At this time, due to Lu Li's intervention, the Beast Dopant had disappeared, and it was not easy to find it.

After all, the Beast Dopant is only a human being in the final analysis, not Amazon.

Even with Mizusawa Yu's sensitive perception, he couldn't find where the target was.

After confirming that the Beast Dopant had escaped, Lu Li did not stop here.

For the time being, it is better not to let Nozama Pharmaceutical Company know that it was him who blocked the elimination of the Beast Dopant.

The Amazon cell research materials haven't been obtained yet, so Lu Li doesn't want to cause trouble for the time being.

The dark golden figure was erratic. A breeze blew by, and the figure disappeared from the place, as if it had never appeared.

Silence returned to the streets.

Except for those who have been lying down forever, there are only bloody streets that bear witness to what just happened.


Yingshan Jin pushed away the stone that was pressing on him, and the splash of smoke made him cough twice.

"cough! Ahem! Poof!"

Just now, he didn't see anything clearly, and then he was knocked away.

The opponent's strength was not at the same level as his. It was just like an adult beating a child casually. The gap was"20"Three" is huge.

He has never experienced this feeling since he became Amazon.

It's too strong.

The guy just now was so strong that he lost his ability to fight after just one use.

There was a vague pain in his stomach. The feeling made Takayama Jin really not want to move, but he saw Yu Mizusawa lying on the other side. He seemed to be in a serious condition, with blood spurting out of his mouth and he could vaguely see Yu Mizuzawa. Traces left at the bear's mouth

"This guy... I'm afraid he has a few broken ribs."

A thought suddenly flashed through Jin Takayama's mind, that is, to deal with Yu Mizusawa on the spot.

But when he was about to take action, he suddenly stopped.

There are huge Amazons. Can he solve them all by himself? I can't tell now.

I finally got another Amazon like me and solved it like this. If I really run into trouble in the future, I might have this guy to help me......Still a good thing.

He absolutely does not want to die here before all Amazons are wiped out.

After thinking about it, Takayama Ren decisively called the extermination team and asked them to rescue him.

Of course, he had determined that Yu Mizusawa's life was not in danger.

It's just that the injury was quite serious, but with the treatment technology available at the institute, there was no problem at all in treating it.

However, what he didn't know was that Yu Mizusawa didn't need treatment at all.

He only needs to supplement enough protein to recover quickly in a short period of time.

Even if you are fatally injured, you can use protein to recover as long as you still have breath.

It can be said that among all Amazons, Mizusawa Yu is the most special one.

After doing all this, Tingshan Ren struggled to hold up his body and staggered out: the pain coming from his stomach made him just want to lie down and have a good sleep.

If it weren't for not wanting to lie down on the roadside, he might have already lied down.

He stumbled towards the motorcycle and rode away from the scene with difficulty.

Soon, the members of the extermination team arrived at the scene and saw the seriously injured Mizusawa Yuu, who was not in a good condition.

He immediately carried him to the car and drove quickly to the research institute.

During this process, Shito Shinya immediately informed Mizusawa Reika and asked her to make arrangements in advance.

When he learned that his son was seriously injured and now needed to be admitted to the institute for treatment immediately, Mizusawa Reika was suddenly shocked.

She never expected that this would happen so often.

There was no time to think so much, so I immediately arranged for the institute to prepare for rescue. After people arrived, the rescue would be carried out as soon as possible.

Soon, the extermination squad arrived at the institute.

The rescue team had been waiting at the door for a long time. They carefully lifted Yu Mizusawa out of the car and immediately transported him to the treatment room.

"His vital signs were weak but relatively stable, and his injuries were serious, with six ribs broken.

When Mizusawa Reiwa saw his son being rescued, he felt depressed.

How could she not worry about Mizusawa Yu's safety? Even if it wasn't a piece of flesh that fell from her body, it was still cultivated with her own genes.

Moreover, they have lived together for two years and already have a deep family relationship.

He is his son


Shito Zhen came over, looked at the scene in the ward, frowned and said

"Director Mizusawa, how is this guy Yu?"

"It's not life-threatening, but it may take some time to recover."

Obviously, even Mizusawa Reika knew from the headquarters that Mizusawa Yuu has super resilience.

Taking a deep breath, Mizusawa Reika turned his head and looked at Shito Makoto, and asked directly

"Shito, what happened? Why was Yuu so seriously injured?"

"Yu learned that the beast-doped body transformed by the captain of the first task force was causing chaos in the streets and hurting many ordinary people, so he rushed over quickly.

