matters.

Hearing this, Isaka thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.

"No! Let's continue like this, and measure together with Kallis!"


The researchers immediately presented the data on another computer.

"This is the moment I've been waiting for. Let's fight, and then... let's perish together.

There is no need for knights in this world, I just need to keep the strongest one I have found!"

Isaka murmured to himself. He was looking forward to the fact that at the end of this battle, both sides would be injured.

For him, both the knight and Kallis were in great danger, especially after witnessing the anger. The strength of the sword caused the fusion coefficient to continue to increase, which gave him a slight sense of crisis.

Even if it was not strong, the knight might threaten his safety in the future.

Lu Li watched everything happen in front of him. But he didn't mean to stop it.

It was precisely because of this combat data that the final knight system could not be completed. This was not what

Lu Li wanted to see.

As for the last knight system, Lu Li thought of the Plum Blossom Ac again. The undead spiders must have started looking for their adapters by now.

It has to be said that the undead spiders are indeed very smart and have already started looking for their adaptors. Because of the sword

, Kallis' fighting power was greatly enhanced, and his fusion coefficient also increased rapidly.

Lu Li slowly stood up and came to the window that was destroyed just now, quietly. Witnessing the battle below, even though the fusion coefficient of the sword has been greatly increased and the combat effectiveness has been enhanced to a certain extent, facing both Kallis and the Trilobite Undead at the same time still poses a huge threat to him. Pressure.

Under the attack of the two, Jian fell into a difficult and hard battle for a while.

"Isaka, do you mind if I join this fight?"

During this period, Lu Li really had nothing to do.

As his temporary partner, Isaka couldn't pull this guy out and beat him up.

Now that he has this opportunity, Lu Li certainly doesn't want to miss it.

There is another reason. It was also because Lu Li felt a little itchy when he saw the three guys fighting fiercely below.

When he learned that Lu Li was going to join the melee below, Isaka couldn't help but frowned even though he had never really seen what Lu Li was capable of. How strong, but taking advantage of this opportunity, I might be able to get a feel for Lu Li's strength.

It might play a key role in counterattacking Lu Li in the future.

After thinking about this, Isaka no longer refused.

"Of course, as long as you're happy."

He couldn't refuse Lu Li, and he couldn't refuse Lu Li either. If he offended Lu Li again because of his two words, he would still be the target of punishment.

Lu Li jumped out from the broken glass window and landed smoothly on the ground.

The sword was hit in the back by Kalis' awakening bow, and he staggered suddenly when he stood upright, but suddenly found Lu Li standing next to him.

"It's you?!"

He didn't expect that he would not only meet Hajime Aikawa, but also Lu Li in this research room.

Even so far, he has not found out what Lu Li's name is.

Since he appeared in front of him several times, what is the other party's name? Who is it?

Regarding Lu Li's identity, Jian suddenly felt even more angry.

"Why are you here? Are you also from this organization?!"

Jian, who was very angry in his heart, clenched his fist tightly.

Previously, he was still guessing whether the person who fell in love with Kurihara Amane at the observatory last time was Lu Li.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore.

The guy in front of him is now his enemy just like Hajime Aikawa. Compared with Kallis who has aroused the desire to fight and is too lazy to talk at the moment, Lu Li even has a faint smile on his face. This battle is ordinary.

"I am not a member of this organization, but I am currently here for a while.

Watching you fight makes me feel a little itchy, so you can fight with me."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li took out the golden awakening card just like what Kallis had seen before.

Under the light of the light, this golden awakening card looked so dazzling that it made People couldn't help but look at it with side eyes.

When Isaka in the laboratory saw this dazzling golden card, he couldn't help but feel a throb in his heart.

"What card is that?! It actually exudes a faint golden light! Why didn't I know about such a card?!"

Putting his hands on the experimental table, Isaka had already taken off the glasses on his face and stared directly at the golden card.

For some reason, he felt as if there was a voice in his heart encouraging him. , let himself snatch the golden awakening card.

Fortunately, Isaka had seen Lu Li's extremely powerful power before, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Although he already knew that Lu Li had the ability to suddenly disappear and then appear suddenly, the specific power was. What, he didn't know yet.

And in the next second, a fully integrated awakening device appeared on Lu Li's waist, and a gorgeous golden belt was wrapped around his waist.

"how come?!"

When he saw that Lu Li and Kallis had exactly the same driver, but with some differences, Isaka was confused on the spot.

How could this happen?!

Shouldn't there be only one Kallis? Then why did another one suddenly appear now? Callis?

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