Makura really wants to help you, but you treat him like this? Don't you think it's too much?"

As a senior, Chifu Basano felt that it was necessary for him to speak properly.

Hearing this, Kujo Aya showed a sneer on his face.

"hehe! Is it too much? I don't think there's anything excessive.

I never said I needed him to help me sincerely, right? It was all his own wishful thinking from beginning to end, and I didn't even express any wrong intentions.

The only thing to blame is that he is too stupid to think of many things."

Just two days after arriving, Kujo Ling didn't have much to pack. He quickly finished packing.

Kujo Ling was about to leave with his things in his hands when Terui Ryuu stopped him in front of him.


Seeing Ryu Terui blocking the road with an indifferent expression, Kujo Aya asked calmly.

"how? Don’t you want me to leave this time?"

Clenching his fists tightly, Terui Ryuu really wanted to have a good fight.

Holding back the anger in his heart, Terui Ryuu said in a deep voice

"Hand over your Triceratops memory. As long as you hand over the memory, I won't pursue this matter."

This sounds very ridiculous.

Will he hand it over as soon as he says it?

Kujo Ling covered her mouth and chuckled.

"oh? Do you want me to hand over the memory? But I don’t have any memory on me. You don’t want to...want to slander me, do you?"

The other party's calm look didn't look like he was telling lies at all.

"And don't have any memory?!"

But Terui Ryuu had personally witnessed Kujo Aya transforming into a triceratops hybrid. He simply didn't believe that Kujo Aya would not have memory in her body.

"Do not make jokes! You have been using Triceratops memory, how could it not be in your hands?"

How could he believe the other party's lies? You are just kidding yourself!

His face turned slightly cold. Kujo Ling did not intend to continue to struggle with this issue.

"Get out of the way, Section Chief Terui Ryu, I am no longer a member of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section, so you should not be qualified to investigate me."

Since they no longer belong here, there is no need for Kujo Ling to prove herself.

Then, she directly pushed Terui Ryu away and walked out of the gate.

She wanted to stop him, but the fact was just as Kujo Ling said, she had already

Looking at the retreating figure, Terui Ryuu was very reluctant and punched the wall.



As a police officer, he naturally cannot act recklessly. Without evidence, it is impossible for him to search the person.

As for Makura Shun, he was sitting on a chair at this time, looking at the ceiling blankly.

In his mind There are only two words in it.

Licking dog!

He never thought that he would become a licking dog. How ironic!

He used to care about Kujo Ling as much as possible, but in the eyes of the other party, his actions It was just some dog-licking behavior.

His heart was deeply hit, and it would be difficult for Makura Shun to get over it for a while.

Chifu Basano patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Section Chief, what should we do now? There is currently no evidence to prove that Kujo Ling herself is an adulterant.

She doesn't belong to our classroom now, so if she wants to investigate, I'm afraid she will be treated badly."

The room suddenly fell silent. Terui Ryu now felt that the matter was difficult and difficult to deal with.

Kujo Aya left the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section and walked in the police station with a smile on her face.

She originally thought that she I was afraid that I would have to live under police arrest, but I didn't expect that I could still walk around the police station with such arrogance.

This is the power of the organization. Not only is it powerful, but it can also influence the police and even the political circles.

Sure enough, joining the organization. The choice was correct.

Even if Terui Ryu saw her, she would not dare to take action against her.

Now, what she had to do was to search the first class report

, where she once stayed. came back


On a certain street in Fengdu.

Shotaro Zuo searched tirelessly for news about Philip.

But so far, he still hasn't found anything.

Sitting on the ladder, Shotaro Zuo pressed his head with his hands, looking very distressed.

He really couldn't find any way to find Philip.

Just when he was about to completely lose confidence in this matter, suddenly, Zuo Shotaro thought of something.

There has always been a connection between himself and Philip, although this connection was mainly through the double drive.

Having experienced so much now, even if there is no dual drive between the two, there is still a certain amount of resonance.

