Looking at the strange-looking Star Disciple switch with the Sagittarius symbol in his hand, Lu Li nodded with satisfaction and threw it together with the Gemini.

Not only the Sagittarius star disciple switch 923, but also the Aquarius, Taurus, and Aries switches are here.

At this moment, everything went into Lu Li's pocket.

The remaining star switches, except for Leo, Libra, and Virgo, should all be in Leo.

After all, the Li Shen Roar that turned into a Leo is very special. It can have the power to use the switches of other Zodiac Stars.

As for me who is on the verge of death, Wang Guangming, Lu Li has no interest in him anymore. What else can be said for a dying person.

I looked at the light approaching death, Leo and Libra both saw it.

It’s hard to imagine that this supreme gentleman has ended up like this. It’s like a dream.

"I hope. Sir!"

Especially for Leo, I Look at the Light is simply a god in his mind and his belief.

It is a bit hard to accept that such an existence was killed like this.

While Leo is worried about me looking at the light, In the moment of distraction, he directly loaded the pop storm switch into the driver, his eyes glowed with bright red light, and he jumped into the sky, his left foot wrapped with blue and gold energy.



Aiming at Leo below, the body fell rapidly


With the roar of Meteor, the left foot filled with powerful energy suddenly kicked Leo on the back. Leo, who was already in a dazed state, could not withstand Meteor's special move.

His body suddenly flew away. Go out and hit the ground hard, but even so, Leo did not cancel the transformation, nor did it cause an explosion due to the infusion of energy.

Leo stood up slowly and looked at him standing just now with cold eyes. The meteor in his position is naturally injured, but Leo has a very strong physique, and even if he is injured, he will not lose his fighting ability immediately.


Watching this scene with his own eyes, Meteor once wondered if his special move was fake.

Otherwise, why didn't it cause damage to Leo?

"your power......Not enough!"


Leo Mule suddenly roared, and a terrifying sound wave swept across the beach.

He quickly put his hands in front of his body, but the powerful sound wave impact still blew the meteor away.

"I hope your lord!"

After doing all this, Leo immediately wanted to return to me Wang Guangming.

At this moment, he was not interested in the meteor at all.

But Leo, who was already being targeted by Lu Li, was caught by me before he could get close to Wang Guangming. stopped

"Leo, hand over all the Star Disciple switches you have."

Facing Lu Li, who was carrying extremely strong pressure on him, Leo suddenly felt his body sinking, and even felt like he couldn't move.

But even so, Leo did not retreat because of this.

No matter who he was facing, he could not Prevent him from going to my Wang Guangming side

"Step aside!"

Leo's voice was cold.

Chapter 381 Gather, three-sided spies! Decision.

Leo's eyes were full of murderous intent.

The sharp claws on his hands had already been stretched out, obviously preparing to arm-wrestle with Lu Li.

Leo knew very well in his heart that in the future If I want to fight Lu Li, the possibility of winning is almost zero.

Even if I, who is regarded as a god by him, uses the strongest form of Sagittarius, isn't he lying on the ground dying at this time?

But Leo is a A blind guy.

He doesn't know what flexibility is, he only knows what he wants to do now.

Even though he knows he is no match, he will rush forward without hesitation.

"Hand over the Star Disciple switch in your hand, and you can pass naturally."

Lu Li is only interested in the Star Disciple Switch. Apart from that, he has no interest in anything else.

At the beginning, he chose to cooperate with me, Wang Guangming, with the ultimate goal of getting the key to the jump door.

"I said, let... open!!"

With a fierce roar, Leo rushed over instantly, and angrily smashed Lu Li with a pair of sharp claws.

Even Sagittarius in supernova state was not his opponent, let alone Leo in normal form.

He chopped off the wild beast in his hand. The attacker returned to his awakening state, and Lu Li dodged Leo's attack at a faster speed, walked around behind him, raised the two scythes in his hands, and launched a violent attack on Leo at a speed that could not be seen clearly.

"Tsk tsk tsk!!"

Fires were flying everywhere. Apart from being passively beaten, Leo didn't even have the strength to fight back!

He was beaten back by Lu Li's series of attacks. Such a miserable look made the scene instantly quiet. For the first time, Qi Qi and Fang Ping felt that , when Lu Li's opponents turned out to be so miserable.

