Regarding Kujo Aya's arrival, Sonosaki Saeko naturally felt uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't tell that there was a hint of gunpowder in Sonosaki Saeko's tone.

Although this smell of gunpowder is not directed at himself, but at Kujo Ling, no matter what, people bring it on themselves.

Walking forward, Lu Li hugged Sonosaki Saeko and explained

"Saeko, Kujo was fulfilling her promise with you. Although she is still a little short of her goal, I think she has the ability to become a member of the cadres."

When he heard this, Sonosaki Saeko's eyes changed slightly.

"Still a little short of your goal? In other words...she almost killed a Kamen Rider?"

Even if he failed to kill a Kamen Rider, he almost did it, which is enough to show that Kujo Ling is indeed powerful.

And she also knew that Lu Li injured Kujo Ling yesterday.

The injury should not have healed today. That's right, even so, it's close to completing the mission.

Maybe if there are no injuries, this goal will be achieved.

"A close call is always a close call, but...she never fulfilled her agreement with me. How could she be given the treatment of a cadre directly?"

Sure enough, women are very vindictive.

Sonosaki Saeko is no exception.

She still has fresh memories of what happened last night.

Seeing that Sonosaki Saeko has an agreed-upon matter, Kujo Aya also knows that it must be Because he offended her last night,

Kujo Ling stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Miss Saeko, I was so rude about what happened last night. I am here to formally apologize to you. I'm sorry."

The way she respectfully apologized was really impeccable.

The other party had already apologized so respectfully. If she still held on to this matter and didn't let go, she would look very petty.

Moreover, this woman was brought back by Lu Li, so she must be sure This woman is still useful.

Sonosaki Saeko, who is focused on Lu Li, no longer intends to continue to be entangled in this matter. She waved her hands indifferently and said that she didn't care.

"Forget it, I have forgotten what happened yesterday, but regarding your cadre remuneration, it must be assessed.

It's not that easy to become a cadre, at least... you have to show me the corresponding strength."

The speed of a woman's face changing is really faster than turning the page of a book.

One second she looked like she disagreed, and the next second she agreed outright.

As for the cadre assessment, Lu Li didn't know about it, and of course he didn't. He would not interfere.

This was Sonosaki Saeko's way of testing cadres. He would not ask or interfere.

When he heard that there was an assessment, Kujo Aya looked at Lu Li and seemed to be asking if he wanted to accept it.

Lu Li noticed her gaze and nodded slightly.

After receiving the response, Kujo Ling instantly understood that the test was probably real and was not meant to embarrass him.

"I understand, I... accept the cadre assessment."

In the previous battle, I almost lost my life. What does it mean to be a mere cadre assessment?

After taking a deep look at Kujo Aya, Sonosaki Saeko nodded and said

"You look like you're injured. There's no need to hold on. It's impossible to pass the cadre assessment in your current state.

I can give you two days of rest and at the same time give you the best treatment. After two days, I will conduct a cadre assessment on you."

When Kujo Aya came in just now, Sonosaki Saeko's vicious eyes had already seen that she was injured.

Even if she held on very deliberately, you could still see it if you looked carefully.

Hearing this, Kujo Aya took a deep breath.

I thought I was hiding well, but now it seems that my level of hiding is not good enough.

This woman's vision is very vicious, and she can see that she is injured at a glance.

"Thank you, Ms. Saeko."

Now that the matter about Kujo Ling has been dealt with, it's time to talk about the equipment and equipment that I mentioned yesterday.

Before Lu Li could take the initiative to ask about this matter, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't wait to tell him. Land from

"Dear, all the equipment and equipment you requested yesterday have been purchased.

Everything is placed in the company's warehouse. Do you want it now? Or do you plan to ask for it later?"

I have to say that Sonosaki Saeko was extremely serious in handling matters related to Lu Li.

It would have been difficult to get all these equipments today, but with her status as the Queen of the Museum, she still wanted to Someone figured it out.

PS: Thanks.————The only monthly pass for the journey!.Chapter

154 Can my sister-in-law not spoil me? There is not much time left.

Anyway, as long as it is related to Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko will handle it as quickly as possible.

He didn't expect the speed to be so fast, and Lu Li felt a little surprised.

Gently stroking Sonosaki Saeko's cheek, Lu Li said softly

"Thank you for your hard work, Seiko."

The two looked at each other affectionately, and Sonosaki Wakana on the side felt goosebumps all over her body.

She walked directly between them and separated them.


Sono Saki Saeko couldn't help but frowned.