But if you want to sense the other party, you have to concentrate very hard.

Thinking of this, Shotaro Zuo took a deep breath, closed his eyes and began to sense Philip's presence.

His anxious heart calmed down, Zuo Shotaro silently sensed Philip's presence.

After a while, Zuo Shotaro suddenly felt it.

Philip's breath.

Still alive!

Suddenly opening his eyes, Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because he was too impatient and eager to find Phillip, he forgot about this inexplicable connection between the two.

It was through this inexplicable connection that it was finally confirmed that Philip was still alive.

Even though it is still unclear where Philip is, it is certain that he is still alive.

As long as you are alive, there is still hope of meeting again


Zuo Shotaro's mood, which was already close to despair, finally has hope.

Perhaps because he was too tired, Zuo Shotaro fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

He has not had a good rest since he woke up yesterday. However, now I suddenly know that Philip is still alive and well, I naturally feel relaxed.


At this time, after some repairs in the extreme memory, Philip had completely recovered.

However, his consciousness is still in a coma.

Suddenly, Phillip's eyelids moved slightly.

Slowly opening his eyes, Phillip found himself in a strange space.

He had never been to this place before. The surroundings were pitch black, with green data streams flowing up and down.

Standing up and looking around this extremely strange space, Phillip had a flash of doubt in his eyes.

"here it is……?"

This is obviously a space made up of data, but he hasn't figured out where exactly it is yet.

The reason why he can stay in this place is because Philip itself is composed of earth data

"Come on, are you awake?"

There was a sudden sound behind him, and Phillip turned around suddenly.

When he saw Shroud appearing here, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"Shroud?! Why are you here? What exactly is here...? And why did you call me... someone?"

He had no memory of the institute before, and naturally he had no idea why he was called a visitor.

Shroud was not surprised by Philip's surprise and confusion.

"This is inside the Extreme Memory, come on, as for why I call you that, it’s because this is your original name. You...are a member of the Sonosaki family." when���When he answered like this, Phillip suddenly felt that his brain was a little exhausted.

" there someone here? Could it be that……?!"

Suddenly, Philip thought of the famous family in Fengdu, the Sonosaki family.

He has always liked Princess Wakana, known as the Healing Princess, whose real name is Sonosaki Wakana.

In other words, he and Princess Sonosaki Wakana are siblings?!

Phillip, who received such breaking news all of a sudden, felt like his brain was being bombarded, and it was a little hard to accept it for a while.

"Shroud, who are you? Why do you know about me? And why do you know I called someone?"

There are so many questions in his head that he wants to ask Shroud

"I... am just a vengeful ghost. As for why I know about you, of course I know.

The time is almost up. Come on, what I’m going to tell you next is very important. You must remember it."

Shroud didn't want to tell Philip her true identity. She was no longer the Sonosaki Fumin she once was. She was just a vengeful ghost.

She had always felt guilty for failing to protect her son Philip.

"important things?"

Phillip was full of doubts as to what important matter it would be.

Then, Shroud solemnly said

"Come here, listen to my advice and stop walking with that person, otherwise... big trouble will happen."

After this evolution, Philip's power will become stronger and stronger.

After the power becomes stronger, it also means that the memory that Philip said he uses will become stronger.

When transforming into W, half is stronger and half is stronger. A weak situation will make W very uncoordinated.

In short, Zuo Shotaro will be a hindrance and become a burden to Philip.

Unless Philip has a very suitable partner in the current situation. Look, Zuo Shotaro does not have this possibility at all.

Facing the gradually getting stronger Phillip, Zuo Shotaro will be gradually eliminated. Shroud's combat effectiveness will also be weakened due to the lack of coordination between the two.

When this situation occurred, Philip was reminded.

Upon hearing this, a flash of thought flashed in Philip's eyes.

"Could it be that the person you are talking about is... Shotaro?"

Just nodded slightly, Shroud did not continue to say anything.

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