Could it be him?

She didn't have the answer in her heart, but her intuition told her that even if Lu Li didn't do it himself, it probably had something to do with him.

After all, Lu Li had just made a request before. As long as Nozama Pharmaceutical Company could hand over Amazon cell research data, he could help remove those adulterants and help improve Amazon gas.

If there was anyone who didn't want the adulterant to be eliminated, it was undoubtedly Lu Li.

As long as the dopant continues to exist, it can ensure that he achieves his goal

"Lu Li originally wanted to use the power of memory to get rid of Amazon.

But he didn't expect that what he got in the end was to lure the wolf into the house, which instead gave him a big problem.

The problem we are facing now is that if the dopant cannot be resolved, things will get worse.

I don’t know what is going on with Tachibana Yuugo’s plan, and whether these adulterants can be solved.

If they can really solve it, they will not be completely passive in the negotiations.

Nozama Pharmaceutical Research Institute Headquarters.

Tachibana looked at Jun Maehara in front of him with a thick smile on his face.


He knew that his plan would be successful and he would be able to create a perfect biological weapon!

Now that the experimental Amazoni Sigma has been completed, the only thing left is the final actual combat stage.

As long as more combat data can be obtained, it can be made stronger.

It is a biological weapon that has strong combat power, does not require food, and is very obedient. It is obvious at first glance that it has a great future.

Although it is against human ethics to use human corpses to make such biological weapons, does Tachibana Yuugo care about this?

No, he won't.

What he cares about is whether his plan can succeed, and now it has been proven that his plan has succeeded.

The so-called human ethics cannot restrain him at all.

He has already thought of the actual goal.

It's those dopants.

As long as those adulterants are eliminated, it means that Lu Li can no longer threaten the company to do deals.

As for how to find the dopant, now it has become the most important question.

The three captains of the task force have removed all the tracking 1.1 devices on their bodies, and no one can track them.

Unless you wait until an accident occurs, you can find the target as soon as possible.

All you have to do now is wait!

"Just wait a little longer and you'll be able to show off your skills and let everyone....Let’s all see your power!"

At this moment, Tachibana Yuugo has been waiting for a long time.

As long as the experiment is finally confirmed to be successful, it means that his plan is successful, and Mizusawa Reika will be stepped on by him in the future.


Maehara Jun, with an indifferent face, responded lightly.

He still remembered all the memories before his death, but he had no interest at all in those so-called companions.

People who have been resurrected using Amazon cell technology have and The same body before, but not the same emotions.

The perfect biological weapon!

Since Consortium X has cut off its financial support to the museum, all members of Consortium X who were originally stationed in the museum have also withdrawn.

For a project that has been eliminated, Consortium Being controlled by the museum one by one.

This means that it is no longer possible for external forces to intervene in the current museum, and the entire Fengdu will become a single entity.

Even so, the development of Fengdu seems to be getting smoother and more prosperous.

All of this seems to have something to do with the museum.

After the meeting, Mina, as a secretary, immediately informed Sonosaki that a guest was visiting.

He is a very famous scientist named...

Fueki Kanade!

Although Sonosaki Yuko felt a little strange about the sudden visit of a scientist, he still met him.

Chapter 296 Lu Li is the key to resurrection!

Philosopher's Stone Reception Room.

A middle-aged man wearing a yellow trench coat with a mole on his right eye is sitting on the chair and waiting quietly.

This time, he is naturally Dimu Kanou.

So he came to Fengdu because he had heard about the power of Gaia's memory.

Although he didn't know whether it could resurrect the dead, he still had some hope and wanted to see if the memory could be revived for him.

The most important person.

After a while, Sonosaki Saeko came to the reception room.

The reason why she wanted to see Fueki Kanade was because Lu Li had mentioned this person to her before.

He was also a very powerful scientist.

He has powerful magic.

Since he is someone that Lu Li is paying attention to, Sonosaki Saeko naturally pays attention to him.

Now that he has come to her door, she doesn't mind meeting him.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Fueki Kano stood up immediately.

Looking at Sonosaki Saeko who walked through the door, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

It was really shocking that he could control a powerful company at such a young age, and it was also the top enterprise.

Although he was a scientist, he was not like this kind of person.

Compared with the controllers of large groups and enterprises, their identities are still inferior.

"President Sonosaki, hello, my name is Fueki Kanade."

