When Shotaro Zuo woke up again, he found himself on the bed in the detective agency.

I was too happy before just because Phillip was still alive.

As a result, he fell asleep directly because he was too exhausted.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up, I would come back again?

Who sent him back?

"You finally woke up, thinking you were going to sleep for a long time."

A familiar voice suddenly came.

When Zuo Shotaro heard this familiar voice, his body trembled slightly.

He raised his head in surprise, and saw Philip sitting on the stool opposite.


He didn't expect that he would be able to see Phillip when he woke up.

What happened? Why did he come back so suddenly? There was no sign at all?

Phillip smiled and asked

"how? Do you feel strange when you see me?"

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro nodded vigorously as if he was pounding garlic.

Why did he come back so suddenly? He didn't even understand the situation.

"Shotaro, you finally woke up. Who told you not to have a good rest last night?"

Narukai Asukiko's voice came, and she was seen walking over with a cup of hot water.

Handing the hot water to Zuo Shotaro, Narumi Asukiko continued.

"You guy actually slept on the ladder, you are really talented. If Phillip hadn't brought you back, I really don't know where to look for you."

The words were quite harsh, but the concern in them was very obvious.

The few of them have been getting along for a long time, and they have become like family members without knowing it.

No matter who has a problem, others will feel it. Worried.

Zuo Shotaro took the hot water and ignored Narumi Asukiko.

Now he just wanted to know what happened to Philip before.

"Philip, where have you been? Who was taken away again?"

Not only Zuo Shotarou was curious, but Narumi Asukiko was also curious.

But she didn't take the initiative to ask about this matter. After all, Philip didn't say anything after he came back.

There was a slight silence, and Philip lowered his head. , looked at Shotaro Zuo with a serious face.

"Now...I can't tell you yet, but there is one thing I am sure of, Shotaro, you are my only partner."

That serious look was not a joke at all.

Being stared at by such serious eyes, Zuo Shotaro felt a little embarrassed and quickly looked away.

"We are already so familiar with each other, why are you talking about this? Of course we were besties and have been ever since, don't you think?"

After saying this, Zuo Shotaro blushed unconsciously.

As if Narumi Asukiko had discovered something rare, he said in surprise

"oh! I understand. Are you shy?"

"Fool! What are you talking about? How could I be shy?!"

As a tough guy detective, how could he be shy because of something like this!

Absolutely impossible!

However, Narumi Asakiko's next words instantly broke Zuo Shotarou's guard.

"` ˇIf you have the ability, go and look in the mirror. Your face is obviously red!"

As he said this, Narumi Yasuki pointed at his face.


It seems that he really noticed that his face was a little hot, and Zuo Shotaro suddenly couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hello! Ya Shuzi! You guy, stop here!"

As he said that, Zuo Shotaro rolled up his sleeves and wanted to catch Narukiya Shuko.

At this time, what nonsense are you talking about?

Seeing the two people making trouble, it seemed that they were back to their previous appearance, and Phillip also had a smile on his face. There is nothing wrong with this kind of life.

He hopes that this kind of life can last forever.

What Shroud said to him flashed through his mind, and he didn't take it to heart.

Shotaro was the only one he recognized.

No matter what happens in the future, this cannot be changed.


The whole process lasted for seven or eight hours from waking up in the afternoon towards dusk until one or two o'clock in the evening, and then the energy delivered by the instrument began to slowly weaken.

After almost half an hour, the awakening device finally stopped running.

The protective cover outside the awakening instrument slowly opened, thick white smoke dispersed, and a beautiful figure walked out of the white smoke.

It’s Sonosaki Saeko!

"Saeko, how's it going? What superpower did you awaken?"

Even Lu Li didn't know what kind of super power Sono Saki Saeko had awakened, so he was naturally very curious.

Sono Saki Wakana on the side also couldn't wait to run over and asked curiously

"Yes, yes! Sister, what superpower did you awaken?"

Although Mina didn't ask, the curiosity in her eyes did not diminish at all.

Seeing that everyone was curious about what kind of superpower she had awakened, Sonosaki Yuko pursed her lips and smiled, stretched out her right hand, and a ball of flame appeared out of thin air.

