After handing the Libra Constellation Disciple switch to Lu Li, Hayami Eirochi asked cautiously.

"Mr. Lu Li, I can go.

He didn't dare to offend Lu Li, so he had better be more careful with what he said at this time.

Without answering, Lu Li just put away the Libra star disciple switch and canceled the transformation at the same time.

Seeing Lu Li take the initiative to cancel the transformation, Hayami Koi was finally convinced that Lu Li would not continue to cause trouble for him.

I breathed a sigh of relief silently in my heart, and quickly ran towards the side where I looked at the light.

As a loyal dog as loyal as Tate Shenhou, Hayami Noi is also very worried about the safety of I hope to see the light at this time. All the Zodiac Star Apprentice switches have been collected, which means that Lu Li can now open the jump door.

But he was not in a hurry. Opening the jump door meant leaving immediately.

Lu Li was also planning to go home first to explain the matter before leaving.

Just when Lu Li was about to leave, the roar of the Bastard Cavalry suddenly came from

"Hello! stop!!"

This is not true at all.���The question was addressed to Lu Li.

After pausing, Lu Li turned his head slightly and looked at Qi Qidao, who seemed quite excited.

"Kisaragi Gentaro, is there anything else you want to say?"

"You guy! Do you know what you did?!

Even if the chairman is a Sagittarius, he is still a person no matter what, how can you kill someone!"

That's right, just now, I hope Guangming has definitely died and his body has directly turned into nothing.

Part of it was caused by Lu Li, but part of it was caused by himself.

Although Gao Xingxing was able to obtain powerful power, It will also bring negative effects.

My physical fitness is not particularly strong, and I am not young at all. The burden on me is huge, especially being hit from the front by Lu Li's wild wind, so naturally I can't bear it..

Watching a person disappear in front of him, even if this person is his former enemy, killing is always wrong for Ceqi, no matter what the purpose is, no matter what the thoughts are. Killing is always killing.

Hearing this, Lu Li almost laughed out loud.

He could only say that Ce Qi was really too naive. This was not a child's play, but a battle of life and death. The result is either you die or I die. This is absolutely unchanged.

To go all out in this situation is to give your opponent enough respect. Death... is never the end.


After leaving these two words, Lu Li's figure disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing that Lu Li disappeared in an instant, Ba Qi was filled with anger and rushed over.

"Hello! hateful!"

Lu Li can't be found at all, Zhou Qi can only stamp his feet angrily.

Meteor on the side shook his head helplessly when he saw Zhou Qi's behavior.

Compared to the naive Qi Qi, Meteor was more able to accept this battle. The result.

Since it is already a battle, it must be a matter of victory or defeat, or even a life-and-death battle. This is normal, and it is not surprising that

Tachigamihou and Hayami Koei knelt on the beach, lowering their heads. I know what I'm thinking.

The disappearance of Guangming made the two of them seem to have lost their goals and beliefs for a while.

If they can't get back on their feet, their future lives will probably be miserable. The transformed Sakuda Ryusei came to Emoto Shuhui.

His intuition told him that this man had a secret, and judging from the way he and Lu Li looked before, there must be some kind of cooperation between the two.

"Professor Emoto, why do you collaborate with Lu Li? Shouldn't you be the one who looks to the bright side for me?"

Shuota Ryusei made his words clear directly. He doesn't like beating around the bush, but wants to know the result directly.

And now that things have reached this point, all the Zodiac Star Disciple switches have been recycled by Lu Li, and the Star Disciple should He won't show up.

Hearing this, Emoto Shuhui pushed up his glasses slightly.

"Everything is over, I might as well tell you that although I am a Virgo, this is not my only identity, I have another identity.

This identity is, I... am Tachibana of the Anti-Star Alliance"


When Sakuda Ryusei heard the words Tachibana, his brain was buzzing.

He had no idea that Virgo had another identity besides Emoto Shuteri.

It was unbelievable.!

Tachibana who has been guiding him behind the scenes and even gave him the popular driver is actually Emoto Shuteri.

This is simply a triple spy!


, Emoto Shuteri revealed his thoughts on why he wanted to cooperate with Lu Li.

".「The reason why I chose to cooperate with Lu Li is because I found that it is too difficult to fight against the Zodiac disciples with your strength.

You have just seen the strongest power of Sagittarius. With your strength, I am afraid that you are no match at all.

Once Sagittarius has collected all the Zodiac Disciple switches, he will use these switches to open the door to transition.

