However, the Triceratops hybrid obviously would not give her such a chance.

Instantly throwing a ball of purple energy, knocking out the forbidden memory in Sonosaki Saeko's hand.

Then he immediately sprinted over, stretched out his claws, and prepared to catch Sonosaki Saeko.

But just when the Triceratops hybrid thought he could catch Sono Saki Saeko, a terrifying force instantly restricted her movements.


The Triceratops hybrid felt his unable to move body, and his heart was full of horror.

Why could he suddenly be unable to move, and couldn't even take a step?!

Who is it, and what did he do to him?!

Sonosaki Wakana Looking at the Triceratops doped body that had been restrained by some mysterious force with an unhappy expression, he asked

"Tsk! Who gave you the courage to cause trouble here?"

She didn't have to think about it, but she knew who this power came from.

Lu Li!

Apart from the two sisters, the only one left in this room was Lu Li.

Apart from Lu Li, she couldn't think of anyone else with such a strange power..

At this moment, a sound that made the Triceratops body trembled suddenly came from the side.

"It seems...the lessons learned during the day are not enough, right?"

Lu Li, who was lying on the sofa with a book pressed against his face, slowly sat up.

The book then slipped down, allowing the Triceratops hybrid to see Lu Li's appearance clearly.

When he saw Lu Li lying there When the person turned out to be Lu Li, the pupils of the Triceratops-doped body wrinkled and shrank.

How could she forget what happened during the day? She still remembered the man in front of her easily. Himself. He even crushed his metal iron rod in one fell swoop.

Chapter 147 Cadre Screening, Missing Laugh Target!...Terui did he appear here?!

The Triceratops hybrid never expected that he would meet that terrifying man here.

It’s really... Enemies meet on a narrow road!

During the day, he was able to escape with luck and was not killed by the other party.

The main reason is that the other party did not pursue him.

But now, it's good that he took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

You really have to do it all by yourself!

【Move! Move quickly! 】

The Triceratops hybrid tried desperately to move, but then her body was restrained by a certain force and she couldn't even move.

Lu Li yawned out of boredom, as if he had read the inner thoughts of the adulterated Triceratops body.

"Don't think about it, you can't move. This is not the mental power I exert on you, but the power of telekinesis.

I control your body movements. As long as I nod, your body cannot move.

Unless, of course, your power is stronger, but......Obviously not."

After these words, the Triceratops doped body instantly despaired.

Is there such an operation?!

Even before being beaten, his body was restrained. Is there any justice?

What a pity. , she really couldn't even refute, she could only watch her body standing in this position. She was very reluctant and could only calm down since struggling was useless, so she might as well give up. Resistance.

At this time, Sonosaki Seiko also picked up the forbidden memory that was knocked away.

Her face was a little ugly, mainly because she was not aware of it, but it was because she had taken advantage of it. Lu Li is here, I'm afraid that he has been controlled by the opponent now.

Even though Sonosaki Saeko now has a certain amount of strength in her physical state, the most important thing is that the human body's endurance limit is very slow. It's so big that it's not easy to absorb the forbidden power faster. There's no need to worry anymore. With Lu Li here, Sonosaki

Saeko doesn't have to worry about the other party making any dangerous moves again.

In front of the dragon hybrid body, Sonosaki Saeko asked curiously

"06 suddenly came to me at this time? Are you ready to kill me for revenge?"

Already knowing whether she could pose any threat, the Triceratops doped body also gave up resistance.

A burst of red light surged around her body, and then she turned back to her human state. Kujo Ling looked at Lu Li unwillingly.

In her hand The memory he was holding was the Triceratops memory.

Unexpectedly, he was given a good lesson by this guy during the day, and was stopped by this guy at night. There was really a"fate" between the two!

At this time, Kujo Ling had also given up resistance and said truthfully

"No! I didn’t come here to kill you. Who should I make a deal with if I kill you?

