otherwise.....It's all in vain.

If he misses this opportunity, he will have no way to go to the Dark Nebula to find the Giver, let alone pursue the truth of the universe.

Maybe he could also look for other Geminis, but the time was too slow and he couldn't wait any longer.

Now, all the cadres of the entire Twelve Palaces have gathered here. All the previously awakened Twelve Palaces that should be destroyed have been destroyed, and only four including me, Wang Guangming, are left.

He didn't believe that four cadres were attacking together, and there was no way to deal with Lu Li.

Even in the last battle, Lu Li single-handedly dealt with the three of them, but he did not use Supernova at that time.

This time, I hope Guangming needs to use the most powerful force to find a way to deal with Lu Li as soon as possible to prevent something unexpected from happening.

"Since he chose that place, we will go to that place, but that place will be his burial place."

At this moment, I am looking at the light, and I have murderous intentions in my heart. He wants to kill Lu Li who dares to cause trouble for me:

"Walk!! You guys will go with me. This time, I will never allow Lu Li to leave safely!

The Gemini star disciple switch in his hand is what I must get. I hope you can understand this.


The three of them replied in unison.

At that time, Virgo had not revealed his identity as a double agent, otherwise he would have been dealt with long ago.

When you learn that Lu Li has obtained the last Gemini Switch, what do you do? I finally felt relieved.

This means that I hope Guangming cannot get the twelve Star Disciple switches immediately and open the door to transition.

The next development depends on whether Lu Li can resist the attacks from the Star Disciples. Attacked.

He didn't doubt Lu Li's strength at all. After all, he had experienced it before.

The four of them stood together and I looked forward to pressing the Sagittarius star disciple switch. The next second, Sagittarius appeared in his place. With a wave of his hand, the four of them were enveloped in a strange energy, and then disappeared into the office. The place we were going to now was the sky-high beach. I hope Guangming must seize the time to prevent things from happening later.

At the same time, Kisaragi Gentaro also told the news to everyone in the Kamen Rider Club.

When they learned that the big boss behind the scenes, Sagittarius, was actually I hope to see the light, such people found it very incredible, and even found it difficult to accept it for a while. After thinking about it and analyzing it calmly, they realized that the possibility was very high.

Even though they thought it was incredible, they knew it was probably true.

At the same time, Taro Kisaragi told everyone about the location agreed between Lu Li and Leo.

After thinking calmly, Shuakuda Ryusei looked serious and said in a deep voice.

"Now that all the twelve house star disciple switches have appeared, I am afraid that something very serious will happen, and they have begun to compete with each other.

We must participate in this battle, and we must not let the two forces gather together to switch to the Zodiac Star Disciple."

Everyone nodded. They already know that the purpose of the Star Disciples is to gather the Twelve Palaces.

Now they have achieved their goal, but they have not yet obtained the last Star Disciple switch.

The other party must have other plans, and we must stop them This is the right place, otherwise it’s hard to say what the final outcome will be if the world is destroyed by then.

"What Meteor said makes sense, this matter must be taken seriously, let’s go together!"

Fengcheng Miu, as the head of the Kamen Rider Club, will certainly not shrink back at times like this.

Others also responded.

"Then let’s all go together! You must find a way to stop them from collecting all the Zodiac Switches!"

"That’s right! This is the responsibility of our Kamen Rider Club and the duty we should fulfill"

"Then we should consider another issue, that is, the issue of danger. It may be very dangerous for us mortal bodies to go there rashly."

No matter what, they are just ordinary people.

Even though they have experienced those things before, they still cannot change the fact that they are mortals.

This time, I am afraid that a very fierce battle will break out. At that time, with the help of meteors and bastards, , I’m afraid no one can take care of it.

At this time, Taro Kisaragi stood up and said.

"Everyone, now that Xianwu is not here for the time being, it will be difficult for us to formulate a perfect plan.

But now there is no time for us to make a plan. Time waits for no one. We must seize the time. You should not go together. I am afraid that the next battle will hurt you."

This is not a joke, but Kisaragi Gentaro also knows the danger of this battle in his heart.

Everyone is silent. They also know that they belong to a group without fighting ability. If someone is not careful, things will happen. On the contrary, it would be very troublesome and might even hinder them.

Even though they knew this in their hearts, they still felt unwilling to do so.

Damonji Falcon stood up and patted his chest hard.

"And me? Otherwise, I'll go with you, and I'll drive the robot to assist you."

He is now completely familiar with the robot's driving and is very comfortable with it. He has no problem driving it at all.

"No, Senior Falcon, the opponent you face in this battle is too powerful. You should still be able to recall Lu Li from the last time.

He..is also in this battle!"

When he heard that Lu Li would join the battle, Daimonji Falcon's body trembled slightly unconsciously.

Last time, the power robot was almost penetrated. Daimonji Falcon's survival was purely due to good luck, but he does not mean that Good luck every time.