Obviously, Sono Saki Saeko was suddenly interrupted by Sono Saki Wakana, which made Sono Saki Saeko a little bit unhappy.

"elder sister! Lu Li, can you two be more careful? This is a company!

And... Lu Li, I helped you deal with a lot of these equipment and equipment, so don’t think I didn’t contribute!"With his hands on his waist, Sono Saki Wakana held his head high and said.

In order to get all these things, Sono Saki Wakana worked hard.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and gently rubbed Sono Saki Wakana's head. Ichiban

"Yes Yes Yes! Wakana, thank you so much for your hard work."

Sonosaki Wakana, who originally looked like she was asking for credit, seemed to be satisfied at this time, with a happy smile on her face.

Even though she knew that her hair would be messed up if her head was rubbed, she was still willing to have her head rubbed like this by Lu Li

Of course, this was only limited to Lu Li. Afterwards

, Lu Li prepared to go to the company warehouse to start assembling the equipment.

"Then you can continue to work. I will go to the company warehouse first. As for Kujo and Saeko, you can arrange for some people to take him for treatment. The cadre assessment will be conducted in two days."

Sonosaki Saeko nodded in response.

"No problem, I will take care of her side, so just go ahead and go."

And Sono Saki Wakana suddenly put on a bitter face.

"ah! Lu Li, can you not leave now and wait for a while before leaving?

At least let me rest some more! There are so many things to deal with now, it’s so troublesome!"

This girl is still complaining and complaining. Lu Li smiled and shook his head.

Who makes this girl his sister-in-law?

How can he not pamper her?

"Well, Saeko, how about I let Wakana help me and do something for the time being? Will it affect your work?"

As soon as Lu Li said this, Sonosaki Wakana's eyes suddenly shone with light, and she looked at her sister expectantly.

Since Lu Li had already said this, Sonosaki Wakana naturally didn't plan to care about it anymore.

"Okay, Wakana, then go and help Lu Li for the time being, but don't be lazy and cause trouble.

Otherwise, I won’t let you go so easily when you come back."

I repeatedly asked Sonosaki Wakana not to make trouble. Why did Sonosaki Wakana want her sister to cause a lot of trouble for Lu Li?

After getting her sister's consent, Sonosaki Wakana jumped up in excitement.

"Great! Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong!"

Just take this time to go out for a walk and avoid these complicated tasks.

"Let's go, Lu Li, let's hurry up! Time waits for no one!"

"Take your time, don't rush"

"That makes sense, let's take it slow so it can take longer."Sonosaki Wakana nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, there were only two people left in the president's office.

Although the two parties reached a cooperation yesterday, now it is barely considered a completion.

"You should take a rest first. I will immediately arrange for someone to take you to the company's medical room and arrange treatment for you."

Before she finished speaking, Sonosaki Saeko called the secretary directly.

She gave instructions to the secretary and asked her to arrange for Kujo Aya to be treated in the company's medical room.

Not long after, the secretary arrived and took Kujo Aya away.

President's Office There was only one person left inside, Sono Saki Saeko.

She took the time to deal with the matters in her hands. The museum had changed hands. She was the queen, but the development of the museum still needed to deal with all kinds of things.

Only when everything is taken care of can the museum continue to move forward without being affected.


The company warehouse is not far from the company. There is a large���Storage warehouse, usually a lot of things in the company are stored here.

Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana have arrived outside the warehouse.

When they saw the two people, the security personnel of the warehouse immediately stood upright.

The security personnel of the warehouse are the same as the security personnel of the company. They are all employees of the company.

"Open warehouse three"


Warehouse No. 3 slowly opened, revealing the things enclosed inside.

There were all kinds of exquisite instruments and equipment, and they all looked brand new.

These may have been purchased by Lu Li for Sonosaki Saeko before. Lu Li knew exactly what each item did.

Many of the items in the warehouse were bought by Sono Saki Wakana.

"Lu Li, what are these things for? Some things I didn't even understand how they worked."

It's normal to have such questions. If it were Lu Li before, he probably wouldn't know how to use these things.

But Lu Li, who already knows how to help awaken superpowers, certainly knows how to use these things.

Lu Li smiled mysteriously , sold out

"Follow me first, and after you install it, you will know what it is used for."

Seeing Lu Li being mysterious, Sonosaki Wakana pouted her lips unhappily, but did not continue to ask.

Since Lu Li didn't tell him now, there must be his reasons.

Anyway, he would know what these things are later. Sonosaki Wakana was not worried about the usefulness.

Afterwards, Lu Li started assembling his own instruments and equipment.

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