"You guess first, and there will be a reward for guessing."

Putting her lips slightly, Sonosaki Wakana raised her head proudly

"I won’t guess! It’s impossible to guess anyway, so it’s better not to guess."

How could she possibly know what Lu Li wanted to do? She couldn't guess at all.

Sonosaki Saiko nodded slightly.

"I understand. Leave the above items to me. It should be delivered tomorrow."

There are many things on it that are not available in Fengdu, but for the Sonosaki family, this is not a big problem.

After all, the Sonosaki family is a wealthy family in Fengdu, and there are many people who want to curry favor with them.

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

Naturally, there are many people who are willing to take the initiative to do things for the Sonosaki family, and it is possible that they may even compete to do so.

"Tomorrow? Okay, tomorrow you will know what I want to do.

Don't worry, I promise to give you a surprise."

The two sisters were looking forward to the surprise that Lu Li mentioned.

They probably guessed that this so-called surprise should be related to the things Lu Li asked to buy.

But they couldn't guess how these things were related to the surprise..

The mystery of everything can only be revealed tomorrow.

At this time, Sonosaki Wakana suddenly remembered something and said quickly.

"By the way, sister, I just received a strange call saying that he is our collaborator and has been discovered. Let us arrange for someone to rescue him.

But before I could ask clearly, I was interrupted and I heard the sound of arguing.

That person's name is...what's his name...Akutsu."

When she heard this familiar name, Sonosaki Saeko instantly remembered who this person was.

"Akutsu? It turned out to be that guy. Yes, that guy is one of ours.

To be precise, he should be a scum of the police. After all, he provided us with some very important information and allowed us to obtain a lot of experimental products."

The experimental subjects Sonosaki mentioned are naturally those who were used as Gaia memory experiments.

To complete the memory, experimental subjects are naturally indispensable.

And these experimental subjects are all unemployed people or They are homeless people.

Even if they are missing, no one will know, let alone call the police.

There are many such people in Feng.

......... 0

Lu Li raised his hand in embarrassment. He still remembered the guy he just killed.

I remember that Shotaro Zuo called the guy he killed Akutsu.

Although Lu Li still remembered a lot of the plot of W, he didn't remember the unimportant characters.

"Akutsu... I'm sorry, there's no need to think about that guy. He... I've already killed him."

"Well……!"The pretty woman was speechless.

The two sisters were about to say this, but they didn't expect that they had been killed by Lu Li.

This is good, and it saves a lot of things.

Sonosaki Saeko shook her head slightly and said indifferently.

"Since he is dead, forget it. He is just an insignificant guy anyway. Since he has been exposed, death can be regarded as a solution to his worries.

As for the issue of experimental products, we can continue to find other people to cooperate."

With the conditions offered by the Sonosaki family, there were many people who wanted to do this.

Just like that, Akutsu died inexplicably at the hands of Lu Li.

As for the reason, it was just because this guy was too noisy at the time.

Lu Li was in a different mood at the time It's not that good. This guy was definitely hit by a gun.

It can only be said that he died very grievously. He worked for the museum for so long, but was finally killed by Lu Li because he was in a bad mood.


On the other side, the hospital.

Kujo Ling had already treated her wounds and left the hospital.

When she walked out of the hospital, Makura Shun, who had been waiting outside for a long time, immediately struck a pose that he thought was handsome.

Seeing Makura Jun like this, Kujo Aya frowned slightly and said

"Officer Makura, what are you... doing?"

Of course she understands what the man in front of her is thinking. He just wants to impress herself.

Unfortunately, he is a police officer with little ability, and she doesn't like it.

What's more, Kujo Ling has now obtained the Triceratops memory and has a lot of power. Powerful power.

Hearing this, Makura Jun's face was full of a dog-licking smile.

"Officer Aya, aren't you injured? So I came here specially to pick you up.

How is it going? Do you need to be hospitalized? If you want to be hospitalized, I will tell Section Chief Terui immediately."

That kind of caring and meticulous care.

But Kujo Ling didn't accept this at all.

With a fake smile on his face, Kujo Ling shook his head.

"No need, it's just a slight injury, nothing serious.

I don't want to affect my work. After all, I have just arrived at the Paranormal Crime Investigation Department, and it is not good to be suddenly hospitalized at this time."

