When the Six Dark Ultra Brothers appeared, in a corner of the earth, Hideki Go, Susumu Hayata, Morohoshidan, and Hokuto Seiji, who originally thought they could play around with the earth after Ultraman Rufa appeared, were all stunned for a moment.

The stars' eyes flickered, and they looked in the direction where the six Dark Ultra brothers appeared and said, "Do you feel it?"

"I thought my perception was wrong. It doesn't seem like there's something wrong with my feelings." Zaojin nodded, and then looked at the place where the six dark Ultra brothers appeared. His eyes flashed. If you look carefully, His eyes were full of shock and vigilance.

Xiu Shu said: "This is the power of darkness, and it is extremely rich, richer than ever before. In addition, these dark energies seem to be very similar to our aura."

Beidou Xingsi said: "Is it possible that they are similar to those guys who appeared in 717 before Dark Seven X, and are similar to us."

"It's not impossible."

Zhu Xingtuan said seriously: "We have to go see it, something big must have happened."

Hayata Susumu, Go Hideki, and Hokuto Seiji nodded when they heard this, and then Shiou transformed directly and flew towards the place where the six dark Ultra brothers appeared.

They were all very surprised.

I didn't expect that so many terrifying dark forces would appear all at once.

Shingo Gakamizu probably didn't know that the man behind the scenes that he was afraid of was someone he was very familiar with, and this person was still by their side.

Chapter 306: Kill the Phoenix with a ray of light!

In the city at this time.

Because six dark Ultra warriors suddenly appeared, the entire city was already ringing with sirens.

Countless people began to evacuate or seek refuge in a panic.

On the side of the six dark brothers, Lufa looked at the six dark Ultra brothers he had summoned, and now he was a little surprised.

The scarf around his neck was fluttering in the wind. Lufa crossed his arms and looked at the six dark Ultra brothers and said, "It's a bit unexpected. Originally I just wanted to summon a dark Ultra warrior, but in the end the six dark Ultra brothers came directly as a group. It seems like things are getting a bit big.”

Lufa said, the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"But this is just right. Let me have a good time and stretch my body after resting for more than half a month."

Lufa said as he was about to transform, but suddenly the roar of fighter planes came from the sky.

next moment.

I saw the Phoenix piercing the sky, and then in Lufa's sight, it directly attacked the six dark Ultra brothers.


The two rays of light directly hit Dark Seven and Dark Ace standing in the middle.


It exploded with two sparks.

The attention of Dark Seven and Dark Ace was directly attracted by the Phoenix in the sky.

When Lufa saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head: "Good guy, you're killing someone yourself. Seeing the six dark Ultra brothers, they even took the initiative to attack. It seems that guys were also attacked by the six dark Ultra brothers who suddenly appeared. , I was so scared that I lost my sense of proportion.” "

That's what it says.

If the six dark Ultra brothers attack together, I'm afraid the Phoenix in the sky will be...

Just when Lufa had this idea, an explosion suddenly came from the sky.

I saw that the Phoenix, which had just launched an attack on Dark Seven and Dark Ace, was directly eliminated by Dark Ace's ray of light.

"Okay." When Lufa saw this, he had already thought of the next scene.


If there are no accidents, then Mebius should appear next.

Sure enough, as soon as Lufa had this idea, the next moment a light representing infinite meaning shone out of the sky, and then Mebius jumped out of the light.

"Build it!" Mebius snorted softly and caught the downed Phoenix.

Inside the Phoenix, Ryu Aihara, George, and Mariina saw Ultraman Mebius appearing and sitting in the Phoenix. They couldn't help but nodded vigorously, with gratitude on their faces.

"¨ˇ Great, Mebius appears!"

"Ooooooooo I thought I was going to die!"

"Thank you Mebius!"

But Membius no longer has the intention to say hello to Aihara Ryuu and the others.

Because behind him, six terrifying enemies were staring at him.

Mebius walked aside, put down the Phoenix in his hand, and then turned to look at the six dark Ultra brothers.

The Six Dark Ultra Brothers (Zhao Dezhao) did not attack Ultraman Mebius immediately, but looked at Mebius quietly.

Stared at by six pairs of red-purple eyes.

Even Mebius, one of the Ultra Warriors, felt creepy.

"Build it!" Menbius shouted softly, and assumed a fighting stance towards his brothers, the six Dark Ultra brothers.

No matter why the six Dark Ultra Brothers appear here, Mebius must fight to protect the earth! idle.

Chapter 307: Brother Mebius was beaten to death

The six dark Ultra brothers looked at Mebius who was taking a fighting stance towards them. Their six pairs of eyes flickered in unison, as if they were confirming something.

Membius was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

"Could it be..." Membius thought that the six dark Ultra brothers fought back because the Phoenix took the initiative to attack them just now. Maybe they were really his Ultra brothers?

However, as soon as Membius had this idea, he was immediately dismissed the next moment.

Because before he could react, the six dark Ultra brothers suddenly separated, and then directly surrounded him 717 under the vigilant eyes of Membius.

"Be careful!" Seeing this scene, Shingo Kasui was in the command room and couldn't help but subconsciously want to remind Mumbius.

