He really couldn't believe that a police officer who looked so upright could actually be the memory holder.

"How can this be?! Officer Kujo Aya is so upright and has been chasing Akutsu with us.

I didn't slack off in the middle, so I think it's unlikely."

Seeing that Zuo Xiangtaro still didn't believe it, Philip didn't object, but continued.

"Eliminate all impossibilities, and the remaining answer, no matter how incredible, is the real result.

Shotaro, you won’t forget this sentence, right?"

How could he forget that this was a famous saying by his favorite detective, Sherlock Holmes.

He had doubted it before, but he felt it was a bit unreliable.

But after Philip's analysis, it seemed that there was no problem, it was this That makes sense.

Thinking of this, Zuo Shotaro took out his cell phone and wanted to make a call, but he hesitated again.

He wanted to call and tell Terui Ryu about it, but he didn't know it for a while. , how should I tell Terui Ryu about this?

Should I tell the other party directly that the policewoman under you is very likely to be an adulterer? In this case, whether

Terui Ryu will believe it is also a question.

After deciding to leave Shotaro, Philip suggested again

"You should tell him your analysis of the matter first. He has the right to know about this matter. After all, he is one of his subordinates.

As for whether he believes it or not, it depends on him."

"call! I see."

Silently breathing a sigh of relief, Zuo Shotaro pressed the call button.

After a while, the sound of connecting came from the other side of the phone.

"Zuo, what's the matter?"

At this time, Terui Ryuu was still busy training.

Having seen Lu Li's extremely powerful power at close range before, he felt a strong sense of oppression in his heart.

Even if he couldn't feel fear, he would not be afraid of the other party's powerful force. Strength, but this is not the capital that allows him to win.

Only by becoming stronger can the gap between the two sides be shortened.

Terui Ryu wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel and drank from the cup while waiting quietly. News about Shotaro Zuo

"Terui, according to Philip's analysis, there is something very important to tell you now. Of course, this is just our guess."

This made Terui Ryu even more curious, what could it be?

"Tell me."

Subsequently, Zuo Shotaro told Terui Ryu about the analysis.

After listening to the analysis, Terui Ryu's expression changed from calm before to now solemn.

Previously, he had a little doubt.

Why did Kujo Aya suddenly change from Which direction did it come out?

But he was not very familiar with the situation nearby, so he could only regard it as a coincidence.

But based on the current situation, maybe this was not a coincidence at all. , then everything can be explained.

Kujo Ling... is the Triceratops dopant.

Recalling some of the things Kujo Ling talked about with him before, that is the senior named Mizoguchi that Kujo Ling said.

He was a police officer who valued his job very much, but he was eventually kicked out of the police station for taking bribes. In the end, the incident was so devastating that he jumped off a cliff and committed suicide.

Things are just not clear yet.

Thinking of this, Terui Ryu immediately said.

"Left, let Philip help me check something about the cause of death of Mizoguchi Masaki half a year ago.

Keywords, Mizoguchi, Himuro, Akutsu!"

"oh? Philip, Terui asked you to help investigate something.……"

"I understand, just a moment."

Not long after, Phillip's voice suddenly rang on the other end of the phone.

"I found it!"

"Mizoguchi Masaki discovered something more than half a year ago, that is, Himuro and Akutsu were selling human information behind their backs.

These people whose human information they trafficked are now missing!

In order to prevent Mizoguchi from telling the story, Himuro and Akutsu used money to frame Mizoguchi, making him accused of corruption and bribery, and he was eventually dismissed.

The most important thing is that Mizoguchi did not commit suicide, but was killed by Himuro and Akutsu together."

When he heard the news from Philip, Terui Ryu felt that everything became clear. Kujo Aya respected her senior Mizoguchi very much. Before going abroad, the two were even good partners.

She had motives and reasons to die. Mizoguchi's revenge.

As for the real Mizoguchi, he died more than half a year ago. The current Triceratops dopant is actually Kujo Aya!

Everything is connected, and everything makes sense.

Every time the dragon hybrid appeared,

Himuro and Akutsu both showed shocked expressions when they heard the whistle. It was obvious that they both knew who the whistle really came from. The mouth is dead, and the only one who can still whistle is Kujo Aya, who was once his partner.

