Hearing this, Narumi Yasuki's face suddenly became embarrassed, and his words were hesitant.

"Long has now left the emergency room and is lying in the observation room. He is fine for the time being.

As for Philip...Philip he...he……"

Seeing the squeaking Narukiya Shuko, Zuo Shotaro suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

He sat up, put his hands on Narumi Yasuki's shoulders, and said loudly

"Ya Shuzi, you are right! What happened to Philip? If you are so hesitant, something must have happened to him, right?!"

At this moment, Zuo Shotaro feels more nervous than ever before.

He is really afraid, afraid of losing his best partner, afraid of losing his best partner.

For more than a year, the two sides have supported each other, and now they have established a Deep emotions.

It can even be said that the two are almost inseparable.

The nurse in the ward quickly reminded Zuo Shotaro when he heard the noise.

"This is a hospital and a ward. Please keep your voice down so as not to disturb other people."

Although he was very anxious in his heart, Zuo Shotaro would not get angry at anyone who had nothing to do with it.

"Yes, I'm very sorry, I didn't pay attention just now."

Then he turned his attention to Narumi Yasukiko, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Philip...didn't see it"

"I did not see it?"

Zuo Xiangtaro frowned deeply. For a moment, he seemed a little unable to understand what it means not to see.

He still clearly remembered that Philip was lying on the ground at that time and was seriously injured. How could he suddenly disappear?

"I really didn’t see it. It was the construction workers at the construction site who saw that you and Long were seriously injured, so they called 750 to call the hospital for an ambulance.

The two of you were sent over just then, but the third unconscious person was not seen at the scene.

I also called the construction worker to ask, but he said he didn't see anyone else there."

Asukiko Narumi was also very worried about Philip.

After all, everyone has lived together for so long and has become their own family.

Normally, everyone likes to play around, but in this special situation, Every time, they would worry about each other.

How could he not be worried when his family was gone? He was like a deflated ball.

He couldn't understand why Phillip suddenly sat on the bed. Disappeared.

At this moment, something suddenly occurred to him and he stood up immediately.

"I thought of it!"

The voice rose unconsciously, making the nurse in the ward roll her eyes helplessly.

"I said, this is a hospital, please be quiet."

Hearing the nurse's voice again, Shotaro Zuo quickly apologized.

"I'm very sorry, I was too lost in thought, I'm sorry, I'll be out right away."

He was really embarrassed to continue to stay here, so he quickly took Narukiya Shuko and fled the ward.

If he continued to stay here, he was really worried that the nurse would stab him.

Just remind him once or twice, and if he comes again, He felt embarrassed. When the two came outside the observation room, they saw Ryu Terui lying on the hospital bed in a coma, but it could be seen that his breathing had stabilized. Asked the doubts in my heart

"Shotaro, what on earth were you thinking about just now?"

When he was in the ward just now, Zuo Xiangtaro was startled. He must have thought of something.

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro's face became slightly solemn and he said in a deep voice.

"Philip was originally the organization's experimental subject, and as a cadre of the organization, Lu Li might have brought him back."

When hearing this conjecture, Narumi Yasukiko fell into deep thought.

"It's possible, but I feel.....Not very likely"

"How do you say this?"Zuo Shotaro frowned in confusion.

Afterwards, Narumi Asukiko briefly analyzed

"Just think about it, how many times have you met Lu Li before? But how many times had Lu Li said he wanted to take Phillip away?

Probably not, and I have never taken any action for this.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be possible to suddenly and inexplicably take Phillip away. It's unreasonable.

Of course, this is just my guess.

I don’t know whether this is the case specifically. What you said is not impossible, but I think the possibility is relatively small."

Narukai Asukiko's analysis made Zuo Shotarou suddenly realize.

Perhaps, things are not as bad as he thought.

Philip, it is possible that Lu Li did not take him back.

Since he was not taken back by Lu Li, who did he take? Gone?

The suspicion of the organization cannot be completely ruled out. Lu Li has no interest in Phillip, but that does not mean that others are not interested in Phillip.

Just now, Zuo Shotaro tried to call Phillip, but there was a message on the other end of the phone. I can't contact you at all, it's like I'm not in the service area.

