However, Virgo, who was already prepared, naturally could not give Libra a chance. He spread out a pair of white wings behind him and dragged his body back quickly.

At this time, Meteor has not yet realized what the situation is.

Why would Virgo save himself?

Even risking 27 injuries to save himself, why?

There were so many questions in his mind that Meteor didn't have time to think about them for the time being.

After all, Leo was still watching eagerly next to him, and he almost fell into the opponent's way just now.

Immediately take out the meteor storm switch and switch to meteor storm form

"snort! Virgo, at this time, you still have time to care about other people. Do you think too highly of yourself?"

Leo's eyes are cold. He has no tolerance for traitors.

Anyone who dares to betray me, Wang Guangming, will pay an extremely heavy price.

Even his....Life!

As the person involved, Virgo did not answer, but stared at the scale cautiously���

Even though Libra is ranked relatively low in terms of combat effectiveness among the twelve houses, it does not mean that the combat effectiveness is completely incompetent, at least it is much stronger than ordinary star disciples.

Fortunately, Virgo can fly and take advantage of the sky, so he still has the upper hand in the battle with Libra.

Although Meteor has switched to the popular storm form, its combat effectiveness is still a little inferior to Leo's.

He could only barely resist Leo's attack and was completely passive.

Leo's attack became more and more fierce. He didn't want to be dragged by the meteor here, but wanted to help Sagittarius as soon as possible.

He is worried that if he continues to drag on, Sagittarius will be in danger.

Even if you believe in the power of Sagittarius, it doesn't mean that Sagittarius is necessarily invincible, especially after seeing Lu Li's power.

In the huge crater that was smashed on the beach.

Sagittarius climbed out of it in embarrassment, his body covered with sand.

In that blow just now, Sagittarius was not completely defenseless, but concentrated the explosive energy behind him.

It offset part of Lu Li's terrorist attack and at the same time used the explosive energy to blast himself away.

Although very embarrassed, Sagittarius was not actually seriously injured.

"Land from~!"

Gritting his teeth and shouting this name, Sagittarius already hated Lu Li in his heart.

The cooperation went smoothly at the beginning, but why did he have to stop him later?

Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, he was interrupted, preventing him from opening the jump door.

The golden figure appeared not far ahead, exuding a strong aura. Even Sagittarius felt tremendous pressure.

"I hope that if you honestly hand over the star disciple switch in your hand to me, maybe you can continue to live safely.

If you choose to continue fighting, I'm afraid... you will die in my hands.

Lu Li was not joking when he said this, he was very serious about it.

The strength he displayed just now was just the tip of the iceberg. Although Sagittarius barely blocked it, it didn't mean that he really blocked it.

As long as Lu Li applies a little more force, he may not be able to withstand it.」

"snort! If you want the Star Disciple switch in my hand, then use your strength to grab it!

Unless you defeat me, there is absolutely no way I can give you anything!"

It is absolutely impossible for Sagittarius to give up on this matter. He must find a way to go to the Dark Nebula to find the Giver.

He has worked hard for more than ten years and worked hard for so long, how could he give up at this time. If he gave up at this time, he would never give up , even if he died!

"Since you don't want to hand it over, there's nothing more to say. I can still grab it even if you don't hand it over."


The figure suddenly disappeared and moved teleported again.

Noticing Lu Li's teleportation again, Sagittarius tensed up his nerves and was ready to fight back at any time.

Although he has mastered powerful cosmic energy and has strong combat effectiveness, he is not If he didn't have the ability to teleport

, he wouldn't be as passive as he is now.

Zhou Qi, who was standing by him, had already been stunned and couldn't understand how Lu Li was acting.

"So fast! I actually have such a fast speed. If I had such a fast speed, I wouldn't have to worry about losing to Sagittarius."

I think so, but among all the astronomical switches, none of them are related to teleportation.

This is very helpless.

What follows is almost a completely one-sided and violent battle.

Sagittarius who can't keep up with the speed will He could only be beaten passively.

Even if he concentrated the explosive energy on himself in advance to slow down the damage caused by Lu Li's attack, this approach would be a drop in the bucket and would not solve the fundamental problem.

He was suppressed, but Sagittarius was unable to fight back, which made him very furious.

Why couldn't he go to Dark Nebula smoothly, but he would encounter such a huge obstacle like Lu Li?