Of course Membius couldn't hear it.

At the scene, Marina, George and Ryu Aihara, who got off the Phoenix, looked at Mebius and the six dark Ultra brothers surrounding Mebius, and couldn't help but shrink their eyes.

Aihara Ryu said: "Oh no, Mebius has to face six Dark Ultra Warriors."

"Damn it, how did these six Dark Ultra Warriors appear?" George said angrily.

"Mumbius, you have to hold on. Maybe Ultraman Rufa knows about it now and is on his way." Mariina said looking forward to Mumbius.

That's right.

Marina simply didn't believe that Mebius could defeat the Six Dark Ultra Brothers with his own strength.

After all, the six dark Ultra brothers look very powerful.

In addition, the Dark Ultra Warriors that appeared before were very strong, and Mebius couldn't defeat any of them, let alone face six Dark Ultra Warriors at the same time.

Mu Zhimei clasped her hands together, looked at Mebius and prayed: "Ultraman Mebius, you have to work hard."

Needless to say, Membius actually knows how to work hard on his own.

"Build it!" Mumbius looked left and right, warily looking at the six dark Ultra brothers surrounding him. Seeing that the six dark Ultra brothers did not make a move, Mumbius took the lead.

"Build it"

He shouted coldly.

Mebius threw out a palm light bullet with his right hand.


Mebius attacked Dark Seven, and a ball of sparks burst out from Dark Seven. All eyes in the audience turned to Dark Seven, wanting to see what effect Mebius' attack had on Dark Seven. .

As a result, the next second, whether it was Mebius or the guys, they were all stunned when they saw Dark Seven.

Because they are in sight.

In addition to a few sparks exploding from Dark Seven's body, he clenched his hands into fists and still walked slowly, and then calmly surrounded Mebius in the center.

at this time.

The six Dark Ultra Brothers have completely surrounded Mebius in a circle.

"How is that possible?" Membius was shocked in his heart. He never expected that his light bomb attack would not cause any harm to the six Dark Ultra brothers, Dark Seven, the familiar yet unfamiliar Brother Seven.


Guys' eyes widened too.

Mu Zhimei said: "It's useless at all. Are these six Dark Ultra Warriors the same strength as the Dark Ultra Warriors that appeared before? Hiss, if that's the case, that's too scary."

Chapter 308: Mebius is not worth it

"Oh no, Mebius's attack had no effect at all. It was exactly the same as the Dark Ultra Warrior that appeared before!" Aihara Ryuu said with his scalp numb.

"Six dark Ultra warriors with the same strength as before, my God, how can we defeat them." George couldn't help but said in shock.

Mariina on the side, her pretty face turned a little pale, and she said with a bit of horror: "Six powerful dark Ultra warriors, no matter how strong Ultraman Lufa is."

It's not that everyone doesn't believe in Ultraman Lufa's strength, but if the strength of the six dark Ultra brothers is the same as that of the previous Dark Faust, then it would be too scary! !


Even Ultraman Lufa, the Ultraman they believed in, would probably be very difficult to defeat.

Everyone has said before that they must believe in Ultraman Lufa, but seeing the powerful strength and shocking performance of the six dark Ultra brothers.

at this time.

The belief in their hearts began to waver.

Mumbius didn't know that the guys didn't think he could solve the battle, but Mumbius didn't care. Now that he saw how powerful Dark Seven was, he immediately looked at the other Dark Ultra brothers.

"These guys are not brothers at all. This kind of terrifying dark power and terrifying murderous intent." Membius's eyes flashed, and the alarm bells in his heart were ringing to the extreme.

As for the six dark Ultra brothers who surrounded Mebius, Dark Seven took the lead.

"Hey!" Dark Seven shouted coldly and rushed towards Mebius.


The huge body came to Membius at once, and at the same time, its fists with terrifying power struck hard at Membius.

I'm afraid that even a big mountain would explode on the spot when faced with this punch.

After all, Mebius has experienced many battles and has some fighting intuition. Even if the speed of Dark Severn is very terrifying, he subconsciously reacts to avoid it.


The terrible sound of wind whizzed past my ears.

Mebius did not expect that Dark Seven's attack would be so fast, and he also did not expect that he would subconsciously avoid Dark Seven's attack.

"I..." Mebius was delighted and said with a smile: "I really want to fight them."

However, the moment Membius had this idea, he avoided Dark Seven's body and suddenly suffered a powerful attack.

··········Ask for flowers·········

A terrifying whip kick hit his waist with lightning speed.


"Build it!!" With a muffled sound, Membius's body was flung away, crashing into a building and then rolling several times on the ground.

Membius was squirming on the ground in pain, but at this moment, Membius also saw who was attacking him.

.... .. 0

The first generation of darkness! !

With that kick just now, Membius felt as if his body had been kicked in half by the first generation of darkness. The terrible pain made his eyes tremble.

At the same time, Membius was also more vigilant, because Membius had just avoided Dark Severn's attack and subconsciously ignored that there were five dark Ultra warriors next to him.

The first generation of darkness, Dark Seven took action.

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