It is a very unreliable behavior to place your hopes on illusory luck.

The newly transformed Shiroshima Yuki said with a look of reluctance.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help? We hope to help you too!"

Kisaragi Gentaro and Sakuda Ryusei looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"We need your support, your support is enough!"

Then, the two of them stopped wasting time and rode their motorcycles to their destination together.

The beach was not very far from Tiangao.

The sea water kept washing over the beach and watering the stones on the beach.

In On a stone, Lu Li stood there quietly, enjoying the sea breeze.

The moist air made Lu Li take a deep breath, feeling very comfortable.

He was naturally waiting for me to see the light and the stars. Soon

, he will be able to harvest the other eleven Star Disciple Switches, and with the Gemini Star Disciple Switch in his hand, Lu Li will have the most critical key to the Dark Nebula, and he can open the jump door to the Dark Nebula anytime and anywhere. Nebula.

As for being blocked, the possibility of Sagittarius and the others being able to stop Lu Li is very slim.

Lu Li will definitely get the remaining Zodiac Disciple Switch

Sagittarius to resist. Any meaning was just his own wishful thinking.

At this time, Lu Li, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened them slowly because he had already felt it.���There are fluctuations in space.

Then came bursts of familiar scents, Sagittarius, Leo, Virgo and Libra, all four of them arrived.

Sagittarius, who had just arrived here, noticed at a glance that Lu Li was standing on the rocks by the beach, and felt very angry.

Without hesitation, he raised his right arm and fired a blazing energy arrow.

The energy arrow with extremely strong penetrating power was about to touch Lu Li, and was caught by Lu Li who just turned around and raised his hand.

Two fingers easily clamped the flaming energy arrow.

The high-temperature energy arrows kept bursting out between Lu Li's fingers, but they were stopped by an invisible force.

Asking for flowers...


With a little force of his fingers, the arrow with terrifying energy broke into two halves instantly, shattered into countless energy particles, and disappeared into the air.

Even though he had seen Lu Li's incomparable power, but seeing that Lu Li had not transformed, he was directly It's still very surprising to be able to do this in a physical form.

"Lu Li, why did you take away my Gemini star disciple switch? That thing is mine!"

Sagittarius was not polite at all, and started questioning Lu Li as soon as he came up.

In his opinion, his things were robbed by Lu Li, and he had to give an explanation.

Although he knew that Lu Li did it deliberately, he still hoped that Lu Li would think about it. For a moment, do you want to completely break up with him?

Once you really break up, you will attack Lu Li at all costs. Even if you can't win, you will make Lu Li pay the price.

This has already happened. It has become an obsession in the heart of Sagittarius and cannot be let go no matter what.

"I hope it's bright, don't you also plan to open the jump door directly after getting the last star disciple switch and throw me away?"

Lu Li had a calm smile on his face. He didn't care about the threat of Sagittarius at all. Everything was under control.

When he was told the truth in person, Sagittarius suddenly became speechless.

This was indeed his plan, but he didn't expect that Lu Li had already He guessed his plan.

But what if he thought so?

The Star Disciple Switch was his own, so why did he have to inform Lu Li because he was not absolutely sure ? Can Defeat Lu Li

Even if he brings Leo, Libra and Virgo this time, he still has no confidence that he can defeat Lu Li....

If this battle can be avoided, he is willing to avoid it as much as possible

"This is not what I said. How could I be such a dishonest person? Since I said I would call you, I will definitely call you when the time comes."

You can tell lies without trembling. He is indeed a cunning old fox.

Even if he is exposed in person, he can choose not to admit it."

"It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not, it's the same to me anyway. Now I hope you can take the initiative to hand over all the remaining Zodiac Star Disciple switches to me.

As long as you give these things to me, you can leave here safe and sound, how about it? Is this a good deal?"

In Lu Li's opinion, his deal is quite a bargain.

"Absolutely impossible!"

However, I, Wang Guangming, have been struggling for so long to survive. I have collected the twelve house star disciple switches with great difficulty. How can I give up so easily?

I am afraid that I am only one step away from the so-called truth that Wang Guangming says. As long as I step out After taking this step, he could explore the truth of the universe.

How could he willingly give it up to Lu Li after paying so much price?

Sagittarius suddenly pulled off the Tiangongtu cloak. , the three Leos also made the same move, and took out their respective weapons to prepare.

The momentum of the two sides collided, and the atmosphere seemed to become very solemn.

The sea water washed away the stones crazily, and the sound of the waves gradually became louder. Da.

Although he had already guessed that this would be the outcome, Lu Li had also made preparations in advance for the possibility of a battle.

"Since this battle is unavoidable, let me enjoy it. I hope you can hold on a little longer."

I don't know when an awakening card with golden light appeared in Lu Li's hand.

The fully integrated awakening device automatically appeared on his waist, and the golden light shone brightly.

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