There must have been a fierce battle later, and Jin Takayama must have been at the scene. He called us and asked us to pick up Yuu.

When he heard the name Takayama Jin, Mizusawa Reika's expression changed slightly.

This name is not unfamiliar to her at all. After all, the other person was once a member of the research institute, but he suddenly went somewhere later.

As for the current Amazon: cell technology, Jin Takayama was also involved in the research at that time, and could even be said to be the main researcher.

The reason why all Amazons exist today is entirely due to him.


Mizusawa Linghua fell silent, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Seeing Mizusawa Reika's silence, Shito Makoto continued.

"According to the situation at the scene, there should be a fourth party involved in the fight that broke out at that time, but we don’t know who the other party is.

When Yuu wakes up, maybe we will understand who beat him into this state.

Nodding slightly, Mizusawa Linghua did not continue to struggle so much on this matter.

Jin Takayama, what is the purpose of this guy and what he wants to do? Mizusawa Reika is not clear yet

, but the other party seems to have been destroying Amazon. This is a good thing for Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.


At this time, there was a sudden sound of equipment falling to the ground in the rescue room.

The sudden sound made Mizusawa Reika and Shito Zhen focus their eyes on the rescue room.

They both widened their eyes in unison, looking at each other in disbelief. The figure in the room who has sat up


As a mother, Mizusawa Reika looked at Yu Mizusawa who had woken up with surprise.

"What is this.?!"

Shito Makoto originally wanted to say what kind of monster this was, but considering that Mizusawa Reika was also around now, he didn't say anything.

After all, the director, Mizusawa Yu, is very important, and there is no need for him to interfere with this matter.

That's right, Yu Mizusawa, who was supposed to have been seriously injured and was lying down, now sat up inexplicably.

The first thing after waking up, Mizusawa Yu looked around in confusion.

He only remembered that he was fighting, fighting a very ferocious-looking guy.

But the other party was too strong, so powerful that he couldn't understand it.

With just one move, he was beaten to this state and almost lost half of his life.

He touched his chest with lingering fear and found that the originally broken ribs had now completely recovered.

Noticing that the doctors around him were looking at him like monsters, Yu Mizusawa didn't pay too much attention.

He has now accepted his identity, he is indeed Amazon, but he wants to survive as a human being.

At this time, Mizusawa Reika walked in from outside the rescue room and asked the stunned doctor next to him.

"what's the situation? Why has Yuu recovered? What on earth did you just do?"

She really wants to know what happened just now.

Yu Mizusawa, who was seriously injured, recovered in such a short period of time. It's incredible," the doctor who came back to his senses replied tremblingly.

"Director, we...we didn't do anything just now! We just injected high-purity protein, and we didn't start anything after that, and he...he...he recovered."

Even if you watch it on the spot, you will be very shocked by such a powerful recovery ability.

Mizusawa Reika understood what was going on at the first time.

Protein helped Mizusawa Yu recover from his injuries.

This kind of recovery ability , no other Amazon��

While secretly shocked, Mizusawa Linghua immediately ordered everyone present not to reveal what just happened.

Anyone who dares to reveal what just happened will be fired immediately!

His words were very firm, and as a superior person, he had an air of calmness and authority, and no one at the scene objected.

They all come out to work. There is no need to lose their jobs just because of a trivial matter. They know this very well.

After calling all the doctors out, Mizusawa Reika turned his attention to Mizusawa Yuu again.

"Yuu, what happened at the scene? Why were you so seriously injured?"

Hearing this, Mizusawa Yu suddenly recalled all the battle scenes before he fell into coma.

That dark golden figure of terror

"I... was about to destroy the Beast Dopant when a very powerful guy suddenly appeared.

He has a ferocious face and is covered in dark golden armor. He is a very scary monster, very strong!

His strength has far surpassed mine, and I can't even see his movements clearly.

And he only used one move to break my ribs, making it impossible for me to continue fighting.

I didn’t feel the aura of Amazon from him. It shouldn’t be Amazon..."

When Lu Li was mentioned, Mizusawa Yu's eyes flashed with fear unconsciously.

No matter who it is, when facing this kind of opponent that they are definitely unable to defeat, they will feel awe in their hearts.

"A terrifying dark golden monster?"

Mizusawa Reika, after hearing this description, has no clue at all.

She doesn't know who the other party is now, but the other party stopped Mizusawa Yu, so there is no guarantee that he is not with the dopant.

Thinking of this, Mizusawa Reika's mind Lu Li's face couldn't help but emerge.

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