What's more, I can't kill you in my current state."

When he learned that she was actually here to make a deal with him, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"trade? What deal? I don't remember any transactions between us."

To be precise, it was the first time that the two met. She didn't even know this woman, so what kind of deal were they talking about?

Then, Kujo Ling decisively stated her purpose.

"I...want to replace the dead Akutsu."

When hearing this answer, Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana both showed strange expressions.

As for Lu Li, he didn't care at all.

A hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes, and Sonosaki Saeko said doubtfully

"Are you sure you're not kidding me? You actually want to be the mole we planted in the police?"

She couldn't understand what the woman in front of her was thinking.

Why did she have such a weird idea?

It's hard to figure out!

"That's right, but I have a condition, and that is... you have to give my cadres the same treatment."

As soon as she came up, she asked for the treatment of a cadre. Kujo Ling really dared to say it without any intention of retreating in her eyes.

She just put forward her real request.

And transactions naturally come and go. What can she bring to the other party? Naturally, the other party needs to pay something.

However, Sonosaki Saeko will not easily believe the woman in front of her.

After all, the person who is the most deceiver is probably a woman.

She is naturally more vigilant and will not easily believe Kujo. Aya

"Of course, but... first you have to prove to me that you are not lying to me."

It's not impossible to join the organization, but it's not easy to gain the trust of Sonosaki Saeko.

Then, Sonosaki Saeko continued.

"Honey, you can restrain her."

Hearing this, Lu Li shrugged slightly and lightly snapped his fingers.


As the sound of snapping fingers fell, the power that originally restrained Kujo Ling disappeared in an instant.

Feeling that her body had regained control, Kujo Ling gently clenched her fist.

She looked at Lu Li curiously. Based on the information just obtained, it is speculated that there should be an extraordinary relationship between Sonosaki Saeko and Lu Li. This is Kujo Aya's evaluation of Lu Li. In her eyes, Lu Li was a very dangerous guy. Whether it was the strength he showed during the day's battle or the mysterious power he showed now, she was shocked. After shaking her numb arm, Kujo Ling said straightforwardly.

"Now let’s talk about it, what do I need to do to gain your trust?"

She has been eroded by the power of Gaia's memory, and the resentment in her heart has been infinitely amplified.

From being directed at an individual before, to now being directed at the entire Fengdu

"Hahahaha! Wakana, how are you? This job is very interesting."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Sonosaki Wakana's face

"Yes, onee-sama, it is indeed very interesting."

Sonosaki Wakana has completely accepted her identity and is ready to officially exist as a cadre of the museum.

Then, Sonosaki Wakana once again set her sights on Kujo Aya and stated her conditions.

"Since you want the treatment of a cadre, then prove to me how powerful you are?

Now there are two Kamen Riders in this city, one is W and the other is a police rider, you choose one of them.

As long as you solve the other party, I can give you the treatment of a cadre, how about it? This condition is not harsh."

If you want to become a cadre, you naturally need to have strong strength.

The conditions given by Sonosaki Saeko are actually very difficult.

She deliberately proposed such difficult conditions, just to see whether Kujo Aya can If you can do it

, you will naturally gain your trust. If you can't do it, then that's it.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and a beautiful smile appeared. Kujo Ling said with a smile.

"No problem, just leave it to me."

A faint purple light suddenly appeared in her black eyes.

Sonosaki Saeko, who noticed this situation, obviously knew exactly what was going on.

"So...please wait for the good news."

After saying that, Kujo Aya left the president's office directly.

Seeing the employees lying on the ground still wailing, Sonosaki Wakana'e frowned slightly and scolded

"How long are you going to lie down? Useless trash, get out of here!"

The two employees who received the order did not care about the pain on their bodies and left the president's office in a hurry. When they walked out, they carefully closed the door of the president's office.

The three people in the room, no matter who they were, , they are all existences that they, shrimp soldiers and crabs, cannot afford to offend.

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