Although he still had some doubts in his heart, at least there was a glimmer of hope.

The Philosopher's Stone could not guarantee that it would be 100% able to resurrect his daughter. He wanted to find as many ways as possible.

Even if there is only a little hope, he is still unwilling to give up.

In fact, Sonosaki Saeko didn't tell the truth just now. Lu Li has the ability to change spaces and can switch positions between two different spaces at any time.

I would go back to Sonosaki's house to rest almost every day, unless there were extremely special circumstances.

The reason why he told Di Muzhuo this way was entirely because Lu Li was dealing with other things during this time.

The matter of Di Muzhuo was indeed important to him, but to Lu Li, it couldn't be said to be important or unimportant.

In order not to hinder Lu Li's current plan, it was certainly impossible for Sonosaki Saeko to immediately agree to Fueki Kanade at this time.

Later, Sonosaki Saeko called Lu Li and told him what happened just now.

This way.

After listening to what Sonosaki Saeko described on the phone, Lu Li looked quite strange.

He didn't expect that this guy Fueki Kanade would take the initiative to find Sonosaki Saeko and want to buy a memory that can resurrect people.

If this thing really existed, Lu Li wouldn't have to go to Nozama Pharmaceutical Company to get Amazon's cell research materials.

Once he gets the Amazon cell research data, Lu Li is very confident that he can resurrect Habara, and naturally he is also confident that he can resurrect Futegi Koyomi.

This is a door-to-door deal, with guaranteed profits.

The Philosopher's Stone only exists in legends.

Lu Li doesn't know the specific strength yet.

But he didn't mind getting the Philosopher's Stone and studying it.

The Philosopher's Stone is said to be a magic stone that can reverse life and death. Its terrifying power can resurrect people and even allow them to complete evolution.

But if you want to use the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect a person, you need to spend a huge amount of magic power, and it takes an extremely huge amount of magic power to do this.

If he helps Dimuzuo resurrect his daughter, he will naturally own the Philosopher's Stone, which is a very fair exchange.

Dimu Li is Dimu Zuo's most distressed daughter. Everything he has done is to resurrect his daughter. How could he be unwilling to trade.

However, Lu Li was indeed surprised when the flute music concert suddenly came to his door.

But when I think about it, it's not surprising. After all, the power of memory is indeed well-known now, and it is reasonable for Fueki Kanade to put his hope in it.

There is no rush on this matter. If Lu Li wants to resurrect Habara and Tomoru, the key is the current Amazon cells.

Only by getting the research data on Amazon cells in hand can we proceed to the next step of transforming existing Amazon cells or cultivating new Amazon cells.

Then use Amazon: Cell to resurrect both of them, get the Philosopher's Stone at the same time, and even conquer Flute Music."

The next day, ten o'clock in the morning.

Sure enough, another dopant went berserk, and like the previous beast dopant, began to hunt crazily all the targets it saw.

Normally this street is quite lively with people coming and going, but today it was very desolate.

For no other reason than to see a strong and terrifying monster attacking crazily on the street.

Everyone, all became his target.

Wherever he passed, the people hit by the hammer in his hand were almost killed on the spot.

"Amazon! Go to hell! Destroy all Amazons!

From time to time, you can still hear a low growl coming from his mouth.

The people around him who could escape had already fled, and those who couldn't escape were now lying on the ground, with blood staining the ground red.

When something so serious happened, even the authorities were a little unable to suppress it.

The official ordered Nozama Pharmaceutical Company to handle this matter as quickly as possible and must not allow the situation to continue to expand.

Tachibana Xiongwu had been waiting for this moment for a long time and finally got this opportunity.

Arrangements were made immediately for Jun Maehara to set off and rush to the scene as soon as possible.

At the same time, Mizusawa Yu was also among those rushing to the scene.

The injuries caused by the previous battle have long been completely healed.

Mizusawa Yu's extremely special recovery ability successfully helped him escape.

As for the other injured Takayama Jin, a day has passed and his injuries are still not healed.

He also has Amazon's recovery ability, but it is far less powerful than Mizusawa Yurai.

Yu Mizusawa, who rushed to the scene as soon as possible, saw the violent dopant wielding an iron ball with serious eyes.

He had experienced the powerful power of the beast doped body last time, and this time the violent doped body was obviously not weak in combat power.

Looking at the blood everywhere, the bloody scene is very eye-catching.

Mizusawa Yu will not let the big man in front of him continue to destroy




Green flames suddenly erupted, and Amazon Omega, wearing a green armor, rushed over immediately after completing the transformation.


