When Mu Zhimei heard what 717 George said, her pretty face immediately turned red, and she said in shame and anger: "Team member George, what are you talking about? Of course I'm happy. After all, you can eat the delicious food made by Lufa. Aren't you happy?"


Everyone laughed when they heard what Mu Zhimei said.

Mu Zhimei: "Damn it!!"

Everyone walked into the store and saw Lufa.

After greeting skillfully, after the guys walked into the box, Hibino Mirai went to Lufa alone and thanked him solemnly: "Thank you, senior, you helped me again last time."

Hibino Mirai bowed 90 degrees to Lufa directly.

Lufa waved his hand: "It's just a small matter. After all, no one knew that such a guy would appear, and his strength is also very strong. This is indeed a bit unexpected."

Lufa said, and smiled.

"But your performance last time was not bad. If you work harder, you should have no problem dealing with ordinary monsters alone."


Hibino Mirai was recognized by Lufa, a powerful senior, and nodded happily.

But at this time, Hibino Mirai suddenly saw the scene of destruction caused by Lufa Ultraman's use of the Light Wheel in the base in her mind.

Afterwards, Hibino Mirai couldn't help but curiously ask Lufa: "By the way, senior, how strong are you? When I returned to the base, I saw the damage caused by your release of the light wheel. It was... terrifying!"


Lufa raised his eyebrows and looked at Hibino Mirai, then folded his hands and said with interest: "My true strength? To be honest, I don't know how strong I am now."

Hibino Mirai was stunned, and then thought that Lufa said so deliberately, and hurriedly said: "How is it possible, how can senior not even know how strong he is."

"I really don't know." Lufa shrugged, then supported his chin with one hand, thought for a while, and said something that made Hibino Mirai look confused: "If I really want to say something, then I feel that it's quite easy for me to blow up an earth easily."

"What!" Hibino Mirai's eyes widened slightly, the corners of his mouth opened slightly, and his tone was a little surprised.

Easily blow up an earth?

Still easy?

Hiss! !

Hibino Mirai was confused.

Then if you burst out with all your strength, a solar system? Or a larger galaxy?

My God!

Hibino Mirai had always been very vague about the strength of the Ultraman senior Lufa, but now that Lufa said this, Hibino Mirai suddenly exploded.

This kind of power... Even Ultraman Father can't achieve it, right? .

Chapter 303 Dark Ultraman Summoning Card!

Hibino Mirai left in despair.

Lufa looked at Hibino Mirai's confused and despairing back, nodded with a smile, and then turned and walked into the kitchen.

This is really not his fault.

He was just telling the truth. Hibino Mirai couldn't accept it, and this was none of his business.

Hibino Mirai walked into the treasure chest, and the guys were still praising the scene of the destruction of the light wheel caused by Ultraman Lufa before.

"I feel that if Ultraman Lufa bursts out with all his strength, he should be able to destroy a city." Aihara Ryu said seriously.

"It's possible." George folded his hands, leaned on the table and nodded in agreement.

Marina and Kinomi disagreed a little.

Marina said: "Impossible, the damage caused by that light wheel alone is almost equivalent to one-third of a city, at least an island of thousands of square kilometers."

"Yes, I agree with what team member Marina said, thousands of square kilometers is about the same.-"

Kinomi nodded.

George said: "Is it possible that it is more terrifying than this? Destroy a country?"

Hibino Mirai was stunned when she heard what they said, and then subconsciously said: "This... I feel that it should be easy for Ultraman Lufa to destroy an earth."

As soon as Hibino Mirai opened his mouth, all the guys who were discussing suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were all looking at Hibino Mirai!

Aihara Ryu was the first to speak: "Future, what nonsense are you talking about, destroying a planet? How is it possible!"

"I thought that a city of thousands of square kilometers was outrageous enough before, but team member Mirai, you said it even more outrageous." George also complained.

Marina said: "I exaggerated before, Mirai, you are even more exaggerated than me."

Kinomi also nodded.

Hibino Mirai opened her mouth when she heard this, not knowing how to explain.

He couldn't say that he went to ask Ultraman Lufa himself, right?

This was what he said himself.

Of course, Hibino Mirai couldn't say this.

Seeing Hibino Mirai's hesitation, Shingo Sakamizu smiled and said, "Okay, there's no point in discussing this. Let's wait for Lufa to serve the food and then eat."

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

It was as if Ultraman Lufa had shocked the entire earth and the universe with his previous performance.

Lufa waited for a full half month, but no monster appeared.

Thanks to the monster, Lufa was about to get moldy in the restaurant.

"Damn it, do monsters also spend the winter?" Lufa stood up from the rocking chair, felt the cold wind blowing outside, and complained a little speechlessly.

.... . ....

When his strength reaches his level, the temperature of the four seasons has no effect on him at all.

Wearing more clothes is just to blend in better with the environment.

As if he knew Lufa was bored, an unexpected voice suddenly appeared in Lufa's mind.

It was the sound of the system, reminding Lufa that he had obtained a random Ultraman summoning card.

[The system blessing was triggered and a random Dark Ultraman summoning card (hostile) was obtained! 】

"Huh?" The sudden voice made Lufa startled for a moment, and then he was a little surprised when he looked at the information in front of him: "Random Dark Ultraman Summoning Card? Or is it hostile?"

