Seeing Shroud admit it, Philip immediately shook his head.

"No! It's impossible. Shotaro and I are the best partners, and he is also my only partner. It is absolutely impossible for me to leave him.

Without him, there would be no W anymore."

Having experienced so many things together, Phillip and Zuo Shotaro have already become close partners.

Just because of Shroud's words, it is impossible for him to leave Zuo Shotaro under any circumstances.

His own persuasion has no results. Shroud sighed slightly.

She had already guessed what would happen before she said this, but she still felt a little emotional when she heard the answer.

"Forget it, make your own decision."

After saying that, Shroud put his hands in his pockets, turned around and disappeared into this space.

Since Phillip has woken up now, there is no need to stay here.

She knew that she could not keep Phillip.

She saw only Phillip again. With only his own data space left, Philip's eyes were very firm.

"I... want to return to Shotaro, who was my only partner just now, and no one can replace him."

Perhaps because of feeling Philip's thoughts, the extreme memory actually started to take action.

It turned into a golden stream of light and flew towards Fengdu City.


Time has come to evening again.

In the company's warehouse.

After more than a day of assembly and adjustment, Lu Li finally finished it.

The instruments and equipment assembled in the warehouse are exactly the same as those assembled by Dr. Prospect in the experimental village.

These instruments and equipment have been adjusted by Lu Li and can measure the quark index, as well as the awakening of superpowers.

After working hard for so long, I finally got it done.

It was not too late at this point, so Lu Li immediately called and asked Sonosaki Saeko, Sonosaki Wakana, and Mina to come to the warehouse.

As for the purpose, of course it is to help the two sisters awaken their superpowers.

Frequent use of memory, they themselves are also subtly affected by the power of memory.

Chapter 157 Both of them awakened superpowers.

Even if they have not yet mastered special abilities, they definitely have a higher quark index than ordinary people.

If the quark index reaches the standard, super powers can be awakened smoothly.

Not long after, the two sisters Sonosaki and Mina arrived at the warehouse.

When they came in and saw the equipment here, the two sisters' eyes were full of doubts.

Can these things be assembled like this?

But Mina was different. When she saw this familiar equipment, her face was full of disbelief.

She had never figured out how Lu Li assembled these things. It was simply outrageous.

And judging by the time, it didn't seem to take too long.

That would be even more outrageous!

You must know that Dr. Prospect spent a lot of energy and time to complete all these productions and so on.

When it came to Lu Li's place, it was actually done in such a short period of time.

The reason why these instruments and equipment were assembled so quickly was because Lu Li had already imprinted all of Dr. Prospect's information in his mind.

It is completely equivalent to his own knowledge and can be used easily.

There is no need to worry about forgetting such problems at all.

In addition, Lu Li's previous copy of Philip already has almost the smartest brain in the world. Isn't it easy to do these things?

"Dear, what are these things?……?"

Until now, Sonosaki Saeko didn't understand what this thing Lu Li had made was.

Anyway, it was just some instruments and equipment. As for what they were used for specifically, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't tell.

Sonosaki Wakana, on the other hand, came to these instruments and equipment with a curious face, touching here and tapping there.

"Brother-in-law, what's the use of this thing?"

Hearing this, a mysterious smile appeared on Lu Li's face, and he lightly hooked his fingers.

The Triceratops memory that had been placed on the table by Jiu Ling before flew into Lu Li's hands automatically.

"do you understand?"

Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana looked at each other. The two smart people seemed to be stumped at this moment. They shook their heads in unison. They obviously didn't understand what Lu Li meant by doing this.

Seeing that the two of them didn't guess, Lu Li didn't continue to talk about it and said straightforwardly.

"Normally he is quite smart, but why do he suddenly not understand at this time?

Of's a super power"


Awakening superpowers.

In other words, both of them...can also gain superpowers!

"Brother-in-law! Are you kidding me? Can I also awaken my superpowers?"

Sono Saki Wakana ran to Lu Li with a face of surprise and looked at Lu Li expectantly.