Seeing his goddess smiling at him, Makura Toshishin didn't know where he was flying to.

He touched the back of his head and laughed.

"Hahaha! That's right. After all, I just joined our class, so it's really not good to ask for leave so soon.

Officer Aya, don't be too busy working this afternoon. I've told Section Chief Terui to go back and have a good rest. Get in the car and I'll take you back."

With that said, Makura Jun quickly came outside the passenger compartment and opened the door.

Originally, Kujo Ling was going to ask for leave, but to his surprise, Makura Jun had already done it for him in advance.

With a smile on his face, he thanked

"Sorry to trouble you, Officer Makura, you are such a good person."

A good person card was delivered. Makura Shun didn't feel anything was wrong at all, and the smile on his face became even bigger.

His goddess actually said that he was a good person. He once thought that it was the goddess who had such a crush on him. Good impression.

PS: Thanks.————A monthly ticket to get rid of your stagnation!.

Chapter 146 The beautiful police officer is a triceratops? Going deep into the base camp

, maybe this is a wonderful start.

He must work harder and seize the time to work hard so that Kujo Ling's favorability towards him will continue to rise.

"No matter how small things are, we are all colleagues and should help each other."

Then, Makura Jun drove Kujo Aya home.

Along the way, Makura Jun suddenly turned into a chatterbox and kept talking.

Kujo Aya even felt a little annoyed, but he still answered very politely. His question was obviously caring, but in Kujo Ling's case, it was no different from being a dog licker. After finally returning home,

Kujo Ling endured his impatience and said goodbye, then quickly opened the door and walked in.


Toshi Makura was left in the car, alone and intoxicated with himself.

"Miss Aya must have been touched by my sincerity! Must work harder!"

Silently clenching his fists, Makura Jun seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

He had even thought about what the name of the child between the two would be.

"Makura! come on! You can do it for sure!"


Inside the Narumi Detective Agency.

Shotaro Zuo sat in a chair and fell into deep thought. He was thinking about what happened during the previous battle.

Seeing Shotaro Zuo who was in a trance, Philip walked over and waved his hand in front of his eyes.


Being suddenly interrupted from thinking, Zuo Xiangtaro helplessly raised his head and looked at Phillip

"Philip, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Phillip closed the blank book in his hand and shrugged slightly.

"It's nothing, I just see you sitting here in a daze, and I want to ask what you are thinking about?

Do you need my help? You seem to be in trouble by yourself."

Since returning, Zuo Xiangtaro has been in a state of contemplation, which continues to this day.

As a partner, Phillip naturally wants to help and help Zuo Xiangtaro answer questions."Seven Two Zero"

"The thing is like this. Previously, we went to arrest the suspected police officer Akutsu, but the guy ran away as soon as he saw us.……"

After pouring out everything, Philip nodded from time to time while listening to the story.

"That's what happened. Kujo Ling was injured inexplicably. I always feel that this is all a bit too coincidental.

Moreover, they were planning to outflank Akutsu.

According to analysis, it should be impossible for Kujo Aya to come out of that building.

I don't understand this. I always feel that this woman, Kujo Aya, is not telling the truth."

This is just the feeling in Zuo Shotarou's heart. He did not tell it directly to Terui Ryu at that time.

Speaking of things without evidence may cause some unnecessary trouble.

"So that’s it, you think that Police Officer Kujo Aya is not simple, is that what you mean?"

Philip already understood what Zuo Shotaro was worried about. He nodded vigorously. Although Zuo Shotaro is not very smart sometimes, his intuition as a detective is still very sensitive.

"Yes, I have questions about Kujo Ling. I always feel...she is not that simple."

As long as it is something he doubts, generally speaking, there will be real problems.

With his clever mind, Philip finally came to a conclusion after conducting a simple analysis

"Shotaro, according to what you just said, I conducted an analysis. There is a possibility. Have you ever thought about it?"

"What's possible?"Zuo Xiangtaro asked impatiently.

He is now eager to know the answer and figure out what is going on.

"That is the police officer Kujo Aya, who is actually... a triceratops doped body"


When he learned this conclusion, Zuo Shotaro couldn't calm down for a moment.

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