Next In seconds, the flame suddenly rose up and became fierce.

He had just awakened, and he had already controlled the flame to such an extent. Although it was only a superpower to control the flame, it could be seen that it was very powerful.

"My awakened superpower is fire."

It's a very single superpower, but it can be seen that it will be very powerful once it is fully controlled.

Like Mina, who awakens multiple superpowers has good points (Zhao Wang Zhao), but also bad points.

Having it There are multiple super powers, but each super power is not too strong. The overall power is relatively balanced.

Another disadvantage of having multiple super powers is that it consumes a lot of energy. Superpowers will cause one's own physical or mental strength to be unable to keep up.

Seeing that Sono Sakiko only awakened one ability, Lu Li did not feel disappointed.

"Control the fire? Although relatively ordinary, it can be seen that the flame is very powerful."

Even he himself has only awakened a super power, but it does not mean that the power is weak.

"Is my sister a flame? What would I be?"

At this time, Sonosaki Wakana had begun to look forward to what kind of super power she would awaken.

Lu Li lightly flicked Sonosaki Wakana's forehead and said with a smile

"What is it? Don’t you know it when you wake up? It's your turn, go now"

"pain! Why are you flicking my head? Too much! snort! After I awaken my superpower, I will let you experience it!"

The little girl touched the forehead that was hit just now, and angrily walked into the awakening device.

Just like when Sonosaki Yueko awakened just now, the awakening device started to operate, input energy and began to awaken.

Just awakening the two people's superpowers , almost consuming a lot of energy.

Not because of the richness of the museum itself, the cost of this energy alone was very boring. It was not until the next morning that the awakening device finally stopped, and Lu Li was very bored. He cannot leave at will.

He must always pay attention to the stability of the awakening equipment to ensure that there are no problems.

The time since the sisters awakened is almost the same. It took Sonosaki Wakana almost eight hours to wait for her to come out. demonstrated his awakened superpowers


A stream of water passed through the warehouse and accurately converged into the hands of Sono Saki Wakana.

Yes, the super power awakened by Sono Saki Wakana is completely opposite to the super power of Sono Saki Saeko.

PS: Thank you————Bullar Silver Wolf’s monthly pass!.Chapter

158 Are you my biological sister? Locked Book, Judgment!

The elder sister controls fire, while the younger sister controls water.

Maybe this has something to do with their personalities.

"Lu Li, how are you? What I awakened is the superpower of controlling water, which is not bad!"

As if asking for credit, Sono Saki Wakana stood in front of Lu Li with her head held high.

It has to be said that Sono Saki Wakana's figure is not inferior to Sono Saki's child at all.

After noticing Lu Li's gaze, Sono Saki Wakana became indifferent. Sorry, I quickly hid behind Sonosaki Saeko

"Sister, brother-in-law, he bullied me!"

What he said was unreasonable.

He clearly didn't do anything, he just glanced at Wakana, how could he bully her?

This girl is so weird.

When he saw Sono Saki Wakana hiding behind him, Sono Sakiko shook her head helplessly.

This sister is really good and fun-loving.

"Okay, it's already morning. Go back and deal with your work quickly. You haven't finished yesterday's matters yet."

Sonosaki Saeko's words immediately knocked Sonosaki Wakana into the bottom of her valley.

"ah! sister! You are my sister! Can't you take a break today?"

It turned out that Sonosaki Wakana had this idea and wanted to take a day off.

Upon hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana rejected her without hesitation.

"Don't even think about it, you have to catch it���Time to sort out all these things as soon as possible.

I have given you a few days, and you should have learned a lot. I will test the results in two days."

Sonosaki Wakana suddenly made a sad face.

I thought I could take this opportunity to have a good rest today and relax.

But I didn't expect that in the end, I just thought too much.

It's really......Uncomfortable!

"Okay, the time is indeed almost up. You can do whatever you need to do. I have some other things to deal with.

Mina, you don’t have to follow me for now, I’m going out alone."

Originally, Mina planned to follow Lu Li, but Lu Li said that he wanted to go out alone.

There was no other way, so Mina could only nod in agreement depressedly.

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