If he had known this, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. He should choose to cooperate, maybe there won't be so many things now.

At worst, the time to collect the Zodiac Disciple Switch will be a little slower, but Lu Li won't worry about it.

After all, it was Sagittarius himself's problem in the first place. He was able to suppress everything and didn't take Lu Li to heart at all.

It was useless to think about these regrets now.

Countless golden light particles gathered around Lu Li, and a golden light condensed between the index and middle fingers of his right hand. Card.

Wild Awakening Card!

The golden Awakening Wild Card looks very dazzling. Swipe the card on the Wild Slasher. Awakening Bow.


The shadow of the Wild Awakening card suddenly covered the Awakening Bow, exuding a very terrifying power.

Hold the Awakening Bow slightly tightly, and the golden energy carrying emerald green energy condensed crazily on the bow arm.

The entire Wild Slasher , looking shiny and golden:

It was also at this time that the wind was howling and the ruthless waves were beating hard on the beach.


"Wild.Cyclone(Wild Cyclone))!"


Lu Li, who disappeared again, suddenly appeared in front of Sagittarius, and the wild slasher in his hand slashed down mercilessly.

"Don't even think about it!!"

Of course Sagittarius cannot just wait for death. His hands condensed a ball of fiery red energy and compressed it crazily.

The fiery red energy and the golden and emerald green energy collided together.

These are two extremely terrifying energies. Even one of them is already very scary, let alone now that both sides have


The energy tide caused by the energy collision spread crazily, and the sea water on the beach was surging. The sea water just pushed up by the waves was instantly pushed back by the energy tide.

The nearest squatter was directly blown over by this powerful burst of power..

He didn't expect that it would cause such a big commotion. If he hadn't been in the state of transformation now, I'm afraid he wouldn't just be blown over.

"I hope your lord!"x2

Leo and Libra focused their eyes on the center of the explosion energy, but unfortunately they could not see clearly at all.

The fiery red energy and golden energy accounted for half each, and the two energies had completely engulfed the two in the center of the explosion, and they could not see clearly at all. Knowing exactly what was going on, a sudden cold voice made everyone feel nervous.

"it's over!"

Sagittarius, who is confronting this golden energy, has no idea what Lu Li means.

So Sagittarius is now at a disadvantage, but it does not mean that he has lost. In this battle, he has not completely lost, but in the next In seconds, Sagittarius instantly understood what Lu Li meant when he said it was over.

The dazzling light from the Wild Slasher was even brighter, instantly overpowering Sagittarius's flames. , the knife hit Sagittarius hard on the chest.


This blow carried very terrifying energy and penetrated directly through Sagittarius' body.


Sagittarius felt something strange in his body, as if his own power was passing away bit by bit.

Lowering his head slightly, he saw an obvious crack on his chest.

Not only that, that terrifying energy has penetrated into his body and is constantly destroying his body.

His feet softened, and Sagittarius knelt directly on the ground.

Sparks are still popping up all over the body, which is where the wild slasher penetrated just now.

" could it be?!"

Even now, I still feel incredible when I look at the light.

Why did I lose?

Don't I even have the strength to resist Lu Li?

Lie down on my back. As I lay down, Sagittarius gradually changed back to me. Wang Guangming's appearance.

But even after he changed back, a very obvious scar could be seen on his chest.

Blood kept flowing from his mouth. I still haven't figured out what happened to him. Lost to Lu Li. He should n't have lost! The Sagittarius Star Disciple Switch in his hand has fallen to the side. I hope Guangming has never been so embarrassed since he got the Star Disciple Switch.

So embarrassed, and on the verge of death

"Chairman?! How are you, are you okay?!"

Seeing such a miserable look, I looked at the light, and Baqi quickly ran over and asked him with concern.

Even if the opponent is an enemy, he is still the chairman of the college anyway. He may have done a lot of wrong things. In the state, Qi Qi It seems that the other party may have just embarked on a wrong path.

As long as this wrong path can be led back to the right track, this is the best situation.


Looking at the bastard lying next to me, I opened my mouth to see the light, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

I really find it a bit ironic, I didn't expect that the people who care about me would be my enemies.

As for the Sagittarius Disciple switch that fell aside, it may have fallen into Lu Li's hands.

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