Amazonl Omega's roar naturally attracted the attention of the violent doping body

"Amazon! die!!"

The violent adulterant who has entered a berserk state will target any humanoid creature that can move."



He threw the iron ball in his hand violently. There was a chain behind the iron ball, and it hit Amazon Omega with lightning speed.

Seeing the iron ball that suddenly lengthened, Amazon Omega was also unprecedented in historical records.

But he reacted immediately. , his legs exerted force, and the powerful force immediately made Amazon Omega fly into the air, aiming at the violent doping body on the ground, and plunged it down.


The green figure collided with the violent doping body, hitting the ground and splashing a large amount of gravel.

Amazon Omega, which was pressed on the violent doping body, immediately raised its iron fist and launched a fierce attack.

There was no People knew that violent adulterants were created by humans, but Amazon Omega, who had already made up his mind, did not hold back as he had done before. He was almost rushing to kill the violent adulterants.

The violently doped body had thick skin and extremely strong defense, which prevented Amazon Omega from being eliminated in a short time. The violently doped body slammed the iron ball in its hand onto Amazon Omega's chest, and a powerful and terrifying force suddenly appeared. With the help of this force, Amazon

Omega turned 360 degrees in the air and landed smoothly on the ground.

He squatted down slightly and raised the black claws in his hands, although he could feel the pain in his chest.

, compared with the very scary guy before, the violent dopant was already light this time.

The violent dopant immediately unfolded its next form, waving the iron ball in its hand, and it was so powerful.

The power and strength will have a very terrifying attack effect.

With a fierce swing of his arms, the sharp arm blades on Amazon Omega's arms all extended and turned into sharp weapons in the sun.

Under the illumination, the arm blades shone with endless cold light and coldness.

The two of them acted at the same time, rushing towards the target as quickly as possible.

"clang! clang!"

The iron ball hit Amazon Omega's arm hard, causing bursts of sparks.

But every time, Amazon Omega could accurately block the fierce attack of the iron ball.

The impact on the arm made Amazon Omega very excited. Not adaptable.

He has never fought against such a pure strength opponent. It is not easy to break through the opponent's defense.

Seeing the iron ball coming again, Amazonl Omega has just seen through the violence. Dopant attack mode.

The body pressed down and the iron ball passed over his head.

Taking this opportunity, Amazonl Omega grabbed the iron chain.

The violent dopant needed to rely on the iron chain to control the iron ball. Naturally, the iron chain and iron ball cannot be used as desired.

Amazonl Omega showed the arm blade with a cold light on his arm.



The strong iron chain broke with a sound, and the iron chain thrown out by the violent doping body was cut into two pieces.

Throwing the iron ball aside, Amazonl Omega looked at the violent doping body that had lost the iron ball. , thinking that the opponent had lost its weapon and its combat effectiveness must have declined.

The violent dopant, who was in a state of rage, immediately curled up and turned into a huge iron ball, which rolled violently and made a violent sound.


The huge iron ball carried unparalleled power and rolled over crazily.

The sudden situation was completely unexpected by Amazon Omega.

I thought that the opponent would lose their weapons and the threat would be greatly reduced, but I didn't expect it. , can turn into such a huge iron ball.

He quickly dodged, and the huge iron ball passed by Amazonl Omega.

Just when Amazonl Omega was about to stand up, he suddenly noticed a figure coming from far away.

Chapter 297 Amazoni Sigma.! Lu Li: How can you deal with me?

Wearing a black suit and holding an Amazon drive

, Amazon Omega's expression suddenly changed.

"that is....?!"

It never occurred to him that someone else had an Amazon drive.

What exactly is going on?!

But the violent dopant that had turned into a huge iron ball would not give him time to think slowly.

Only a rumbling sound was heard, and it immediately rolled towards him.

Amazon Omega, who had no time to figure this out, could only avoid the attack of the violent doping body.

If I were hit hard by this big guy, I'm afraid I would definitely not feel good.

That's right, the person wearing a black suit from far to near is none other than Jun Maehara.

Now, although he has memories of the past, it is completely unimportant to him.

Looking at the targets in front of him, both of them were his attack targets. It didn't matter who he attacked. there will be a pair���The Amazon drive with sexy eyes was worn around his waist, and a cold smile appeared on his cold face.

"Two goals set"

"Destroy them all!"

As the cold voice fell, Maehara Jun suddenly unscrewed the handle.


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