The stronger the sense of presence is, the more An Yuuki will gradually replace the real Yuuki Jojima.

After Gemini left, Lu Li also left.

All he has to do now is keep an eye on Gemini. Once Gemini is defeated, Lu Li will take action immediately.

What to do?

What else can be done, of course, is to snatch the Gemini Star Disciple switch.

As long as there is the most critical Gemini star disciple switch, Sagittarius will naturally have no way to actively open the door to transition.

As for the remaining eleven Star Disciple switches, Lu Li only needs to find me to get them when the time comes.

As for whether I hope the Illuminati will give it to me, Lu Li has no worries at all.

If you don't give it, just grab it forcefully. The end result will be the same anyway.

After that, just like the plot, An Yumu grew up very smoothly, and Gemini has almost completely completed its awakening.

With the help of Sagittarius, Gemini successfully mastered the power of the supernova.

But Sagittarius didn't notice Lu Li hiding in the dark. He was completely immersed in the joy of finding the last zodiac sign.

Finally...finally, I will usher in my last moment!

In another twelve hours, the two Yumu will become one, and Gemini will become stronger.

The reason why Sagittarius keeps Gemini is because Gemini can hear the voices from the stars like him.

This allowed Sagittarius to find resonance, and he even planned to lead Gemini to the Dark Nebula to find the Giver.

Not even Leo, Libra, or Virgo have such an honor.

The subsequent plot is almost the same as the original one. Gentaro Kisaragi successfully helped Jojima Yuuki regain his sense of existence early.

This also caused An Yumu's presence on the other side to become low.

After a fight, Gemini was finally pushed into the universe by Qi Qi and was successfully killed using his special move.

And just when Gemini was being killed, Lu Li suddenly appeared and got Gemini's star disciple switch.

When he saw Lu Li suddenly appearing, Ba Qi was suddenly startled and immediately assumed a fighting stance.

Since Gemini was eliminated, as a Sagittarius, I hope that the light will naturally be felt, and immediately send Leo to recover the Gemini Star Disciple Switch.

When Leo arrived, he happened to see Lu Li holding the Gemini Star Disciple Switch.

The three parties gather together!

"Leo guy is here for that switch too!"

Ce Qi is very vigilant. These two opponents are very terrifying opponents. If you are not careful, you may lose.

Even compared to Leo, Lu Li is even more terrifying.

"Mr. Lu Li, please give me the Gemini star disciple switch. It belongs to Mr. Sagittarius."

As long as it's related to me Wang Guangming, Leo will do it without hesitation, no matter how powerful the opponent is.

Originally, he was always worried about losing to Lu Li.

Now he already has the power of many other star disciples. , maybe there is still a chance to win the game.

"What am I hoping for? hehe! Leo, you can't say that.

Since something is in my hand, it naturally belongs to me. When did it become something I looked forward to?"

Lu Li gently threw up the Gemini star disciple switch in his hand, with no intention of handing it over.

Everything was already in his hands, how could he give it to Leo.

Only with this thing can he stop me Wang Guangming opened the door to the jump with his back.

Now, Lu Li basically has the key to open the door to the jump. All he needs to do is get the remaining Star Disciple switch.

I hope Ceqi is completely blind at this time. The name Guangming is not unfamiliar to him at all.

Isn't he the chairman of Tiangao?"

What the hell?"!

Why did the sky-high chairman suddenly become a Sagittarius?!

"Hello! What on earth were you talking about just now?! Why is Chairman Wang Guangming a Sagittarius?!"

At this moment, Ceqi has a lot of questions in his head, but now there is no explanation for the questions in his mind.

Neither Lu Li nor Leo can answer his questions.

Leo ignored Ceqi. He stared straight at Lu Li.

I hope Guangming's identity was revealed inadvertently when he was talking to Lu Li, but now it was meaningless. He was more concerned about seeing Lu Li's switch. To swallow the Gemini star disciple switch, Leo suddenly becomes angry

"Land from! Think clearly! By doing this, you are going against all of our star disciples. Have you made this plan?"

Although the last time we fought for Solu, I hope the light side could be said to have suffered a disastrous defeat. At that time, Sagittarius had not yet used the power of the supernova, and everything was unknown.

"Didn’t we already fight it last time? If you think you can beat me, I can accompany you. If you want to get the last star apprentice switch, then let me Wang Guangming come to me with the remaining star apprentice switches.

As for the location, it’s on the seaside not far from your sky high. I’ll be waiting for you there. But don’t keep me waiting for too long, otherwise I might leave at some point."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li turned around and disappeared.

Seeing Lu Li disappear, Baqi shouted loudly

"Hello! Land from! Stop! Where is Xianwu?!"

It's a pity that Lu Li didn't even look back, let alone stop.