At that time, the powerful force will affect the entire earth, or even destroy the entire earth.

So... I can only change my partner.

What I need is a partner who is strong enough to help me solve this dilemma. For this reason, I can only find Lu Li.

Only his great strength can help me and stop my ambition."

After learning the truth of the matter, Shuakuda Ryusei was silent for a while.

The only thing to blame is that he and Qi Qi are not strong enough to allow Emoto Shuteri to place his hopes on them.

If only the two of them were strong enough. If so, maybe there is no need to cooperate with Lu Li.

I hope that the demise of Guangming will mean the end of his ambition.

The whole Tiangao will regain its youthful color, instead of simply becoming the other side for him to collect the Zodiac.

Lu Li returned to Sonosaki's house again.

This time, his goal had been achieved.

All the switches of the Zodiac Stars had been gathered in his hands, and he could open the door to jump at any time.

However, he still needed to explain something first.

Then leave.

After all, Lu Li himself couldn't tell how long it would take for the two of them to go to the Dark Nebula.

Moreover, Lu Li couldn't tell what the situation of the Giver was, similar to the will of the universe.

It is said to be a god-like existence, or it may be an existence similar to the sealing stone.

It is not yet clear what it is.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Li needs to make sufficient preparations in advance, just in case..

He has decided (okay Zhao) to go directly to the universe tomorrow and open the door to jump.

As for the matters at home, it is no problem to leave them all to Sonosaki Saeko and the others.

Now the girls are very powerful and can do it.

Protect the museum.

The Philosopher's Stone on Dimuzuo's side has not yet been completed, and the magic banquet has not yet been held.

It is not yet known how long it will take.

Anyway, the Philosopher's Stone is there, and the two are the best at hiding it.

Wu Zai Gu Lemulin had been dealt with, so Lu Li didn't worry about the Philosopher's Stone being taken away.

However , just in case, Lu Li still wanted to remind Dimu Xuan and made a call directly.

Then, I heard the sound of flute playing from over there.

"Mr. Lu Li, do you have anything I would like to ask you?"

Dimu Zuo respects Lu Li from the bottom of his heart.

He helped him successfully resurrect his daughter Dimu Li, and even easily defeated the Golden Magician and Ancient Lemlin.

"Dimu, I'm going to be away for a while. You continue to do your job well. If you have any questions, call Li and she will find a way to help you."

Lu Li doesn't want anything to happen to the Philosopher's Stone. If it's his, it must not be taken away, no matter who the target is.

"Got it, I remember it."

After experiencing the last incident in Ancient Lemlin, Di Muzou now has no objections to Lu Li's arrangements.

As long as it is arranged by Lu Li, there must be his reason.

And what he has to do is to fulfill his duties well. There was no need to question Lu Li's order.

It was night in a blink of an eye, and Lu Li was waiting quietly in the hall for the girls to come back.

Not long after, he saw them coming back one after another. Lu Li, who was already sitting in his seat, was very surprised.

They knew that Lu Li would not show up so early at home most of the time. It was really rare for

Sono Wakana to show up so early this time. He came over and hugged Lu Li's neck, saying coquettishly

"Lu Li, why are you back so early today? Still waiting for us here, is there any surprise?"

Chapter 382 is about to set off, the magic gem and the license plate.

Who would have thought that Sonosaki Wakana, who is very serious in the company, would act coquettishly towards Lu Li after returning home.

If people in the company saw it, they would probably be shocked..

Is this still their general manager?

"Everyone, sit down first. I have something to tell you later."

Seeing Lu Li's serious look, the girls looked at each other. They didn't know why he was so serious all of a sudden.

However, they all obediently returned to their seats and sat down.

They were all curious about what Lu Li wanted to do. It must be very important.

Not long after, Sonosaki Seiko finally came back.

When she came back, she found that everyone was sitting in the house, except for her.

"Everyone is back, dear, what happened today? Why are you so on time?"

Even Sonosaki Saeko didn't know at this moment that Lu Li was about to go on a far journey.

And it wasn't an ordinary trip, but a place far, far away.

It could even be said that he had crossed the galaxy. possible

"Okay, Weizi, sit down first, I have something very important to announce."

With that said, Lu Li stood up and pushed Sonosaki Saeko onto the chair.

For some reason, Sonosaki's heart suddenly suddenly felt like something was really going on.

But Lu Li didn't say what it was, and she didn't make any assumptions. Guess.

Everyone had arrived, and Lu Li told them what he was about to do.

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