
"Change! Evolution!"

The moment Lu Li transformed, Leo, who was already eager to attack, took the lead in attacking


A series of extremely powerful sonic bombs came.

The powerful energy enveloped Lu Li. When the sonic bombs got close to Lu Li, they were automatically deflected by this powerful energy.


The sonic bomb fell into the sea water on the side, exploded with a bang, and splashed countless sand and water splashes.

First it transformed into the form of Kallis, and then it was shrouded in golden light and evolved!

Violent energy poured into it. In the body, Lu Li completed the transformation into Kamen Rider Kalis in the shining golden light.

The terrifying power released after the transformation made Sagittarius and the others feel great pressure.


The roar/whining of a motorcycle suddenly came.

Not long after, two weird-looking motorcycles appeared in everyone's field of vision. It was

Gentaro Kisaragi and Ryusei Sakuda who arrived here. They arrived just in time. Seeing Lu Li complete his transformation


A sudden brake, the two people stopped quickly

"It seems that we arrived just in time, the battle between them has not started yet!"

Kisaragi Gentaro couldn't help but feel lucky when he saw that the battle hadn't broken out yet.

But Sakuda Ryusei didn't think so.

"It would be great if the battle between them started, then we could reap the benefits, but now it seems that it is impossible."Ten

Chapter 379 Sagittarius. Supernova! Sudden Betrayal.

Meteor has seen the fighting power of both sides, and they are all very terrifying existences.

Between him and Zhou Qi, no matter which force they face, they are probably no match.

It would be the best if he could reap the benefits.

Lu Li didn't feel surprised at all that someone from Bao Qi and Meteor would arrive suddenly.

After all, when he informed Leo, Bao Qi was nearby, so he naturally took care of him. He could hear his words clearly.

The two might be able to cope with Libra, but the others here were obviously better than them.

Lu Li couldn't defeat them at all.

Lu Li took out the Xing Si from both sides of his thighs with the arrival in mind, very calmly and calmly.

"Come on, now is the time to see if you can get the last Gemini Star Disciple switch from me."

"snort! If you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined with wine, come on!"

Sagittarius waved his hand, and Libra, Leo, and Virgo rushed forward together.

At the same time, a ball of red energy that burned like a flame burst out from Sagittarius's hand.

"overtake....Rising star!"

This ball of red bursting energy was directly integrated into Sagittarius' body.

When this ball of energy was integrated into the body, Sagittarius' body burst into blazing flames.


A dazzling red light bloomed from his body, and in less than a moment, his body was completely engulfed by terrifying flames.


It exploded, and an extremely terrifying energy spread around.

When the terrifying flames dissipated, Sagittarius appeared in front of everyone in the strongest posture. The red armor and silver breastplate looked very light. But it gives people a very powerful feeling.

Sagittarius. Supernova!

This is the ultimate power of Sagittarius, and it is also his strongest form.

At the same time, the universe is"Eight Nine Three"."The energy covers the whole body and can continuously send out killing kicks that penetrate the enemy like arrows.

Gently twisting his neck, Sagittarius feels the surging power in his body. He is extremely confident in himself at this time.

He has already I haven't used this power in a long time.

"that is..?!"


This is the first time that Bastard and Meteor saw the appearance of the Sagittarius Supernova.

Although it seemed to be much weaker than before, the sense of oppression emanating from the body was even stronger.

They all knew that once the Supernova was used, it would This means that the power of the Star Disciples will be enhanced unprecedentedly. It is not clear to what extent it will be enhanced, but it can be clearly felt that Sagittarius is more powerful and will be a difficult opponent.

At this time, the three Leos have already arrived in front of Lu Li. , Leo stretched out his claws and took the lead in attacking

"Land from! No one can disobey Sir Wang! Hurry and hand over the last Gemini switch!"


He casually cut out the Awakening Scythe. Mysterious runes were engraved on the golden Awakening Scythe blade. He easily flicked away Leo's claws. Lu Li didn't even look at Leo, but looked at Virgo beside him.

At When he and Lu Li looked at each other, Virgo already knew that he should take advantage of this moment to defeat Sagittarius and eliminate his boring ambition.

The wand Lodia hit Libra directly in the abdomen


Libra, who was suddenly attacked, obviously did not expect that Virgo would suddenly attack him.

"Virgo! you....?!"

Staggering two steps back, Libra looked at Virgo in disbelief.

He really didn't understand why Virgo suddenly attacked him.

What on earth is this guy thinking? Isn't the enemy Lu Li?

Even Sagittarius is very surprised by the sudden change!

Sagittarius reacted immediately and asked coldly

"Virgo! What are you doing?! Are you ready to betray me?"

He never expected that the Virgo who had been with him the longest would choose to betray him.

He didn't expect that an undercover agent had been hiding beside him for so long, but he never noticed it:

"I hope that ends here, your ambition is impossible to realize, and I will never let you open the door to leap!"

Virgo's tone was very firm. He had to stop Sagittarius no matter what.

Unexpectedly, one of the most trusted people turned out to be the one who betrayed him. Sagittarius shook his head slightly.

"That's really a pity. Since you have chosen to betray me, you must be prepared to die!"

"Leo, Libra, and Virgo will be left to you two. As for Lu Li, leave them to me!"

Sagittarius, who has evolved to the ultimate form, believes that he and Lu Li are not without the power to fight.

The power of Supernova is not comparable to that of himself in ordinary form!


After Libra and Leo received the order, they immediately changed the target of their attack.

Two to one, they prepared to attack Virgo.

Lu Li saw that Sagittarius was so conceited that he faced him head-on, and he couldn't help but admire his courage.

"I hope you really have the courage to choose to face me alone.

In that case, let's come and show you the gap between us.

Lu Li gently hooked his fingers, and it seemed that Lu Li didn't pay attention to Sagittarius at all.

Even though Sagittarius used Supernova to be very powerful, the strength was still not enough for Lu Li.

"snort! Don't be too self-righteous!"

With a cold snort, Sagittarius jumped up. A flying kick carrying terrifying flames from top to bottom came straight towards Lu Li. The flames carried explosive energy, which was very terrifying. This terrifying thing With a flying kick, Lu Li slowly merged the Awakening Scythes in his hands together to form the wild slasher Xing Gong, and slashed with one hand.


A golden energy was instantly slashed out, heading towards the Sagittarius who was falling towards him quickly.


The bursting flame energy collided with this golden energy and exploded.


Sagittarius felt the impact of this burst of energy, and was shocked in his heart.

He could only barely resist, and even his own flames were being suppressed.

After a stalemate for a while, he felt that he could no longer resist it. With the help of this The reaction force caused him to do a backflip and he took several steps back.

How could this happen? Why could

Lu Li block his attack so easily?

Yes, Lu Li just slashed casually without making any gesture of charging up.

Sagittarius stood firm and clenched his fist tightly. At this time, he felt a little shaken. Even if he became a supernova, he couldn't. To suppress Lu Li, it was still unclear how much chance he had of winning this battle.

However, it was impossible for him to just admit defeat.

This battle was about whether he could continue his plan and continue his pursuit of the universe. The truth.

He must go to the Dark Nebula to find the Giver. This is his long-cherished wish, and it is also what he must accomplish.

He stared at Lu Li, and the opponent's unfathomable strength had already weakened him. He is very scared, but this battle must have a result!


The body burst into bright flames, and the powerful explosion propelled Sagittarius towards Lu Li.

Facing the menacing shooter, Lu Li also moved.

He did not sit still and wait for death like in the previous battle, but took the initiative to rush forward.

The shooter rushed forward. Zuo is a very good opponent, and his combat effectiveness is indeed very strong.

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