From the beginning, when W first appeared, Shroud already knew it would reach this point.

However, she had not found a suitable candidate before. Zuo Shotarou happened to be Narumi Shokichi's disciple, so she temporarily handed Philip over to Zuo Shotarou.

But he didn't expect that just because of his temporary decision, he would cause this series of problems.

Even if you want to change it now, it's not that easy.

The trouble was huge, and Shroud also felt a headache.

Shroud hopes that the visitor will listen to her advice after this trip.

Giving up on Shotaro Zuo, he is not the best partner.

The wind is all over the sky.

A golden stream of light quickly passed through the sky, with a long tail, looking very dazzling.

It's the ultimate memory


Come back here.

At this time, the Triceratops doped body also felt that the place where it was hit was less painful. He put down the arm covering his chest and walked over with difficulty.

"Why...why did you come to save me? There shouldn't be much friendship between us, and even... you have no reason to save me.

I don't understand why you came to save me? what is the reason?"

Until now, the Triceratops dopant has never understood the reason why Lu Li would help him.

Hearing this, Lu Li turned around and stared at the Triceratops dopant under the scarlet eye armor.

Next Within seconds, Lu Li exited the transformation.

When he saw Lu Li transforming back into human form and appearing in front of him, the Triceratops hybrid was quite surprised that he suddenly changed back into human form in front of his eyes. Wasn't he worried that he would. Launching a surprise attack? After all , he is still a doping body. Even if he is injured, his strength will not be weak.

But after thinking about it, the Triceratops Doping Body felt that his idea was ridiculous.

When they met for the first time, Lu Li used an invisible force to block his attack.

That kind of force was not something he could withstand.

What's more, Lu Li could turn into a monster with a terrifying appearance and a trembling appearance. The power of the Triceratops hybrid is still fresh in her mind, and the scars on her chest are still aching, but she has not forgotten it.

"Kujo Aya, although your plan was not completely successful, at least you seriously injured the policeman.

The final result is a little worse, but it does not affect my judgment of your strength.

And there is my factor in this, which has a certain impact on you. I injured you in the previous battle, which should also affect your battle this time.

Don't worry, I don't pity you, I just like your strength.

You are a target worthy of training. If you are trained, you will be able to serve as a cadre of the organization."

After hearing these words, Kujo Ling roughly understood what Lu Li was thinking.

The other party took a fancy to her strength and thought that she was a seedling that could be cultivated and had the opportunity to grow into a cadre of the organization.

Then, Lu Li continued.

"You must also know that Fengdu has been very calm these past few days, with almost no adulteration appearing.

It's not because there are fewer adulterants, but because a huge change has just occurred within the organization and the rectification has just been completed.

Now that the organization is short of cadres, I naturally have to find suitable candidates for the organization who can become cadres.

You...are the first."

The Triceratops dopant took out the Triceratops memory at the thigh joint and changed back to Kujo Ling's appearance.

"Am I the first? hehe! What an honor!"

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

She thought that she would fail this time, her memory would be destroyed, and she would not be able to become a cadre of the museum.

Unexpectedly, an unexpected turn of events suddenly occurred, and another village had a bright future..

It happened that there was a screening within the organization and there was a lack of candidates for cadres, so I had a chance to enter.

I have to say that my luck is really good sometimes.

Then, Kujo Ling looked aside and fainted. The two Kamen Riders had already fallen.

Taking this opportunity to deal with them would save a lot of unnecessary trouble in the future.

However, she did not take action without permission, but took the initiative to ask Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, what should we do now? Do you want to take this opportunity to kill all three of them?

By killing these three guys, we can eliminate two Kamen Riders at once, and no one will come to hinder the organization in the future."

She just gave a suggestion and did not make any decisions on her own.

Originally, she thought that Lu Li would agree to her suggestion and directly choose to kill these three people.

However, Lu Li shook his head.

"No, they can't die now, I have other uses."

He has already felt a strange force, which is approaching here quickly. If nothing else, it should be the ultimate memory.

After this time, the ultimate memory will help Philip complete a new evolution.

The limit of distance from completeness The memory is already very close.

Before that, Lu Li had no intention of doing anything unexpected.

"` ˇ……Well, since Mr. Lu has made a decision, let's do what you said."

A flash of regret flashed in Kujo Aya's eyes.

