Dark Jack, Dark Ace, Dark Tyro, and Dark Zoffie, as if they felt that Mebius was not worth their while, stood there, folding their hands quietly, looking at the lying figure with an extremely unruly expression. Mebius on the ground.

Mebius is not worthy of all of them.

Chapter 309: The Ultra brothers beat up their younger brother?

Everyone saw the actions of the six dark Ultra brothers, which made them not sure whether they should be happy or happy.

Because if the other six dark Ultra brothers don't take action, and only Dark Seven and the Dark First Generation take action against Mebius,

Then maybe Mebius can have a chance to defeat these two dark Ultra warriors.

But hopeless.

The six dark Ultra brothers clearly believed that Mebius was not worth all of them, so they sent Dark Severn. The first generation of Darkness was enough to deal with Mebius.

"Are these giants conscious?" Jinna looked at the six dark Ultra brothers and couldn't help but murmured in horror.

"There must be, otherwise such behavior would not be possible." Aihara Ryu said seriously and solemnly.

George looked at Mebius and said worriedly: "Mumbius, stand up. If there is no chance of victory now, then at least Ultraman Lufa must consume more of the opponent's energy and wait for a while. After Ultraman Law appears, let Ultraman Lufa defeat them more easily."

in the base.

Facing Shingo, Zheping was already looking nervously at the big screen.

Mebius, who was lying on the ground, had his eyes flashing, looking at Dark Seven and the First Generation of Darkness. He looked at Dark Zoffie, Dark Ace, Dark Tyro, and Dark Jack, who were holding their hands beside him. He couldn't bear it. Keep making a fist lightly.

Membius rose up in his heart and said: "No matter how powerful you are, you look down upon others like this. I have made a lot of progress compared to the beginning, brothers."

Membius said in his heart and slowly stood up from the ground.

After adjusting his breathing deeply, Mebius looked at Dark Seven and the Dark First Generation.


Lufa, who had been watching the show, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this scene: "Oh? It's interesting. It seems that Mebius is a little different now."

Indeed, Menbius now feels that his aura has become calmer, and he seems to be completely free of the previous unconfidence and impetuousness.

Just this change.

It was enough to cause Membius to undergo huge changes during the battle, and his strength increased explosively.

Membius's foundation is not bad. If he really masters the essence of fighting, Membius's strength will definitely grow explosively...


Now Membius has a clue.

Calmly judge the opponent's moves, observe the opponent's movements, and then find flaws in the battle to attack the enemy in one fell swoop.

"Build it!" Menbius shouted softly, and under the wide-eyed gazes of the guys, he actually took the initiative to attack.


Mebius rushed to Dark Seven and whipped Dark Seven directly with his kick.

Dark Seven raised his right hand to block Mumbius' whip kick, and at the same time punched Mumbius with another fist.

Seeing this, Membius showed no desire to fight. He took a 1.8 step back to avoid Dark Seven's attack. Then, while Dark Seven's attack was stiff, he blocked Dark Seven's punch attack with his fist, and then used another fist. Bombard the Dark Seven.


With a soft sound, Mebius fought back the Dark Seven.

Mebius repels Dark Severn, and at this time, the attack of the first generation of Darkness has followed closely behind.

Chapter 310

However, Membius was not as defenseless as before. After almost knocking back the Dark Seven with one punch, Membius rolled directly to the side.

next moment.

Mebius directly hit the first generation of darkness with a light bullet.

With just one face-to-face encounter, Mebius defeated Dark Seven and blew up the first generation of Darkness.

This sudden change shocked the entire audience.

Guys Everyone looked at Mebius, a little unbelievable.

Jinna opened her eyes wide, looked at Mumbius and said, "This is Mumbius??? Oh my god."

Aihara Ryuya 26 couldn't believe it and said: "Hey, what's going on? Why did Mebius become so powerful all of a sudden? He actually defeated two Dark Ultra Warriors in an instant. Oh my god."


George couldn't help but took a step forward in shock.

And in the base.

Shingo Kasui and Teppei couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this.

"Mumbius, is Mumbius finally showing his true ability?"

"Mebius has become stronger!"

When Lufa saw this scene, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.


Having just noticed the change in Mebius' aura, Lufa knew that Mebius would definitely make an appearance next.

Of course this is the wave.

Because of the strength of the six Dark Ultra brothers, there are only two at the moment.