Whether it was me, who was lying on the ground dying, or Leo, who was being beaten at the moment, they were both extremely difficult opponents, but Lu Li seemed to be such a difficult opponent. There was no way to fight back, just like a child.

After a series of attacks, Lu Li turned around and hit Leo Rui on his chest.

The terrifying force directly flew Leo Rui into the air. , the Zodiac Constellation Switch that Leo carried with him and the Leo Constellation Switch that he owned all fell on the beach, and with a flick of his finger, all of these Constellation Switches fell into Lu Li's hands.

Falling on the beach, Leo has released his transformation.

Lishenhou looks very embarrassed at this moment, and the long hair tied behind his head is now messy and messy. He has never looked so embarrassed since he became Leo.

The endless pain caused Leo to frown, but even so

, this guy's strong physical fitness was not enough.

He could still stand up and stagger towards me.

He has lost his power, but in his opinion, I hope Guangming is still the powerful being and the god in his mind.

After obtaining ten star disciple switches, the only ones left are Virgo and Libra. Several star disciple switches were thrown into the space, and Lu Li stopped looking at Li Shenhou.

Instead, he turned his attention to the last ones, Virgo and Libra, who were supposed to have a big advantage. Libra is completely blinded by such disadvantages.

What the hell?

He can't understand why the extremely powerful Sagittarius has been dealt with like this.

What should he do now ? Should he continue to carry on?

He couldn't even deal with Virgo, let alone Lu Li.

This battle was destined to be lost.

Libra couldn't see any possibility of victory, so he immediately threw away the tin stick in his hand.

"etc! I surrender!"

That's right, Libra is so spineless.

Even Lord Wang, who is so powerful, is no match. How can a guy like him with the lowest combat ability resist?

If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood.

He still understands this truth very well.

We will consider the future later. The most important thing now is to survive. Only survival is the most important thing.

Seeing that Libra actually dropped his weapon and surrendered, Virgo did not continue to attack.

His current condition is not very good. He had really struggled against the attack from Leo and Libra before, and he had suffered some injuries.


Libra and Virgo took out the Star Disciple switch and pressed the button on it. The transformation was lifted, and the true face finally appeared in front of Seqi and Meteor.

"headmaster?! Professor Emoto?.!"

Ce Qi looked at the two of them in disbelief. Unexpectedly, almost all the twelve palaces were acquaintances.

Dragging his injured body, Emoto Shuhui hesitated.

Finally, he came to Lu Li and handed the Virgo star disciple switch in his hand to Lu Li

"This is my Star Disciple switch. I hope you won’t break your promise and don’t open the jump door on Earth.

He had thought at first not to hand over the Virgo star disciple switch in his hand to Lu Li.

But considering that once he did this, it would probably cause very serious consequences, he gave up this unrealistic idea.

Lu Li is a more powerful and terrifying existence than I, Wang Guangming.

Once Lu Li was really angered, he couldn't predict what he would do.

It might even turn into an unmanageable situation, which he didn't want to see.

In order to prevent this matter from becoming more serious, he could only do as he had promised.

Taking the Virgo star disciple switch from Jiang Benzhouhui's hand, Lu Li nodded slightly.

"As I said before, the wind is my base camp, and the earth also has important things for me. Naturally, I will not open the door to jump on the earth.

This won't change, don't worry.

Regarding this point, Lu Li would do what he said before even if there was no need for Emoto Shuhui to remind him.

Without the Virgo Star Disciple Switch, there was no burden on him. Emoto Shuteru's face became much more relaxed.

He once betrayed his friend, the singer Midoriro, but finally realized it and chose to betray me again, Wang Guangming, which can be regarded as a kind of To my own redemption.

Focusing on Hayami Koi, Lu Li was still short of the last Libra star disciple switch.

Hayami's heart tightened as he felt suddenly being targeted.

He quickly walked over and carefully handed the Libra Constellation Switch in his hand to Lu Li.

Even if he is very unwilling in his heart, what can he do with his current strength?

I hope that such a powerful being, Sir, has already been defeated, so how can I be my opponent?

Hayami is very good at assessing the situation and knows what to do at the right time.

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