She thought Lu Li would adopt her suggestion and take this opportunity to kill the two Kamen Riders.

But now it seems that she thought too much and Lu Li did not follow her ideas.

As for Lu Li What he said was that they had other uses. Kujo Ling didn't know what those other uses were.

She was not prepared to ask about this matter. She knew what she should know.

, the other party will tell you things that you shouldn't know, even if you ask, the other party will not tell you.

There is no need to ask for trouble.

After a while, a golden flash of light quickly approached here. After catching Kujo Ling's attention, he immediately prepared to use the Triceratops Memory.

But at this time, Lu Li pressed Kujo Ling's hand and shook his head slightly.

"Don't worry, it doesn't have any intention of attacking us. Of course, the premise is that you don't attack it, otherwise... you will suffer."

Lu Li is not joking.

Although the extreme memory has not really reached its most complete state, it does have very powerful power.

This may be the highest masterpiece Shroud has ever produced, and it has very powerful power.

Next In seconds, the bird-shaped extreme memory body came to Philip, and a green light emitted from below enveloped Philip.

Philip, who was himself made of data, was instantly sucked into the extreme memory body under this pulling force. The body didn't care about Terui Ryu and Zuo Shotarou, it only needed to rescue Philip

(Zuo Shotaro: I'm not a human being! Are you abandoning me? It's too much!)

Seeing this with one's own eyes, Kujo Aya was obviously. She didn't know what this strange memory was.

She just noticed that there was a slight smile on Lu Li's lips.

She really couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to think too much about it. It has nothing to do with her anymore. She has now obtained the ticket to become a cadre of the organization.

She doesn't care about other things at all.

Then, under the gaze of the two people (Zhao Li's), the Extreme Memory Body came out. It turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.

After confirming that the extreme memory had left, Lu Li put his hands in his pockets and turned around to leave.

"Come with me, if you want to become a cadre of the organization, your current strength is not enough.

You need to become stronger. Only by becoming stronger can you be qualified to become a real cadre."

Lu Li's voice came from the front. After hearing the voice, Jiu Tiao Ling immediately followed her with her long legs.

She was curious about how she could become stronger.

The two figures gradually moved away, and there was no building here. In the completed construction site, only Terui Ryu and Zuo Shotarou were left in a coma.

Their current condition was not good, especially Terui Ryu who had been seriously injured before, and after a battle, his body was damaged. The injuries became more serious.

After an unknown period of time, workers from the Youshi factory came here. When they saw the two people unconscious on the ground, they immediately called for rescue.

After the ambulance arrived at the scene, they were immediately sent to the hospital at a single price. Terui Ryu went directly to the emergency room.

It was impossible not to go to the emergency room. Currently, Terui Ryu's breathing was very weak.

The main reason was that he had been seriously injured and had not received treatment, which led to his condition changing. It was bad.

After entering the hospital, Zuo Xiangtaro woke up not long after.

His condition was much better, but he was knocked unconscious by Lu Li.

After opening his eyes, Zuo Xiangtaro still felt a slight pain in his head.

After taking a short rest, he finally recovered.

Seeing that he was in the ward, Zuo Xiangtaro was quite confused as to why he suddenly came here.

"Shotaro, you finally woke up!"

At this time, a burst of exclamation suddenly came from the door.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Zuo Shotaro saw Narumi Asukiko with a face full of surprise.

"Ya Shuzi? How will you be here? I remember... wasn't I fighting? Why did you come to the hospital all of a sudden?"

Obviously, although he has woken up, this guy's mind is still a little confused.

Chapter 153 Missing Persons, this is an enviable winner in life!

Narumi Asukiko was quite helpless when asked this question He shrugged and put the things he bought on the table beside him.

"I also want to know what happened to you, why did you end up in the hospital suddenly?

I was originally working at a detective agency, but suddenly I received a call from the hospital.

They said you were injured and unconscious, so I ran over in a hurry."

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro frowned slightly. At this time, a series of pictures suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Injured and comatose?"

At this time, he suddenly remembered that he had indeed passed out during the battle. He was knocked unconscious by Lu Li.

After coming back to his senses, Zuo Shotaro remembered Phillip and Terui Ryu who had been seriously injured before he passed out..

So he hurriedly asked

"By the way, where are Ashuko, Philip and Terui Ryu? How are they doing?"

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