Sono Saki Wakana has always been very envious of the fact that Lu Li has super powers.

Sometimes she even dreams about it, and she can do it Obtaining superpowers.

Not to mention how powerful it can be, but at least it should have a certain fighting ability without using the power of memory.

Lu Li nodded in response to the girl's expectant look.

"That's right, this device is used to awaken your superpowers.

But before awakening, I need to measure your quark index."

Sonosaki Saeko, who heard this word for the first time, frowned slightly. Apparently she didn't know what a quark index was.

"Quark index?"

Lu Li didn't need to answer this question. Mina on the side answered directly.

"The quark index is a numerical value used to determine whether super powers can be awakened.

Only when a certain value is reached can super powers be awakened. If the value is too low, there is no way to awaken super powers."

Hearing this answer, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly remembered that Mina also has superpowers.

In other words, after going out last time, Lu Li got a way to awaken superpowers.

Of course, just as Mina said It has something to do with the numerical value.

The higher the numerical value, the stronger the awakened ability. The lower the numerical value, the smaller the awakened ability.

There is a minimum limit for awakening, and if the numerical value is lower than this level. At that time, there was no possibility of awakening.

It was already getting late, Lu Li quickly urged.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late. Let me confirm first what your quark index is.‖"

Subsequently, Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana successively measured the quark index.

The two of them are users of golden memory. After using the power of the memory for many years, their bodies have accumulated a certain amount of strength.

The final result was just as Lu Li expected.

The quark index of both of them far exceeded the minimum level of awakening.

Of course, they are incomparable to Lu Li's previous time.

Lu Li has an incomprehensibly high high quark index. Even Dr. Prospect bluntly said that Lu Li is his best and most satisfying work.

Although there is no comparison with Lu Li, the difference between their quark index and Mina's quark index when she awakened her superpower is not too far away.

This also means that once the two of them awaken their superpowers, they will also become very powerful superpowers.

And when they use the power of memory, they also have powerful superpowers to support them, and they can be like the utopian dopant with smooth head before.

The Utopia dopant is not only very powerful in itself, but also possesses extremely powerful telekinesis.

This guy was also unlucky enough to meet Lu Li, otherwise he wouldn't have ended up like this.

As soon as the test was completed, Sonosaki Wakana hurried over and asked Lu Li eagerly

"Brother-in-law, how are you doing? What's my quark index like?"

"No problem, your values are all very high and you can definitely awaken your superpowers."

After getting Lu Li's affirmative answer, Sono Saki Wakana, who was a little worried at first, breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to miss an opportunity to awaken her superpower.

Although the superpower may not be as powerful as a memory, it can be used anytime and anywhere. Each has its own merits!

Sonosaki looked at these instruments with confusion, not knowing which one was used for awakening.

"My dear, do we wake up?"

"Saeko, come with me first."

Pulling Sonosaki Saeko, he came to the awakening instrument and saw the protective cover slowly opened.

Pointing his finger at the inside of the instrument, Lu Li explained

"Xiezi, relax after entering. Your consciousness will enter dormancy. You don't need to do anything, just lie quietly inside.

The program created will help you awaken your superpowers without any mistakes."

Regarding what Lu Li said, Sonosaki Saeko almost unconditionally trusted him without any hesitation at all.

"Okay, let me go first."

As soon as she finished speaking, Sonosaki Saeko walked directly into the awakening device.

When she entered, the outer protective cover slowly closed, and the awakening was about to begin.

When building this device, Lu Li had already considered the issue of energy. He was prepared in advance.

When he came to a hand-operated lever,

Sonosaki Saeko, who was already in the awakening device, quickly entered a dormant state.

, to stimulate the awakening equipment to operate.

It is unclear how long the whole process takes.

However, it may have taken several hours for the two sisters to awaken overnight. Rest is not a big deal.

After awakening your super power, you will generally have strong mental power. Just one night without rest will not affect anything.

The awakening has already begun, and then it is time to wait.


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