After the employees left, Sonosaki Wakana came to Lu Li and asked her doubts

"Lu Li, did you notice just now? I seem to see purple light coming from that woman's eyes. What's going on?"

Hearing this, Lu Li rubbed his chin with his fingers and guessed

"I think she has a strange connection with her memory.

It's very likely... that it was eroded by the power of the memory."

"is that so?"

Nodding thoughtfully, Sonosaki Wakana didn't know whether this was the case. Anyway, she believed Lu Li's words.

Looking in the direction of the door, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly said

"This woman has extremely strong resentment, resentment and anger in her heart, and this negative emotion will react wonderfully with the power of memory.

When this reaction reaches a certain level, she will lose control and run away, which is what she is doing now."

Sonosaki Saeko naturally knows more about the memory.

"Rampage? out of control?"

Although she doesn't know what will happen if she loses control and goes berserk, Sonosaki Wakana can be sure that losing control and going berserk is definitely not a good thing.

"Sister, then why do you still agree to her? After she completes the conditions, she will be given cadre treatment."

Up to now, Sonosaki Wakana has not figured out why her sister agreed to give the other party the treatment of a cadre and put forward such conditions.

If the other party really got rid of one of the Kamen Riders, wouldn't she really want to give the other party the treatment? The treatment of cadres.

You must know that there are only a few cadres in the entire museum.

"I promised her, but are you sure she can do it? And she is currently on the verge of losing control and going berserk, and can easily go berserk.

By then, whether she can survive or not is a question."

From the very beginning when she agreed to this condition, Sonosaki Saeko had considered the final outcome.

But Lu Li had a different idea.

"Wakana, the organization currently does not have many cadres. If she can really complete the task, it is not impossible to give her a cadre position.

If the organization wants to continue to grow and develop, it is natural that the number of cadres also needs to be increased.

Of course, the newly mentioned cadres cannot compare with us in terms of status."

The current cadres of the museum, in addition to the two sisters, are Lu Li.

Of course, Mick can also be regarded as a cadre.

In addition to Mick, Locust Girl, who is also an executioner, can barely be regarded as a cadre and has good power. In addition , there are actually some cadres who are almost invisible in the museum.

During the last cleaning process, a few people chose to defect instead of surrendering..A.S.One of the four T, Luke Lancasta.

He used to be a member of the museum, and he was also one of the people Sonosaki Ryubei trusted very much.

He usually spends most of his time conducting memory research. Ever since Sonosaki Ryubei chose to commit suicide, he suddenly left.

So far, there is no news or trace of this guy.

The most important thing is that the memory this guy holds is not an ordinary memory, but a golden memory.


It's a bit of a pity that this guy was too sharp and moved very quickly, so he had already left the institute as soon as possible.

After listening to Lu Li's analysis, Sonosaki Yueko also knew what the current situation of the museum was.

It is indeed necessary to increase the number of cadres, and Kujo Ling may be an opportunity.

Let's see if she can fulfill the conditions she set forth.

"If that woman fulfills the conditions I set out, she will be qualified to become a cadre.

As for her out-of-control rampage, she only has herself to blame."

Even the museum has no way to control the out-of-control rampage.

The impact of the power of Gaia's memory is difficult to control with ordinary means.

As for the problem of out-of-control rampage, Lu Li has a way to solve it.

Kujo Aya. A woman is a ruthless character, and if she can be subdued, she is very capable, and there is absolutely no problem in being a cadre.

"Okay, the work has been taken care of. Lu Li, sister, can we go back?"

This is the first time she came to work in the company. Sonosaki Wakana felt a little tired now and wanted to go back and lie down.

She looked at her watch and found that it was indeed getting late. Sonosaki Wakana nodded.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back."

Lu Li remembered Mina who was still working in the general manager's office, so he said to Ruocai

"By the way, Wakana, go call Mina for me. She should still be helping me with my work now."

Hearing this, Sono Saki Wakana pursed her lips and reluctantly agreed.

"Yes Yes Yes! My lord, can’t I go now?"

Reluctantly, he went to the general manager's office and called Mina.

When Lu Li saw Mina again, he noticed that she looked tired and said with concern.

"Mina, how's it going? Are you uncomfortable at work?"