This is not the revenge of the dead, but the revenge of the living!

Unexpectedly, Zuo Shotaro didn't expect that it was because of himself! Suspicion, plus a phone call, the truth of the matter was immediately revealed.

"Now that these two people are dead, she should have lost her goal of revenge.

As an upright police officer, I think she would take the initiative to surrender."

This is the conclusion that Zuo Shotaro came to.

However, when he heard this, Philip frowned unconsciously.

"Shotaro, you are too naive!"

"What? You actually called me naive? Where am I naive?"

He is a very tough detective with a smart mind. How could he be naive?

The next second, Phillip asked directly.

"You should be very clear about how serious the erosion of Gaia’s memory will be to people?

Are you sure Kujo Ling can still keep her heart?

I do not think so! Shotaro, you should still remember those people who were once corrupted by the power of darkness."

The words left Shotarou Zuo speechless.

How could he forget those people who had been eroded by the power of the memory? He remembered it very clearly.

Whether it was Marina, Akane Eso, or other people who used the memory. , were all affected by this force, and gradually entered a state of rage.

Zuo Shotaro still retained his own opinions.

"Can't there be exceptions? As an excellent police officer, Kujo Aya has excellent qualities, so it is not impossible to suppress the power of memory."

Ryu Terui heard clearly the conversation between the two, and then he chose a compromise. 0......

"Just wait until tomorrow to see if Kujo Ling will surrender.

If she chooses to surrender, she may be treated leniently, but if she remains stubborn, then it will be up to me."

If possible, he also wants to trust his subordinates.

Just give the other party one night to think carefully about whether to surrender.

Since Terui Ryu himself has made this decision, Philip will not continue carefully. What to say

"Let's wait and see."

But he still thinks that Zuo Shotaro's idea just now is too naive.

Anyone who uses memory will lose himself after being eroded by power.

There have been many examples before, and there are almost no exceptions.


Night falls.

Kujo Ling walked out of the apartment where she lived.

She is going somewhere now.

When she was killing the ice room before, she also got some news from the other party, that is, news about the organization behind them that collected information from them.

Now, she wants to go to organize it in person.

As for the purpose, of course it is revenge.

However, she is not seeking revenge against the organization, but rather seeking revenge against the entire Fengdu.

That's right, after successfully avenging Mizoguchi, Kujo Aya suddenly realized a problem.

The reason why Mizoguchi was kicked out of the police station was because the guys in the police station didn't want to believe him.

Even after he was kicked out of the police station, the incident was widely reported by society and publicized until everyone knew about it.

Whether it was the media or those very lively people, they all brought great pressure from public opinion, making Mizoguchi's life extremely difficult.

The people in this city are the ones who killed Mizoguchi. She wants to take revenge on this city!

As for how to take revenge on this city, she has already thought about it.

That is to join the museum, replace the dead Himuro and Akutsu, and become the person who provides information to the museum.

When Mizoguchi was in the most difficult situation, no one in the city believed in him, and no one was willing to lend a helping hand.

In this case, let this already dangerous city turn into hell.

She knew about the existence of the Kamen Rider. The Kamen Rider guarded the city. It would be difficult for her to complete her revenge on the city with her own strength.

Joining the organization can give her the power of revenge.

Based on the information provided by Himuro, she drove to the company.

At this time, most of the employees in the company have almost finished get off work.

In the president's office on the top floor, Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana had just finished handling the matters at hand, while Lu Li was studying him beside them.

The matter was settled and they were preparing to leave.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of fighting outside.

Soon, two company employees burst open the door to the president's office and flew in, lying on the ground with painful expressions on their faces.

Then, I saw the Triceratops dopant walking in leisurely from outside.

"Sonosaki Saeko, you are the mastermind behind spreading the memory of Gaia in this city."

Seeing the Triceratops doped body, Sonosaki Saeko frowned slightly, obviously she was not in a good mood.

"He actually came uninvited and broke in. He was really uneducated.

Since 1.9 is the case, let me teach you what is...education!"

Before she finished speaking, Sonosaki Saeko immediately took out the forbidden memory and was about to transform.

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