Smiling and nodding, Sonosaki Saeko walked to her seat and sat down.

"Mr. Dimu, please sit down. My secretary told me that you have something to talk to me about. In that case, let's get straight to the point. What's the matter?"

Sonosaki Saeko doesn't like to beat around the bush, and speaking directly is her style.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko being so direct, Fueki Kanade was slightly taken aback.

He originally wanted to make small talk, but the other party was so direct that he asked him to return the favor. I didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, Dimuzou decisively stated his purpose.

"President Sonosaki, today I am here to ask you about the power of memory. Is there any way to resurrect the dead?"

There was deep expectation in his eyes. He really wanted to find out the answer to this matter.

If he could use the power of memory to resurrect his dead daughter, he would have to buy it no matter how high the price was. Such a memory.

He wanted to resurrect the dead. Sonosaki really suspected that this guy was looking for trouble.

You know, even after so long research, he had never actually made one. The memory of human resurrection.

13"No, Mr. Fueki, you may be disappointed. The memory does not have the power to make the dead pay.

The resurrection of the dead you just mentioned has gone beyond the scope of memory, and I can't help you."

Her cold voice made Di Muzou, who was originally hopeful, suddenly cool down from the heat in his heart.

He had considered it from the beginning. It was impossible for the memory to have the power to resurrect the dead, otherwise it would be very unnatural.


Sighing slightly, even though Dimuzou had already guessed that this was likely to be the result.

But after hearing these words, the disappointment in his heart was still very strong.

He had been preparing for the Sabbat in order to resurrect the dead However , he still felt uneasy and hoped to add an insurance policy to ensure that his daughter could be resurrected no matter what.

But now it seems that he is still a little too naive about his ability to resurrect the dead. , how could it be obtained so easily?

"In that case, I won't bother you any more. Sorry, then.....I'll leave first."

Fueki Kan stood up with a disappointed look on his face and was about to leave the reception room.

At this time, Sonosaki suddenly said

"Mr. Dimu, wait!"

Di Muzhuo, who had already walked to the door, turned around after hearing the sound and said with a puzzled expression.

"President Sonosaki, is there anything else you want to say?"

"It is true that the power memory of resurrecting people cannot be achieved, but I know that there is a person....Maybe it can help you."

I had already given up hope, Di Muzou, but suddenly my eyes lit up when I heard someone could help me, and I hurried back.

"President Sonosaki, who can help me? Don't worry, no matter what conditions or requirements you have, you can put them forward. I just want to see that person!

No matter what he wants me to do, as long as it helps me resurrect my daughter, I can bear any price!"

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko finally understood who the person Fueki Kanade wanted to resurrect was. It turned out to be his daughter: from the serious look on the other party's face, it could be seen that he indeed loved his daughter very much.

No matter what the cost, he hopes to bring his daughter back to life.

Although she doesn't know what he has done, Sonosaki Yuko feels that he must have made a huge effort.

"Mr. Fueki, the person I am talking about is my husband.

Before Sonosaki Saeko finished speaking, Fueki Kanade came over excitedly and said

"Your husband? who is he? Where is he now?! Can tell me where he is, I want to find him as soon as possible!"

The excitement was beyond words, and he couldn't wait to find Lu Li.

After all, this matter related to whether his daughter could be resurrected, and he wanted to see Lu Li no matter what.

He pressed his hands slightly down, and Sonosaki Saiko motioned for him not to. Urgent, explained

"Sorry, that's not possible at the moment. He is not in Fengdu for the time being and has gone to other cities.

It will take some time to come back, but don't worry, it won't be too long."

Dimu Zao, who was originally in an excited mood, found out that Lu Li was not in Fengdu. Her excitement instantly cooled down, and a trace of disappointment flashed across her face.

She thought that since Lu Li had mentioned him before, maybe this person would be useful to Lu Li, so she was still going to prepare it first Keep playing the flute

"After he comes back, I will call you as soon as possible and arrange for you to meet.

As for what kind of request he makes, I don’t know. Just be mentally prepared."

"No problem, no problem! Regardless of any requirements or conditions, I can accept them, even if it means giving my life!"

In order to resurrect his daughter Dimu Koyomi, he was ready to pay any price.

Even everything about himself!

After leaving his contact information, Dimu Kanade left the company.

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