"Good guy, isn't this equivalent to the system distributing benefits for free?" Er.

Chapter 304 The Six Dark Ultra Brothers!

"Enemy distributes it, and there will definitely be rewards for defeating the enemy."

Lufa's eyes shone, and without hesitation, he directly used a random Dark Ultraman (hostile) summoning card!


It’s almost moldy out of boredom, so of course it should be used directly!

When Lufa used a random Dark Ultraman (hostile) summoning card, at the guys base, Shingo and others were happily enjoying the warmth of the base.

Shingo Zakimizu leaned back comfortably on his seat and said with a smile: "It's so comfortable to be able to stay at the base without going to work when the weather is cold, and the monsters didn't appear. This is great for us and everyone. Nothing more.”

"Yeah, look at the scarf I knitted. It looks good, isn't it." Mu Zhimei, who was sitting aside and knitting a scarf, suddenly raised the work in her hand and faced Shingo Gakamizu, Marina, George, Ryu Aihara, Teppei, and Hibino. Future they asked.

Mu Zhimei's words immediately attracted the attention of the entire base.

Mariina looked at the scarf in Kizumi's hand, and suddenly said a little happily: "Team Kizumi, the scarf you made is not for us, right?"


Mu Zhimei was stunned, he had no such idea at all.

Aihara Ryu revealed Kizumi's thoughts with one word, and said to Marina: "What are you thinking about, member Marina, this one looks like a member of Kizumi, is it going to be given to Lufa, okay?"

Aihara Ryuu said this, looking at Mariina up and down.

"Speaking of which, Team Jinna, you seem to have had thoughts about Lufa before, but now is an opportunity to gain favor. Why don't you make any move?"

Shingo Gakamizu, George and Teppei, and Mirai Hibino, their eyes turned from Kinoumi to Shina.

Hearing this, Zhen Nai hesitated and said, "Of course I've done it too. I'll give it to you next time I go to eat."

In fact, Mariina is also knitting a scarf, that's all.

Now in the room of her base, there are still a bunch of messy threads filling the whole room. It looks like a spider hole. It seems that it must have failed.

When Kizumi heard what Mariina said, the scarf in her hand couldn't help but tighten.

In this case, she would have to speed up a bit.

Hibino Mirai felt envious when he saw Mariina and Kizumi preparing to give scarves to Lufa, their senior.

They are all Ultra Warriors, why is the gap so big...

I don’t know how many times Hibino has thought this way in the future.

Just when Shingo Kasui, George, Teppei, and Ryu Aihara were about to tease Marina, suddenly a red alarm sounded in the entire base command room, and a dazzling red color appeared at the same time.

Zheping immediately walked up to him and called up the satellite image: "An enemy has appeared. The satellite has been connected and is ready to send back the image."

After hearing this, Shingo and others looked at the big screen in the command room.

The main screen flashed, and the next second, a picture appeared in the eyes of everyone.

However, when this scene appeared, the whole command room could hear pins and needles dropping. Shingo Osami, Marina, Kinoomi, George, Teppei, and Ryuu Aihara all stared with wide eyes.

Hibino Mirai was even more unbelievable and stood up from the chair with a look of shock on his face!

Because in the picture, there were several Ultra warriors that Hibino Mirai couldn't believe.

That’s right, not one, but six!

A total of six Ultra Warriors.

Still dark.

Dark First Generation, Dark Zoffie, Dark Severn, Dark Ace, Dark Jack, Dark Tyro! .

Chapter 305 The Ultra Brothers are shocked! ! !

"This...this is..." Ryuu Aihara opened his eyes wide and looked at the six dark Ultra brothers in the picture, and said in shock and disbelief.

"Dark Ultra Warriors, and not one, but six, oh my god!" George's eyes widened, his face full of shock.

Jinna covered her mouth in surprise, her pupils shrank into needle shapes: "How could it be possible, why would six Dark Ultra Warriors suddenly appear!!"

Kizumi said nervously: "If the six Dark Ultra Warriors are all as powerful as the one defeated by Ultraman Lufa before, then we 26..."

Hearing this, Shingo Gatsumi interrupted the surprised crowd and said, "Now is not the time to think about this. Since an enemy has appeared, we guys have to protect the earth. No matter what kind of enemy it is, we have to fight to the end."

Hearing this, the surprised Aihara Ryu, George, Kinomi, and Marina nodded immediately.

Seeing this, Sakumui Shingo also nodded vigorously, and then said to Marina and the others: "Okay, in this case, guys go out, Aihara Ryu, George, and Marina drive the Phoenix, the Mirai team and the Kinomi team, you are responsible for the evacuation work, Teppei and I will conduct remote command at the base."


Marina and the others nodded immediately after hearing this and began to go out.

And Hibino Mirai also came back to her senses at this time.

Hearing that Sakumui Shingo had issued the combat order, Hibino Mirai immediately said: "Understood!"

After that, Hibino Mirai followed Marina and the others out.

Sakumui Shingo watched everyone walk out, and his originally solemn face immediately became more solemn, and even a coldness emerged.

He turned and looked at the big screen, a little unacceptable: "Six dark Ultra Warriors, this power, even if Ultraman Lufa appears..., who is behind the planning! !?"

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