"Yasuko, you go and inform Officer Basano and the others first. I'm going to see if there are any clues left at the scene."

After speaking, Zuo Xiangtaro quickly ran towards the hospital door.

"Hello! Shotaro!"

After calling out and getting no response, Asukiko Narumi had no choice but to give up. She just wanted to tell Shotaro Zuo that the site had been almost cleared up by the construction team, and I'm afraid there were no clues left. But Zuo


Shotaro ran too fast, and she didn't have time to say anything.


On the other side, Lu Li took Kutiao to the company.

Yesterday, Lu Li handed over the purchase of some related equipment to Sonosaki Saeko. At this point in time, it should have arrived.

He planned to go and see if the things had arrived.

When she came to the company again, Kujo Ling felt somewhat emotional.

When I came here last night, I broke in directly, so there is no need to break in today.

When he arrived at the company gate, the security personnel at the door recognized Lu Li immediately.

At the same time, they also recognized Kujo Ling.

Lu Li's originally respectful attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees when he saw Jiu Tiao Ling, and he looked wary.

Lu Li also knew that they must have seen Jiu Tiao Ling yesterday, otherwise they would not be so vigilant.

"Don't be so nervous, she is one of ours now."

After hearing what Lu Li said, the security personnel lowered their guard.

The two of them entered the company smoothly. Kujo Ling looked back at the security personnel and smiled.

"The company's security force doesn't seem to be enough. With their strength alone, they may not be able to stop the Kamen Rider."

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head and said with a flat smile.

"They don't need to stop the Kamen Rider, they just need to stop some people who shouldn't come."

The company's security personnel only use mass-produced makeup memories. The cost is very low, suitable for mass production, and the strength is not bad.

They do not need to fight against the Kamen Riders, they only need to do their own jobs.

See Lu Li Having said that, Kujo Ling shrugged slightly and said nothing more. When the employees of the company saw that Lu Li had brought another woman back (previously it was Mina), their eyes widened and they couldn't understand at all. How did Lu Li do it?

The most important thing is that they didn't even see the president getting angry because of this incident.

Many male employees even wanted to ask Lu Li, the general manager, how he did it..

The red flags are not falling at home, but the colorful flags are flying outside! Of course

, they are just thinking about it, and they don’t dare to ask such questions unless they want to die. Didn't you notice that all the female employees in the company looked at Lu Li like a nympho?

They didn't dare to look at Lu Li like this when the president was around, and they could only look at Lu Li like this at this time.

After a while, the two arrived at the president's office.

Before they could push the door open, the female secretary came out and greeted Lu Li happily.

"Hello, General Manager!"

Of course she has been happy these past two days. Mina's arrival has liberated her from the nightmare, how could she not be happy?


Lu Li nodded and responded to the female secretary.

The female secretary opened the door respectfully. Although she didn't know who the woman next to Lu Li was, she was sure that she was not an ordinary person.

After Lu Li and Kujo Ling went in, she was careful He closed the door.

In the president's office,

Sonosaki Saeko, who had just finished handling the matter, was teaching Sonosaki Wakana how to handle the matters at hand.

If you want to manage the company well, you have to learn it.

Sono Saki Wakana was suddenly surprised when she saw Lu Li.

"Land from!"

She knew that as long as Lu Li came, she would be liberated from her busy schedule in an instant.

For no other reason than because her sister would put down whatever work she was doing for Lu Li.

So seeing Lu Li was like meeting her. It 's like being your own savior.

Since coming to the company these two days, Sonosaki Wakana seems to have shed a layer of skin and is very tired.

Even though she has been prepared for this, she still feels very tired.

How could Sonosaki Saeko not see this idea?

But since Lu Li is here, let’s put the work aside for now.

"My dear, didn’t you take Mina to the institute? Why did you suddenly come back? And... he also brought this woman back."

Sonosaki Yueko looked at Kujo Aya.

How could she forget Kujo Aya? This woman suddenly broke into her office last night.

Moreover, this woman even wanted to threaten herself.

Even if she did not succeed in the end , but she still remembers it

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