Watching Lu Li slip away from his eyes, Leo clenched his fists tightly, but felt very powerless.

With his own strength, I'm afraid It is difficult to defeat Lu Li, even with other star disciple switches.

"hateful! Land from!!"

Leo roared in a low voice. He felt as if he was being played.

He already felt something was not good when it came to Lu Li's cooperation before.

But at that time, I Wang Guangming had already made a decision, and there was nothing he could do.

Now it's brewing For such a result, it can be said that I am responsible for everything.

Leo feels that things are very troublesome now, but this matter has to be faced and dealt with.

The last Gemini star switch fell into the hands of Lu Li. You must tell me Wang Guangming this news immediately, and let me deal with this matter.

With a wave of his hand, his body was wrapped in dark red energy, and the next second Leo disappeared one after another, and Ba Qi was stunned. standing still

"hateful! what is going on? Why is the chairman a Sagittarius?!"

Even Zhou Qi, after some reflection, feels that the possibility is very high.

If I hope for the bright future, then everything that happened before will make complete sense.

The person who built the Tiangao School of Architecture is me who hopes for the bright future.

This school The reason why the college is built in this place is because there is a hole in this place, and the students affected by the cosmic energy will gradually awaken to the corresponding constellation destiny. As long as they are given the Star Disciple Switch, they can be released. Become a star disciple.

Everything seems to be connected in series. He didn't expect that it would be like this.

"correct! Sky high next to the beach! Lu Li just said that he would go there to wait for the chairman!"

Suddenly reacting, Basuki immediately went back and told the rest of the Kamen Rider Department the news.

I looked inside Guangming's office.

I looked at Guangming sitting on the chair, and standing opposite were Virgo and Libra.

"It's really a pity that in the end I was alone. I thought there was someone who could accompany me."

I shook my head helplessly. I hope Guangming doesn't know yet, but things have completely deviated from his plan.

Libra people have no expression on the surface, but they are secretly happy in their hearts.

He looks down on Gemini and just feels that The other person is a lucky guy, and he happened to be noticed by Lord Wang.

All the words listening to the stars are bluffing.

"I hope your lord, there is nothing we can do about this, but this time we were still able to successfully get the Gemini Star Disciple Switch, which can be considered as a collection of them all."

With a look of pity on his face, Libra seems to be quite sorry for the death of Gemini.

Of course, this time it is just regret on the surface, but it is completely disapproving in the heart.

At this moment, a dark red energy suddenly appeared next to Virgo.

It was exactly Leo, who was sent to recover the Gemini star disciple switch, is back.

Chapter 378 Sagittarius is furious, and the decisive battle begins!

Seeing Leo come back, I looked calm and said with a hint of expectation.

"Leo, how's it going? Has the Gemini star disciple switch been recycled?"

Hearing this, Leo walked forward and shook his head with a solemn look on his face.

"Feel sorry! I hope your lord, Gemini star disciple switch~recycle......Failed"

"What did you say?!"

The voice unconsciously got louder. I looked at the light and stared at Leo in disbelief.

There was a trace of anger and confusion in my eyes.

How could the recycling fail?!

Even if it is a knight, it is not Leo's opponent. It's just a simple recycling task, how could it fail!

"It's Lu Li!"

After gritting his teeth and saying the name, Leo lowered his head deeply.

If he had just fought directly with Lu Li, even if he lost, it would be nothing.

But he just didn't dare to fight. After losing last time, There is already a shadow in my heart

"Land from?!"

Frowning deeply, I looked at Guangming and Lu Li's appearance appeared in his mind.

He was very surprised why Lu Li suddenly appeared at this time and wanted to snatch the Gemini star disciple switch.

Suddenly, a scene flashed in his mind As soon as I saw the light, my mind suddenly became brighter.

"Lu Li, it seems that he plans to use the last Gemini star disciple switch to intimidate me. He has already guessed my plan. As expected of you, Lu Li!"

My face suddenly turned gloomy. I Wang Guangming was in a very bad mood at this time, like a volcano about to erupt.

I originally wanted to carry Lu Li on my back and directly open the jump door to the Dark Nebula.

But now it seems that this plan is no longer available.

It was a good plan, but it was dead before it could be implemented.

Leo didn't say it yet, but I already guessed it. It was indeed very smart.

"I hope you are wise. Lu Li wants us to take all the Zodiac Switches and head to the beach not far from Tiangaowai.

He said he would wait at that place, and said that if we didn’t go, we wouldn’t wait until the expiration date.

"Don’t wait until the expiration date! He actually set his sights on me. If that's the case, then Lu Li 22 will have to pay the price!"

I looked at Guangming with a fierce look in his eyes. He must find a way to get back the last Gemini star disciple switch.

Only by getting back the last Gemini star disciple switch can he have a chance to open the door to jump.

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