Even if they have mastered a little bit of the essence of combat, the hard power and the gap in numbers are simply not comparable to this little bit of essence.

The place where Dark Seven, the first generation of darkness, restrained his carelessness.

In fact, it was impossible for Mebius to repel and knock them down so easily.

"I...can do it." Mebius looked at his fist and was pleasantly surprised to feel that he had repelled Dark Seven and Dark First Generation, two powerful Dark Ultra Warriors.

The other four Dark Ultra Brothers who surrounded Mebius saw Dark Seven and Dark First Generation being blown away by Mebius at this time, and they didn't know when to put down their arms that were originally clasped.

The next moment.

Dark Zoffy and the others, almost without hesitation, released the dark palm light bullets directly at Mebius.

The four dark palm light bullets cut through the void and flew towards Mebius fiercely.

Mebius already knew how to fight, so he naturally didn't relax. Seeing Dark Zoffy and the others attacking him, he immediately jumped into the sky.

"These guys are really good!" Mebius was happy with his preparation.

But before Mebius was happy, a head dart suddenly cut through the void and hit him instantly before Mebius could react.

The head dart was like a silver lightning.

Accompanied by the sound of sparks.

Mebius rushed into the air and was instantly sunk by the head dart.


Sparks flew everywhere.

"Ah!" Mebius screamed and fell directly from the sky.


The whole city erupted in a deafening roar, and at the same time, there was a flash of light exploding where it fell.

"Mebius!" The guys were shocked when they saw this scene.

Good guy, I thought Mebius was going to show his power just now, but it was sunk in the blink of an eye.

In addition.

What made the guys alert was that in the previous attack, the other four dark Ultra Warriors seemed to have also attacked Mebius.

This is not a good signal.

And that head dart came from Dark Seven, the guy who was just repelled by Mebius. Obviously, Dark Seven is now more serious! ! .

Chapter 311 Mebius is in danger! !

Seeing this scene, Lufa's eyes sparkled: "Okay, now the real battle has just begun. I wonder how long you can hold on, Mebius."

Lufa said this, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.


It's not that Mebius defeated the six dark Ultra brothers, but how long Mebius can hold on under the six dark Ultra brothers.

After all, Mebius just repelled Dark Seven. After the first generation of darkness, the six dark Ultra brothers obviously regarded Mebius as a threatening enemy.

Smoke and dust rolled.

Mebius was lying in a big pit, which was covered with spider webs. It was all because of the huge impact that formed the impact cracks.

"Crack!" Mebius covered his chest in pain, and then suddenly felt something and looked up at the edge of the pit.

At the edge of the pit, six terrifying dark Ultra warriors were staring at him with a little shadow under the reflection of the sun.

Seeing this, Mebius couldn't help but feel awe in his heart.

It's going to happen!

As expected, the moment Mebius had this thought, the six dark Ultra brothers immediately attacked Mebius.


"Wash socks."


The six dark Ultra brothers all fired terrifying special move rays at Mebius.

Dark beam, dark Specium ray, dark m78 ray, etc.

Six terrifying special move rays were fired at the same time, and the guys' eyes widened, and then they looked at Mebius in the pit with shock.

Even though they did not face the special move rays of the six dark Ultra warriors, from the moment they released the rays, they created waves of dark energy and reflected the black light of half the sky, and they knew how terrifying the rays they released were at this time.


Mebius was also With his eyes flashing fiercely, Mebius jumped up from the pit without hesitation.

However, when Mebius was taking action, the light beam of the Dark Ultraman Six Brothers had already hit the position where Mebius was just now.

The powerful energy explosion formed a terrible hemispherical dark energy.

Mebius screamed, and was directly submerged in the strong light.

The guys were also covered by the dazzling light at this time and closed their eyes subconsciously.

The whole audience.

I am afraid that only the Dark Ultraman Six Brothers and Lufa can see the scene in the energy explosion clearly.

"¨ˇ Bang. "

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a moment, it seemed like several days, several months, several years.

With a rumble.

The guys came back to their senses from the dazzling white light.

When their vision recovered, they all looked in the direction of Mebius.

Mebius was lying on the ground, and it seemed that he had lost his ability to move. The energy core in his chest kept ringing, almost like a red light.

(Zhao Le's) Obviously.

Even if he didn't directly receive all the ultimate skills of the six dark Ultra brothers, he was seriously injured just by being affected.

After all!

These are the six dark Ultra brothers.

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