Noticing Lu Li's concerned eyes, Mina's original feeling of fatigue disappeared immediately, and she shook her head vigorously.

"It's okay, but there are a lot of things I don't know, and I need the secretary to teach me."

She hasn't been exposed to many things about managing a company, so naturally there are many things she doesn't understand.

"If I feel tired, I take a good rest, my body is the most important thing."

Lu Li also felt that it was time to put the memory used by Mina on the agenda.

The main reason is to find a suitable matching memory, which is not an easy task.

It must be highly adapted in order to be able to exert the corresponding power..

Moreover, Mina has various superpowers and is a long-range mage. Once she is approached, she will be easily defeated. Therefore, the choice of memory must be biased towards protecting her from being approached.

The scope will be greatly reduced again.

When he was resting at night, Lu Li prepared to study it carefully.


After Kujo Ling left the company, she did not go home.

Instead, he was thinking about how to fulfill the conditions that Sonosaki Saeko just put forward.

There are only two Kamen Riders in Fengdu, and it is not an easy task to deal with one of them.

At least a plan is required.

Compared to W, Kujo Aya is actually more familiar with Terui Ryu, a police rider.

The two had chatted for some time before and knew some details about each other.

Kujo Aya, who has keen judgment and awareness, immediately chose Terui Ryu.

"Terui Ryu, if I want to blame... I can only blame you for being more familiar with me."

Muttered to herself, Kujo Ling already had a general idea in her mind.

She still needs to perfect the specific plan at night.

After the plan is completed, the end of the police cavalry is not far away.

There is a smile on the corner of her mouth With a hint of sneer, Kujo Ling didn't even realize that the darkness in her heart had been released.

She felt completely different from the upright and heroic person she was before.

However, she didn't feel this way herself. She knows that what she has to do now is to take revenge on everyone and on this city.

For this, she can pay any price and hurt anyone.


Sonosaki's house.

After enjoying dinner, Lu Li already had an idea about what kind of memory Mina should use.

There is a best choice for a memory that can protect itself for long-range combat.

Queen memory!

The queen's memory itself does not have a very strong attack power, but it does have extremely strong defense power.

And the Queen Memory can release a powerful shield, which can further protect the safety of memory users.

Chapter 148 Queen Memory! Mina: K and Q are a couple...! trap!

In terms of attack methods, Queen Memory is very lacking.

But it just so happens that Mina has powerful superpowers, more than one, and many means of attack.

Combining the two may achieve the most perfect level.

Of course, this was just a choice made by Lu Li.

Whether this is possible depends on how high the compatibility index between the Queen's memory and Mina is.

Naturally, the higher the fitness index, the better.

Although the Queen's memory is not a golden advanced memory, it is also a silver advanced memory.

Since it is a silver high-end memory, its strength goes without saying.

The museum had previously produced experimental items for the Queen's memory, but had not been able to find a suitable candidate.

If it can be adapted to Mina, a complete Queen's Memory can be made.

After thinking about it, Lu Li asked directly

"Saeko, the experimental subject of the Queen's memory, where is she now?"

Of course you have to ask Sonosaki Saeko about this kind of thing. She knows more about the company and memory matters.

��Suddenly asked about the Queen's memory, Sonosaki Saeko was silent for a moment.

"Queen memory? I remember that I was still in the research institute. Since I had not found a suitable candidate, I had no way to conduct corresponding experiments, so I kept it there."

After learning that the Queen's memory was over there at the research institute, Lu Li nodded.

Then he turned his attention to Mina.

"Mina, come with me to the research institute tomorrow to do a test on the compatibility with the Queen's memory.

Filter according to your current situation, and Queen memory should be the most suitable memory for you."

"Queen...memory? Queen?"Mina murmured.

Suddenly, she remembered the King.form Lu Li used before.

She was using Queen. Could it be a good match for Lu Li?

This inexplicable thought suddenly appeared in her mind. Mina couldn't help but blush. She lowered her head slightly. Mina didn't dare to look at Lu Li at this time.

After noticing Mina's cowardly look, Sonosaki Wakana had a strange expression on her face.

It can be seen that Mina must have thought of something weird.

As for what the weird thing is, it is still unclear.

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